It was another weekend. Chen Yi and Fang Shuyu had nothing to do and came to Ningshun Welfare Home.

Only Zhou Zhiyue is here today. She is wearing a safety helmet, supervising the construction at the construction site, and discussing the subsequent minor modifications.

Laying the foundation has already begun.

After the new Ningshun Welfare Home is built, the homeless children in Yangcheng will have a good place to stay.

"Don't worry, Chen Yi. I've been keeping an eye on those four children. I'll take them over as soon as the orphanage can be occupied."

At the door of the temporary wooden house, Zhou Zhiyue smiled and spoke.

After getting to know each other, Zhou Zhiyue gradually no longer called Chen Yi police officer, but directly called him by his first name.

The relationship has become much closer.

"When the time comes, will we still be called Ning Shun?" Chen Yi took a puff of cigarette and asked.

Zhou Zhiyue nodded: "We are not going to change the name, let Ningshun continue to exist."

"What do you think?"

Chen Yi: “It’s good to continue to exist.”

"Okay, you guys get busy, we just stopped by to take a look."

When leaving, the two of them met the old man who was sweeping the floor before.

He stood not far away with his hands behind his back, looking at the completely demolished Ningshun Orphanage with cloudy eyes, filled with memories and regrets.

Chen Yi walked over.

"Uncle, this will still be the Ningshun Orphanage from now on. You can come and take a look when you have nothing to do."

The old man smiled and said, "Good man, that's great. Those poor children now have a place to stay."

"Young man, is the developer your friend?"

Chen Yi nodded: "That's right."

The old man hummed: "Good people always gather together."

"The bad guys... also gather together."

The old man has encountered many things and met many people in his life experience, and he feels this way.

Watching the old man leave, Fang Shuyu said: "I seem to see all kinds of things in the world from him. When I have nothing to do, I really should go out for a walk more often."

Later, Chen Yi and the two came to a private boarding school in Yangcheng.

This boarding school has strong teaching staff and adopts round-the-clock military management. If you want to enter, you have to pay tens of thousands in sponsorship fees alone.

Yuan Ce was placed here by Chen Yi to attend the first grade of high school.

After several years of wasted study, it depends on him whether the other party can keep up.

Chen Yi has set up a stage for him. As for whether he is going to sleep on the stage or train hard on the stage, that is not something outsiders can interfere with.

If Yuan Ce really can't hold up the wall, then he will just be an ordinary person in the future.

At least, it did not lead the other party to embark on the road of illegal crimes.

For no other reason than to protect four young lives for the other party.

At the school gate, Yuan Ce was called out.

"Some food and drink, let's stop by and see you."

Chen Yi handed over the big bag in his hand.

Yuan Ce is much cleaner than when they first met, and his temperament has also changed. His original social atmosphere has begun to mix with his student appearance.

He silently took the food from Chen Yi and whispered: "Thank you, Brother Chen."

"There are a few more clothes." Fang Shuyu said with a smile and gave the clothes to Yuan Ce.

Yuan Ce: "Thank you, sister-in-law."

This title made Fang Shuyu slightly stunned, but he was not shy. He accepted it calmly and felt quite comfortable.

The other party was right.

Chen Yi: "How is studying?"

Yuan Ce replied: "It's okay, Brother Chen."

Chen Yi: "What about your relationship with your classmates?"

Yuan Ce: "'s okay."

Chen Yi didn't ask any more questions. He couldn't hide the strange expression from him. He believed that Yuan Ce could handle it on his own.

"I won't come here often from now on. Someone will send you money regularly. Is it enough?"

Yuan Ce quickly said: "Enough flowers, enough flowers, that's enough. Thank you, Brother Chen."

There was deep gratitude in his eyes. He and the other person were not related to each other. This was no different from reborn parents.

He calls him brother, but he already regards Chen Yi as an elder.

"Okay, let's go back."

Chen Yi patted Yuan Ce on the shoulder, and the latter nodded, turned and left, seemingly without any nostalgia.

"I'm holding my breath in my heart. Maybe he will be an amazing person in the future." Chen Yidao.

Fang Shuyu said nothing, looking at Yuan Ce's disappearing figure.

Everyone who needs to be helped has already been helped. What happens next depends on him.

On the other side, Yuan Ce was walking slowly carrying food and clothes, his hands tightening tighter and tighter, and his expression was determined.

He lied, and his relationship with his classmates, especially his roommates, was not good, because after knowing his life experience, everyone looked down upon him.

But he doesn't care.

His pattern and vision are no longer with these peers who are just waiting to die.

He wants to go to college, enter the professional field that Chen Yi needs, and then achieve the best.

You can do as much as you can.

The kindness of a drop of water is repaid by a spring of water.

There is no way to repay the kindness of reinvention.

He hopes that he can become an excellent stepping stone, qualified to let Chen Yi step on him, stand higher and see further.

Chen Yi and Fang Shuyu got in the car when their cell phones rang.

It belongs to Chen Yi.

"It's definitely not good to make phone calls on weekends."

Chen Yi sighed when he saw Zhuo Yun's name on the caller ID.

He sighed not because of being disturbed during the weekend, but because of possible crimes.

Fang Shuyu, the co-pilot, was also shocked as he watched Chen Yi answer the phone.



"I'll go back to the city bureau first. I'll be there soon."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Yi started the car and stepped on the accelerator, and the vehicle sped away.

"Shu Yu, a body was found in the township. The local police station reported it to the city bureau. Zhuo Yun and the others have already rushed over. I will send you back to get your things first."

Fang Shuyu's face condensed slightly: "Okay."

Two hours later, in a certain township in Yangcheng.

This township belongs to Yangcheng, not the county, and the body was destroyed... quite tragically, so the local police station chose to report it directly to the city bureau.

The scene was in a field near the township.

I heard that several young police officers who responded to the police vomited at the scene, and their faces are still as pale as paper.

At this moment, even the director arrived, and the perimeter of the cordon was filled with villagers.

A car came from a distance and stopped outside the cordon.

The car door opened, and Chen Yi got out of the car and walked quickly while putting on his gloves.

"Team Chen"

"Team Chen."

"Deputy Branch Chen."

A police officer from the city bureau spoke, and the director also said hello. When the policeman beside him heard this, he quickly stood at attention and breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

The leader of the criminal investigation detachment finally arrived, which frightened them.

Sometimes even the detectives would feel sick to their stomachs when they saw certain corpses, let alone them.

"Yes." Chen Yi nodded, "Hello Mr. Liu, I will go to the scene first and ask Mr. Liu to maintain order."

As he spoke, the police officers opened the cordon, and Chen Yi and Fang Shuyu bent down and walked in.

Zhuo Yun and Qin Fei were already there, the latter was suppressing discomfort, and even Zhuo Yun frowned and covered his nose.

There are forensic assistants cleaning up the scene and examining the bodies.

"what's the situation?"

Seeing Chen Yi coming, Zhuo Yun put down his hand, pointed in front of him and said, "Not long after I arrived, the nearby villagers found it. It was exposed in the wilderness and had... been eaten by stray dogs."

The last few words made Chen Yi frown.

Fang Shuyu put on a mask and immediately stepped forward to prepare a preliminary autopsy on the body with the forensic assistant.

Chen Yi took a closer look and saw a man in his fifties who was wearing ordinary clothes with gray hair. The clothes on his arms and thighs were torn to pieces, and his flesh and blood were bloody and horrifying.

Judging from the shape of the wound, it does look like it was bitten by a dog, and the location is relatively consistent.

Data show that stray dogs tend to eat corpses, usually starting from the arms, then legs, face and neck and other body parts accounting for a small proportion.

Fortunately, the face was not chewed, otherwise the body would have looked more terrifying and would have affected the police's investigation of the identity of the body.

No wounds can be seen in other places for the time being, and the whole body cannot be seen even with clothes on.

"The rigor mortis did not relieve, the spots on the body began to spread, and the time of death was about twelve hours."

Fang Shuyu turned around and said something.

Hearing this, Chen Yi looked at the time. It was after ten o'clock last night.

"Are there any traces of homicide?" It was Zhuo Yun who asked.

Fang Shuyu: “I haven’t seen it yet.”

As she spoke, she untied the deceased's clothes and examined them further.

Chen Yi had been observing from the side and found no obvious trauma in key areas such as the heart and neck.

"There's an odor of alcohol in the mouth."

The forensic assistant looked up.

Chen Yi: "You still smell of alcohol now? Then you drank a lot last night."

At this time, Qin Fei came over and said: "You died in the wilderness at night. Could it be that you drank too much and slept here and froze to death?"

Finding a body does not mean it was homicide, anything is possible.

Zhuo Yun: "Don't say it yet, it's possible."

Chen Yi glanced at the surrounding environment and said: "The temperature drops sharply during the season, and it gets even colder at night. Do you come to a place like this if you drink too much? There is no place like this."

After saying that, he turned around and came to the trace inspection side, watching the other party rubbing footprints.

The surrounding land is soft, and there are bound to be footprints left whenever you pass by.

It can be clearly seen that there are two rows of footprints extending away from the body, which is the direction leading to the village. Not far from the village is the township.

What is a township?

A place that connects rural and urban areas.

The distance between the village and the town is still very close.

Chen Yi quickly discovered the problem and squatted down to take a closer look.

There are coming and leaving footprints, and when coming, the footprints are deeper. Judging from the size and pattern, they belong to the same person.

"Team Chen! There are tire tracks here! It should be a tricycle!"

Not far away, a trace inspection technician shouted.

Chen Yi looked over: "I know, wait a moment."

After saying that, he waved to Zhuo Yun and Qin Fei, and they gathered around.

Zhuo Yun looked around and said: "The deep footprints indicate that there is something heavy on the body. It seems that the body was dumped."

"First he rode a tricycle to the neighborhood, then carried the body for dozens of meters, threw it on the ground, and left quickly."

"Should we just find a place and throw it away? What if we find it a few days later and it rots and is eaten by wild dogs?"

Chen Yi looked at Qin Fei: "What did you say?"

Qin Fei thought for a while and said: "It feels like the murderer had no plan..."

Chen Yi interrupted: "Wait a minute, why do you think this is a homicide?"

Qin Fei quickly changed his mind: "I feel that the person who dumped the body had no plan. If it was a homicide, it should be a passion killing or a manslaughter."

"Also." He pointed to the leaving footprints. "When the person who dumped the corpse left, the footsteps were very large and messy. It can be seen that this person was very panicked, which can indirectly confirm this judgment."

"Since he was riding a tricycle, he must be from this town. The location before dumping the body is not too far away."

After following Chen Yi for a long time, especially when he went to Jiangcheng to solve a big case, he gradually started to look like a criminal policeman, no longer the stupid young man from the Chengdong Police Station.

Chen Yi nodded and said, "No one knows the deceased?"

Zhuo Yun said: "I'm asking. It's not available yet. It shouldn't be from this village."

Villagers in a village can see each other without looking up. Generally speaking, they should know each other, especially the middle-aged and elderly people in their fifties and sixties.

Chen Yi: "Expand the scope of the visit and ask Sister Jiang to check the nearest surveillance."

Zhuo Yun: "Okay."

After saying that, he went to find Jiang Xiaoxin.

Chen Yi and Qin Fei set out to the tire tracks. They could see that there were indeed three neat ruts on the ground. Judging from the size of the tires and the structure of the vehicle, it was undoubtedly a tricycle.

To be more precise, it is an electric tricycle. This kind of tricycle is very popular in towns and rural areas. The sales volume is very good. Not only does everyone have one, but they can be seen everywhere.

Nowadays, young people will definitely not like it. It is too cheap and the audience is middle-aged and elderly people in their 40s and 50s in towns and villages.

Chen Yi looked back at the location of the body and said, "The person who dumped the body and the deceased should be about the same age. If it's not a coincidence, they are friends."

"At least until the deceased died."

"Let's wait for the autopsy report. It will be clear when the autopsy results come out."

Qin Fei nodded.

Determining the identity of the victim went much smoother than expected. There was a mobile phone on the deceased, but it was out of battery. After hearing that a male body was found in a field outside the town, several members of the family came to identify it in panic. .

The result was no surprise; he was the mainstay of the family.

Immediately, heartbreaking cries echoed at the crime scene. Several police officers rushed over to comfort the family members of the deceased, but to no avail. All they could do was to prevent them from approaching the scene because the preliminary autopsy was still continuing.

Chen Yi had already left at this time and was chatting with the director of the police station in the area.

Not long after, Qin Fei, who already understood the situation, ran over and roughly explained the situation.

The deceased's name was Wang Fujiang, 52 years old, a local, and lived in the next village.

According to the daughter of the deceased, at 7:30 pm last night, Wang Fujiang said he wanted to go out for a walk after dinner, but they didn't pay attention. They didn't want to go for a walk all night.

During this period, they went out to look for him, but they didn't think much about it at the time, because Wang Fujiang would occasionally come back very late when he went out. Anyway, he was either chatting with friends or playing cards or something.

It wasn't until the family woke up in the morning that they found Wang Fujiang hadn't come back yet. Then they started to worry and asked around. Finally, they found this place and recognized Wang Fujiang, who was already dead.

After listening, Chen Yi was slightly silent and said, "Doesn't he have a son?"

Qin Fei said: "Yes, I have a son who is in high school and is at school."

"Three daughters are already married, two of them are married to other places, and the remaining one is in this village."

Chen Yi: "Did he drink at home last night?"

Qin Fei: "I was just about to say this, but he didn't drink at home."

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