.In the hall of the Second Criminal Investigation Team .

.An old man in his fifties was taking notes .

.” Every time I dance , I’m the last one to go , because I live recently , and the group of aunts asked me to clean up the venue and turn off the power last . ”

.” It should be more than ten o’clock that day , because the moon is very beautiful and it is not cold , so our dance time is more than half an hour later than usual . ”

.” When the rest of the dance team was done , we went to get ready to turn off the lights outside the square . ”

.” Then I saw a white van driving in from a side road . ”

.Listen to the old man’s voice repeating it again .

.There was a lot of excitement in the eyes of Zhao Duoming and others .

.” What model is the car , can you see how many people are in the car ?” Zhao Duoming asked .

.The old man shook his head .

.” I don’t know about this , I just glanced , where can I see so many things . ”

.Upon seeing this , Zhao Duoming wanted to ask something else , but was stopped by Wang Mo.

.Under the circumstances at the time, it was not easy for the elderly to remember these things .

.” Then I’ll trouble you . If you have any clues , please be sure to contact us . ”

.After speaking .

.Wang Mo sent the old man out of the police station .

.Afterwards , everyone also came to the Sky Eye Department .

.Now .

.Now that we have the key evidence of the white van , the next step is to find the track of this car from Skynet !

.in the car at the time .

.It is very likely that the two murderers and the deceased will be on board !

Chapter 23 Lock monitoring , tire marks ! (4)


.” Coming ?”

.After having key information from eyewitnesses .

.Wang Mo and others are also preparing to support the team responsible for monitoring .

.After all, after the murder , there are special personnel to investigate and monitor to check for suspicious persons .

.And now .

.When there is the key evidence of the white van .

.The targets of their investigation can be much less .

.” How’s the situation ?”

.After entering the hall , Wang Mo opened his mouth to a police officer who was investigating and monitoring .

.This person’s name is Li Hao , and he is also a member of the Second Criminal Investigation Team .

.But listening to Wang Mo’s question , Li Hao shook his head .

.” There is very little surveillance around the case . ”

.” Before we have been investigating suspicious persons and paying attention to suspicious vehicles . ”

.” After receiving your information just now , we also mainly looked for white vans , but found nothing . ”

.while talking .

.This person gave Wang Mo a look at the surveillance screen behind him .

.Road monitoring on these screens .

.The closest to the murder scene is several kilometers away .

.There are also several roads in and out of the city from the murder scene . Those who are familiar with the route can completely avoid all monitoring .

.If so .

.The van would have entered the city without giving police any clues .

.Finding this car then would be like looking for a needle in a haystack .

.” What about the monitoring of nearby businesses? Is there anything recorded ? ”

.” Only this . ”

.Listening to Wang Mo’s words , Li Hao called out a surveillance video .

.This piece of surveillance is surveillance at the door of a small shop near the murder .

.And the direction of this monitoring is in the canteen , only a part of which includes the opposite road .

.Three days ago , the surveillance of this small shop only captured a corner of a white van !

.When Li Hao paused the screen .

.What appeared on the screen was just a part of the front left door and the wheels of the van , and even the license plate number was not photographed .

.Not to mention .

.This monitoring is very vague .

.” What is this , there is no useful information at all . ”

.” If there is a license plate , we can still lock it, but this surveillance screen can only let us know the direction of the van . ”

.Zhao Duoming looked at the picture in the blurred surveillance and shook his head helplessly .

.And Li Hao poured a basin of cold water on him at this level .

.” And we can’t be sure that this van is the one that turned up at the crime scene . ”

.” Although the timing is similar , there is no other evidence that the two vehicles are the same . ”

.Before Li Hao could finish speaking , Wang Mo’s voice suddenly sounded .

.” It’s certain . ”

.” Although the crime scene was washed away by heavy rain , we still found a tire wear mark , which can be matched with this car . ”

.While speaking , Wang Mo opened the file in his hand .

.The file has a page of pictures of a wheel print near the crime scene .

.” You’re kidding me , the van tires in the video are so blurry , how can you be sure ?”

.Hearing Wang Mo’s voice , Li Hao was stunned .

.To know .

.Now the monitor of the canteen in the picture has been blurred to an exaggerated level because of its disrepair .

.Although there is a picture of a tire of a van , the tire in the picture is almost blurred and can be described as a mess .

.How did Wang Mo see the similarity between the two ?

.Listening to Li Hao’s question , Wang Mo also chuckled lightly .

.After removing the paper from the side , facing the tire in the monitoring screen , simply trace the trajectory towards the copy .

.Then use the copied pictures to compare with the tires in the file .

.There are so many similarities !

.” Damn , how did you do it ?”

.” Just looking at the comparison between the picture and the picture , I can’t recognize it at all , but the pattern you copied seems to be a bit similar to the car tires in the surveillance, and it also matches the car tire marks at the crime scene . ”

.Looking at the tire trajectory that Wang Mo had drawn at random , Li Hao was stunned .

.From Wang Mo’s paintings , he can see the similarity between the surveillance and the live pictures , but they are separated from each other , but they do not recognize each other .

.How exactly is this done ?

.” But I still don’t quite believe it. It ‘s really difficult to directly compare the surveillance footage and pictures . ”

.Li Hao still looked incredible .

.And listening to Li Hao’s voice , Wang Mo also laughed .

.” Don’t worry about that . ”

.” You send this piece of surveillance to the technical department and ask them to upgrade the clarity of the picture , so that you can get a comparison . ”

.” But even then , we couldn’t track the van , we didn’t get the license plate information . ”

.After a moment of contemplation , Li Hao said .

.And Wang Mo didn’t seem to care at all , and said directly .

.” Don’t worry about that , you call out the monitoring of this line and all the nearby main and branch lines . ”

.” Even without the license plate number , I can try to lock it !”

Chapter 24 Mind maze , find your way ! (5)

.” Are you sure ?”

.Hearing Wang Mo’s words , Li Hao was stunned for a moment .

.Then continued .

.” Judging from the current situation , this white van has been specially investigated for the trajectory of surveillance cameras nearby . ”

.” Except for the pictures captured by the commissary now , he has avoided all other surveillance . ”

.” Even if I call out the monitoring of this line and the nearby main branch line now , it is very difficult to find the white car traces . ”

.” The car must have bypassed all surveillance and returned to the city . ”

.” Not to mention , now we only have the information of the wheel, and we don’t even have the license plate . Even if it appears in the monitoring , we can’t be sure . ”

.In the face of Li Hao’s doubts .

.Wang Mo just chuckled .

.He directly pulled a chair over and sat next to Li Hao .

.Apparently it’s going to be a long-term plan .

.In the next second, Wang Mo also laughed loudly at Li Hao .

.” You don’t need to worry about it , first call up the monitoring of these intersections . ”

.”The time is locked , three days ago at eight o’clock in the evening , and within two o’clock in the morning the next day . ”

.Listen to Wang Mo’s voice .

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