In the office, Zhao Qiming and others looked at each other. These two sentences were really strange and made people confused for a while.

Although it is currently unclear, there are two key points that can be extracted.

First, Cao Yuning redeems himself.

Second, Cao Yuning believed that his father had gone crazy.

So, why did he redeem himself, and why did his father become obsessed?

Thinking more deeply, what did Cao Yuning's father do to make Cao Yuning give a crazy evaluation?

"Can you understand?"

After speaking, Zhu Yulei glanced at Chen Yi, and then looked at Zhao Qiming and the others.

He knew very well that there must be a reason why the criminal police from the city bureau came to ask about Cao Yuning. Either something happened to Cao Yuning, or Cao Yuning committed a crime.

Or maybe it was involved in a criminal case.

Based on his understanding of Cao Yuning, it is impossible for the other party to do anything illegal, so it is very likely that something happened.

After guessing this, he was very eager to know what happened to Cao Yuning.

When the criminal police came to the door, something must have happened, but he had already been refused an answer once, and now he couldn't ask more questions. He could only wait for the police to leave and then call Cao Yuning's wife to find out more about the situation.

But although you can't ask directly, you can still make insinuations.

That's why he asked this question.

Unfortunately, Chen Yi did not answer his question directly and continued to ask: "Director Zhu, did Cao Yuning's father really die of illness?"

This question surprised Zhu Yulei and nodded: "Of course it's true."

"When Cao Yuning's father was hospitalized, I would visit him every once in a while with my things. I occasionally heard what the doctor said about stomach problems and high blood pressure."

Chen Yi: "What caused it?"

Zhu Yulei: "Ah?"

Chen Yi repeated: "Any disease has a cause. Have you heard the doctor tell you the cause?"

Zhu Yulei raised his head and pondered: "It has something to do with living habits."

When asked, Chen Yi took out his mobile phone, searched, and said: "One of the causes of high blood pressure is depression."

"Is Cao Yuning's father suffering from depression? How is he feeling?"

Hearing this, Zhu Yulei suddenly realized: "It's true what you said. Uncle Cao was really in a bad mood during that time. He didn't know what he was thinking about all day long, and he was unwilling to chat with me, which made me sad. I once thought I had offended him somewhere."

Chen Yi rubbed his fingers out of habit and said to himself: "It seems that Cao Yuning knows what he is thinking."

Zhu Yulei couldn't hear clearly: "Huh? What did you say?"

Chen Yi shook his head: "Nothing."

"Then shortly after Cao Yuning's father passed away, Cao Yuning had plans to switch to another department, right?"

Zhu Yulei nodded: "Yes, so I said that his change of lineage should be due to the death of his father."

"In Cao Yuning's eyes, his father is his role model throughout his life. This incident is still a huge blow to Cao Yuning."

Chen Yi: "Going forward, during high school, junior high school and even elementary school, did Cao Yuning have any big changes during this process?"

"Or, is there a sudden change in Cao Yuning's family?"

Zhu Yulei briefly recalled it and said, "I don't remember it."

Chen Yi: "How is Cao Yuning's character and outlook on life?"

Zhu Yulei replied: "He's just an ordinary person. I can't say he's good or bad. He's always an introvert. Since his father passed away, he doesn't like to talk anymore. When he drinks with me, he's not as active as before."

"There are only two things in his life, one is his family and the other is the platform."

Half an hour later, Chen Yi and others walked out of the street office.

This time it really was not in vain. Now my understanding of Cao Yuning is more concrete and intuitive.

Especially... that strange sentence.

"Team Leader Chen, what do you think redemption and obsession represent?" Zhao Qiming said: "If it's redemption, then there must be someone guilty. If there is someone guilty, there must be a victim. If there are victims, isn't this case a vendetta? ?”

The possibility of a vendetta has never been ruled out, which is easy to relate to.

Chen Yi lit a cigarette and said: "At present, it seems that the possibility of vendetta has increased. Based on this, why is Cao Yuning's father involved?"

"Let's think about this sentence: understand human nature, sublimate others, and redeem yourself."

"To be more specific, what kind of human nature can you understand? What kind of self can you redeem?"

Zhao Qiming shook his head, Zhuo Yun and Qin Fei were also silent. It is very difficult to analyze something made out of nothing.

Chen Yi continued: "After that, my father became obsessed."

"Cao Yuning said that his father went crazy instead of himself. What does this mean? This shows that the key point is likely to be Cao Yuning's father."

"What Cao Yuning wants to understand is his father or others, and what he wants to redeem is the sin caused by his father."

"Then, let's put aside Cao Yuning and focus directly on his father. Based on the assumption of vendetta, we can make a bold inference."

"The person the murderer wanted to kill was not Cao Yuning at all."

After hearing this, the expressions of the three people changed.

Chen Yi: "The person the murderer wanted to kill was actually Cao Yuning's father, but he found out that Cao Yuning's father was dead."

"Whether it was due to the repayment of the father's debt or other reasons, the murderer placed a certain amount of debt directly on Cao Yuning, which resulted in Cao Yuning's brutal murder."

"I seem to understand now why the expression on the face of the deceased Cao Yuning is richer. I even saw his muscles smiling."

"If the hypothesis and inference are true, Cao Yuning is really smiling, but it is not a happy smile, but a bitter smile."

"Perhaps he understood human nature, sublimated others, and redeemed himself. In the end, he did not escape...the disaster that affected Chi Yu."

Zhao Qiming took a breath. Although it was just an inference, he felt it was quite reasonable and could completely overlap with Cao Yuning's two sentences.

He is worthy of being a person that the provincial department focuses on cultivating, and his thinking ability is incomparable to his own.

Under Chen Yi's guidance, his thoughts were opened up, and he then said: "Is this the real reason why Cao Yuning switched departments?"

"Originally Cao Yuning didn't know anything, but his father told him something before he died. This caused Cao Yuning to be deeply shocked and shocked, and he decided to switch careers."

Chen Yi slowly exhaled a puff of smoke and nodded: "It makes sense. Let's follow this logic and continue to think about why he must change departments."

"Originally we thought that the reason why Cao Yuning changed his major was because his father's death made him lose interest in history. But now it seems that it is not that simple."

"Can we think that the history major is highly related to what his father said, which has left him with a psychological shadow."

Zhao Qiming nodded immediately: "That's right! Uh... Team Leader Chen, I really admire you now. The known clues are connected with the previous hypothesis, which shows that the accuracy rate is very high."

On the other side, Zhuo Yun and Qin Fei glanced at him, as if they saw their former selves.

They had also gone through this process when they were in Yangcheng. Ever since they met Chen Yi, they had never stopped being surprised and admired.

If you could hear the voices of the two people, there would be one sentence: Captain Zhao, just get used to it, look at your unseen look.

Chen Yi ignored Zhao Qiming's compliment and asked a new question: "So what exactly does Cao Yuning know?"

"If the murderer who killed Cao Yuning is the same person as the serial killer more than ten years ago, then there is a high probability that the five victims from more than ten years ago were also involved in this matter."

"Just like the example I gave before, Zhang San and Li Si did not know each other, but one of them suffered injuries, and it was very likely that they were physically injured."

Zhao Qiming couldn't answer this question and fell into deep thought.

At this time, Qin Fei hesitated for a moment, then plucked up the courage and said, "I have a friend who studies history."

Several people looked over.

Qin Fei continued: "There are many future directions for history, such as teachers, Chinese studies, cultural heritage, language heritage, cultural relic appraisal and restoration, etc."

"Does this involve plagiarism of research results?"

Hearing this, Zhao Qiming's eyes lit up: "It is possible, are the first five victims related?"

Chen Yi said: "Qin Fei is right, but it is probably not because of academics, but because of the identification and restoration of cultural relics."

"History and archeology complement each other. Is this the breaking point?"

These words shocked Zhao Qiming: "The antique market is very complicated. As an outsider, I know that the water inside is very deep. Anything can happen here."

"Could it be involved in crimes such as counterfeiting of cultural relics, fraud, and tomb robbing?"

Chen Yi nodded slightly: "After pushing it all the way, it is indeed possible that there are cultural relic counterfeiting, fraud, burial and other cultural relic-related incidents."

"The deceased was buried in the soil, so we have to think of tomb robbing. In this case, the motive of the behavior will be clear."

Zhao Qiming thoughtfully said: "Yes, the deceased's death state is very similar. We need more clues."

Chen Yi: "Yes, we need more clues to verify and correct our inferences, and continue to investigate."

"If you are going in the right direction, you need to ask a professional."

"Don't tell me, I have a friend who I met just once. He is an archaeologist in Jiangcheng."

Zhao Qiming was surprised: "Oh? Team leader Chen knows an archaeologist?"

Chen Yi nodded: "Yes, we met by chance."

"When I was shopping with my girlfriend in Yangcheng, I happened to encounter a car accident. The person who was hit was an old woman. The perpetrator was drunk and had a serious mental illness. I participated in the handling."

"This friend of mine who we met just once is the grandson of the old lady. We left each other's contact information."

"If necessary in a few days, I'll call him and ask."

Zhao Qiming nodded: "So that's it, eh? The perpetrator is mentally ill? Is that literal?"

Chen Yi looked at Zhao Qiming in surprise: "Of course not, I scolded her."

Zhao Qiming was embarrassed: "Oh...I'm sorry, haha."

"Team Leader Chen, how will we investigate after that?"

Chen Yi thought for a while and said: "We have finished visiting our family and friends. Let's continue visiting Cao Yuning's colleagues and students to see if there is anything new."

"At this time, we have until tomorrow morning, and then we will go to Cao Yuning's father's house tomorrow afternoon to have a look. Maybe we can find something."

"By the way, does Cao Yuning's mother know about this?"

Zhao Qiming: "I don't know. We only informed his wife. I don't know if Mrs. Cao told Cao Yuning's mother."

"For such a big thing, I feel like it should be kept secret for how long, right?"

Her husband and son all died, which is a fatal blow to an old man. In grief and despair, he may go to the hospital directly.

Chen Yi: "I'll make a phone call later and tell him that we need to go to Cao Yuning's father's house to investigate the case."

Zhao Qiming: "Okay, I understand."

It was noon the next day. After dinner, Chen Yi and the others drove to Cao Yuning's father's house.

Cao Yuning’s father is Cao Maojun.

According to Zhao Qiming's understanding, Cao Yuning's mother doesn't know about this matter yet. It seems that Mrs. Cao really wants to hide it. She will take it as long as she can, and she won't hide it until she can't.

The visit to Cao Yuning's colleagues has come to an end. Unfortunately, there is no new gain. I can only say that I have a deeper understanding of Cao Yuning's character and character.

In school, Cao Yuning has a good reputation and is very helpful. All interviewees have positive comments about Cao Yuning, without exception.

This also made Chen Yi and others sigh once again, which was a pity.

In another ten or twenty years, Cao Yuning should be a very respected old professor in Jiangcheng University, a role model.

Unexpectedly, he died before the age of forty, and it was a homicide.

If the inference is true, it is even more regrettable that it is an unreasonable disaster.

Soon, several people came to the door of Cao Maojun's house and opened the door by entering the password.

The password is a temporary password, provided by Mrs. Cao, and will become invalid after one use.

As for Cao Yuning's mother, Mrs. Cao had already called her away in advance to accompany her grandson, which would also facilitate Chen Yi's investigation.

Mrs. Cao is naturally eager to catch the murderer, so she will cooperate with the police as much as possible as long as they are not excessive.

At the door, Chen Yi and the others put on shoe covers and gloves and walked in immediately.

This community is a home for faculty and staff families. It is a decades-old building with three bedrooms and two living rooms, about 90 square meters.

There is no entrance hall when you walk into the room, just the living room sofa and coffee table. There is a TV hanging on the opposite wall, and under the TV is a TV cabinet against the wall.

The furniture is Chinese style, with dark red solid wood and a sense of age.

It can be seen that Cao's mother is a person who pays attention to home hygiene. The floor is clean and the room is tidy, which makes people feel very comfortable.

"Let's take a look separately. Zhuo Yun and Qin Fei, you go to the bedroom. Captain Zhao and I will go to the study."

Several people moved and scattered.

When you walk into the study room, you will see a bookcase with various books arranged on it, and there are also ornaments on the empty seats.

Although the room was clean, it seemed very deserted. It must have been that no one had used it for a long time.

Cao's mother probably just regarded this place as a memory. She didn't touch Cao Maojun's original things, but only came to clean it regularly.

The state of old people living alone is generally like this. Wherever they look, there are only memories left.

Fortunately, the two families are not far apart, and Cao's mother can often visit her son and grandson. It is hard to imagine how she would react when she learned about her son's death.

What a human tragedy.

Zhao Qiming went to the desk, while Chen Yi stood in front of the bookcase, scanning up and down, left and right.

At a certain moment, his eyes froze and he pulled out a book called "A Brief History of Humanity".

This book is relatively old. Cao Maojun should have read it frequently during his lifetime. Chen Yi briefly browsed it. It is based on historical archaeology and also takes into account evolution theory and sociology.

Chen Yi put it back and continued to pull out the second, third, and fourth books.

"Introduction to Archeology", "Comprehensive Series of Cultural Relics Appreciation", "Appreciation of Ancient Gold and Silverware".

The traces of reading these books over a long period of time are very obvious.

Chen Yi put them back one by one, continued to search, and found a yellowed folk book in the corner, which was also about the identification of antiquities.

"Although Cao Maojun is a professor of history, he seems to be extremely interested in archeology." Chen Yi said.

On the other side, Zhao Qiming, who was carefully searching for valid information, turned back: "Really? History and archeology are inseparable, right?"

Chen Yi: "There is no separation of families, but there must be a focus."

"Archaeology in history is only a branch, and history in archeology is only an auxiliary. But Cao Maojun has done the opposite. He should study archeology."

Zhao Qiming turned around and walked over, looked at the book in Chen Yi's hand, and said, "The clues and inferences match up. Could it be that Cao Yuning's death and even the deaths of the five victims more than ten years ago have anything to do with archeology or cultural relics?" ?”

Chen Yi put the book in his hand back to its original place and said, "We don't know yet whether there is any connection. We need to restart the investigation to find the connection."

After speaking, he raised his head slightly, reached out and picked up an ornament on it.

This is a porcelain vase, but I don’t know whether it is real or fake.

There are three or four of these antique-looking ornaments on the bookcase, and the others look like modern craftsmanship.

Chen Yi looked at it for a while but didn't see anything interesting. After putting it back, he took out his mobile phone and took a few photos.

"When you get some time, find someone to evaluate it. There's no rush now." He said.

Zhao Qiming was also looking at these ornaments. Hearing this, he said: "If it is true and the price is beyond the affordability of normal university professors, then there is an explanation."

"Maybe, Team Leader Chen, you guessed it right. He went to the tomb to steal it."

"Cao Yuning said that his father was obsessed with madness, which may be what he was referring to. If a historian studies cultural relics to the point of going crazy, he may very well do something illegal."

Chen Yi put away his mobile phone: "What you said is a normal analysis, how can it be called guessing."

Zhao Qiming smiled: "Improper wording, inappropriate wording, sorry."

After knowing each other for a few days, the two have become quite familiar with each other, and they can be considered friends who fight side by side.

"What did you find on the desk?" Chen Yi turned to look in the direction of the desk and asked.

Zhao Qiming replied: "They are all sundries, stationery and the like."

Chen Yi nodded: "Okay, let's go and have a look in the bedroom."

The bedroom is very normal, with only women's clothes left.

Generally, after an old person dies, his or her clothes will be burned or buried, and few of them will be retained.

Death is like a light going out, so personal things are still taboo.

Several people left Cao Maojun's home.

In the previous chapter, I wrote five years younger. I forgot about it. Thanks to a reader for reminding me, it has been revised.

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