.Subsequently .

.Wang Mocai continued to explain .

.” Afterwards , the serial killer actually sent a letter to the local police station , claiming that there was a deceased person who did not die at his own hands , but a poor imitator imitating himself . ”

.” He even profiled the imitator in that letter ! ”

.” So. ” _

.” These serial killers all have their own perverted pride , butchers of torrential rains , and do not want others to completely replace themselves . ”

.As Wang Mo’s voice faded .

.Ye Youxue also showed a thoughtful expression .

.At the same time .

.The surrounding investigation has also come to an end .

.But this time .

.Wang Ling looked at the headless corpse on the ground , as if he had found something , and frowned .

.” Wang Mo , come here . ”

.Listening to Wang Ling’s call , Wang Mo also walked over .

.Then I saw that Wang Ling pointed to the ground , where the headless body was cut off , with a serious expression .

.Looking at the wound on the corpse , Wang Mo frowned .

.Almost instantly , he understood Wang Ling’s discovery .

.” What ‘s wrong ?” Others also noticed something was wrong and gathered around .

.And Wang Ling also explained .

.” Just now, after hearing Wang Mo ‘s analysis of the head’s wound , I became more aware of it . ”

.” A second analysis was carried out on the neck wound of the corpse . ”

.” Then , something strange happened . ”

.” What’s the matter ?” Zhao Duoming looked puzzled .

.On the other hand, Wang Ling looked at Wang Mo.

.Wang Mo also spoke slowly .

.” The location of the wound on this headless corpse shows signs of multiple cuts and the modus operandi of the butcher of the rainstorm . ”

.” It’s very similar !”

.Hearing Wang Mo’s voice , everyone was a little shocked .

.Because Wei Cang’s head was cut off with one knife !

.But this corpse is different !

.Is it difficult ?

.next second .

.Zhao Duoming’s surprised voice also sounded directly in the field .

.” You mean . ”

.” The head placed on the scarecrow does not belong to the same person as the headless corpse on the ground ? ”

.”The head was chopped off by the murderer of Xin 317 , but this corpse was the handwriting of the butcher of the rainstorm ?”

.Wang Mo nodded and affirmed Zhao Duoming’s statement .

.But Zhao Duoming was still puzzled .

.” But why , the student ID card we collected on the corpse is Wei Cang’s name , and this head is obviously his !”

.” This head is indeed Wei Cang’s . ”

.” But this corpse is not . ”

.Wang Mo shook his head .

.”The butcher of the rainstorm , took out the student ID card in the real Wei Cang’s clothes and put it in the pocket of this corpse . ”

.” They should know that sooner or later our police will find out that the two do not belong to the same body . ”

.” And their purpose is just to mock and provoke the police . ”

.” That is to say . ”

.Niu Yichao swallowed his saliva .

.” At least , there are two dead !”

.” That’s right . ” Wang Mo and Wang Ling nodded at the same time .

.There was a serious seriousness in his eyes .

.The Rainstorm Butcher didn’t just start killing people again .

.and .

.Also created a new killer .

.At the same time .

.Just like twenty years ago , several people were killed in a row overnight !

.” I guess that ‘s not all . ”

.Wang Mo looked at Niu Yichao .

.” Continue to increase the intensity of patrols, and the area should not be limited to the urban area . ”

.” Tonight . ”

.” I’m afraid there are more dead , will be found !”.

Chapter 73 Investigate surveillance , suspicious figures ! (5)

.Listen to Wang Mo’s words .

.There was a serious look on everyone’s face .

.present .

.There are already two victims .

.In some areas of Linteng City , perhaps the butcher of the rainstorm is still looking for a target !

.At the same time .

.Wang Mo’s voice continued to sound .

.” After so many years , Rainstorm Butcher kills again . He will never stop killing just one or two people . ”

.” let alone now . ”

.” Beside him , there is another terrifying killer whose means is no weaker than his . ”

.” We must arrest both of them as soon as possible . ”

.” Otherwise . ”

.Wang Mo took a deep breath .

.” There will be more people who will die at their hands !”

.Hearing these words , Niu Yichao also nodded .

.” I’ll make arrangements now and call all the police officers who are on vacation . ”

.” Other police forces will also be called for assistance . ”

.” Tonight , I will not allow Linteng City to have any location in the shadows !”

.Done .

.Niu Yichao turned around directly , took out his mobile phone and started making calls .

.Looking at Niu Yichao’s back , Wang Mo also sighed .

.This time , the cattle team encountered the butcher of the rainstorm again .

.I don’t know if it’s good luck or bad luck .

.At the same time .

.The on-site investigation has officially ended .

.The corpse and head were put into body bags and brought back to the police station for a more detailed investigation .

.And others .

.Also started going around , going from house to house looking for witnesses .

.Wang Mo and Zhao Duoming spent the night looking for surveillance on all the surrounding streets .

.Hope to see suspicious people .

.And more police .

.It is patrolling around every corner of Linteng City .

.Look for suitable suspects in the character profiles given by Wang Mo.

.Lots of night taxi drivers in Linteng .

.It is the change in Linteng City that can be felt most tonight .

.usual .

.A police car that is hard to see in the middle of the night .

.tonight .

.It’s the same as not wanting money .

.On every street , every block , it keeps appearing !

.Watch this scene .

.Many taxi drivers probably understood and guessed something .

.Linteng City .

.Something big has happened !


.After half an hour .

.near the murder scene .

.Inside a shop .

.Wang Mo and Zhao Duoming are checking the monitoring here .

.The owner of the shop , who was just woken up by them , is still looking sleepy .

.But when he heard that someone died on the street outside , the boss ‘s eyes instantly became energized .

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