
Seeing this, Kong Hanyong breathed a long sigh of relief to relieve the shock in his heart.

"That's what happened."

Now he finally knew the murderer's motive and understood the entire crime process.

This... is really a case of revenge murder.

It's just that the murderer's psychology has become so extreme that it's abnormal.

When he learned that the thing his father had been protecting until his death was a fake, the last bit of conscience in Wang You's heart completely dissipated.

He was angry, he laughed at himself for his father, and he wanted to use all his lives to bury his father with him.

If Cao Maojun dies, his son will bear the responsibility.

The root cause is still greed and the illegal crime of tomb robbing.

When all the questions that should be asked had been asked, Chen Yi and others left the interrogation room.

Kong Hanyong and others also walked out of the observation room, and they met in the case handling hall.

"Team Leader Chen, thank you very much."

Kong Hanyong extended his hand to Chen Yi.

"I know it's not my place to say thank you, but this case has been a worry of mine for many years. Team Leader Chen has solved this case, and I feel... at ease."

"thanks, thanks."

Chen Yi smiled, raised his hand and shook it with Kong Hanyong.

Zhao Qiming and Ge Quanshan looked at this scene, as if they saw the intersection of time and space.

The case spanned fifteen years. The first person in charge of the investigation was Kong Hanyong, and the last person in charge of the investigation and closure of the case was Chen Yi.

One is an experienced veteran detective, and the other is a talented new detective.

After fifteen years of relay work, the truth of the case was finally revealed to the world, and the murderer was finally caught and brought to justice.

This handshake is not only a thank you, but also a transfer of responsibility and the spirit of criminal investigation.

The future police force belongs to young people. Kong Hanyong, who has retired, will surely be very happy to have an outstanding criminal policeman like Chen Yi.

After letting go of his hand, Kong Hanyong sighed: "This case is very sad."

"From a certain perspective, this Wang You is also a pitiful person and can be considered a victim."

Chen Yi nodded: "Everyone is at fault, including Cao Yuning."

"After Cao Yuning learned that his father had done something like that eight years ago, he did not call the police. Maybe he wanted to save his father's face, or maybe he didn't have the courage to face it."

"If he had called the police at that time, it might have changed the trajectory of the whole thing, and we don't rule out the possibility of catching the murderer."

"Maybe I can survive."

Kong Hanyong: "You are right, everyone has selfish motives, and Cao Yuning is not exempt from this."

"He thought that so many years had passed and all history was buried in the long river of time, but he did not expect that Wang Ziyang's son had already approached him with a scythe of revenge."

"It's wrong to rob tombs, it's wrong to kill, it's wrong to cheat, it's wrong to cover up and hide things."

"It's really all wrong."

"It's just that the price... is too high. Everything is destroyed, including the murderer himself."

Wang You killed six people in a row in fifteen years. His crime methods were cruel and the consequences were extremely serious and the impact was bad. Especially the killing of Cao Yuning was more like venting his personal anger and he would definitely be sentenced to death.

It depends on his luck.

Chen Yi flicked the cigarette case in his hand and said, "The human heart is like this, it's hard to fathom and indescribable."

After speaking, he turned to look at Zhao Qiming and others: "Everyone, everyone has worked hard these past few days, especially the visiting personnel. Please tell them to have a good rest."

"The investigation of this case cannot be achieved without the joint efforts of everyone."

In the process of searching for Hong Guangyan, the visiting personnel from all over the city played a key role. Although they were only cooperating in the execution, their contribution was still great.

It can be said that the person who can catch the murderer is the leader of the task force and the assistance of the entire Jiangcheng police. They are indispensable to each other.

Zhao Qiming nodded: "Okay, I know."

Chen Yi: "Although the case has been solved, I still have to stay in Jiangcheng for a few days. There are some details that need to be clarified and the files need to be sorted out."

"Leave this matter to Captain Zhao."

Zhao Qiming smiled and said: "Don't worry, Team Leader Chen, I will hand it over to you for inspection when the time comes."

"When everything is over, we can finally have a drink, Geju, is that okay?"

Ge Quanshan waved grandly: "Of course, no problem, I'll treat you to a treat to celebrate your success!"

On the same day, the news of the detection of the 113 extremely large serial murder case quickly spread to the provincial department, and also to all municipal bureaus across Dongzhou.

Every criminal investigation detachment captain who had participated in that meeting knew about this.


"Has the murderer been caught?"

In the provincial department and office, Fang Songping stood up suddenly and looked at Wei Jianfeng standing in front of him with joy.

Wei Jianfeng had a smile on his face and felt a lot more relaxed all over. He nodded and said: "It's solved. The murderer has been brought to justice. The trial has been completed and everything has been explained."

"There are some details that Chen Yi still needs to implement."

"The number of victims in this case is large, it is old, and the process is relatively complicated. The file collection cannot be completed in a short time, so Chen Yi will stay in Jiangcheng for a few days."

Hearing these words, Fang Songping took a deep breath, clenched his fist and lightly hit the table: "Well done, this guy really didn't disappoint me!"

"Hurry up and sort out the information and give it to me. I want to report it to the Imperial City Police Department."

"Maybe it will be another first-class merit."

Wei Jianfeng nodded with a smile: "Okay, I'll do it as soon as possible."

"Fang Ting, congratulations, you have found a good son-in-law."

Hearing this, Fang Songping was stunned for a moment and said in surprise: "How do you know?"

Wei Jianfeng was speechless: "The entire city bureau knows, how can I still know?"

"Fang Ting, do you think I'm stupid?"

"You are too unreasonable to tell me such a big thing?"

Fang Songping coughed lightly: "It's just a family matter, why are I talking to you about this?"

Wei Jianfeng held back his laughter: "Now I know why you left Chen Yi in the city bureau. Is it because you wanted to fall in love with Shuyu?"

Fang Songping denied: "What are you talking about?"

"Chen Yizhi was transferred to the provincial department as soon as he joined the municipal bureau. What would others think?"

"Also, how do you explain to Lao Zhang?"

"Jianfeng, you are too conceited. Are you talking nonsense? Isn't that right? Can you put your energy into work?"

Wei Jianfeng stood at attention: "Yes! Fang Ting! I will work hard and live up to Fang Ting's expectations!"

Fang Songping waved his hand: "Okay, okay, don't be poor, hurry up and sort out the case information."

Wei Jianfeng: "Yes!"

Yangcheng City Bureau.


In Zhang Jingang's office, Zhou Yebin had just put the cigarette into his mouth when he heard the news.

"What did I say? It's definitely okay if Chen Yi goes." Zhang Jingang was in a good mood, sitting diagonally across from Zhou Yebin, with his legs crossed.

Zhou Yebin held a lighter in his hand and said with a strange expression: "Zhang Ju, when did you say that?"

"I remember... I told Chen Yi not to be the first person. There will naturally be someone to handle such a big case. Don't think you can do it yourself."

"Am I remembering it wrong?"

These words made Zhang Jingang's face darken: "You must have remembered it wrong!"

Zhou Yebin: "..."

Anjo City Bureau.

Yan Quan put down the phone in his hand, with unconcealable surprise on his face.

"Really solved the case? This kid has something. Lao Zhou picked up a treasure. I'm afraid he won't be ahead of me."

It's time for Zhou Yebin's position to be moved. Now that there is a deputy captain who can investigate the case, the time will continue to be shortened.

On the one hand, Zhou Yebin needs to move up.

On the other hand, Chen Yi also needs to move up.

I'm afraid the results will come from the accumulation of time and effort, provided that the two of them don't make any trouble to make their lives more difficult.

Thinking of this, he smacked his lips and felt a little envious.

"It would be great if this was in Anjo. It seems we should pay more attention to the newcomers."

After the news spread, the city bureaus had different reactions, but without exception, they all began to pay attention to the young deputy detachment leader in Yangcheng.

As expected, there are no false scholars under such great reputation.

The next day, Jiangcheng.

Chen Yi took Zhao Qiming and five others to treat Tao Hanhui, Wu Muyang and others to a meal.

Although finding the location of the tomb in advance will not directly promote the outcome of the case, it is definitely a major breakthrough for this case.

After all, the murderer's DNA was obtained from it.

If Wang You did not choose to take action against Hong Guangyan later, then the location of the tomb would be very important.

That's how investigating a case is. You don't know which of the clues you have will be useful, so you need to investigate thoroughly.

Pay attention to every clue.

As far as this case is concerned, two days ago, the police believed that Wang You might kill Hong Guangyan, and that the murderer's DNA might be matched in the database. This is all unknown.

The fact is that Wang You really took action and was arrested on the spot.

The more things you find, the closer you will be to the murderer.

"Mr. Tao, Mr. Wu, a few strange friends, and Shang Li."

At the dinner table, Chen Yi picked up the teacup and spoke with a smile.

"You can't drink until the case is over. I'll replace the wine with tea. Thank you for everyone's help."

Tao Hanhui smiled and said: "Officer Chen is very polite. We are very happy to help Team Leader Chen solve this case."

The others also nodded with smiles, indicating that you are not welcome.

After putting down the tea cup, Tao Hanhui asked: "Officer Chen, I have a question that I don't know if I should ask. If it involves the confidentiality of the case, you don't have to answer it."

Chen Yi said: "Who did he go to find later, right?"

"It's okay, you can say that, Wang Ziyang."

"Wang Ziyang?"

Upon hearing this name, Tao Hanhui and Wu Muyang looked at each other, both feeling unfamiliar with this name.

On the other hand, the one who was called Lao Liu frowned and thought for a moment, then said, "It sounds a little bit familiar, but I really can't remember it without mentioning the name. Is it from Ning Cheng?"

The two looked over and Wu Muyang said, "Old Liu, do you know him?"

Lao Liu shook his head: "I don't know him, I should have heard of it."

Chen Yi: "It is indeed from Ningcheng."

After receiving the affirmation, Lao Liu said: "That's right. This person's skills should be comparable to Lao Tao's. He has been in this industry for a long time."

"Later there was no news, and the person who told me about it thought it was a pity."

"Officer Chen, is he the one who died due to the germs?"

Chen Yi nodded: "Yes."

Hearing this, Lao Liu shook his head and sighed, and stopped talking.

Living people are not uncommon in the tomb robbing business. This is like opening a blind box. Someone opens a very valuable object. Are you tempted?

My heart beats for sure. If I were more courageous, there would be a violent conflict. In the least case, someone would be injured, and in the worst case, someone would die.

This is a job that is illegal and criminal. If you cause trouble underground, who is afraid of whom?

What a shame that such a man died.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit heavy, and Chen Yi didn't want to talk more about the case, he changed the subject: "Shang Li, how is that tomb? Is there any new discovery?"

Mentioning his major, Tao Shangli became more energetic: "It is unlikely that any major discoveries will be made during the tomb clearing, but some of the fake fragments inside are still very helpful for us to study the history of the Tang Dynasty and even before the Tang Dynasty."

"I estimate it will take several months to complete."

Chen Yi was surprised: "So long? Haven't you already been poached twice before?"

Tao Shangli said with a smile: "Tomb robbing is tomb robbing and archaeology. They dig with shovels. We can't do this. We need to brush slowly with a brush."

"You understand what I mean?"

Chen Yi clicked his tongue: "Sure enough, it's not something ordinary people can do."

It's boring to think about how long it will take to brush soil with a brush.

However, everyone's excitement is different. Perhaps for these archaeologists, it is a very proud thing to be able to completely reappear ancient cultural relics and tell the history through their own efforts.

On the other side, Tao Hanhui had a smile on his face, and it could be seen that he was very satisfied with his son's achievements.

Is this... a cleansed "son inheriting his father's legacy"?

"When will Officer Chen return to Yangcheng?" Tao Hanhui asked when he was about to finish eating.

Chen Yidao: "I estimate it will take two or three days, and we will leave when the case is completely over."

"Where's Mr. Tao?"

Tao Hanhui: "I'll leave tomorrow."

"We are all from Yangcheng. When Officer Chen is free from now on, you can come and sit at my place."

Chen Yi smiled and nodded: "Okay, after this incident, I am really interested in your line of work."

"If you have a chance, you must go and see it."

Time passed and three days passed.

In these three days, Wang You's case has been completely concluded. Issues such as the source of potassium cyanide and the whereabouts of Wang Ziyang's bones have all been settled, and the evidence and confessions have been sorted out.

The iron case information was sent to the Procuratorate, and Wang You was also taken away from the detention room and sent to the detention center.

Chen Yi drank a lot at the party, but fortunately he had an invincible drinking capacity. Zhao Qiming and the others had nothing to do with Chen Yi, not to mention that drinking and fighting were forbidden, so everyone just ordered it.

The case is over and it’s the weekend again, so it’s okay to have a drink.

On the second day, the task force was leaving, and everyone gathered at the gate of Jiangcheng City Bureau to see Chen Yi and others off.

"Team Leader Chen, you must come to Jiangcheng to play when you have time. I won't keep you this time."

Zhao Qiming and others stood beside the car and waved to Chen Yi in the car.

It is worth mentioning that Kong Hanyong is also there. The other party has solved an old case that he was responsible for more than ten years ago, and he must come to see him off.

Chen Yi smiled and nodded: "Of course. If Captain Zhao is free, he can also go to Yangcheng to have a look."

"To be honest, the food in Yangcheng is much better than yours!"

Joking comments enlivened the atmosphere of separation.

"Okay, I must try it!" Zhao Qiming said, "Captain Chen, have a nice trip."

Chen Yi: "Goodbye."

The vehicle started and drove out of Jiangcheng City Bureau.

Behind, Zhao Qiming and others watched the task force's car leave, each sighing with emotion.

Although we have not known each other for a long time, we have worked side by side for dozens of days and finally caught the murderer of this serial murder case. Now that we are separated, we are really reluctant to part with each other.

Fortunately, we are not far apart. See you in the future.

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