In the early morning, on the tenth floor of a hotel in Jiaocheng, three people opened a room and were sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows chatting. Qin Fei held a telescope and looked into the distance.

That's Nanping Port, and the tenth floor of this hotel is the best vantage point.

Keng! Keng!

At the table, Chen Yi pushed the bullets into the magazine one by one, turning his head slightly to look at the dagger on his right.

The dagger is very exquisite, with smooth lines and elegant shape, but within this elegance, there is a cold and harsh light.

This is a work of art and a murder weapon.

"Let me just say that Team Leader Gu is definitely not an ordinary person. He brought a lot of good things with him when he came to Jiaocheng this time."

Chen Yi pushed the magazine, put down the pistol, and picked up the dagger.

Shi Xin was also handling the pistol. Hearing this, he smiled and said, "I suspect there is also a sniper rifle, but I'm not willing to give it to us."

Chen Yi touched the dagger and said, "No, no, no, is there any movement, Qin Fei?"

Qin Fei stood in front of the window and replied: "There is no movement, it is very deserted."

Two hours ago, they quietly returned to Jiaocheng after parting ways with the investigation team, and opened a room in a hotel not far from Nanping Port to pay attention to the developments in Nanping Port.

If there are still people behind the Wu family, Nanping Port should soon become lively.

The biggest advantage of Jiaocheng is the port. Its development in a short period of time relies on port trade. The most profitable place will inevitably breed illegal and criminal activities.

Now that the Wu family is gone, others will not let go of this piece of cake. If they keep an eye on Nanping Port, they will definitely gain something.

On the other side, He Xin put away his pistol and continued to operate the computer. He was locating the mobile phone signals of Qi Ting and Qi Weihai, and now he had the results.

"Going home." He Xin said.

It was originally supposed to be located together with Zhuang Qingfeng, but the other party's number had already become empty, and he should have used a black card.

Chen Yi picked up the cigarette case on the table, took out a cigarette, lit it, and said, "Let's go home and open the champagne to celebrate."

Shi Xin raised his head slightly: "If Qi Weihai silenced Wudeshan, then he must know the whereabouts of Liang Yi, but he doesn't know whether he is dead or alive now."

Chen Yi: "This is the most difficult thing to handle. We don't know whether he is dead or alive, so we can only assume he is alive."

"Since we are alive, if we stay in Jiaocheng to investigate the Qi family, it will be difficult to guarantee Liang Yi's life or death. On the other hand, if we leave Jiaocheng, Liang Yi may also be silenced and blamed on Wude Mountain. No matter what we do, there is no way Reduce Liang Yi’s death probability.”

"Now, I can only hope that Qi Ting and Liang Yi were really in love, and maybe he can be spared temporarily."

After saying that, Chen Yi threw the cigarette case to He Xin.

Shi Xin took it, took it out, lit it, and said, "It's a rat-proof weapon. You can't do anything."

Chen Yi: "So, the first thing we need to do when we return to Jiaocheng is to determine the whereabouts of Liang Yi. If he lives or dies, he will see his body. Once this matter is confirmed, it will be easier to handle later."

He Xin nodded and said: "Even Liang Yi dares to move, so he probably won't be afraid of us. If there is a conflict in the future, it is likely to be a life-or-death outcome."

The three of them have discussed the issue of casualties once and will not discuss it a second time.

Afraid of death? Of course, no one is not afraid of death, but there are things more important than death.

Chen Yi took a puff of cigarette and said: "This group of enemies is much more fierce than the Wu family. We don't want to hold anything back when we go deep alone. They won't be polite to us. When facing people with weapons, protect yourself first and don't think about it." other."

When is new: "Understood."

Chen Yi looked at Qin Fei: "Especially you, Qin Fei, you have practiced your skills and marksmanship well during the time you came to the detachment, but you lack combat experience and have not shed any blood, right?"

Hearing this, Qin Fei put down the telescope and looked back, grinning: "I have strong adaptability. Don't worry, Captain Chen. I won't embarrass you."

Chen Yi: "I'm not afraid that you will embarrass me, but I'm afraid that I will have to collect your body. From now on, regardless of your identity as a policeman and the shooting regulations, the people behind the Wu family are all desperadoes."

They have also discussed the matter of Changliu Village Processing Factory. If Wudeshan is silenced, then the boss will be someone else.

Drug dealers don't care whether you are a police officer or not, they will fight tooth and nail when they meet.

If you don't shoot, you will die.

Qin Fei: "Yes! Team Chen!"

Throughout the night, the three of them took turns sleeping and resting. Those who were awake were responsible for observing Nanping Port and also paying attention to the mobile phone signals of Qi Weihai and Qi Ting.

At nine o'clock in the morning, after breakfast, Qin Fei left the hotel to rent a car and returned soon. The rental period was half a month.

At this time, He Xin was sitting in front of the computer, looking at the moving light spots on the satellite map, and his expression was shocked.

"Chen Yi! Qi Ting is moving!"

In front of the window, Chen Yi put away his telescope and came to He Xin's side, saying, "Where are you going?"

When he zoomed in on the map, he pointed at an area and said, "Get on the elevated highway. If you don't want to leave Jiaocheng, your destination should be this area."

Chen Yi stared at the location pointed by Shi Xin: "In the wilderness, such a remote place? Come on, let's follow and take a look."

"Qin Fei, stay in the hotel and continue to keep an eye on Nanping Port. If there is any movement, tell me immediately."

Qin Fei: "Yes!"

Afterwards, Chen Yi took the car key from Qin Fei, left the hotel and got into the car, and rushed to Qi Ting's location.

This is an ordinary joint venture car priced at 100,000 yuan. It is very inconspicuous when driving on the road, but its displacement is a bit small. If it is to chase people, I am afraid that it will not be able to catch up.

Chen Yi was driving. He Xin, who was sitting in the passenger seat, put his computer on his lap and provided Chen Yi with the nearest route.

Fifteen minutes later, the vehicle was on the elevated highway.

Half an hour later, the vehicle got off the elevated road and headed towards the suburbs.

It wasn't until an hour and a half later that a new sentence made Chen Yi step on the brakes and turn right to park on the side of the road.

"The signal is gone."

"The signal disappeared?" Chen Yi frowned, "What happened? Is it due to the terrain?"

Shi Xin said: "No, it disappeared completely. There are many possibilities, such as unplugging the mobile phone card and battery, or completely blocking the mobile phone signal. In short, Qi Ting thought of a way to prevent others from tracking her, so she won't be discovered, right? "

Chen Yi thought for a moment and said: "I don't think so. It should be a habitual caution. Even Wu Yong knows about counter-reconnaissance, let alone the people behind them. Show me where they disappeared."

Hearing this, when the new general turned his computer over, the environment displayed on the map was very intuitive.

The foot of the mountain, the dense forest, the wilderness, Qi Ting suddenly came to such a place, and the mobile phone signal disappeared. She thought with her knees that there was something wrong with it.

"First go to the location where the signal disappeared and pay attention to monitoring."

After saying that, Chen Yi stepped on the accelerator and the vehicle sped away.

a few minutes ago.

Qi Ting was sitting in the back seat of the car. Seeing that she was almost there, she took out her mobile phone and put it into an iron box.

It's not that I discovered anything, or that I suspected anything, just being cautious.

Qi Weihai has always taught him that he should not lose due caution even in an absolutely safe situation.

Carelessness is poison that can cost your life.

The vehicle continued driving for twenty minutes while turning left and right, and finally stopped at the entrance of a wilderness building.

In a place with no village in front and no shop behind, a building stands here, looking very abrupt.

The building is not luxurious and very ordinary, but the area is not small. It extends to several courtyards. If you look down from a high altitude, the layout looks like an ancient private garden.

Seeing Qi Ting get out of the car, a bodyguard opened the door.

"Sister Ting."

Qi Ting hummed, and with the sound of high heels hitting the ground, her figure disappeared into the courtyard.

Ten minutes later, in the side hall.

Qi Ting was sitting on a comfortable single sofa with her legs crossed and her arms naturally resting on the armrests of the sofa. She looked at the man with his hands tied in front of her with cold eyes.

Domineering, show off.

The man looked to be in his thirties, with messy hair and unkempt beard. There were faint red slap marks on his face, and the blood stains left on the corners of his mouth had not been wiped off yet. He was very embarrassed.

He just leaned against the wall and moved his body with difficulty to make himself more comfortable, but his broken left leg did not allow him to do so.

On the left and right, there was a bodyguard in custody, all of them muscular men.

Not long after, a subordinate handed over a glass of red wine. Qi Ting took it, shook it, and took a sip.

"Liang Yi, how are you thinking?"

Qi Ting's voice sounded, soft and chilly.

Liang Yi raised his head slightly. There was no despair or fear in his eyes, only ridicule and disdain, as if he was looking at a clown.

Qi Ting frowned. What she hated most was Liang Yi's eyes.

She did not have a seizure and repeated: "I'll ask you again, how are you thinking about it."

Liang Yi opened his lips and chuckled: "Let me cooperate with you. Stop wishing. Kill me if you can. Don't waste time."

Qi Ting was used to this answer and said: "Liang Yi, the investigation team has left."

Liang Yi's smile solidified slightly.

Seeing this, Qi Ting became happy: "Are you surprised? Haha, the Wu family is gone, so the investigation team left. Isn't it surprising?"

Liang Yi frowned.

Qi Ting was even happier: "So, don't put your hope in the investigation team. Counting the time, they have already arrived at the Imperial City."

"Do you know who the investigation team came to investigate the case? His name is Chen Yi, from Yangcheng. I heard he is a master in investigating crimes, but he turns out to be a fool. After solving the Wu family, he can go back to Yangcheng and brag about it for the rest of his life."

"In the future, he may come to Jiaocheng for a trip, and maybe I will have to entertain him."

Liang Yi slowly closed his eyes and whispered: "You silenced Wudeshan."

Qi Ting: "Yes, how do you feel now?"

Liang Yi: "Justice will eventually come, don't be too happy too early."

Qi Ting said calmly: "Don't talk nonsense. If you want to live or die, choose one. Wouldn't it be better to follow me? You will live a lifetime of glory and wealth, and you will never be able to spend all your money. Don't be shameless."

Liang Yi smiled: "I want to live, but... I don't want to live on my knees."

Qi Ting's expression turned cold, and she suddenly dropped the red wine glass in her hand to the ground. The bright red wine spread like blood blooming.

"Bring it!"

Taking the stick handed by her subordinates, Qi Ting strode over in high heels: "Liang Yi, you don't want the other leg anymore, do you?"

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