.And listen to Wang Mo’s voice .

.Zhao Duoming also hurriedly waved his hand .

.” Don’t , don’t , I didn’t say that . The fewer such murderers, the better . ”

.” However . ” said here .

.Zhao Duoming came to Wang Mo’s side with a chair .

.” You kid , how is your development with Xiaoye now ?”

.” I heard her complain before , saying that you don’t understand the style and so on . ”

.” The whole police station is very clear about Xiaoye ‘s attitude towards you . ”

.” By the way , and Wang Ling , this little girl is also fascinated by you, what do you think ?”

.Just listen .

.Wang Mo was a little helpless .

.” You are a criminal police officer , what are you doing so gossip about ?”

.” Am I not curious ?” Zhao Duoming scratched his head embarrassedly .

.” Could it be that you still think Wang Ling is good ?”

.Listening to Zhao Duoming’s voice , Wang Mo pretended to think for a while .

.Then he said slowly .

.” I think they ‘re both good . ”

.Hearing this , Zhao Duoming was stunned for a moment .

.He tutted his mouth directly .

.” You kid , do n’t you have a small appetite ? Can you eat it? I can tell you that the crime of heavy/marriage is against the law ! ”

.After listening , Wang Mo really thought about it .

.At present , he really did not focus on this .

.These two girls seem to be doing well , and there is no need to make a decision now .

.And this time .

.Looking at Wang Mo’s police rank , Zhao Duoming couldn’t help but said again .

.” However , seeing that your rank is the same as mine , I’m a little uncomfortable . ”

.” What’s wrong . ” Wang Mo smiled .

.” Aren’t you anyway , have you been assisting my investigation all the time ? ”

.After the Storm Butcher murders are over .

.The director also made an exception for the title again and submitted an application upwards .

.Now Wang Mo’s police rank is the same as Zhao Duoming , a third-level superintendent .

.At the same time .

.Just when the two were chatting while eating .

.A new detective walked in with a large bag of drinks .

.” Come here , seniors have been waiting for a long time . ”

.This person is Qiu Yu, a new trainee police officer from the Second Criminal Investigation Team .

.It ‘s only a week since I joined the Second Criminal Investigation Team .

.And this week .

.What he is in charge of is basically some errand work .

.Every trainee police officer , when he first arrived , is basically like this .

.Looking at the others , Qiu Yu’s appearance was instructed .

.Only then did Wang Mo understand how happy he was when he first joined the police force .

.Not just not doing the errands .

.even .

.He is also actively responsible for the investigation of many cases .

.When I first joined the police force , I could arrange Zhao Duoming and the others .

.If it weren’t for his three years in the police academy , he made a lot of money with ‘ Sherlock Holmes ‘ .

.Afraid of myself at the time .

.Like Qiu Yu, he will start slowly from the bottom .

.” Officer Wang Mo , your coffee . ”

.Just entered the second team of criminal investigation .

.Qiu Yu ran directly to Wang Mo’s desk and took out a cup of coffee .

.When he was at the police academy , he had already heard many legends about Wang Mo.

.One month ago, Wang Mo’s investigation of the rainstorm butcher case made him admire Wang Mo immensely .

.So. _

.Although Wang Mo didn’t give him any instructions .

.But every time I buy something .

.Qiu Yu was the first to bring it to Wang Mo.

.And Wang Mo also nodded at him and asked Qiu Yu to put the coffee on his table .

.Subsequently .

.Qiu Yu also returned to his desk and helped others organize the documents .

.But he did so .

.On the other hand , he couldn’t help but asked Wang Mo.

.” Officer Wang Mo , can you tell me more about the skinning case in Haidu City ? ”

.Listening to Qiu Yu’s voice , Wang Mo was also a little helpless .

.” I’ve said it several times , why do you still want to hear it ? ”

.” I’m not bored . ”

.” It’s been a week since I joined the police force and the biggest case I’ve ever investigated is a burglary . ”

.” In the end, it was found that the reporter’s wallet was not stolen , but dropped under the sofa . ”

.There was a lot of helplessness in Qiu Yu’s tone .

.Those of them who just graduated from the police academy not long ago .

.Basically, all they want is to participate in the investigation of some major case .

.And listening to Qiu Yu’s voice , Wang Mo smiled .

.” If you are really bored , go to see some unsolved cases in the bureau more , maybe you can find some clues , in that case , your trainee time will be greatly shortened . ”

.After listening , Qiu Yu shook his head directly .

�? �

.” These unsolved cases , if there are any clues , must have been discovered by police officer Wang Mo. If there is information that you can’t find , it’s even less likely for me to find it . ”

.Speaking of which .

.Qiu Yu couldn’t help but stop what he was doing .

.Look out the window .

.The next second , he couldn’t help but murmured .

.” I do n’t know , when will I be able to participate in the investigation of the major case . ”

.With Qiu Yu’s words sounded .

.next second .

.In the entire Second Criminal Investigation Team , almost all the police officers could not help but stop their movements and looked towards Qiu Yu .

.The air seemed to have become quiet .

.Wang Mo and Zhao Duoming , who were still eating, also stopped their hands and looked at Qiu Yu .

.instant .

.Qiu Yu felt the icy gazes coming from behind him .

.” Everyone , seniors , what’s the matter ?”

.Before he finished speaking , Qiu Yu had already reacted .

.It seems that in the police station , the police officers who have just joined the police force have some words , but they can’t talk nonsense !

.And Wang Mo and others were also somewhat helpless .

.In many police stations , there is a strange spell .

.The police officers who have just entered the police station cannot say anything casually , and want to conduct a major investigation .

.Otherwise , problems are likely to occur .

.In particular , it cannot be said while eating .

.At the same time .

.Just when many detectives were praying that nothing would happen .

.The door of the second criminal investigation team was directly opened by Niu Yichao .

.A voice resounded in the room instantly .

.” Wang Mo , Li Hao , each bring a group with me . ”

.” In a hotel , a tourist named Lan Keer disappeared mysteriously . ”

…. inches .

Chapter 111 Weird surveillance video , bizarre missing women ! (4)

.Linteng City .

.on a certain road .

.Two police cars are speeding towards somewhere .

.And in a leading police car .

.Wang Mo and Zhao Duoming sitting in the back seat .

.Looking at various preliminary information on the case .

.”The missing person is named Lan Ke’er , twenty-five years old , a tourist who has just arrived in Linteng City . ”

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