Bo twilight sank, and the gaze of the sun shrouded the entire city, and when Fu Xiangxiang and Du Lang arrived at the scene of the Gade crime, it was already evening.

"When we came in, the whole apartment was in a state of seclusion, and the deceased was hung here to die, and there were no other traces around, so it was judged to be suicide."

Du Lang said, handing the photo in his hand to Fu Xiang.

Fu Xiangxian looked at the picture in the photo, looked at the surrounding environment, and slowly closed his eyes.


The situation of the case at that time suddenly began to evolve in Fu Xiangxing's mind.

Secret room, suicide, no trace.

If Gard's death had something to do with Kunta, then the reason why there was no trace of the scene was probably because Lin Mo had been here.

As a scavenger, he wanders on the edge of law and crime, and removing the traces left by the murderer is the easiest thing for him.

In the photo, the nails of the deceased, including his clothes and surroundings, are all meticulously processed, perfectly presenting a suicidal state.

But it is precisely because it is too perfect that it is a loophole, and a person who wants to commit suicide will not live so "seriously".

"Sasha is right, he really didn't commit suicide."

Fu Xiangjing walked to the kitchen and looked at the two mud-stained footprints in the kitchen: "On the day that Gard died, there was a heavy rainstorm in the valley, these two footprints were left by him, right?" "

Tsuro scratched his head: "This... It was raining when we came that day, and the footprints were not sure who it was, but according to the indoor situation, he could only have committed suicide, otherwise how did the murderer sneak in quietly and leave without leaving a trace? "


Fu Xiangjing glanced at the door next to him and said lightly: "The defense of this kind of door is not as strong as you think, and it is very simple to come in or out, and the employees of my detective agency can easily do it." "

Tatsuro: "............"

At this moment, a crisp female voice came from outside: "Mr. Fu, if you ask Inspector Dulang about the Gard case, you might as well ask me." "

With the sound came, Sasha strode over from outside.

Seeing Sasha's figure, Du Lang suddenly frowned: "Why are you here?!" "

Sasha ignored Du Lang, but walked in front of Fu Xiangxiang, and said with a serious look: "I also think that this case is not a suicide case. "


She walked into the kitchen and took out a plastic bag next to her: "There is a cash register here, according to the time, it was the night that Gard died, he went out to buy food for a week, if he wanted to kill himself, this is completely unnecessary, and his cat is gone." "

Sasha mentioned this at the meeting.

Fu Xiangjing picked up the cash register and took a look, this is the shopping list typed out of the supermarket, but soon, his eyes were stunned.


Fu Xiangjing muttered.

Sasha subconsciously asked, "What rice?" "

Fu Xiangjing did not answer immediately, but walked to the kitchen stove and turned on the gas stove, but the gas stove did not respond.

"I checked Gard's details before coming, and one of them showed that he had not paid his gas bill for three months, indicating that he had not opened a fire."

Fu looked at the bag of rice in the corner of the kitchen: "Since he doesn't fire, what is he buying rice for?" "

The other items on these shopping lists are some daily necessities, and some fast food that can be eaten without opening fire.

Only this bag of rice stands out.

"What do you mean?" Sasha asked busily.

Although she always believed that this case was not suicide, she had no other clues other than this bag of "food theory".

Including Gard's mobile phone, she also did not find it.

Seeing Fu Wanjing like this, Sasha's rigor couldn't help but brighten.

Fu Xiangxian didn't say anything, just strode towards the rice bag, opened the opening and put his hand in.

A moment later.

A mobile phone was flipped out by Fu Xiang.

"This is Gard's phone?!" Even Tatsuro's eyes widened.

Fu Xiangxian hummed lightly: "It seems that his mobile phone should be flooded, so he bought rice and put it in." "

Sasha frowned: "The phone is in water, isn't it better to turn off the phone and go to the mobile phone store?" "

"When I came, I looked around, there were no mobile phone repair shops nearby, it was raining heavily that night, and it was not early, even if most mobile phone shops in other places were closed." Fu Xiangxian said lightly: "But because it was a rainstorm, he specially bought a bag of rice, indicating that his mobile phone should be very important, maybe there is a cause of his death in it." "


Sasha smiled in surprise: "Then let's go back quickly and hand over to the technical department to crack the mobile phone information, right?" "

Fu Xiangjing shook his head: "Your technical department is too slow, I will take it home and crack it myself." Moreover, I always feel that things are not so simple, I found the mobile phone thing, you two don't talk about the outside for the time being. "

If this were just an ordinary murder, then the other side would not have used a scavenger.

The scavengers who can be used are generally "organizations", which have a strong penetrating force, and it is the best way to keep it secret first.

Durang and Sasha nodded together rarely: "Good! "


PS: Ask for flowers for review votes! It's on shelves tonight!!

In fact, this book was originally scheduled to be on the shelves in the early hours of yesterday morning, but thinking about it, the author Jun did not put on the shelves yesterday, or decided to update the free chapters for one more day, today I will update 5 free chapters, although not much, but also thank you for your support and encouragement these days, I hope that everyone will continue to support after the shelves in the early morning! Keep asking for data!

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