Detective: Open your eyes, I am handcuffed in the interrogation room

Chapter 269 Captain of the Criminal Investigation Detachment, Second Class Inspector

The next morning, three dark gold minibuses slowly left the Jiaocheng Building, escorted by police cars.

From behind, He Shizhong waved and Liang Yi and others saluted. The former was bidding farewell to Gu Jingfeng and Mo Jiantong, while the latter was expressing respect for Chen Yi in the car.

Depending on where you are, the people you notice are naturally different.

In the car, Gu Jingfeng and Mo Jiantong kept looking at Chen Yi, which made Chen Yi quite helpless. He finally couldn't help but say: "Two team leaders, don't look at me anymore. It's gone this time. It's really gone."

The two of them probably had "psychological shadows" and were worried that there was someone behind Qi Weihai.

The other members of the investigation team had the same thoughts as them. They had been waiting for Chen Yi to speak. Now that they were confirmed, they were relieved.

The Jiaocheng case lasted for more than a month, and it was finally concluded successfully and lived up to the great trust of the Imperial City. Chen Yi, who was in charge of the front-line investigation, should be credited with the first credit.

Everyone knows that after returning, Chen Yi is afraid that he will take a step closer and the word "vice" in front of the vice captain will be removed.

This is only the benefit that can be seen in a short period of time. The experience of the Jiaocheng case will never be erased. It will accompany Chen Yi throughout his life. Every time the other party's position changes, he will mention it until he retires.

Because this case is no longer an ordinary criminal case, it involves too wide an area and will not be forgotten.

Unless Chen Yi has more outstanding achievements during this period, he can be overshadowed.

Gu Jingfeng smiled: "It's really gone? Are you sure it's true this time?"

Chen Yi: "OK."

Gu Jingfeng: "That's good."

After saying that, he leaned back on his seat and let out a long sigh of relief. It could be seen that he was under a lot of pressure. After all, he was the leader of the investigation team. Any failure in the Jiaocheng case would ultimately be blamed on him.

In this regard, Chen Yi helped him a lot.

Finding Qi Weihai made the overall contribution of the investigation team even greater. This is not the same concept as just dealing with Huisheng Group.

Especially, Qingcheng was involved.

After returning to the Imperial City, Gu Jingfeng needs to continue to make detailed reports, and Chen Yi's name will inevitably be mentioned. The benefits are endless for Chen Yi, and the road under his feet will be smooth.

"Chen Yi, are you interested in working in Imperial City?"

The one who spoke was not Gu Jingfeng, but Mo Jiantong. He liked this young man more and more and felt that it was a waste to be a criminal investigation captain in Yangcheng.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the car looked at Mo Jiantong, including Gu Jingfeng. They haven't even returned to the Imperial City yet. Are they going to poach people?

Gu Jingfeng smiled and said nothing. In fact, he also wanted to talk to Chen Yi about this issue, but it was not suitable for him to do so through the teacher.

Facing Mo Jiantong's gaze, Chen Yi hesitated: "This... I still like to stay in Yangcheng."

People go to higher places. If there is no Fang family, he will definitely agree. But now that Fang Shuyu is his girlfriend, this time he has the opportunity to come to Jiaocheng to investigate the case, it must be the recommendation of the Fang family. If he and others If you run away, Songping will probably curse you when you get back.

Once he comes into contact with this level, he can't talk nonsense. Besides, with his character and ability, he is more suitable to be a criminal police officer.

"Okay." Mo Jiantong was not disappointed and said with a smile: "If I don't go now, I will probably go in the future. When you come to the Imperial City, you can call me at any time."

This sentence did not mean to reminisce about the past. Chen Yi understood that the implication was: If you encounter any trouble, call me and I will help you sort it out.

"Okay, okay." Chen Yi agreed quickly.

The Jiao Cheng case allowed him to gain rare interpersonal relationships. Everyone in the entire investigation team was an elite in the Imperial City, and they were good at talking.

It's not the same thing when there is no need and when there is no use, especially Gu Jingfeng and Mo Jiantong. The two of them are already considered to be the top group in the Imperial City, and they don't have the chance to get to know each other.

The atmosphere on the way home was relaxed and happy. As they chatted, they talked about the Jiaocheng case itself.

Although Qi Weihai's criminal gang was wiped out, the follow-up processing has just begun. This matter has nothing to do with Chen Yi, and he can't control such a big thing.

Needless to say, Jiao Cheng, the one in Qingcheng is at the same level as Fang Songping, so everything involved needs to be understood carefully.

"Customs, Municipal Bureau, Jiaocheng Building... This hurts a lot." Gu Jingfeng said, he was talking to Mo Jiantong.

When this topic was mentioned, Mo Jiantong's voice became colder: "Pain is unavoidable when pulling out pus, but if you don't pull it out, the condition will only get worse and worse, and eventually it will be out of control."

Gu Jingfeng nodded: "That's true. I'm just surprised that so many people are involved. It's really not easy for small Jiaocheng."

Mo Jiantong: "It is in small places that problems are likely to arise."

Chen Yi did not participate in the conversation between the two, and turned to look out the window. The rapidly retreating scenery indicated that the distance to the Imperial City was getting closer and closer.

He was wondering whether he should meet Fang Yanjun when he arrived at the Imperial City. After all, he was Fang Shuyu's elder, so he should greet him out of politeness.

After thinking for a long time and unable to decide, he sent a WeChat message to ask Fang Shuyu. The two had contacted each other before and the latter knew that the Jiao Cheng case was over.

The other party replied: Either way.

Saying it is the same as not saying it.

If he were an ordinary person, he would definitely go there with large and small bags, but the problem is not that, this is more complicated. Even relatives can't meet such a person if they want to, right?

After thinking for a long time, he finally gave up.

As long as the other party doesn't take the initiative to see him, it's better not to bother him rashly.

If you do more, you will make more mistakes. If you do less, you will make fewer mistakes. If you don’t do more, it will be better...well, that should be the case.

A few hours later, the vehicle arrived at the Imperial City.

On the way, Chen Yi already knew the arrangements for the few days in the Imperial City. The first stop was the Supreme Procuratorate, and the second stop was the police department. He would listen to what Gu Jingfeng and Mo Jiantong arranged. The case had been investigated, and the rest was Report review.

In two days, Chen Yi met and got to know a lot of people. His network of relationships expanded dramatically, and his address book even exceeded that of Yangcheng.

After all, the imperial city is an imperial city. If three bricks are thrown down, they may hit two of their own level. This phenomenon also made Chen Yi sigh.

That night, Gu Jingfeng went to meet Fang Yanjun. Chen Yi chose to taste the Imperial City's delicacies with He Xin and the others, and drank heavily without drinking.

Lin Chen did not personally participate in the investigation process of the case. His only contribution was to provide an accurate portrait of Zhuang Qingfeng, so he still regrets it. He pulled Qin Fei and kept asking. Qin Fei was not impatient and spoke slowly.

"Jiaocheng has to go back several years." He Xin chatted with Chen Yi.

After three rounds of drinking, Chen Yi held a slowly burning cigarette between his fingers and said: "Haste makes waste, the superficial prosperity and development is in vain. It only makes some people rich. The hidden dangers are too great. After experiencing this, He Shizhong will be very careful in the future, take your time, we can't control it."

Jiaocheng has nothing to do with them in the first place. Whether Jiaocheng will remain where it is or take on a new look in the future is not something they should consider.

Everything within the scope of responsibilities has been done.

I just hope that I won’t go to Jiaocheng to investigate cases again. If I go again, Jiaocheng will be completely destroyed.

Shi Xin nodded slightly: "I'm going back to Yangcheng tomorrow. To be honest, I miss you very much."

Chen Yi smiled and said, "Do you miss your wife and children?"

Ji Xin did not deny it, but also smiled and said: "Why, you don't want forensic medicine? I recorded it."

He pointed to the phone.

Chen Yi took a look and remembered something very important.

"Lao He, when will your one hundred yuan arrive?"

Hearing this, Shi Xin was doubtful and quickly remembered his previous bet with Chen Yi. If that place was where Liang Yi was imprisoned, he would lose.

"I'll transfer 100 to you, and I'll treat you to this meal." He picked up the phone.

Chen Yi: "You really don't suffer."

The two laughed.

On the other side, Gu Jingfeng had arrived and met Fang Yanjun in the living room.

Fang Yanjun already knew the outcome of the Jiaocheng case, but he didn't know the details. He was waiting for Gu Jingfeng to come and talk to him.

Mainly talking about Chen Yi's performance.


Gu Jingfeng sat down, reached for the teapot and poured tea for Fang Yanjun.

Fang Yanjun smiled: "Jingfeng, Chen Yi shouldn't disappoint you, right?"

Gu Jingfeng poured himself another glass and said, "Of course, not only am I not disappointed, I am also very pleasantly surprised. I am even very glad that the person I brought this time is Chen Yi."

"If it's Qin He, the investigation team will be in big trouble."

He has confidence in Qin He and believes that the other party can investigate the case of Huisheng Group, but Qi Weihai's words... may not be certain.

If Qi Weihai continues to be active in Jiaocheng, there will be a second Wude Mountain in the future.

Fang Yanjun: "Oh? It seems difficult to deal with. These people have become spirits?"

Gu Jingfeng smiled and said: "It's quite hidden. I didn't have any information before I went there. Even Chen Yi didn't find any decisive clues. He was just suspicious."

At the moment, he explained Chen Yi's investigation process in detail.

After listening silently, Fang Yanjun was not happy, but frowned: "What nonsense? He is not afraid of dying if he fights alone!"

Gu Jingfeng explained: "Chen Yi was worried about alerting the enemy. If he didn't investigate secretly, the case would not be over so quickly."

After saying that, he added: "I stopped him, but his words... I couldn't refuse. As a criminal police officer, he is fully worthy of the police uniform. I thank the teacher for recommending such an outstanding talent to me." , your vision is as vicious as ever."

Before, he chose Chen Yi partly because of Fang Yanjun, but now... he needs to thank Fang Yanjun.

These words made Fang Yanjun's smile rise again, and he said, "Your own decision has nothing to do with me."

In my heart: You brat did a great job and didn’t embarrass me in front of the students.

Looking at Fang Yanjun's expression, Gu Jingfeng held back his laughter and said, "Teacher, the police department has decided to promote Chen Yi to the captain of the municipal bureau's criminal investigation detachment, and the police rank will be promoted to second-level police inspector. What do you think?"

Fang Yanjun waved his hand quickly: "Don't ask me, this is your business. There are rewards and punishments."

Gu Jingfeng nodded: "Okay, I actually planned to transfer Chen Yi to Imperial City, but he seemed reluctant. He said he liked Yangcheng and didn't want to leave, and his girlfriend is also in Yangcheng."

Fang Yanjun: "Respect young people's own decisions... What about this guy? Why don't you come to my place for a walk when you get to the Imperial City?"

Gu Jingfeng: "Uh..."

This question is rather embarrassing.

That's right, Chen Yi, you have nothing to do in the Imperial City, why don't you come to see your girlfriend's grandfather? So rude? It shouldn't be.

"Maybe... because you think you have a special status and don't dare to come on your own initiative?" He guessed and helped Chen Yi explain.

Fang Yanjun snorted, picked up the teacup and said, "Let me tell you, after he finished investigating Jiao Cheng's case, he felt that he was invincible and he no longer looked down on me, an old man."

Gu Jingfeng: "..."

Fang Yanjun: "How capable he is. He wiped out the Huisang Group in a few days, went into danger alone to investigate secretly, and risked his life to save people. It is a good thing that he can survive intact."

Gu Jingfeng coughed lightly, not sure whether it was a compliment or an accusation, maybe both. He couldn't comment when it came to family matters, so he simply picked up the teacup and drank.

Chen Yi, please wish yourself well. This has nothing to do with me.

The next day, Chen Yi got up rubbing his slightly sore head. He drank a lot last night and still had some energy left.

Afterwards, he washed up and went out to meet Shi Xin and the others, and rushed to the airport after breakfast.

The matter is over, it's time to return to Yangcheng.

In the waiting room, He Xin was a little reluctant to leave: "I will definitely bring my wife and children to the Imperial City to have fun during the next holiday. I have been busy working in Ningcheng these years, and I feel sorry for them."

Chen Yi: "We'll arrive soon by plane. It's time to take my sister-in-law for a nice walk."

After chatting and waiting for half an hour, the four of them boarded the plane and landed in Yangcheng an hour later.

Familiar environment, familiar buildings, even the air seems familiar.

Shi Xin felt relaxed all over and said with a smile: "I'm finally back."

I had been in a state of mental stress when I was in Jiaocheng, including in Imperial City. Now, standing in Yangcheng, I could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"Let's go to the provincial office first." Chen Yi said.

Several people took a taxi and rushed to the provincial hall, and were then called to the conference room by Wei Jianfeng.

Fang Songping is nowhere to be seen for now.

"Congratulations to the four of you for successfully completing the task. You cooperated with the investigation team to investigate the major case in Jiaocheng. You did not embarrass us in Yangcheng. Especially you, Chen Yi. I heard that you played a big role in this case. The suspect hid Pretty deep?”

Wei Jianfeng smiled brightly. He didn't know many details. He only heard that many people were arrested in the Jiaocheng case. In the end, someone secretly assassinated Chen Cang and completely eliminated the criminals in the dark.

Chen Yi smiled and said: "It's okay, I just almost got deceived."

Wei Jianfeng hummed and said without asking any more questions, "Fang Ting is waiting for you in the office. You go over first and we'll talk later."

Chen Yi was surprised: "Why are you waiting for me in the office?"

Wei Jianfeng: "You will know when you go there. Oh, and your position is about to be promoted. The news from the police department and the documents will be released soon."

As soon as these words came out, Shi Xin and the other three looked at Chen Yi at the same time.

They were not surprised. The position of criminal investigation detachment leader must belong to Chen Yi. It was a matter of time. The triumph of the Jiaocheng case accelerated this process.

"Why, you're not happy?" Wei Jianfeng said.

Chen Yi stood up: "I have a bad feeling, so I'll leave first."

After saying that, he left the conference room and went to Fang Songping's office, knocked on the door and walked in.

"Fang Hall."

Fang Songping was standing in front of the window. He turned around and said with a straight face: "Chen Yi, you have grown up. After the case is over, why don't you go back to the Imperial City to see Shu Yu's grandfather?"

Chen Yi: "..."

Damn it!

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