Detective: Open your eyes, I am handcuffed in the interrogation room

Chapter 276 There are many loopholes and clues pointing to

After experiencing and figuring out the so-called haunted house, Chen Yi left 602.

Downstairs, Liu Hansheng and the others were waiting impatiently, not because they were impatient, but because they were worried about Chen Yi's safety. After all, someone had just died in the house, so who knew what was going on inside.

At this moment, Chen Yi's figure left the unit door and appeared in the sight of several people. Liu Hansheng breathed a sigh of relief and stepped forward quickly.

Song Hong looked at Chen Yi, who looked calm as if nothing had happened, and wondered why it was different from what he imagined? There must be something wrong in the house. He and Qin Fei have personally proved it. Even if the other party is brave, they should give some reaction.

"Did you find anything?" Liu Hansheng asked.

Chen Yi did not answer immediately and waved to Song Hong, who quickly stepped forward: "Chen Zhi."

Chen Yi asked: "Did you see the long hair in white clothes?"

Song Hong was shocked and immediately replied: "Yes, yes, white clothes and long hair, did Chen Zhi also see it?"

Chen Yi nodded slightly: "When you and Qin Fei entered the room, you had already added psychological hints to yourself. With the coldness and flickering lights of the house, as well as the strange wind noise of unknown origin, the atmosphere was well established, laying the groundwork for the occurrence of hallucinations. The foundation.”

"Hallucination?" Song Hong was stunned.

Chen Yi: "There is indeed something wrong with the house. This matter can be confirmed. It is man-made. Don't mention it as haunted in the future. If you encounter such a thing next time, discuss it with your colleagues. If it doesn't work, report it to the police. Don't make your own imagination."

With Liu Hansheng here, he saved face for Song Hong.

Song Hong could naturally hear the blame in the other party's words, and lowered his head in shame.

In fact, he didn't believe it either, but what he saw with his own eyes was not fake. He didn't think about it as an illusion. To put it bluntly, he was not firm enough and easily doubted himself.

"It's...Chen Zhi."

Liu Hansheng on the side glared at him and criticized: "Did you hear that? Remember what Chen Zhi said word for word. Go back and write a check!"

Song Hong: "Yes, Liu Suo."

Liu Hansheng stopped talking and looked at Chen Yida: "We have figured out the problem with the house. Next is the case. If you need anything during the process, please call me at any time."

Chen Yi nodded: "Okay, I know, then I'll leave first. The house where the crime occurred will be sealed during this period, so that people in the house can come and have a look when they pass by on patrol. The scene is still very important."

Liu Hansheng: "Okay."

The two parties parted ways, and Chen Yi returned to the city bureau. It was just morning.

The landlord Pang Qian stayed at the city bureau and slept directly in the lounge. The Criminal Investigation Detachment took good care of her and responded to all requests.

The inquiry of the landlord was the beginning of the investigation of this case, and Chen Yi needed to ask clearly about many details about the house.

"Team Chen, ID card of the deceased."

In the case handling hall, seeing Chen Yi coming back, Qin Fei quickly handed him the copy of the ID card that Pang Qian handed over.

Chen Yi took it and glanced at the name.

Feng Chunbo, the one who jumped off the building.

Zhai Qi, the one who died on the bed.

The ID card data showed that both of them were natives of Yangcheng, their ID card addresses were in the townships in the suburbs, and they were the same age, 21 years old.

After returning the copy to Qin Fei, Chen Yi said: "The problem with the house has been clarified. It's just a pretense. Tell me about this kind of thing earlier in the future. Explain it clearly. Don't hold it back in the middle of the sentence. Although it was not a criminal offense at the time." case, but our work is extensive, understand?”

Qin Fei was mentally prepared and blamed himself: "Yes, Team Chen."

When he learned that someone was killed in that place, he realized that he had done something wrong. If he had made it clear to Chen Yi earlier, he might have been able to change the course of the incident and avoid the case.

Chen Yi hummed and asked, "Where is Lao He?"

"Here, here, here!!"

Without waiting for Qin Fei's answer, He Xin left the technical department and quickly came to the case handling hall.

"Team Chen, the results are out. I've asked the forensic scientists and technicians to take a break and take a look at these documents."

With that said, Shi Xin handed over a stack of information.

Chen Yi took it and looked through it, including the autopsy report, the on-site investigation report, and the test results of the iron gloves.

The first is the autopsy report. After a comprehensive examination of the blood and stomach contents of the two deceased persons, it was determined that the stomach contents contained sleeping pills, and the dose was not small enough to put an adult man from sleep to coma.

All the items at the entrance to the house where the crime occurred have been brought to the bureau for testing. The sleeping pills came from the bottled water from the drinking fountain.

The second is the on-site investigation report. There are many fingerprints in the room, including those of the deceased and the landlord. The rest may be left by other tenants, and they need to be identified one by one.

The iron gloves had been disassembled and no fingerprints were found inside.

Gloves made of this kind of material will definitely leave fingerprints when touched. However, no fingerprints have been detected so far. That means the murderer already had a glove on his hand when he wore the iron gloves, or used other methods that did not leave fingerprints.

At this point, the murderer was quite thoughtful.

Finally, the footprints left on the window sill of the second bedroom were determined to be from Feng Chunbo who jumped from the building. There were no drag marks around the window sill.

After reading these reports, Chen Yi immediately had a general understanding of the suspect in this case.

It is planned and has anti-reconnaissance capabilities, but it also has many loopholes. It treats the criminal police as fools, which is self-defeating.

This is a person who is not very smart. He carefully prepared to commit a crime, but unfortunately he did not achieve the expected effect, which is quite ridiculous.

Not to mention anything else, Feng Chunbo's jumping off the building alone was inconsistent. He took a lot of sleeping pills, how could he jump off the building by himself, and left footprints on the window sill.

Did he take sleeping pills first and then jump off the building? It's unnecessary and illogical.

The most likely possibility is that the murderer threw the unconscious Feng Chunbo out of the sixth floor and left footprints on the window sill with his shoes.

There were no traces of dragging on the window sill. The murderer was very strong and could lift an adult man more than one meter, and could keep him suspended in the air for a short time with only his arms.

Nice idea, but useless.

At this time, the facts of the case were basically clear. This was a premeditated murder case. The haunted house was used to kill two victims, one was strangled to death, and the other was thrown from the sixth floor.

Then a few questions come.

It is relatively rare for the same case to be committed in two different ways. Why not strangle them both to death or throw them both from the sixth floor?

The window in the master bedroom is not connected to the sky but to the balcony. This is an explanation.

The murderer may have wanted everyone to think that Zhai Qi's death was caused by not running away and letting Li Gui strangle him to death. The window of the second bedroom where Feng Chunbo was located was connected to the sky. When he saw Li Gui entering the room, he had the opportunity to open the door in panic. Jumped out of the window.

Thinking more deeply, why must Feng Chunbo be thrown out of the building?

Both of them were unconscious. There were many ways to kill, but the murderer chose the one that was easiest to expose.

Just imagine, if the two deceased people died in bed or at home, the police would be very slow to receive the alarm.

But now, the criminal investigation detachment had arrived two hours after his death, and even the landlord Pang Qian saw Feng Chunbo jump from the building with her own eyes.

It's quite a dangerous way to commit a crime. Are you really not afraid of being caught when you leave?

Of course, no one knows the murderer's psychology when committing crimes, and sometimes the weird behavior cannot be explained. The world is so big that everyone can do it, but if inferred according to normal logic, this is unreasonable.

A murder of two lives was deliberately created. There are only a lot of loopholes, but the irrationality is the most fatal.

Chen Yi feels that this may be the key to advancing the case and identifying the murderer.

Thoughts flashed through his mind, and he didn't think about it any more. These were not direct clues. There was no need to think too much about it now. There were more important issues at the moment.

Who gave the sleeping pills? How did you take the sleeping pills?

The sleeping pills come from bottled water. Who sent the water?

Was there a problem when it was delivered, or did it occur after it was delivered? The difference between the two is huge.

The former is an outsider.

The latter is an acquaintance of the deceased.

Maybe you will have to check the water delivery man at the water station. Nowadays, water stations basically deliver water to your door, and the service is very good.

Seeing Chen Yi's silence, Shi Xin knew that he was thinking about something, so he didn't bother him.

After a long time, Chen Yi said: "Pull out Pang Qian's call records and let me take a look. Note the name in the call records in the early morning."

Shi Xin: "Okay, I'll go right away."

Chen Yi sat down and waited.

After a long time, He Xin came over with a piece of printing paper and handed Pang Qian's call record to Chen Yi.

Chen Yi focused on the time before the crime and found that Feng Chunbo did call Pang Qian once in the early morning of this morning. She did not lie.

She called Pang Qian to say it was haunted. When Pang Qian arrived, she saw Feng Chunbo jumping from the sixth floor and called the police.

"Do you think there is a problem here?" Chen Yi said.

Shi Xin nodded: "Of course, the murderer was very precise in pinching him. This is the biggest problem."

Chen Yi: "Yes, Feng Chunbo was still able to make phone calls at that time to show that he was conscious. How did the murderer determine the time when the deceased drank water and became unconscious? Is it a coincidence?"

"I found it was haunted late at night, and then called Pang Xi. While waiting, I drank bottled water and fell into a coma. At this time, the murderer picked the lock or opened the door with a key, killing the two people."

"Pang Qian arrived just at this time and saw Feng Chunbo jumping from the sixth floor. She was frightened and ran away to call the police. Taking advantage of this gap, the murderer escaped."

"Is this a reasonable explanation?"

Shi Xin: "It seems...a bit far-fetched. There are too many coincidences."

Chen Yi put down the call record in his hand and said: "Let's put aside the coincidence and say it is inevitable. The murderer knew that Feng Chunbo and the two were unconscious today. He also knew that Feng Chunbo called Pang Qian. He also knew that Pang Qian could see Feng Chunbo jump off the building. He also knew that Pang Qian The police will be called immediately and there will be a key to enter the room."

He Xin was stunned: "Huh? What you mean is..."

Chen Yi: "Looking at the entire case, analyzing the murder process and the time when the police were called, we can see that the landlord Pang Qian has quite a problem."

Shi Xin followed Chen Yi's thoughts and said slowly: "I directed and acted. Is the murderer Pang Qian?"

Chen Yi: “Let’s first see if it can be realized.”

"The barreled water in the room was provided by Pang Xi. She put a large amount of sleeping pills in the spare barrel. After calculating the time, she knew that the deceased must be unconscious today, so she came to the community."

"After arriving at the community, she opened the door with the key, then used Feng Chunbo's mobile phone to call herself, then killed Zhai Qi, then threw Feng Chunbo out of the sixth floor, went downstairs, threw away the crime tools, shouted that someone had jumped, and finally called the police , completely removing himself from the case."

"How to say?"

After listening to Chen Yi's words, Ji Xin thought seriously for a while and said, "How to unlock the phone?"

Chen Yi: "Assuming she knows the password, leave it alone."

Hearing this, He Xin picked up the call records on the desktop and looked at it, then recalled the time Pang Qian entered the community and the time when the alarm was called.

"There are absolutely conditions for committing the crime, which is more reasonable than the first explanation, but... but is she so strong? It doesn't look like it. Is there an accomplice?"

Chen Yi was silent for a while and said: "This is a problem. It is already difficult to strangle Zhai Qi to death. There are no drag marks on the window sill. He must have been lifted up and thrown out by force. He was not weak. Pang Qian looks weak. It’s really, really not easy to do.”

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