.These people , uncontrollable , looked at each other a few times .

.” Su Yuan , what do you mean by that look , doubting me ?” Sun Dayuan, Shen Nan’s counselor, frowned .

.His relationship with Su Yuan has not been very good , so when he saw Su Yuan’s gaze, he directly replied .

.Subsequently .

.He even faced Wang Modao directly .

.” Officer , I’m 100% not the murderer , you can trust me !”

.” Look at what you said , I’m not a murderer either . ”

.” Me neither !”

.Almost within seconds , these people began to want to prove their innocence , and began to speak .

.And watch their movements .

.Wang Mo waved his hand directly .

.” Whether it is the murderer , and whether there is any evidence , we will investigate slowly . ”

.” If you are really not the murderer , you just need to cooperate with our investigation . ”

.” I cooperate !”

.” I am not afraid of the shadow , nor am I afraid . ”

.” Quickly investigate me . ”

.Several professors also spoke directly , as if they were not afraid of investigation .

.see .

.Niu Yichao who was at the door couldn’t help but whispered Wang Mo’s name .

.” Wang Mo. ”

.Listening to the call , Wang Mo also turned to look at them and shook his head solemnly .

.From the moment you enter .

.He was always paying close attention to all the expressions and details on the faces of these six people .

.But these people .

.After hearing the message just now .

.performed .

.All quite perfect .

.Almost no one showed strange expressions and expressions .

.However .

.This was actually what Wang Mo had expected .

.Rainstorm Butcher , if it were so easy, it would be revealed .

.Then he .

.It is impossible for twenty years to pass without being caught by the police .

.At the same time .

.Wang Mo also continued to speak on the podium .

.” Before conducting a detailed investigation and interrogation against you , I think there is something that I must let you know first . ”

.” This incident is also the reason why you are on the police suspect list . ”

.After speaking , Wang Mo nodded to Zhao Duoming .

.And Zhao Duoming also turned on the projector in this classroom .

.Projected some information and photos on the screen .

.Subsequently .

.Wang Mocai continued .

.” You may not know . ”

.” At ten o’clock in the evening five days ago , until six in the morning the next day , the butcher of the rainstorm killed again . ”

.” This time , there were five victims in total . ”

.Between the words , on the projector , a picture of the murder scene and the human scarecrow appeared .

.Because these professors are all from medical schools and have a strong psychological capacity .

.So these photos are not blurred .

.And listening to Wang Mo’s voice , a lot of shocked expressions appeared on the faces of this group of people .

.” This matter , why is there no wind at all . ”

.The person who spoke was Li Dahai, the only security guard in the field .

.Listening to his voice , Wang Mo also replied .

.” For some reason , our police have not released information about this case . ”

.” And in this serial murder case after 20 years , there is still an important piece of information …”

.” This time , Rainstorm Butcher is not alone . ”

.” He also cultivated a new perverted murderer . ”

.” Two of the five dead were killed and dismembered by this new murderer . ”

.” And this man , you are very familiar . ”

.” He is also the reason why we locked you up . ”

.With Wang Mo’s voice falling .

.On the projector , Shen Nan’s photo slowly appeared .

.” This new murderer is Shen Nan !”

.Look at this photo .

.Shock and surprise appeared on the faces of the six people .

.He didn’t seem to have thought that Shen Nan was actually a serial murderer !

.And when Shen Nan’s photo appeared .

.His former counselor, Sun Dayuan , spoke directly .

.” Impossible , how could Xiao Shen be a murderer ?”

.” This is absolutely impossible , officer , did you investigate wrong ?”

.And this time .

.Not only Sun Dayuan , but several others could not help but speak .

.” How could Shen Nan kill people ? He was one of the best students in my subject at the time !” The person who spoke was Wu Shu, a professor of medicine at the medical school .

.” That’s right , the work of the Linteng City No. 2 Hospital is still my lead . ”

.Vice President Sun Honglai could n’t help but speak .

.in their eyes .

.Shen Nan’s future can be said to be bright and promising .

.How could it be a serial killer ?

.And on the field .

.There is only one person’s face , not too shocked , but a little pale in 3.1 .

.And in the expression, there seems to be a bit of regret .

.” Professor Su , is there anything you want to say ?”

.Looking at the expression of psychology professor Su Yuan , Wang Mo asked .

.And Su Yuan also opened his mouth , and then slowly opened his mouth after a while .

.” Actually . ”

.” When Shen Nan took my class , his curiosity about psychology was far beyond ordinary people . ”

.” Even , I will often come to me alone to talk about various topics related to psychology . ”

.” In the process . ”

.Su Yuan paused , with a little hesitation in his eyes , as if thinking about whether to say the next words .

.And after seeing Wang Mo ‘s eyes that couldn’t be rejected .

.Su Yuan continued .

.” In the process . ”

.” I did feel something wrong with Shen Nan . ”

Chapter 97 Everyone recalls , separate interrogation (1 kneeling and begging for full order !)

.With Su Yuan’s voice , it sounded in the classroom .

.a time .

.All eyes were drawn to him .

.” Lao Su , you’re not joking, are you ? Shen Nan really has a psychological problem ?”

.” It shouldn’t be , how could this kid kill someone ? ”

.” Lao Su , do n’t give a shit , tell me , what was wrong with Shen Nan when he was studying . ”

.other professors around .

.They also asked Su Yuan in succession.

.And after a moment of silence .

.Su Yuan also knew about this matter , which might be of great importance , so he did not continue to hide it .

.” Not long after school started , I felt that Shen Nan was curious about psychology . ”

.” And for a long time after that, he would often come to me and ask me a lot of psychological questions . ”

.” In the process , I discovered . ”

.” Shen Nan , he seems to lack a lot of empathy and empathy that ordinary people have . ”

.” And this kind of situation usually occurs in many serial killers and some psychopaths . ”

.inside the classroom .

.Professor Su Yuan is trying to remember .

.Shen Nan ‘s situation when he was studying in his hands .

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