.”The kindness she treats to me is all from the show !”

.” She must be trying to kill me . ”

.” I can only survive if I kill her first !”

.At this time .

.In front of the high-pressure interrogation just now and countless evidences , Zhou Li’s psychological defense has been completely destroyed by Wang Mo.

.She at this time .

.Even the mood has completely collapsed .

.” Do you know that when she was a child , in the orphanage , she wanted to kill me more than once !”

.” Once , when we were playing by the river , she pushed me directly into the river and almost drowned me !”

.” And usually , she often beats me up and often hurts me !”

.” She is definitely not the kind person you call her !”

.Listen to Zhou Li’s voice .

.Some detectives outside the interrogation room were a little surprised .

.If what Zhou Li said is true , then this Zhou Yuemei is indeed not as kind as in their investigation .

.But even so , this is not the reason why Zhou Li killed .

.At the same time .

.Interrogation room .

.After hearing Zhou Li’s voice .

.Wang Mo was silent for a moment .

.Subsequently .

.He took the phone out of his pocket .

.Open it to the page where the video plays !

.The video at this time is paused .

.And Wang Mo.

.She also spoke slowly to Zhou Li in front of her in a very cold voice .

.” When we went to the orphanage to investigate your background , the head of the orphanage also said this . ”

.” At that time , there was indeed a little girl who was pushed down the river and almost drowned . ”

.” And that person is Zhou Yuemei . ”

.” The one who pushed her down the river . ”

.” It’s you !”

.Listening to Wang Mo’s words , Zhou Li’s face immediately froze .

.And Wang Mo continued .

.” As for the rest , you said that Zhou Yuemei did something to you . ”

.” Actually , it ‘s all your actions towards Zhou Yuemei ! ”

.” When you were young , you had a weird personality and was completely different from your sister . You often fought against other children . ”

.” It is because of this that the dean is not willing to give you to other people for adoption !”

.” At that time, you were almost isolated by the children in the whole orphanage . Only your sister was willing to accept you . At that time , she was your only friend !”

.” I think it should be after Zhou Yuemei’s adoption , or other events , that triggered your stress system , allowing you to change your identities from your memory for everything that happened when you were young . ”

.” If you don’t believe everything I say , you can listen to what the head of the orphanage said at the time . ”

.Done .

.Wang Mo clicked the video play button on the phone in front of him .

.The director of the orphanage at the time told the video of the two when they were children , which was played slowly .

.And Wang Mo.

.He also turned and left the interrogation room .

.After a few minutes .

.Sounds from this interrogation room .

.There was only Zhou Li’s cries of grief and regret .


.Ten minutes later .

.Another interrogation room .

.Wu Hong , whose hands were locked , was cursing in the interrogation room at this time .

.” What do you police mean ? Just take me over and don’t care ?”

.” When I go out , I must appeal !”

.” Come on, is there anyone alive , come out for me !”

.When Wu Hong found out that he was sent to the interrogation room for several hours , no police appeared .

.He also finally found out that something was wrong .

.He vaguely felt that the police had placed the breakthrough on Zhou Li’s body .

.That’s why he was so excited .

.” Come on ! Where are you policemen ?”

.” Come on , what’s the hurry ? ”

.As the door of the room was slowly pushed open , Wang Mo also appeared in front of Wu Hong .

.And the first sentence he came in made Wu Hong’s heart instantly cool for the most part !

.” Zhou Li has already recruited , you must admit it . ”

.Hearing Wang Mo’s words , Wu Hong swallowed .

.” Officer , I don’t know what you’re talking about , I didn’t do anything . ”

.And Wang Mo simply did not respond to Wu Hong .

.Open the portfolio directly in your hand .

.above .

.There is a photo of a white van .

.Looking at the van , Wu Hong’s face instantly became extremely pale .

.It never occurred to him that the police would be able to find the car .

.In his opinion , he avoided all surveillance .

.There was no way the police could find any trace of the car .

.He opened the portfolio and threw it in front of Wu Hong .

.Wang Mo also turned around and left the interrogation room .

.They already have enough evidence , and Zhou Li has also pleaded guilty .

.It is only a matter of time before Wu Hong pleads guilty .

.The investigation of the abandoned well case can now be officially concluded .


.(ps: Any comments can be put forward in the comments . ).

Chapter 33 Acknowledged , awarded ! (1)

.After half an hour .

.Linteng City Police Station , within the Second Criminal Investigation Team .

.” Wu Hong also explained all his illegal facts . ”

.” The two men will be punished by the law they deserve . ”

.Looking at the file in his hand , Zhao Duoming walked out of the interrogation room excitedly and came to Wang Mo.

.At this time, in the second criminal investigation team .

.Many other criminal police officers could not help but applaud in Wang Mo’s direction .

.during the investigation of this case .

.Everyone understands .

.The key to being able to grasp Zhou Li and Wu Hong .

.It was at that time that they moved the deceased in the white van whereabouts .

.If you can’t find the car .

.They are afraid that it will be difficult for them to discover the true identity of the deceased .

.In that case , Wu Hong and Zhou Li cannot be investigated .

.Maybe this case .

.In the end, it can only become an unsolved case !

.After all, Wu Hong’s preparations were too exaggerated .

.For at least a few months , use a different vehicle on each of the different roads .

.Find out all the monitoring .

.Subsequently .

.When committing crimes , bypass it .

.And Wang Mo.

.It was locked just because of a vague tire mark peeking out from the corner of the monitor .

.This kind of terrifying observation ability is not available to everyone present .

.Not to mention , using sixteen times the speed to quickly discover the route of the vehicle .

.And this case .

.It took only two days from the time the informant called the police to the arrest of the two criminals .

.Such a case-solving efficiency .

.Probably no one can .

.Now .

.Many people who doubted the ability of ‘ Sherlock Holmes ‘ also sincerely admired Wang Mo.

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