.” Other killers do n’t necessarily kill at a frequency of about once every six months . ”

.Looking at Wang Mo who was watching the case information in detail , Qiu Yu couldn’t help but said .

.And listen to Qiu Yu’s voice .

.Ye Youxue on the side shook her head helplessly and said .

.” We don’t need to know the killing frequency of other killers , we just need to infer the behavior of the real killer behind the scenes from the information we know . ”

.” The killer who killed Zhao Qian , he kills every six months . ”

.” That is to say . ”

.”The real culprit behind the scenes , no matter what , will commit the crime , at least once in half a year . ”

.” Once we know this information , we can speculate . ”

.Just listen .

.Qiu Yu also nodded thoughtfully .

.But what he didn’t find was .

.After discussing with him , Ye Youxue looked at Wang Mo with a hint of hesitation , not knowing what she was thinking .

.There was even a hint of confusion on his face .

.And right now .

.Wang Mo , who was checking the case information in front , also took a deep breath .

.” It’s certain . ”

.Wang Mo looked back at everyone and pointed to the case information on the computer .

.” The victim in this disappearance case is indeed related to the torture video case . ”

.See Wang Mo for confirmation .

.There was also a little excitement in the eyes of Ye Youxue and others .

.They finally found some clues .

.And on the field .

.Wang Mo’s voice has not stopped .

.” It ‘s been a week since she disappeared . ”

.” I’m afraid this victim has already been killed . ”

.” But the time of the murder video case is not far from now . ”

.” We can find the killer by investigating this case , and then use this to dig out the mysterious organization buried deep in the ground . ”

.” And . ”

.Wang Mo paused and took a deep breath .

.” Find the perverted real murderer behind this organization . ”

.Listen to Wang Mo’s voice .

.Everyone couldn’t help but take a deep breath and nodded .

.” However . ”

.At this time .

.Zhao Duoming spoke suddenly .

.” This case happened in Haidu City next door . ”

.”The time of the incident was a week ago . ”

.” Although a detailed dossier has been sent . ”

.” But if we want to investigate , are we going to Haidu ? ” Zhao Duoming said .

.And listen to Zhao Duoming’s words .

.Wang Mo also nodded slowly .

.” The victims in the torture video case are not limited to Linteng City . Victims have appeared in several surrounding cities . This time in Haidu City , it is not uncommon . ”

.” And we . ”

.” This time , I really want to go to Haidu City . ”

.” Zhao Duoming , you go to contact Captain Feng Kang of Haidu City , we will set off immediately !”

.Done .

.Wang Mo began to carefully watch the details of the disappearance case .

.Zhao Duoming and others are also separated from all kinds of busyness .

.Only Ye Youxue , standing behind Wang Mo , took out her phone , as if struggling with something .

.And just when Ye Youxue seemed to decide something .

.Wang Mo had already got up and went to pack his things .


.an hour later .

.Linteng City Police Station entrance .

.Two cars have been parked here .

.This time , Wang Mo didn’t plan to bring too many police officers to investigate , only Zhao Duoming, Ye Youxue and others .

.before .

.A skinning case in Haidu City was solved by Wang Mo and Zhao Duoming together .

.But this time .

.Wang Moduo brought several people .

.After all, the severity of this case is far from comparable to the previous skinning cases .

.” Wang team , Feng team has already contacted , we can go over there . ”

.Zhao Duoming said .

.And Wang Mo also nodded , looked at the team he led , and then nodded .

.” Let’s go then . ”

.But this time .

.Ye Youxue , who was about to get into the car , pulled Wang Mo aside as if she had finally made up her mind .

.” Yu Xue , what’s the matter ?”

.Seeing Ye Youxue’s actions , Wang Mo also chuckled lightly .

.Ye Youxue’s attitude , he has been watching .

.It’s just that he didn’t know what Ye Youxue was struggling with .

.After pulling Wang Mo aside , Ye Youxue gritted her teeth and said .

.” Last night . ”

.” The fact that Zhang Lin tortured the murderer has been investigated and the evidence is conclusive . ”

.” So I went to help Xiao Li and his group , and finally summarized Zhang Lin’s entire crime process and details . ”

.” During this process , I re-watched the videotape of Zhang Lin’s torture and murder of the murderer . ”

.Ye Youxue took out her cell phone .

.” In the last ten minutes of this tape , I found something . ”

.When he heard this , Wang Mo already understood what Ye Youxue was struggling with .

.Immediately .

.Wang Mo also sighed slowly .

.However, Ye Youxue didn’t notice Wang Mo’s movements . After she turned on her phone , she clicked on a video .

.” This video is a videotape of Zhang Lin’s torture and murder of the murderer , the last ten minutes of content . ”

.” The last ten minutes . ”

.” It was edited from many scenes of torture in the two months that Zhang Lin tortured and murdered the murderer . ”

.” Each piece of torture is more than ten seconds at most, and the shortest is only a few seconds . ”

.” And in these clips , I noticed something wasn’t right . ”

.Ye Youxue adjusted the video progress .

.Then pause at a certain screen .

.In this picture , only one arm can be seen , holding a knife , slashing at the killer’s leg .

.This process only exists for a few seconds , and then cuts to the next clip .

.Pointing to the content of the paused screen , Ye Youxue said .

.” In this picture , the palm holding the knife is a bit strange , full of wrinkles , and the body holding the knife is slightly hunched . ”

.” I checked Zhang Lin’s palm photos . ”

.Ye Youxue hesitated , but after taking a deep breath , she said slowly .

.” In this picture , the person holding the knife and slashing at the murderer does n’t seem to be Zhang Lin . ”

.” And in another clip after that . ”

.” Another one appeared , with a wrinkled palm , holding a knife , tremblingly attacking the murderer’s arm . ”

.” The figure in that clip is a little shorter , so it shouldn’t be Zhang Lin . ”

.” I suspect that these two people may be …”

.Ye Youxue paused , and was just about to say the second half of the sentence .

.Wang Mo had already interrupted her suddenly .

.” Yuxue , have you met Zhao Qian’s parents ?”

.Looking at Wang Mo’s eyes , Ye Youxue froze for a moment , then nodded quickly .

.” Although Zhang Lin turned himself in later , we still conducted routine inquiries to Zhao Qian’s parents . ”

.” You know , what are they doing now ?”

.Wang Mo asked again , looking into the distance .

.And this time , Ye Youxue shook her head .

.” I don’t know about that. They seem to have opened a small shop . ”

.”The two of them , when Zhao Qian was alive , opened a flower shop on the street they liked to stroll . ”

.Wang Mo spoke slowly .

.” Zhao Qian’s dream during her lifetime was to open her own flower shop on that street . ”

.” Two years ago , that is , shortly after Zhao Qian’s parents reported her death to Zhao Qian . ”

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