Detective: I can see the criminal record

Chapter 91 Neuronal Gene Mutation

The night before leaving for Wucheng, Cen Lian found a photo of the chairman of Yuntong Group through a search software.

I don’t know if I should say it was expected. Although he also had a criminal record, it was basically under the jurisdiction of the disciplinary inspection department and had nothing to do with the case he wanted to investigate.

Of course, this does not mean that Yuntong Group really has no problems, because it is very common to have a chairman who is sidelined these days. Sometimes different factions within a company can play different tricks.

The attempt to take a shortcut really failed.

Wucheng is still the same as before. Cen Lian has been here three times in a few months and really doesn’t want to come for the fourth time.

“This is Wanli Plaza.” Yuan Chenxi sat in the car and pointed to a large comprehensive shopping mall next to Cen Lian. “An Xiaohe disappeared here.”

Cen Lian looked through the car window at Wanli Plaza, which seemed a little deserted during the day. The location of this square is in the center of Wucheng City. It must be very lively at night.

However, their destination this time is Wucheng People’s Hospital, not far from Wanli Plaza.

After An Xiaohe had a physical examination at Yunshan Hospital, he came to Wucheng People's Hospital for treatment.

Yuan Chenxi had contacted the director of the medical department of the People's Hospital before, and the other party directly took out An Xiaohe's medical records after they showed their credentials.

There was also a doctor waiting there.

"This is the doctor who received An Xiaohe at that time." The director of the medical department introduced.

"Excuse me, do you remember what examination An Xiaohe came for at that time?" Cen Lian actually couldn't understand the physical examination report. He regretted not asking forensic doctor Lin to come with him.

It was a kind male doctor with only one-third of his hair left. It was obvious that he had been in pediatrics for too long, and the whole person was full of kindness.

"This child was found to have a gene mutation during a free physical examination. Her parents were worried, so they came to our hospital for a reexamination." The half-bald pediatrician looked at the physical examination report and recalled, "I remember that her eyesight was weaker than normal people. After examination, it was confirmed that there was a gene mutation in the neurons."

"Neuron gene mutation?" It was the first time that Cen Lian heard this term.

"Yes, this is a relatively rare gene mutation, which mainly occurs in the neurons of the brain. After the mutation of the neuron synapse, the intelligence of the mutant may be improved." Dr. Jiang also spoke slowly, and his Mandarin was very standard, and even kind.

"I have another physical examination report here. Please see if it has the same problem as An Xiaohe." Cen Lian took the physical examination report from Jia Qi's father to Dr. Jiang.

Dr. Jiang squinted his eyes and read it carefully, pushing his heavy glasses.

"Yes, this child also has a gene mutation in the neuron synapse," he gave an affirmative answer, "This case is actually not common. I have been practicing medicine for more than 20 years and have only seen three or four cases."

Both children have neuron memory mutations. It seems that the person who took them away has a very clear goal.

After Cen Lian and the director of the medical department exchanged pleasantries, he said goodbye with Tang Hua and Yuan Chenxi.

Wu Qiushan and Wang Yuanteng have already gone to the Wucheng City Bureau to say hello. This case may have to trouble the police in Wucheng City.

"Where are you going now?" Yuan Chenxi asked.

All the clues pointed to Yunshan Hospital. According to common sense, they should go to Yunshan Hospital.

"I made a mistake. I should have called forensic doctor Lin." Cen Lian regretted it very much. "Forget it, let's go together this time."

Yuan Chenxi noticed that Cen Lian said this to Tang Hua.

"This is not Sichuan Province. Wouldn't it be a bit strange for the two of you to go to the doctor together?"

Cen Lian wanted to throw Yuan Chenxi out of the car immediately.

But in the end, the three of them went together.

Cen Lian even made up an excuse on the way.

"The three of us are the company's sales champions. The company's year-end welfare is a free physical examination. We will do the physical examination ourselves and the company will reimburse us." This is a reason that Cen Lian made up, but it sounds quite reasonable.

Anyway, he was just going to check the situation, so Cen Lian was not nervous when he walked into Yunshan Hospital.

They saw a promotional poster at the door.

"Free basic physical examinations for children aged 3-6?" Tang Hua read out softly, "The hospital has such a project."

"Only ten people a day," said a mother with a child holding a checklist in her hand, "I heard it's a public welfare project."

This thing doesn't look like a public welfare project.

Cen Lian has begun to be alert.

But the ordinary doctors and nurses in charge of physical examinations in the hospital have no criminal records, which shows that this should not be a research conducted by a doctor who has gone crazy.

So after taking blood for testing, Cen Lian stood on the honor wall and group photo at the entrance of the hospital.

Finally, something he wanted to see appeared.

It was a text bubble flying out of the photo of the vice president of the hospital.

[Name: Fang Qi]

[Gender: Male]

[Age: 43 years old]

[Criminal record: long-term espionage activities]

[Prison record: None]

Although the system finally moved, it appeared the line of words that Cen Lian didn't want to see the most.

"Why is it long-term again? What kind of espionage is this?" Cen Lian felt very confused.

And how come no matter it was the meteorite case or the abduction case, they were all related to spies in the end.

"What are you looking at?" Tang Hua also came to look at the honor wall.

"I just want to see who the director of this hospital is." Cen Lian looked at him silently, "But now I think the vice director's problem should be bigger."

Tang Hua had great trust in Cen Lian's intuition, so he did not doubt Cen Lian's judgment at all.

"Why do you think this person is looking for children with genetic mutations?" Tang Hua was actually a little confused. After all, with his mind that knew nothing about medical treatment, he subconsciously felt that if he wanted to do research, he would not kidnap children.

"Who knows," Cen Lian shook his head and suddenly thought of something, "Wait a minute, your blood test results seem to be coming out soon."

Although this time it was just to spy on the military situation, they still conducted the physical examination seriously.

After all, no one would give up such a good opportunity to have a reimbursable physical examination at such an expensive hospital.

"Actually, I don't really want to see the physical examination results." Tang Hua looked at the examination sheet in his hand, "I think with the frequency of staying up late and working overtime like this, there is probably something wrong with everything in the body."

Cen Lian grinned. In fact, his test results came out earlier, but he never went to get them.

After all, no one wants to accept that everything about their body is wrong.

I don’t know if my system has any function to maintain my health.

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