Chen Yi lingered around the three-story building for nearly an hour. After confirming that there was really no chance, he chose to leave.

He retraced his steps, left Changliu Village safely, and got into the car safely.

This night visit to Changliu Village took several hours, and the harvest can be said to have met expectations. As long as the time is right, it can be uprooted.

Sitting in the car, Chen Yi lit a cigarette and looked at the village in front of him through the glass. He really didn't expect that Wude Mountain could integrate a village and become a "Tu Emperor".

In this case, more people will be involved, and they need to talk to Gu Jingfeng to discuss this issue.

When he finished smoking a cigarette, Chen Yi opened the car window, threw the cigarette handle out the window, started the car and left.

He did not go back to his residence, but went directly to the Jiaocheng City Bureau.

At this point, only the person on duty was left. After parking the car, Chen Yi went straight to the case handling hall. What surprised him was that Shi Xin didn't leave and Qin Fei didn't leave either. They both chose to sleep here.

The two of them were sleeping lightly. When they heard the footsteps, they raised their bodies slightly. When they saw it was Chen Yi, they quickly sat up from the folding bed.

"Team Chen." Qin Fei said.

"Back." Shi Xin also said.

Chen Yi nodded, got himself a glass of water, and said, "Why didn't you go back to sleep?"

He Xin smiled and said: "You have to keep an eye on the positions of Wudeshan and Wuyong at all times. I won't worry about going back."

Chen Yi came over and said, "You are probably worried about my safety. Don't worry, I won't put myself in danger if I'm not sure."


When did Xin Xin hear another meaning: "Has something gained?"

Chen Yi: "Yes."

After saying that, he came to the table, found a piece of octavo white paper, spread it out, picked up a pen and marked a symbol on it.

He Xin and Qin Fei came to the left and right sides and watched Chen Yi's movements.

Changliu Village.

Chen Yi wrote three words, tapped the paper and said: "This should be Bamencang. I asked. Changliu Village used to be Wujia Village. When it was renamed, Bamencang was one of the alternate names. I think it is for safety reasons that Taketokuyama and the others have always called Changliu the Eight Gate Cang."

"The effect is remarkable. No one knows where this place is. I was lucky enough to ask the right person."

Hearing Chen Yi's words, Ji Xin was surprised: "Changliu Village is Bamencang? Is the whole village a den?"

Chen Yi: "Well, I went in. They take security issues very seriously, and the surveillance installation is even more intensive than Skynet."

Shi Xin: "The more we pay attention to safety, the bigger the problem will be."

Chen Yi: "Yes, that's the truth."

New When: "Anything discovered?"

Chen Yi: "Every household is suspected of smuggling. This is a period of silence. Wudeshan should have spoken out, but as long as we surround this place, we will definitely be able to send Wudeshan and Wuyong in. With so many people, just a confession is enough."

"Now, we can basically take action at any time. I will go see Team Leader Gu tomorrow and get rid of this place."

Shi Xin nodded slightly and asked, "Are we only going to move Changliu Village?"

Chen Yi once again marked a symbol with his pen, writing Nanping Port, and marked Wudeshan's home, Wudeshan's company, and Wuyong's seafood market and real estate industry.

After finishing writing, he said: "If we move, of course we must cover all places with the force of thunder. Special police, criminal police, and civilian police will take action at the same time. Criminal investigation, economic investigation, security, and anti-smuggling will cooperate with each other to uproot all illegal industries of Huisheng Group in the shortest possible time." "

Shi Xin felt the difficulty of command and said, "Secret work must be done well."

Chen Yi: "Yes, we will inform you half an hour before the action plan. Cell phones will be confiscated 12 hours beforehand, especially for the anti-smuggling side. Duan Quan will be in charge. You will be in charge of the economic investigation and security brigade. Qin Fei will be in charge of the police station. I will take it with you." The SWAT officers confronted them head-on."

It is a cognitive bias that unruly people come out of poor places, but it still makes sense to a certain extent. Those people in Changliu Village may not be obedient.

Shi Xin: "I will listen to your arrangements."

On the other hand, Qin Fei was a little panicked. It didn't take long for him to change from a policeman to a criminal policeman. He was asked to command so many police stations. What if something went wrong.

After panicking for a few seconds, he took a deep breath to suppress the rapid beating of his heart. Chen Yi trusted him so much, so of course he would go all out.

At this time, you can't say the three words "I can't do it." Otherwise, when you return to Yangcheng in the future, will you still have the nerve to stay in the Municipal Bureau's Criminal Investigation Detachment?

"Listen to Captain Chen's arrangements," Qin Fei said.

Chen Yi glanced at Qin Fei and said nothing. The peripheral cleaning work was already very difficult and he believed Qin Fei could complete it.

Throwing away the pen in his hand, he said: "This matter will be completed within a week, and the people in Changliu Village will be detained. We will investigate the other tails slowly. Lao He, continue to keep an eye on Wudeshan and Wuyong."

When is new: "Understood."

In the early morning, Chen Yi came to Jiaocheng Building and met Gu Jingfeng and Mo Jiantong who had just finished breakfast.

Chen Yi has been busy since he came to Jiaocheng. Of course, they cannot be idle. There are many elites in the investigation team, and they have already gained something.

"Is there any connection between Qiu Chengtai and Wudeshan?"

Chen Yi was not surprised. It was expected. Once Wudeshan was captured, the subsequent problems would become much simpler.

Gu Jingfeng smiled: "Chen Yi, have you brought me any good news this time?"

Chen Yi nodded: "Of course, I found the location of Bamencang. It is a place called Changliu Village. I sneaked in and took a look. It was a smuggling village. There were no old people or children in the whole village. Every household was suspected of smuggling crimes. and illegal transactions.”

These words made Gu Jingfeng's face become serious, and Mo Jiantong beside him also frowned.

They looked at the problem from a different perspective than Chen Yi. Integrating a village was no different from occupying the land as king. If it had been a few decades ago, the army would have moved over without even checking.

"So Genjie is here..." Gu Jingfeng whispered to himself.

Mo Jiantong looked at Chen Yida and said, "What do you think?"

Chen Yi replied: "Kill them as soon as possible, the better. There is no need to play an infernal game with them. Now that we have clues, just bulldoze them."

Mo Jiantong couldn't decide and looked at Gu Jingfeng, who hesitated for Chen Yi's suggestion for the first time: "We have only been here a few days, are we sure we are going to make a big move? No more checking, can we be more sure?"

Chen Yi: “I personally think it’s not necessary.”

Gu Jingfeng fell silent, with a thoughtful look on his brows.

After a while, he said: "After conquering Changliu Village, Huisheng Group will inevitably be affected, right?"

Chen Yi nodded: "Of course, all actions will be carried out at the same time, and no one will slip through the net."

Gu Jingfeng began to think deeply again.

As the leader of the investigation team, he needs to consider the overall situation and not just focus on the Huisen Group.

Once the arrest operation is launched, it will trigger an earthquake throughout Jiaocheng, and any subsequent impact must be prepared in advance.

The news brought by Chen Yi was too sudden. He needed to carefully analyze the pros and cons and make a careful decision.

After an unknown amount of time, Gu Jingfeng raised his eyes and looked at Chen Yi and said, "If you don't trust people, just listen to you. The entire Jiaocheng police force is under your command. There is no need to report the action process. I only look at the results."

Chen Yi looked solemn: "Yes, Team Leader Gu."

Gu Jingfeng: "Chen Yi, this operation is no small matter. We must be cautious and cautious, make a comprehensive plan, and maximize the error tolerance rate. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, it will be difficult for me to handle."

Chen Yi: "Don't worry, Team Leader Gu, I'll go back first."

Gu Jingfeng: "Yeah."

Chen Yi returned to the city bureau and immediately called Duan Quan to the conference room.

Regarding this person, Chen Yi was gambling and prepared for the worst.

Again, it’s impossible for the Jiaocheng police to use no one. That’s not realistic.

"Captain Chen."

Duan Quan sat down.

Chen Yi handed over a cigarette and got straight to the point: "Duan Zhi, I need you to control the anti-smuggling. The order will be issued immediately. I will tell you the specific actions when the time comes."

Duan Quan was a little surprised: "Is there going to be action so soon?"

Chen Yi looked at him and said nothing.

Duan Quan reacted: "Sorry, I'm too talkative. Although I'm not familiar with the anti-smuggling side, everyone wears the same clothes. I completely obey the orders of the investigation team and try my best to complete the task. If something goes wrong, Captain Chen doesn't have to Be polite and hold them accountable.”

Chen Yi said concisely and to the point: "Okay, I hope we can have a happy cooperation."

Duan Quan is very experienced, so there is no need to give him too many reminders. This is someone who has been dealing with drug dealers for many years, and is not comparable to ordinary police officers.

That afternoon, the Wu family villa.

Wu Deshan and Wu Yong were sitting in the living room, discussing the follow-up strategy. They knew that Chen Yi must be keeping a close eye on them, and they had to be careful even if they made the slightest move.

"Dad, Wu Ze's side..."

After chatting for a while, Wu Yong couldn't help but mention Wu Ze.

Wu Deshan frowned: "It's difficult to handle. We don't dare to move, and naturally our friends don't dare to move either. We can only wait until the investigation team leaves."

"Without the execution, we still have a chance."

Hearing this, Wu Yong nodded. Seeing that Wu Deshan was no longer as worried as he was a few days ago, he must have received some promise.

I just don’t know...whether it’s perfunctory or sincere.

At this time, Wu Deshan received a message on his mobile phone. He unlocked it, took a look, and got up and went upstairs.

Wu Yong didn't ask any more questions, he picked up the tea cup and drank. He was already used to this kind of thing. His father would naturally tell him what he should know, and don't ask about what he shouldn't know.

When he came to the study, Wu Deshan changed his mobile phone and dialed the number.

"Hello? It's me."

The other party: "Chen Yi knows about Bamencang. He left the city alone last night and came back early in the morning. Today he went directly to Jiaocheng Building. What's going on?"

Takekuyama's face suddenly changed: "What?! How could he know about Bamencang?"

The other party: "It's my turn to ask you, how do you keep confidentiality?"

Wu Deshan explained: "Even Wu Ze doesn't know about Bamencang. Unless Wu Yong sells me, no one will know about Bamencang."

The other party: "There is no airtight wall in the world."

Takeyama was silent for a moment and said, "Even if he knows about Bamencang, he can't find the place. It's not on the map at all. Don't worry."

The other party: "The ones who die fastest are always those who are overconfident. Immediately go and investigate all the surveillance in Bamencang, and then send people out to ask, focusing on nearby villages, to make sure if anyone has inquired about Bamencang."

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