.After Zhao Duoming calmed down, he also gave his guess .

.” Could it be that this Chu Yuanlai was the murderer of the Torrential Rain Butcher Case !”

.” The report back then was directed and acted by him !”

.” Also , his son, Chu Hao , also inherited his perverted genes , so he became another serial perverted murderer . ”

.Facing Zhao Duoming’s doubts .

.Wang Mo directly shook his head .

.” In the case of that year , the police dispatched by the police far exceeded your imagination . ”

.” Because there were not too many clues at that time , the police would not let go of any possibility and monitored every person who reported the body . ”

.” This Chu Yuanlai was also monitored by the police for a period of time after reporting the case for the first time . He did have a five-year-old child back then . ”

.” And during this period , the rainstorm butcher was still committing crimes , and the murderer couldn’t possibly be Chu Yuanlai . ”

.” His connection with the butcher of the rainstorm should really be the first person to report the case . ”

.Listening to Wang Mo’s explanation , Zhao Duoming also collapsed on the seat again .

.” Is it just a coincidence ?”

.I thought I had discovered a new clue about the Butcher’s case , but I didn’t expect it , it was just a coincidence .

.And Feng Kang and others , also have the same view .

.But on the field .

.Only Wang Mo’s eyes were fixed on Chu Hao on the screen .

.the bottom of my heart .

.Suddenly thought of one , the possibility enough to shock everyone !

.Immediately .

.Wang Mo looked at the forensic doctor Liu in the conference room and asked .

.” More than 70% of serial perverted murderers basically have certain abnormal genes in their bodies , right ? ”

.” That’s right . ”

.Da Liu nodded , but he still didn’t understand what Wang Mo meant .

.And Wang Mo continued .

.” And the incubation of abnormal genes has two possibilities !”

.”The first is genetic inheritance , but most people with this gene will get rid of the shackles of this kind of gene because of education and a good childhood . ”

.” And the incubation of the second metamorphosis gene , it is . ”

.” It’s childhood or childhood , when there was a huge psychological trauma or shadow that I couldn’t get out of for many years , and finally affected my view of the whole world !” Da Liu added Wang Mo’s last sentence !

.And after he finished speaking .

.Da Liu’s expression also changed suddenly .

.Because he has already thought of the meaning of Wang Mo’s words !

.” Is it possible ?”

.Da Liu looked at Wang Mo who was not far away and murmured .

.And Wang Mo also nodded and said .

.” Twenty years ago . ”

.” Five-year-old Chu Hao . ”

.” Probably . ”

.” Witness the entire murder and dismemberment of the rainstorm butcher !”

Chapter 49 The clue of the year , the telescope ! (2)

.As Wang Mo’s voice faded .

.The entire conference room fell into calm again .

.Everyone began to think about the possibility in Wang Mo’s words .

.At the same time .

.Wang Mo’s voice continued .

.” I remember very clearly the information about the first informant at the time . ”

.” In Chu Yuanlai’s record . ”

.” He was woken up by the sound of thunder in the torrential rain and wanted to go to the toilet . ”

.” In the end , I saw it by the window . The figure at the end of the path is the first victim of the Torrential Butcher Case !”

.” The alarm that followed . ”

.Listen to Wang Mo’s explanation .

.Zhao Duoming was a little puzzled . After scratching his head , he hurriedly asked .

.” But in this record , nothing happened to his son . ”

.Facing the question , Wang Mo also pondered for a moment , then said .

.” Perhaps Chu Yuanlai didn’t even know about it at the time . ”

.” My son , in another room , also woke up . ”

.” And the time to wake up is at least twenty minutes earlier than him . ”

.” So , Chu Hao has seen the whole process of the killing and dismembering the butcher of the rainstorm . ”

.” After all , some of the structure and layout of Chu Yuanlai’s house are also recorded in the files and records of the informant . ”

.” In addition to the room where Chu Yuanlai is , his son’s room also has a window , and he can see the street where the butcher of the rainstorm committed the crime . ”

.Through the memory palace in the brain .

.Wang Mo recalled all the details of the butcher’s files in the rainstorm .

.Look at that time .

.These clues don’t help .

.But looking at the present moment , it is possible to find more .

.At the same time .

.Forensic doctor Liu also raised his doubts .

.” The file of the Butcher of the Storm , I have also studied it . ”

.” I remember that the house where the first person who reported the crime was located was close to the road , but the distance between this house and the place where the butcher of the rainstorm killed him was a bit far away . ”

.” Even if Chu Yuan came , he could only see a vague figure in the distance . ”

.” Even if you’re telling the truth , five-year-old Chu Hao woke up earlier, but he couldn’t see clearly what was happening in such a far place , not to mention that there was a heavy rain and the lights were very bright. gloomy . ”

.Listening to Da Liu’s voice , many other people have the same doubts in their eyes .

.And Wang Mo also explained .

.” In the files of the butcher of the rainstorm, the pictures numbered 49 to 59 in the files of all the reporters are the various pictures taken by the police later at Chu Yuanlai’s home . ”

.” Actually , in the fifty-fifth picture , somewhere in the living room , there is a small telescope . ”

.” I think that Chu Yuan , who was in his twenties at the time , couldn’t have bought a telescope and played with it himself . ”

.” On the night of the crime , Chu Hao witnessed everything through this telescope . ”

.in the investigation at the time .

.The Linteng City Police Station hardly spared any suspicious person .

.Among them , including the reporter of every body found .

.That’s why they were at Chu Yuanlai’s home , taking many photos and conducting investigations .

.At the same time , it is also to compare what the picture looked like from the window from the perspective of the reporter .

.And this .

.It ‘s all because of the pressure and fear brought to them by the butcher of the rainstorm , which is too exaggerated .

.” However , what makes me most certain is that Chu Hao witnessed the murder of the butcher in the rainstorm , and it was not the telescope that Chu Yuan came to his house with . ”

.At the same time .

.Wang Mo’s voice continued to sound .

.” When I was investigating the files of the rainstorm butcher’s case , I found that the first person who reported the case , that is, Chu Yuanlai’s father and son , moved out of the house where he was and came to Haidu City in the second year . ”

.” Of course , I understand that witnesses in many cases will have fear in certain areas because of seeing the murderer’s killing process , and eventually move . ”

.As the sound continued .

.All eyes were on Wang Mo.

.” But we need to know . ”

.” Chu Yuanlai at that time didn’t actually see it clearly . What happened on the street corner at that time , only a black shadow could be seen !”

.” And , after we followed and monitored Chu Yuanlai , he didn’t have too much psychological fluctuations because of this case . ”

.” Not to mention , at that time , he had a very good job in Linteng City . ”

.” He had no reason at all , because of one , he didn’t see the dark shadow clearly , so he gave up his job and moved out of the city where he lived for 20 years . ”

.” I wondered about this when I was rummaging through the archives . ”

.” It seems now . ”

.” I am afraid that after that , Chu Yuanlai found out that something was wrong with his son , and also noticed something . In the end , for the healthy growth of his son , he moved out of Linteng City . ”

.Speaking of which .

.Wang Mo couldn’t help but pause again .

.” But 20 years later , Chu Hao still didn’t come out . ”

Chapter 50 The only witness , childhood fears ! (3)

.As the discussion officially ends .

.Many people stood up from their chairs .

.There are many touches in his eyes .

.Many people don’t know .

.How exaggerated the influence of childhood on a person !

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