Every floor of the teaching building was crowded with students, looking down at Jiang Yu who had his hands behind his back and was handcuffed.

Although he was just watching the excitement and it had nothing to do with him, he was still nervous under the influence of the atmosphere. After all, it was the people around him who were arrested.

Especially those who knew Jiang Yu were standing there with confused faces at the moment. They didn't know what Jiang Yu had done that made so many policemen come to arrest him.

What surprised them the most was that Jiang Yu jumped off the building and ran away, obviously with a guilty conscience.

"Wha... what father and son? I don't know what you are talking about!"

Chen Yi's words made Jiang Yu's heart tremble, his eyes dodge and his mouth became harsh.

In fact, he should understand that the police came directly to arrest instead of investigating, so they must have obtained very detailed clues.

"You don't know, right?" Chen Yi snorted coldly, "You'll know when you get back to the city bureau, take him away!"

Two police officers were escorting Jiang Yu, one on the left and the other on the right. The group was preparing to leave the school. The majestic scene frightened all the students passing by. They stepped out of the way and did not dare to approach. Some people secretly took out their mobile phones to record the video.

Chen Yi did not stop it. The case will definitely be heard in public, so that the suspect's evil deeds can be condemned and punished, the victim's tragic death can be comforted, and the majesty and justice of the law can be upheld.

Shi Guangjian didn't mention it for the moment, Jiang Yu's behavior was adding insult to injury!

Don't say that your whole life will be ruined. Whether you can survive or not is still unknown.

"Captain Chen, Captain Chen!" Li Guozhi, who finally arrived, did not choose to get too close like other students, but greeted Chen Yi.

Chen Yi turned around, saw Li Guozhi, waved his hand and said, "Take him to the car first."

Police officer: "Yes!"

Afterwards, Chen Yi left the team, changed his route and came to Li Guozhi: "Principal Li, we meet again."

Li Guozhi looked away from Jiang Yu and asked tentatively: "Captain Chen, who is this student?"

Chen Yi: "The murderer in this case."

Li Guozhi's expression suddenly changed when he heard this: "The murderer who killed and dismembered the corpse?!"

Chen Yi thought for a while and said: "The murderer and the body are still unknown."

According to the analysis of the existing clues, the murderer was Jiang Yu, but the one who dismembered the body should be Shi Guangjian. He was the one who wiped Jiang Yu's butt.

Li Guozhi didn't care about the difference. He was only sure of one thing: a student in his school killed another student!

There is no evasion in making a public arrest, and there is definitely no way to hide it.

This also means that during the trial, the whole country will know about it.

Realizing this, Li Guozhi sighed deeply. This was the result he least wanted to see.

It's not that they don't want the police to find the murderer, but they just don't want to see the murderer coming from our school. This is a double blow to Yangcheng University and it will take a long time to recover.

Sitting in this seat, human nature is understandable.

"Captain Chen, I thank you on behalf of the students. Those who do evil must be punished."

Li Guozhi saw with his own eyes that Chen Yi was not in vain. At this moment, he sighed and spoke sincerely.

Chen Yi: "That's my responsibility. I'll leave first. Principal Li. If you have any questions, you can call me at any time."

Li Guozhi: "Okay."

He came here to find out what was going on, and now that he knew, he needed to minimize the negative impact as much as possible.

The fault lies with the students, not the school.

For some people, knowledge and character really cannot be equated.

Municipal Bureau.

Everyone returned, and Jiang Yu was taken directly to the interrogation room, ready to face the final interrogation at any time, but before that, certain things needed to be clarified.

What happened at the Supreme Hotel?

Where was Wu Qianqian killed? When was he killed?

What happened to the video taken by Jiang Yu?

Also, does Jiang Xueyi know about this matter and is she also involved?

Why didn't she mention Shi Guangjian's name when she called him for the first time? Was she really unwilling to mention it, or was she hiding something?

Questions like this require a new investigation, which also means that everything previously investigated must be overturned!

"Chen Yi, what did you find out?"

In the case handling hall, when the new representative asked everyone the question that everyone wanted to know.

Shi Guangjian pleaded guilty the day before yesterday, and the information in this case had to be compiled and handed over to the procuratorate for review. Unexpectedly, Chen Yi suddenly called and wanted to arrest Jiang Yu.

Of course they had to carry out the captain's orders, but they still had questions in their minds.

Without waiting for Chen Yi to open his mouth to explain, Zhang Jingang, who received the news, left the office and quickly came to the case handling hall with the sound of hurried footsteps.

"Chen Yi!"

"Did you go to Yangcheng University to arrest someone? Or did you do it in full view of the public?!"

It can be seen that Zhang Jingang was shocked by this incident, and his tone was questioning.

He values ​​Chen Yi, but if the other party makes mistakes, he will severely criticize him.

The more you criticize, the more you love.

Chen Yi glanced at everyone, and finally looked at Zhang Jingang and said, "Ju Zhang, it was not Shi Guangjian who raped and killed Wu Qianqian."

Zhang Jingang: "Why do you say that? Is there any evidence?"

Chen Yi nodded: "Yes."

Zhang Jingang: "Tell me and listen."

Chen Yi: "It's very simple. Shi Guangjian lost his male function twenty years ago and has no ability to rape Wu Qianqian. This is the clue I got by asking his early friends, and... he is Jiang Yu's biological father."

Zhang Jingang: "!!!"

other people:"???"

Damn it! This reversal is a bit too big!

Zhang Jingang took a deep breath and softened his attitude: "The authenticity of the news needs to be verified. Are you sure?"

Chen Yi: "Yes."

Zhang Jingang nodded: "Okay, I'll wait for the day when the case is closed and continue the investigation."

After saying that, he turned around and left. The look of surprise on his face was revealed at this moment. Unexpectedly, Chen Yi got it right. Shi Guangjian was not the real culprit in this case.

It's not enough to trick the police once, right? Here comes the second time!

In other words, is Wu Yuanshan just the first layer of protection? It would be best if you can fool him, but if you can't fool him, you can use it as a cover-up, and finally take the blame personally?

After so many years as a police officer, this was the first time he encountered a criminal who was so playful, very cautious and very smart.

After Zhang Jingang left, Chen Yi came to Jiang Xiaoxin and asked her to play the surveillance video of No. 2 and No. 3 Zhishang Hotel again.

Others gathered around.

Chen Yi checked the video repeatedly and said, "If you find a woman with a similar height and a similar face shape, put on make-up and wear the same clothes as Wu Qianqian, can it look real?"

Everyone looked at each other, this...is there such an operation?

With one sentence, He Xin suddenly understood the whole story of the case and said in surprise: "The Wu Qianqian in the surveillance video and the Wu Qianqian in the video taken by Jiang Yu are not her?"

Chen Yi: "We had preconceptions, and the surveillance was not close-range high-definition, and there was Jiang Yu's confession. When we saw the girl following Jiang Yu in the surveillance, we naturally thought that this was Wu Qianqian."

"There is no reason. It was impossible for us to suspect that Wu Qianqian was someone else pretending to be her."

"There is also the video taken by Jiang Yu. At that time, Shi Guangjian had already begun to suspect Shi Guangjian. As soon as the secretly filmed video came out, the clothes were the same. Even if there was no clear face, we would think it was Wu Qianqian, because there was no second possibility."

"We never thought about it from beginning to end, what if she is not Wu Qianqian?"

When will it be new: "If this is the case, the surveillance video has been covered, which requires certain skills and will definitely leave loopholes."

It was just a matter of replacing two acting videos. It is impossible to get around it. It is necessary to replace the two surveillance videos after the third day. Therefore, either there are the same ones later, or there are deleted ones later.

At that time, everyone's attention was focused on No. 2 and No. 3, and they did not consider this.

Chen Yi: "Don't forget, Shi Guangjian knows a hacker. He probably didn't lie about this. It's true."

Shi Xin nodded slightly. During the silence, Jiang Xiaoxin seemed to have thought of something and said hesitantly: "Well... when I went to the Zhishang Hotel to copy the surveillance data, the staff asked me when I needed it and said that there were surveillance records this month. There was a malfunction and some surveillance video was lost.”

Hearing this, He Xin was stunned for a moment, his face changed slightly, and he secretly screamed.

Sure enough, Chen Yi immediately said: "There was a malfunction? Why didn't you tell me before?!"

Jiang Xiaoxin was uneasy: "Then...it was the second half of the month. We needed numbers 2 and 3, so we didn't...didn't care."

Chen Yi said coldly: "You want to take a long vacation, right?"

This is a rather serious statement, and it means: Do you want to take a break from work and go home to hold your child?

Outside of work, they are friends, Sister Jiang, and seniors, but during work, they are subordinates.

Occasional monitoring failures may be common for Jiang Xiaoxin personally, but it is different for Chen Yi. During the investigation of the case, any abnormality is questionable.

If I had mentioned this earlier, the problem might have been discovered earlier.

Sure enough, no matter how experienced a criminal police officer is, he will inevitably make mistakes over time.

Everyone looked at Jiang Xiaoxin, who lowered his head and didn't know what to say.

"Let's go to Zhishang Hotel!" Chen Yi turned around.

Watching Chen Yi leave quickly, He Xin comforted him before following him: "It's okay, it's okay. I told him that he was angry."

Several people left.

At this time, Fang Shuyu left the forensic room. She also learned about Jiang Yu's arrest from the forensic assistant and wanted to come out to see the situation.

Sensing something was wrong in the atmosphere, she asked what happened and learned that Jiang Xiaoxin was negligent in her work.

"It's okay, Sister Jiang, don't take it to heart, the investigation comes first." Fang Shuyu said.

Jiang Xiaoxin sighed: "It's my fault."

She knew that with Shi Xin's intercession with Fang Shuyu, she should not be punished, but after the case was over, she would ask for punishment herself.

On the other side, on the way to the Zhi Shang Hotel, He Xin looked at Chen Yi who was rubbing his eyebrows lightly and said: "Xiao Xin is usually very serious and responsible in her work. This time it was really just an occasional oversight. The case had just started to be investigated at that time. At the time of the murder, On the 3rd, no one would have imagined what would happen next.”

Chen Yi put down his hand and said: "No need to plead. Sister Jiang chose to speak out directly. She is already mentally prepared. After the case is over, let Director Zhang handle it. It's not a big problem. I can only give you a warning."

When did Xin Xin snort.

If the staff did not mention the monitoring failure, it had nothing to do with Jiang Xiaoxin. It was not her responsibility, but if she knew about it and forgot to mention it, it was her fault.

Fortunately, the mistake is not big, just pay attention to it in the future.

As a criminal police officer, ignoring any small details may have a fatal impact on the investigation of the case.

"Chen Yi, do you think Wu Qianqian died No. 2?"

When we talked about the case again, the other party just suspected that there was something wrong with the surveillance videos of No. 2 and No. 3, not just No. 3.

Chen Yi: "What do you think?"

Ji Xin pondered for a while and said: "If the murderer is Jiang Yu, of course No. 2 is most likely. Then Wu Qianqian probably didn't go to the hotel on her own initiative, or she was deceived by Jiang Yu."

Chen Yi: "It is true that Wu Qianqian and Jiang Yu had a room together, but they were not in a state of absolute sobriety, such as being drunk or drugged. Forensic medicine has detected alcohol content, so they should be drunk."

"Since she was drunk, the video on the morning of the 3rd must be covered anyway, no less than the 2nd. This proves that Wu Qianqian took the initiative to follow Jiang Yu into the hotel when she was absolutely sober."

Shi Xin nodded: "Yes, that's why we immediately ruled out Jiang Yu as a suspect after seeing the hotel's surveillance video and took the initiative to check out a room. Jiang Yu had no motive for rape at all, so... Wu Qianqian died in the hotel. Yes, how was it transported out?"

Chen Yi: "As long as the monitoring problem is solved, the rest will become very simple. Let's take a look at the hotel layout."

Soon, several people arrived at Zhishang Hotel. As soon as they got off the car, Chen Yi's eyes were attracted to the exit of the underground parking lot on the side of the hotel.

Following Chen Yi's line of sight, He Xin also looked over and suddenly said: "It's true... it's very simple. Find a bigger suitcase and you won't notice it."

"We have never suspected that there was a problem with the surveillance, so we did not expand the scope of targeted investigations before and during the room opening process for the No. 2 couple."

"And even if we conduct an investigation, it will be difficult to gain anything. We have no idea when Wu Qianqian died or when her body was taken away."

Chen Yi looked away and said: "Wu Yuanshan can't do it without any flaws, so he is prepared with both hands. Who would have thought that the person who hires someone to take the blame is also taking the blame for others?"

"You have worked so hard. I have really broken my heart for this bastard son. At the same time... I also want to repay Jiang Xueyi who I will never be able to repay in my lifetime."

When the new silence, secretly sigh.

Shi Guangjian's specific mental journey is still unknown, but Chen Yi is right. There is quite a part of the reason here, and I am afraid it is for Jiang Xueyi.

What is going on between the three of them, how much Jiang Xueyi knows, how much Jiang Yu knows, including how much Shi Guangjian himself knows, these questions need to be asked to clarify.

After entering the hotel, Chen Yi and others showed their identities and went directly into the main control room. When He Xin took over the computer and started investigating, Chen Yi sat beside him and waited.

After a long time, the results came out. Shi Xin said: "There is indeed a problem. The surveillance has been covered."

Chen Yi: "Can it recover?"

When will it be new: "If it's difficult, you can try it. You need to bring back the entire original copy of the storage disk."

After speaking, he glanced at the staff behind him, who quickly said: "Officer, what should we do if we take them all back?"

He Xin said: "Use the spare disk first, and I will help you fix it."

Staff: "Uh... what if the monitoring needs to be adjusted due to other matters?"

Chen Yi stood up and said: "Whoever needs it, please come to the city bureau directly to see me. My name is Chen Yi. Whether it is catching a mistress or a cuckold, the Criminal Investigation Detachment promises to help them find out clearly."

staff member:"……"

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