Detective: Open your eyes, I am handcuffed in the interrogation room

Chapter 149 I’m just being polite, are you serious?

Several people entered the store.

Maybe it's because the windows don't let in enough light, so the lights are on even in broad daylight. The lights are dim yellow, but for some reason they don't use brighter white lights.

Maybe the yellow light can add an ancient flavor to the antiques.

Just like when you go to the supermarket to buy pork, those lights can make the color of the meat very fresh, but when the lights are turned off, it will return to its original color.

The spatial layout of the store is dense and dense, so it doesn't look crowded or empty.

Various calligraphy and paintings are hung on the left and right walls, and more are antique ornaments. On the mahogany table in the distance, there are also valuable-looking ceramics on display.

How should I put it, the atmosphere in the entire store is very quiet, with a hint of solemnity in it.

At this time, there were already two guests wandering around, commenting on the things in front of them from time to time, but they soon lost interest and walked out of the door.

In the corner, an old man was sitting there, drinking tea and looking at the book in his hand.

The binding of the book is a bit old, maybe it's because the book is really old, or maybe it's intentional due to modern workmanship.

"Mr. Wu."

After the two guests left, Chen Yi came straight here and spoke with a smile.

The other party is quite Buddhist. He doesn't entertain customers when they come to his door. He doesn't seem to be very active in making money. Is he opening a shop just for his hobby? Or is that the character?

Wu Muyang subconsciously raised his head.

Like most old people, he is in a twilight state and is not as energetic as some old people who exercise regularly and have a good mentality.

It should be related to the experience of being in prison.

"Who are you, do you know me?"

Wu Muyang was a little strange.

After he was released from prison many years ago, he had become very low-key, no longer doing "working in the soil" or making new friends.

It’s okay for older people to know me, but it’s really rare for someone to know me at such a young age.

Chen Yi chuckled: "Hello, Mr. Wu, we are criminal police."

Hearing this, Wu Muyang was stunned for a moment, then closed the book in front of him, with a calm expression: "Young man, what do you want from me?"

It is true that he cannot be suspected of a criminal offense, so he cannot be afraid.

Chen Yi: "I would like to ask Mr. Wu some questions. Isn't it convenient?"

Wu Muyang: "It's inconvenient."

Chen Yi: "Uh..."

The refusal was straightforward.

Zhao Qiming on the side said: "Mr. Wu, please cooperate with the police investigation..."

Before he finished speaking, Wu Muyang continued with a smile: "It is an obligation that every citizen should fulfill, but I don't have to fulfill it."

Zhao Qiming frowned.

Chen Yizheng was thinking about what to say when Wu Muyang suddenly changed his voice: "But... if you are willing to pay, I can chat with you."

"How about a thousand dollars for half an hour?"

These words made Chen Yi raise his eyebrows slightly: "Okay."

As long as the problem can be solved with money, it is not a problem for him.

After he finished speaking, he made a gesture. Qin Fei understood, and immediately turned around and came to the door, hung up the "resting" sign, and closed the door.

Immediately, he stood back.

Zhao Qiming hesitated to speak, but since Chen Yi agreed, he was not prepared to say more.

It should be... reimbursable, right?


If not, it won't cost much if everyone shares it equally, provided that this old guy doesn't deliberately delay the time.

Seeing Chen Yi's agreement, Wu Muyang's eyes lit up and he stood up with a smile: "Come on, come on, distinguished guest, sit here."

It seems that Wu Muyang is not not interested in making money. After being a boss for a long time, he has gained experience and knows when to receive guests and when to ignore them.

Maybe a hundred customers usually come in and out, and if you can make one or two transactions, it's considered a success.

A few people were seated at the mahogany table.

There was not enough space, so Zhuo Yun and Qin Fei chose to stand behind Chen Yi.

"What do you call me, young man?" Wu Muyang glanced at Chen Yi and fiddled with the tea set in front of him.

Chen Yi: "My name is Chen Yi."

Wu Muyang hummed: "What a good name. What do you want to talk to me about? Start counting now."

While speaking, he also specifically remembered the current time.

Chen Yi didn't care and said, "Can't Mr. Wu guess it?"

Hearing this, Wu Muyang paused in making tea for a second, and then said with a smile: "I have stopped doing the job of fighting back and forth a long time ago. In fact, it is useless for you to ask me. I am also a local rat in Jiangcheng." We don’t know each other, how about we talk about something else?”

Chen Yi: "No, let's just talk about tomb robbing, which is what you call reverse fighting."

"But there is a prerequisite. Mr. Wu must tell the truth, and if he knows anything, he must tell me, whether it is the name of a person or a place."

Hearing this, Wu Muyang's face changed slightly. After hesitating for a while, he said: "Then I won't take this job. Just give me a hundred yuan."

With that said, he stretched out his hand to Chen Yi.

Chen Yi narrowed his eyes: "Mr. Wu, you must earn this money."

The sharp eyes and the faintly threatening aura made Wu Muyang's heart tremble. This young man had something, and he had definitely experienced big scenes.

He smiled coquettishly: "Well... Xiao Chen, you don't know, there are rules in this business."

"If I betray some people and some things, I will be buried alive."

Chen Yi smiled lightly and said: "It doesn't matter, I'm asking about things that happened twenty-five years ago or even earlier, and the person involved is probably dead."

Wu Muyang shook his head: "That won't work either."

Chen Yi stared at Wu Muyang and said, "Mr. Wu, you are here to investigate the case. I think you know that too."

"I want to say two things. First, I am the leader of the task force sent by the provincial department."

"Second, this case involves six lives."

Wu Muyang's expression changed, and he looked at the young man in front of him in surprise.

The leader of the task force sent by the provincial department? So young? !

Also, six people died, such a big case!

He was a little shocked,

Chen Yi's tone slowed down: "Mr. Wu, this case spans a long time and there are many victims. The murderer is likely to continue killing people. Please help me."

"I'll double the price, two thousand, or you can make a price."

He didn't want to be too tough, because only Wu Muyang himself knew whether what Wu Muyang said next was true or false.

It would be difficult for him to tell the difference if you deliberately lied to him, not to mention the possibility of concealing it.

This person obviously has a good status in this industry, so he must ensure the integrity and authenticity of the information as much as possible.

After Wu Muyang was silent for a long time, he sighed: "Okay, but you must promise not to say my name, let alone mention my name in the file."

"As for the price...this is what you said yourself. It has nothing to do with me. Double it by two thousand."

Chen Yi nodded: "Okay."

Wu Muyang continued to make tea, placed it in front of several people one by one, and said, "Then you can ask."

Chen Yi picked up the tea cup and took a sip, and said: "Don't worry, Mr. Wu can earn more. Let's talk about the tomb robbing business first."

"Just start... holding the pot."

Wu Muyang was surprised: "Do you still need to ask? The Internet is not very developed now, you can search it yourself."

Chen Yi smiled and said: "It's okay, it's just chatting."

Wu Muyang nodded and said: "Zhiguo is the backbone of the reverse fighting team. They are usually experienced old rats. They are responsible for gathering the rest of the team. It is easy to understand."

Chen Yi: "If an inexperienced person gets a location in an ancient tomb, do you think he can hold up the pot?"

Wu Muyang: "It's possible, but it still needs to be led by experienced people."

Chen Yi: "What happens after the pot is set up?"

Wu Muyang: "After holding the pot, there are the palm eyes and legs. The palm eyes require accurate judgment and the ability to identify cultural relics. The legs are for work, digging tombs and removing obstacles, etc."

Chen Yi nodded slightly, and after confirming that what the other party said was the same as Tao Shangli, he asked: "Mr. Wu, let me give you an example. Listen to it."

"Suppose I get the location of an ancient tomb but have little experience and need a team to go to the tomb together."

"Then, I first found an experienced person who was proficient in acupoint fixation. He also helped me find a palm eye and five legs, and then we went to the tomb together."

"After the results came out, the goods in our hands were not valuable after appraisal, and there were also fake ones. Only Zhang Yan had the real ones. What is going on?"

Wu Muyang said matter-of-factly: "Do you still need to ask? Palm Eyes has tricked you."

Chen Yi: "What if someone else dies abnormally?"

"Huh?" Wu Muyang's eyes narrowed slightly, "Has a seed occurred?"

Chen Yi: "What do you mean?"

Wu Muyang: "Oh, the only way to survive is to kill each other and kill your accomplices."

Chen Yi thought for a while and said: "The Palm Eyes deceived us into thinking that what we were holding was genuine, and then they killed each other in the process, right?"

Wu Muyang nodded: "According to what you said, that should be the case."

Chen Yi: "If none of us know each other, but only one person dies, how can we explain this situation?"

Wu Muyang picked up the tea cup and said: "Then there are many possibilities. Maybe during the fight, several people reached a consensus and jointly dealt with someone."

"It mainly depends on who you are talking about."

Chen Yi: “The core of the team, the organizer, the experienced acupuncture pointer, and the real pot supporter.”

Hearing this, Wu Muyang smiled: "Then I understand, it's simple."

"The proprietor, there are interests skewed. This matter needs to be explained clearly before departure."

"For example, it is more common to occupy a larger proportion in distribution."

"If it were me, I would choose the first choice, which means that I have the right to choose first if I get the money together."

"Since I have priority, I will naturally take the most valuable ones, and the corresponding risks will be greater, so I generally won't go to the grave with strangers... uh, work."

"It's easy to get dozens, millions or even tens of millions of things. Money is so exciting."

Chen Yi was silent for a moment and continued to ask: "Does Zhiguo know about cultural relic appraisal?"

Wu Muyang: "I understand, but it's not as good as the palm eye, otherwise why would the palm eye be used?"

Chen Yi: "So in my team, Zhi Guo might have also been cheated. He died for the crime of carrying a jade. The irony is that the thing he wanted to protect was actually worthless."

Wu Muyang nodded: "Yes, it is possible."

"But as you mentioned, the age of the tomb needs to be more recent. The closer it is, the more fakes there are."

Chen Yi: "What about clearing the tomb?"

Wu Muyang: "Cleaning the tomb? Clearing the tomb is almost the same. The most valuable ones are the official kilns and jades. The rest are basically included in the museum. If you are lucky, you might find something from the Ming and Tang dynasties or even earlier."

Chen Yi: "Is it possible that there is a mirror with relatively high value?"

Wu Muyang served tea to Chen Yixu and said, "Bronze mirror? Bronze mirrors from the Tang, Ming and Song dynasties are quite rare."

Chen Yi: "For example?"

Wu Muyang: "For example, the Tang Dynasty sea beast grape mirror is now worth millions or even more than 10 million."

Chen Yi: "Can this thing be faked in the Qing Dynasty?"

Wu Muyang nodded: "Yes, not only in the Qing Dynasty, but also after the Song Dynasty, but the method used is relatively primitive, but it can also be fake."

"For example, just flip the mold directly."

"The previous method of casting mirrors was to turn over molds, use clay molds or wax molds, scrape the molds, carve patterns and inscriptions, and finally cast them."

"The imitations made after the Song Dynasty are usually made directly from the bronze mirrors of the Han and Tang Dynasties. If the workmanship is poor, the patterns will be blurred and the lines will not be smooth, while if the workmanship is good, they will be more exquisite."

"Of course, many imitation makers like to do the opposite and deliberately blur the patterns, because this will happen to real mirrors after a long time, which is one of the basis for identification, and it tests the eyesight. .”

At this point, he glanced at Chen Yi. After hesitating, he couldn't help but said, "Why...are you asking these questions? Could it be that the six people you just said died were..."

Chen Yi interrupted: "Mr. Wu, to be honest, we don't know either. If we knew, we wouldn't bother to ask you."

Wu Muyang didn't ask any more questions. It had nothing to do with him anyway. He just didn't know whether he knew the dead person.

Those with whom I have good connections are all still alive, and I haven’t heard of any major events happening in recent times. I guess they are not well-known figures in the industry.

Just when he had this idea, Chen Yi suddenly handed over a list.

"Mr. Wu, do you know these people?"

Out of curiosity, Wu Muyang quickly took it, glanced at it, pointed to one of the names and said, "I seem to have some impression of this one called Cao Maojun, but the others are very unfamiliar."

Chen Yi put away the list and said: "He is a university history professor and has certain attainments in cultural relic appraisal."

Hearing this, Wu Muyang's face showed a look of surprise: "I remembered that there was indeed such a person with good eyesight. That was a long, long time ago, it must have been... more than twenty years, right?

Chen Yi hummed: "Absolutely."

Wu Muyang sighed: "Time flies, and everyone is old in the blink of an eye."

At this time, Chen Yi picked up the teapot in front of Wu Muyang, poured some tea for him, and said: "Mr. Wu, do you know a few of the more famous pots in Jiangcheng or the entire Dongzhou area? Five years ago, caught or not.”

This question made Wu Muyang immediately alert: "What do you mean?! I don't know."

Chen Yi: "You must know."

Wu Muyang: "I really don't know. I said everything I should have said when I was arrested. Just go and look through the files."

Chen Yi smiled and said, "Didn't we just agree that we should tell you everything we know? You can't just keep your word."

Wu Muyang frowned and said dissatisfied: "Then you can't ask such a sensitive question. I'm just being polite. Are you serious about it?"

"I don't know anyway."

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