August 12th.

Yangcheng City Bureau.

trial room.

"Chen Yi! I rested for half an hour, is that okay?!"

"Can you answer the question?"

"Hurry up and explain the whole process of killing Liu Ge seriously and carefully!"

In a daze, Chen Yi raised his heavy eyelids and opened his eyes.

There was deep confusion and doubt in his eyes.

The familiar interrogation words echoed in his ears. He had questioned the suspect like this countless times.

Now, why is it my turn?


Didn't I have an accident?

not dead? ?

Chen Yi raised his head slightly, and his vision gradually became clearer, replacing the blurriness of high myopia.

In front of him was a table with a lamp on it. The dazzling light made him squint his eyes.

On the right side of the table is the young police officer in charge of recording.

The young police officer put his hands on the keyboard, stopped typing, and looked at him expressionlessly.

On the left side of the table is an older middle-aged man with his hands folded, a stern face and sharp eyes.

Next to it, stood a young man.

Judging from the look in his eyes, he should be the one who spoke just now.

In addition, there were two police officers standing nearby, a total of five people.

Oh, plus six of us.

trial room.

Chen Yi immediately realized that this was an interrogation room.

He is a suspect being interrogated.

How is this going?

Even if I'm not dead, I should be in the hospital right now. Why am I in the interrogation room?


Chen Yi subconsciously lowered his head and looked at his body.


How could he remain unscathed after falling from such a height? ?



There is no such real dream.

"Chen Yi! Can't you hear what I said?!"

At this moment, the young man next to the middle-aged man spoke again, his voice cold and his eyes extremely oppressive.

When facing a suspect, you must outshine the other person in terms of momentum, so that you can take the initiative.

Serious criminals are not simple people.

Chen Yi was still silent and began to digest his memories.

Soon he accepted the fact that he had traveled through time.

Does traveling through time after death count as rebirth?

But after all, I am also an internationally renowned world-class detective. What if I traveled through time and turned into a suspect?

It's a bit ironic.

I didn't fall to death before, but when I traveled through time, I was going to be imprisoned or even shot?

What is the difference between this and not traveling through time? It would be better to just die.

Isn’t it funny?

Fortunately, what is certain is that he definitely did not kill anyone.

The deceased Liu Ge was his college classmate in this world. The so-called financial dispute was actually that Liu Ge borrowed money from him.

No more, no less, three hundred thousand.

Chen Yi didn't expect that he was still a rich second generation with a very prosperous family background.

He did not go to collect the account on the day of the incident.

The two have a good relationship with each other, and Liu Ge has his own software company and has the ability to repay the money. With only 300,000 yuan, there is no need to come to the door to ask for the debt in such a hurry, and there is no need to kill people.

Is it a frame-up?

Finding a scapegoat, Jin Chan, to escape from his shell is considered a relatively advanced modus operandi.

He had encountered two similar cases before.

A perfect crime is barely achievable, but a perfect frame-up is still quite difficult.

Do more, make more mistakes.

Do less, make fewer mistakes.

"I didn't kill anyone."

After the memory fragments were spliced, Chen Yi's face calmed down and he moved his stiff legs a little.

My feet are off the ground, and my clever IQ has taken over the high ground again.

As a world-class detective, his IQ is quite terrifying.

In the professional field, he is proficient in criminal psychology and trace detection technology.

The record of zero unsolved cases is not just a boast.

"No murder?" The young police officer looked angry and pointed at Chen Yida: "Only your and the deceased's fingerprints were on the murder weapon, and the deceased and you had a financial dispute!"

"You yourself admitted that you had been to the deceased's house before the incident, and the time matched."

"The time of the crime, the motive of the crime, the location of the crime, and the method of committing the crime are all here. Now you tell me that you did not kill anyone?!"

"Chen Yi, please be honest with me! Answer me seriously!"

Chen Yi frowned slightly.

According to normal logic, such a complete chain of evidence can basically lead to a conviction.

It can't be that coincidental.

Even if he faced this situation, he would immediately list himself as a major suspect in this case.

Interrogation is indispensable.

Did he have his fingerprints on the murder weapon? How can this be?

Oh, right.

When he was at Liu Ge's house, he did eat a few oranges with a fruit knife.

In other words, is the murder weapon the fruit knife?

After he left, the murderer entered Liu Ge's house and killed Liu Ge with the fruit knife?

Since there were only Liu Ge's and his own fingerprints on the murder weapon, the murderer must have used counter-detection methods when committing the murder.

For example, wear gloves.

Or, apply glue on the fingertips.

As long as it is a deliberate murder, in today's world of advanced network information, it is relatively easy to avoid leaving fingerprints at the scene.

If nothing else, you can find out by searching online.

If so...

Was he just so unlucky that he was inexplicably made a scapegoat for the murderer?

Is the murderer so lucky?

It's also possible that it was a deliberate frame-up?

He doesn't know the complete facts of the case at the moment, and it's impossible for the police to tell him the investigation situation of the crime scene, so everything is still unknown.

Need to ask.

After a brief moment of thinking, Chen Yi said: "Motive for committing the crime? Wrong."

"It's Liu Ge who owes me 300,000 yuan, not me who owes him 300,000 yuan."

"If he dies, who can I ask for the money?"

"From this logic, I can't possibly attack Liu Ge before he pays back the money, right?"

The young police officer was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to retort.

Why did this kid suddenly become so clear-minded? People seemed to have calmed down completely.

The middle-aged man next to him raised his eyebrows and said in a voice: "That said, if he refuses to pay back the money, it is possible that you will kill him in anger."

"Am i right?"

Chen Yi smiled slightly: "The captain is right, this is indeed a possibility."

"But there is another possibility. I didn't kill the person."

"Although the fingerprints on the murder weapon alone, plus the time and location, form a relatively complete chain of evidence, it is not ironclad evidence and is worthy of scrutiny."

"At least you can't clearly reconstruct the incident, because the footprints don't match up. Is there any discrepancy in what I said?"

"Criminal investigation must be rigorous."

The middle-aged man was surprised by the opponent's sudden smile and precise counterattack.

Before he fell asleep, he was very nervous and stumbling while facing the police interrogation.

Why did I feel like I was a different person after I woke up, with a calm demeanor and much clearer thinking.

"How do you know I'm the captain?"

The middle-aged man spoke.

Chen Yi asked back: "Isn't it?"

The middle-aged man was slightly silent, nodded and said: "Zhou Yebin, Yangcheng City Bureau Criminal Investigation Detachment."

"It turns out to be Captain Zhou. I've admired him for a long time." The smile on Chen Yi's face never disappeared.

Zhou Yebin's expression remained serious and he said, "It seems that you can communicate with us normally."

"That's good. Let's talk about what happened at the time of the crime in detail."

"Please don't leave out any details."

Please read the new book, thank you!

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