The inventory work lasted until early morning. There were many rooms in the villa, which was a big workload.

Chen Yi's order was not to let go of any suspicious corners, and even if there was a problem with the floor, it had to be lifted up. Therefore, the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Jiaocheng City Bureau worked very seriously and did not dare to slack off at all.


This is a place that needs to be searched intensively. Chen Yi and He Xin personally took charge of it and gained a lot.

The room has been remodeled and there is a dark room. The switch is very ordinary and easy to ignore. It is an inconspicuous glass ashtray on the desk.

When the smooth wall was opened, Chen Yi found what he wanted in the darkroom of thirty or forty square meters.

Here, almost all of Qi Weihai's criminal evidence exists, including information on his technical and chemical personnel.

The double protection of interests and the lives of family members prevented anyone from disobeying Qi Weihai.

In the dark room, Chen Yi watched the police officer bag the mobile phone on the table and said to He Xin: "A quiet wolf is much scarier than a barking dog."

He discovered that Qi Weihai had a catchphrase and liked to say the word "civilization", but the other party did not show it when they first met.

Is Qi Weihai civilized?

Compared to the Wu family, his behavior was considered "civilized". There were almost no victims on the surface, and if there were any, they were all completely eliminated, so his name was not included in the investigation team's files.

But in fact, the consequences caused by Qi Weihai were much more serious than those of the Wu family.

Wudeshan is a tool man, and he only does some smuggling business.

Wu Yong's seafood market and real estate company can only earn some gray income, and his work is a bit domineering.

Not to mention Wu Ze, an idiot who only enjoys his one-third of an acre of land.

If Wu Yong and Wu Ze hadn't been killed, they wouldn't be able to compare with Qi Weihai.

Qi Weihai's goods were sold all over the world. It was unknown how many people were harmed and how many families were torn apart. He also hid a large number of guns. He was an extremely dangerous person.

Qi Weihai's strong power and background allowed him to speak for himself in Jiaocheng. Although he was low-key on the surface, once he became ruthless and took action, crushing people like Wudeshan to death would be no more difficult than crushing ants.

This is a quiet wolf dormant in Jiaocheng.

"No casualties, that's the best result." Ji Xin said.

Chen Yi hummed: "Let's go, it's time to close the case."

In the early morning, two vehicles of the investigation team returned to the Jiaocheng Building. Gu Jingfeng led the team into the building in front of him for the second time without informing anyone.

When we came back this time, the investigation team was missing some members, including Mo Jiantong.

At this time, Mo Jiantong was leading this elite group of investigators to raid Qingcheng.

Qingcheng, Changzhou, is the provincial capital of Changzhou.

Chen Yi submitted the most important name in the Qi Weihai case overnight. Gu Jingfeng was shocked and without any hesitation, he immediately asked Mo Jiantong to go to Qingcheng to control him.

He really couldn't understand how Qi Weihai got together with people from Qingcheng when Jiaocheng was so far away from Qingcheng.

There will be an answer to this question, and you will know it after examining it.

He Shizhong got the news quickly and was so frightened that he almost fell down on the way there.

"Gu...Team Leader Gu." Facing Gu Jingfeng for the second time, He Shizhong's smile was quite forced.

Gu Jingfeng snorted coldly: "Why are you sitting in this seat? See for yourself what Jiaocheng has become. Not to mention Wudeshan, there is also Cai Baokun, and there is even Qi Weihai behind you!"

"He Shizhong, do you still want to do it?"

He Shizhong broke into a cold sweat and said humbly: "Team Leader Gu, I...I..."

Gu Jingfeng: "Come in with me!"

He Shizhong: "Okay, okay..."

He quickly followed.

In the office, Gu Jingfeng sat there, scolding He Shizhong in front of him. Although there were no curse words, He Shizhong was frightened and did not dare to say a word.

At the same time, his hanging heart was slightly relieved. Since Gu Jingfeng could sit here and scold him, it meant that he was safe, at least he would not be dismissed.

"Fortunately, I brought a talent this time, otherwise I would have been fooled by you, Jiao Cheng."

"He Shizhong, do you need to reflect on yourself?"

Gu Jingfeng's voice continued.

He Shizhong kept echoing: "Yes... yes, what Team Leader Gu said was that it was my negligence at work."

He understood that Chen Yi, the man from the investigation team, had discovered the problem a long time ago and tried to drain the fire, letting the investigation team go first while he secretly came back to investigate.

It turned out to be a great harvest. They dug out the hidden Qi Weihai and even raided Nanping Port, completely solving the hidden danger.

For Jiao Cheng, this was a good thing, but for him, it was not a good thing.

"Qi Weihai? Never heard of it."

He Shizhong couldn't figure out who this person was despite racking his brains. This shows how deeply Qi Weihai hides.

"Aren't you aware of the several times Qingcheng has interfered in Jiao Cheng's affairs these days? Huh?" Gu Jingfeng asked.

He Shizhong was at a loss: "Uh."

He began to recall, and when he thought about it carefully, it seemed that there was indeed such a thing, but who would have thought that it was related to Qi Weihai's crime, and since he was a principal, many matters were handled by the deputy in charge.

Jiaocheng is so big, it's impossible for him to know everything.

Of course, he didn't dare to say these words. It was fine, but if he said it, it would be absolutely ruined.

If something goes wrong, it is inevitable to go to the person at the top, and he is not unjust.

Gu Jingfeng said he was tired. Seeing that He Shizhong had a good attitude and was not involved in the cases of Wudeshan and Qi Weihai, he finally said: "Okay, record a major demerit, check your registration, and handle Jiao Cheng's affairs for me in a while. , there will be people coming to the Imperial City again."

He Shizhong grimaced.

This is a very serious treatment, and further consequences include expulsion and suspension.

"Yes, Team Leader Gu."

He Shizhong accepted the reality and felt angry in his heart. It was foreseeable that when the investigation team really left Jiaocheng, he would conduct further rigorous investigations throughout Jiaocheng.

This is his business and has nothing to do with the investigation team.

Being able to sit in this seat, He Shizhong is naturally not a simple character.

In the afternoon, Jiaocheng Bureau.

Qi Weihai's case was also involved here. When the investigation team took away a person in a joint investigation, dark clouds began to surround him.

Although the atmosphere was depressing, the interrogation continued. All interrogation rooms were full at this moment, and Chen Yi was giving the final closing remarks to Qi Weihai.

All the questions that should be asked have been asked, and all the people who should be arrested have been arrested and brought to justice. During the night and day, the field criminal police never had a rest.

"If Liang Yi had been dealt with earlier, the result might have been different."

Qi Weihai knew that he would not survive, so he stopped playing tricks with Chen Yi and said whatever he thought.

He did regret it, but not for what he had done, but for not being cautious enough.

Liang Yi was a time bomb that could go wrong at any time. It was really a mistake for me to keep him alive for so long.

Do you want to blame Qi Ting?

After all, she is her own daughter, so thinking about these things in hindsight has no meaning now.

Chen Yi looked at him and said: "Liang Yi is still alive, which only speeds up your arrest and will not affect the outcome. When you appear in my sight, you will definitely not be able to escape."

Qi Weihai no longer thinks that Chen Yi is arrogant and that the other party's ability is enough to make him say this.

He smiled, and his smile was not very natural: "It ended too quickly, and I didn't have a good fight with Captain Chen. It's a pity."

Chen Yi: "From the time you pretended to tell me about the Wison Group, the confrontation has already begun. Your father and daughter's acting skills are indeed good. I have also said this to Qi Ting."

Qi Weihai: "It seems now that I was tricked by this guy Wudeshan. Without him, you wouldn't be able to come to Jiaocheng."

"I told him that times have changed and we need to be civilized and civilized. But I'm afraid he didn't understand the meaning of the word civilization until his death."

Chen Yi did not deny it.

Qi Weihai was indeed well hidden. Without Huisheng Group, he would not have been found.

"This should be the last time we meet, so I won't say goodbye." Chen Yi stood up.

Qi Weihai: "It's an honor to meet you, Captain Chen."

Chen Yi's voice was calm: "I don't think so. Farewell, Mr. Qi."

After saying that, he turned around and opened the door and left the interrogation room.

Qi Weihai locked his hands on the interrogation room, slowly lowered his head, and finally let out a self-deprecating laugh.

He had foreseen countless times that he would be caught, but he never thought that the person who did it would be a young man under thirty years old.

The country is so big that it is really like a crouching tiger, hidden dragon.

The investigation team stayed in Jiaocheng for three days, and the so-called friends involved in Qi Weihai were brought to justice one by one. During this period, Mo Jiantong returned to report the results of the work to Gu Jingfeng. The people in Qingcheng were under control and needed to be brought back to the Imperial City for processing.

At this point, the Jiaocheng case is completely over, leaving no traces or hidden dangers.

Nanping Port will usher in its new prosperity.

At night, the lively wine table was full of laughter and laughter, and all front-line investigators and operators were present.

Chen Yi, Shi Xin, Qin Fei, Yan Zhe, Duan Quan, Ma Bin... even Liang Yi came on crutches. After drinking, everyone was very relaxed and chatted about their past.

No matter old acquaintances or new friends, they are all comrades fighting side by side in this Jiaocheng case, people who can be entrusted with their backs.

Yan Zhe, the new investigation captain, and Liang Yi, the new criminal investigation detachment captain, need them to protect Jiaocheng in the future. This is Chen Yi's expectation for them, and it is also the trust of the investigation team in them.

"Captain Chen, have a nice trip. I hope we have a chance to meet again in the future." At the end of the practice banquet, Liang Yi raised his wine glass.

Yan Zhe: "Captain Chen, have a safe journey. Thank you for your guidance during this time."

Duan Quan: "Captain Chen, have a nice trip."

Ma Bin: "Captain Chen, have a nice trip."

Everyone looked at Chen Yi, who smiled and said: "It's not far anyway. When I come to Jiaocheng to play, you have to treat me well. Of course, Yangcheng welcomes all captains at any time. To be honest, we That’s much better than yours.”

Everyone: "Haha, definitely, definitely!"

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