Hong Guangyan left, but he didn't leave the city bureau, he just left the room.

He needs to carefully recall the appearance of that person back then, and then restore it as accurately as possible to the imitation portraitist's pen.

Currently, within the public security system, a dedicated simulation portrait department has not yet been established, and the number of simulation portraitists is still very rare.

Nationwide, triple digits.

Some cities don’t even have one. This is not something you can do just by graduating from a painting major.

As for the combination of portraits through the computer...it is very limited, because many details need to be manually adjusted, which is no different from manual sketching.

Therefore, there is no exaggeration in describing the analog portrait artist with the words "police giant panda".

Fortunately, there is a police officer in the Jiangcheng City Bureau who has such an ability. Although he is not particularly outstanding, at this moment, he can only be a dead horse and a live doctor. He will give it a try first.

In the inquiry room, several people sat down to discuss the case and what to do next.

"The murderer must have investigated people more than ten years ago, and he also knew the techniques of tomb robbing. He probably got into this business for the purpose of investigation."

"If we continue to visit and change the direction of the visit, we might be able to gain something."

It was Zhao Qiming who spoke.

The murderer learned that his father was dead twenty-five years ago, and then took action ten years later. So what was he doing during these ten years? It must be a search.

He Xin nodded: "I think so too. Maybe it was because Cao Maojun didn't use his real last name that it made it much more difficult for the murderer to find him."

On the other side, Qin Fei hesitated for a moment, then plucked up the courage and said, "I...I don't think it's right."

When his voice sounded, Zhao Qiming and He Xin looked over.

The other party was brought by Chen Yi from Yangcheng. For such a big case, the other party only brought two people. It is impossible to say that they are incompetent.

Qin Fei said: "The person the murderer killed first was Sun Jianli. Although Sun Jianli used his real surname, only eight people knew it, and the murderer did not know it."

"He was able to accurately pinpoint the identities of Sun Jianli and four other people without knowing it, which is enough to prove that he is very smart, so... I don't think it took ten years to investigate Cao Maojun."

"Just a personal opinion, a personal opinion."

he added at the end.

The lowest person sitting here is also the team leader. He, a seconded policeman, hastily expressed his opinion, which makes him a little uneasy.

After listening to Qin Fei's words, Zhao Qiming and He Xin thought for a while, and the latter nodded and said: "It makes sense. If he had known that Cao Maojun was involved in what happened back then, but killed his son ten years later, the motive came from what?"

Chen Yidao: "Comes from the Tang Hai Beast Grape Mirror."

Chen Yi's voice sounded, and the others stopped talking.

"The fragments we got from that tomb are incomplete and have been broken. It is of little significance that Sun Jianli and the others took them away. They are most likely to be with the murderer."

"A more reasonable explanation is that the murderer accidentally learned that the fragments in his hand were fake many years later, and this allowed his long-extinguished murderous intent to burst out again."

"Cao Maojun is dead, but his son is still alive, so the father's debt must be paid by the son."

Several people nodded.

This inference is more likely, but it is not helpful in finding the murderer at the moment.

"Team Leader Chen, what should we do next, compare the portraits?" Shi Xin said.

Chen Yi: "Image comparison is very inefficient, but it must be done, and I leave it to you."

"Locking the last person that year is equivalent to locking in the identity of the murderer."

When is new: "Okay, I know."

Chen Yi continued: "What Lao Zhao just said is correct. The murderer has definitely been investigated. This is a breakthrough in the interview, but the harvest will not be great unless we can find friends who are familiar with the murderer."

"If you are like Hong Guangyan, you have only met him or have only a superficial friendship with him, the result will be the same."

"What I'm thinking about now is whether the murderer will kill Hong Guangyan again."

The last sentence reminded several people of two days ago, when Chen Yi asked them to find someone to take someone with them, and deliberately made some noise to let the murderer know as much as possible.

"Team Leader Chen, do you really want to wait and see? Is it dangerous?"

Zhao Qiming spoke, and the danger he mentioned was Hong Guangyan.

If it goes wrong, everyone present will have to resign.

Chen Yi looked at Zhao Qiming: "Old Zhao, we need to think about it from another angle."

"As for Hong Guangyan, there is no need for him to stay in the city bureau. Using a fake ID card is suspected of violating the law but not a crime. Moreover, he is not for illegal purposes. At most, he can leave with a fine."

"Even if we don't use him as bait, he will still leave, but we need to send people to protect him."

"Am i right?"

Zhao Qiming agreed: "Yes, that's true."

Chen Yi: "So, we don't just sit back and wait. If he really dares to come, just catch him by the way."

Zhao Qiming: "But the murderer is a bit smart. Could he have thought ahead of us?"

Chen Yi picked up a cigarette and said, "We just want him to know our purpose."

"Judging from his behavior of peeping on us digging graves, this person is extremely conceited and has been blinded by hatred at this moment."

"Having already killed Cao Yuning, he probably won't let Hong Guangyan go."

"Now that we have found him, if I were the murderer, I would try to find opportunities."

"What he wants is to use the trick to find a flaw, so we will give him a trick within a trick, tight on the outside and loose on the inside."

"Tell the murderer directly that I am fishing, I am fishing for you, and killing people under the eyes of the police must be very exciting for a criminal who has gone crazy."

"A huge network surrounds Hong Guangyan. During this period, some loopholes must be deliberately left."

"The most easily overlooked vulnerability."

Chen Yi's words made several people feel nervous. This was the first time they had experienced this kind of roundup.

Chen Yi continued: "Let the three parties take action. The murderer may not really kill Hong Guangyan."

"Old Zhao, you are responsible for visiting and investigating."

"Old He, you are responsible for the portrait comparison."

"Hong Guangyan's safety is left to me for half a month. If he doesn't come for half a month, we will think of other ways."

Hearing this, Zhao Qiming's face changed slightly, and he quickly said: "Team Leader Chen, please leave Hong Guangyan's safety to me. This is too dangerous!"

The murderer was a guy who killed six people in a row. He was already a serious criminal. Who knows if he would be armed.

If something happens to Chen Yi in this case, even if the case is solved, the provincial department will definitely question him.

The provincial department values ​​such a young deputy detachment leader very highly. He might have some background.

How dare he let Chen Yi be involved in danger? This is not looking for trouble!

Chen Yi shook his head: "No, I'll go."

Zhao Qiming was anxious: "Team Leader Chen, let's discuss this matter again. Actually..."

Chen Yi interrupted: "Old Zhao, who is the leader of the task force?"

Zhao Qiming was silent for a moment and said, "You."

Chen Yi nodded: "Yes, I understand clearly. Let's carry out the order."

Zhao Qiming was helpless: "Yes..."

Chen Yi stood up: "I'm going to see what's going on at Hong Guangyan's side. Old Zhao and Old He, you guys prepare for the next investigation."

After the other party left, Zhao Qiming immediately looked at Zhuo Yun and Qin Fei.

"You two, you must protect Team Leader Chen, do you hear me clearly?"

Zhuo Yun nodded heavily: "Don't worry, Captain Zhao, I will guarantee you with my life."

Qin Fei: "Me too!"

Time flies, ten days have passed, and there is still half a month left before the deadline for solving the case.

During these ten days, the city-wide visits continued, but the direction changed, from investigating the victims to investigating the murderers.

Years ago, was anyone paying attention to the news about Sun Jianli and others? Is anyone paying attention to who organized the tomb robbing twenty-five years ago?

These are the basis for the visit.

Shixin is also conducting a nationwide data comparison against the portrait provided by Hong Guangyan.

Unfortunately, the portraits are not very similar and it is extremely difficult to find them.

Night, old town.

The temperature dropped sharply due to the season, and many hurried-looking people on the streets had already put on down jackets to resist the cold.

At this moment, the dark sky was like a huge curtain, and the dark clouds blocked the moonlight, giving the already deserted old city a sense of gloom.

It’s a murderous night with a dark moon and high winds. Today is destined to be anything but peaceful.

In a bungalow building, this is Hong Guangyan's home. Two plainclothes men were standing at the door smoking and talking to prevent irrelevant persons from entering.

There were people squatting and guarding the intersections on both sides of the walls.

The back of the house is a dead end and it is impossible to enter.

Hong Guangyan may be the last person the murderer wants to kill, so the police have closely protected him, staying close to him during the day and staying at night until the murderer is caught.

In this case, the murderer would never have the chance to attack Hong Guangyan.

The surroundings were very quiet, time passed by, and soon it was two o'clock in the morning.

At this moment, a man sneakily walked close to the wall from a distance and arrived at the bungalow next to Hong Guangyan's house.

He tilted his head and looked around, a little confused, as if he didn't understand why there was still someone standing there so late.

But he didn't think much, took out his belongings and started picking the lock.

He was very skilled, probably a veteran, and he opened the lock cylinder in just a few dozen seconds, then opened the door and slipped in.

The surroundings became quiet again.

About twenty minutes later, a frightened scream suddenly pierced the night sky, followed immediately by a woman's cry.

"Catch the thief!!!"

The sound was very clear at night, causing all the police officers near Hong Guangyan's house to change their expressions.

The next moment, the man who had picked the lock hurriedly opened the door and ran away.

Behind him, a woman in pajamas chased out.

"Catch the thief!!"

"Catch the thief!!"

She seemed very anxious and kept shouting. She probably lost something valuable.

This is an old city, and security is very poor. Thefts happen from time to time. Unexpectedly, the owner discovered this thief today.

The closest to the scene were two police officers standing in front of Hong Guangyan's house.

After they discovered a thief appeared under their noses, they immediately chased him without hesitation.

At the same time, what Chen Yi said before sounded in his mind.

[During the protection period, no matter if you see any unexpected events, you can leave your post directly and deal with them first. 】

The two police officers gave chase and soon overtook the owner.

"Don't worry, he can't run away!"

Leaving a word behind, the police officer increased his speed.

Behind him, although the police officers at the alley did not leave their positions, they could not help but poke their heads in and take a look. One of them also left the alley and took over the position of the two colleagues just now.

At this moment, a black shadow climbed out of the outer wall of the owner's house. After seeing that the plainclothes police officers were not paying attention, he immediately landed, quickly used his hands and feet to climb up the outer wall of Hong Guangyan's house, and then disappeared into the night. .

The woman's cry must have woken up the people nearby. Many lights turned on, and some people came to the street to check the situation.

After seeing nothing interesting, they returned one after another to continue sleeping.

In the courtyard.

Hong Guangyan was also woken up. He muttered something dissatisfied and then got up from the bed.

When you wake up in the middle of the night, everyone can't help but go to the toilet, especially the elderly.

He put on his thick coat and left the room, walked into the courtyard, and walked towards the toilet.

The toilet is in the corner of the house, and next door is the bathroom and laundry room. When Hong Guangyan passed the bathroom, a figure flashed in the darkness and followed him.

Hong Guangyan let out a long yawn, turned on the light and entered the toilet without closing the door, and unbuttoned his belt.

At this moment, the figure strode forward, and the needle in his hand shone with a dazzling cold light under the light, and at the same time, his face was also illuminated.

He is a man about forty years old.


At this critical moment, Hong Guangyan suddenly raised his hand and grabbed the man's arm.

The other party's expression immediately changed.

Hong Guangyan turned around, looked at the man calmly, and said quietly: "You are still here. For ten days, I thought you wouldn't come."

Only then did the man realize that the person in front of him was not Hong Guangyan at all!

After realizing that he had been deceived, the man pressed hard with his palms and pressed down decisively. Chen Yi did not dare to touch the pinhole and immediately released his hand and backed away.

The next moment, the man quickly left without any hesitation and ran towards the door.

In the toilet, Chen Yi picked up the headset on his chest and said, "Close the net."

The man was moving very fast. There should be only one policeman at the door now, so the possibility of escaping was still high.

However, when he opened the door forcefully and prepared to rush out, he was greeted by clear and chaotic footsteps and more than a dozen special police officers.

There are many vacant houses in the old town, so it is not difficult to rent one for a short period of time.

In the distance, a police siren suddenly sounded, and police lights illuminated the entire path.

It's not a police car, it's a portable police light. Under Chen Yi's arrangement, the ambush person was completely disguised.

"Don't move!! Throw away the things in your hands! Put your hands up!!"

Angry shouts sounded.

The muzzle of the assault rifle was pointed directly at the man, and more than a dozen special police officers surrounded him in a fan shape.

"Throw away what you're holding!!"

After the special police, came the criminal police from the city bureau. They quickly joined the encirclement with pistols in hand and raised their arms to aim.

"You are surrounded, throw away what you are holding!! Hurry!!"

Looking at the blocked road that had been surrounded, the man's eyes trembled, and he clenched the syringe tightly with his palms.

"Okay, stop struggling, it's over."

Behind him, Chen Yi's voice sounded.

The man turned around suddenly, it was... the young man who had just appeared in the toilet.

"do not move!!"

In the crowd, Zhuo Yun shouted, ready to shoot at any time. Who knows what he has in his hand? ?


After sighing deeply, the man slowly closed his eyes, relaxed his palms, and the syringe fell to the ground with a clatter.

Upon seeing this, the criminal policeman stepped forward slowly, and then several people swarmed up, pinned the man's hands, and pushed him to the ground.


The handcuffs jammed the man's wrist.

Chen Yi walked over, picked up the syringe on the ground, put it in front of his nose and smelled it, his eyes immediately froze.

Potassium cyanide.

It seemed that when there was no way to take Hong Guangyan away, he chose to give up the anesthetic and prepare to kill him with one blow.

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