The snow in Mount E is still continuing. It is indeed a blizzard. In a short period of time, the entire Mount E is covered with snow, and the snow layer continues to cover and slowly rise.

The mountain road is already steep. If there is snow, it will be difficult to drive and it will be too dangerous. Chen Yi was right as he said before. If there is a heavy snowstorm all night, there will be no chance to go down the mountain in the next few days.

Unless, go on by yourself.

However, Fang Shuyu might not be able to bear it, but it didn't matter. They could just stay a few more days, and they were not in a hurry.

At this moment, Fang Shuyu had fallen into a deep sleep, and Chen Yi had also fallen asleep, but his sleep was relatively shallow, mainly because he was worried and couldn't sleep peacefully.

Whether it was influenced by TV series and movies or the intuition of a detective, he couldn't put aside the weirdness of Eyingyunlu. Even if everything had a reasonable explanation, he was still wary.

The most important thing is that Zhong Muping's purpose of inviting him is still unknown. Before this issue is clarified, Chen Yi cannot let go.



At 4:30 in the morning, strange noises came from outside, ringing in Chen Yi's ears. He suddenly opened his eyes and suddenly lost all sleep, and sat up from the bed.




The sound changes, like heavy objects constantly falling to the ground, and like regular beating of drums.

Kick! Kick! Kick!

The sound changed again, this time it was footsteps.

In the darkness, Chen Yi stared in the direction of the door for a while. Seeing that Fang Shuyu was still sleeping, he carefully got out of bed and walked quietly to the door.


Chen Yi turned the door lock and slowly opened the door. In an instant, the lights rushed in, illuminating a long strip of light through the crack in the door.

The footsteps stopped, and the passerby Jiuxiang turned back and said with a smile: "Mr. Chen, it's so early, do you need anything? Are you hungry?"

The room had a separate bathroom, and he knew that Chen Yi would definitely not be up late at night.

Chen Yi sidled out of the room to the corridor and closed the door.

"Is the butler awake?" he asked.

Jiuxiang held an old-fashioned kerosene lamp and said with a smile: "I usually sleep very little, three or four hours is enough. I'm used to it. I'm used to it."

Chen Yi made a sound and walked to the wooden carved railing. From here, he could see the living room.

After a casual glance, his gaze settled.

He remembered that when he first arrived in the living room last night, there were two human skeleton model hangings on the high walls on the left and right sides.

Now, one is missing.

"Butler, why is there a model missing?" Chen Yi turned his head and raised his hand to signal.


Juixiang was surprised and walked over. He looked in the direction pointed by Chen Yi and found that the wall on the left was empty.

His smile faded and his expression became unsightly.

This is the first time Chen Yi has seen Jiuxiang without a smile on his face since he met him. He must be really angry.

"Someone stole something, right? I'll wake them up right now!"

Jiuxiang's voice was cold and he was no longer polite.

"Wait a minute." Chen Yi stared at Jiao Xiang, "Butler Jiao got up so early and looked around, didn't you find anything?"

Jiuxiang: "I didn't care."

Chen Yi nodded: "Well, a human skeleton model isn't worth much, so why do you want the housekeeper to be so excited?"

Jiuxiang's eyes narrowed: "Mr. Chen's words... are a bit of a moral kidnapping. Even an ordinary pen belongs to Eying Yunlu, and others are not qualified to take it. Is there a problem? Does the thief still have a point?"

Chen Yi could not refute.

He was not morally kidnapping. The reason for asking that question was because Jiuxiang overreacted and changed his attitude a bit. Unexpectedly, he was misunderstood by the other party. It also reflected that Jiuxiang cherished Eying Yunlu and did not allow any objects. lost.

"Sorry, there was a misunderstanding. We are not talking about the same thing." Chen Yi said.

Jiuxiang understood and explained: "These two models are made of rare alloy materials, and their value is not low. The key is that my husband likes them very much and must not throw them away."

Chen Yi understood: "Oh... I understand. If I want to borrow the housekeeper, I'd better go and see if there are any missing cars at the door. If there are missing cars, the person ran away. If there are no missing cars, it shouldn't have been stolen. Anyway, I don’t think it was stolen.”

Jiuxiang frowned: "What do you mean?"

Chen Yi: "There's a blizzard outside now, and it's very dangerous to drive. You can't carry the alloy skeleton down the mountain in the blizzard, right? It's not like those people can do such a thing."

Jiuxiang was noncommittal: "What if I hide it first and put it in the car when I have the opportunity? Or it has already been put in the car, including you, Mr. Chen."

Chen Yidao: "The model is too big. It's not easy to hide it. Moreover, it's in a strange place. If it's been put in the car... let's use the housekeeper to see the car first."

After talking to this point, Jiuxiang ignored Chen Yi, turned around and went downstairs, finding a flashlight on the way.

Chen Yi followed.

Following the sound of hurried footsteps, Jiuxiang came to the main door of the main building, opened the door forcefully, and looked at the three cars parked in the parking lot not far away.

Strong winds and blizzards blew in, and the temperature in the room plummeted.

Chen Yi came over and looked at the ground through the light. There were no footprints.

Jiuxiang picked up a flashlight and illuminated the area around the three cars. The surrounding area was smooth and there were no uneven marks left by footprints.

He quickly closed the door and turned to look at Chen Yi who was following him.

"There are plenty of cars, one for Miss Chen, one for Gong Yaoguang, and one for the four of you," he said.

Chen Yi said: "There are no footprints, you guys..."

Jiuxiang interrupted: "Okay, stop talking. Even if there are no footprints, we have to search. What do you know? I will wake everyone up immediately. Things must not be lost."

"And you, wake up your fiancée, I want to search the room."

Chen Yi was helpless: "Okay."

The other person's territory can only be complied with, after all, there is really one thing missing.

He still felt that it was unlikely that it would be stolen. This kind of behavior was too idiotic and would definitely be found out, unless it was someone who was familiar with Eying Yunlu in advance or who took advantage of the auspicious supervision to steal it.

If you get familiar with it in advance, it will be easier to hide things. At present, only Chen Shiran has this condition.

Of course, there may also be Lao Liu who hides his identity.

Jiuxiang was really angry and quickly went upstairs and knocked on Chen Shiran's door.

Boom, boom, boom!

Very loud sound.

Chen Yi didn't care. He went back to the room to wake up Fang Shuyu, who was sleeping, and explained to her what happened.

"The human skeleton model is gone? Who has time to steal that thing?" Fang Shuyu was confused and felt inexplicable.

Chen Yidao: "The housekeeper insists that it has been stolen and the room will be searched. Get dressed and let's go out. There is nothing we can do. We don't care about other people's territory."

Fang Shuyu was a little angry and muttered: "Okay, okay..."

When the two left the room, they saw Chen Shiran communicating with Jiuxiang. The two parties were relatively harmonious, and Jiuxiang was relatively polite to Chen Shiran.

It can be seen that Chen Shiran's brows gradually wrinkled. After nodding, she went back to the room to get dressed, and the two of them went to knock on the second door together.

Gong Weifan came out.

After that came Qu Linjiang, Zhong Muping, Jiang Fanlei, and Gong Yaoguang.

Gong Yaoguang's door was not knocked for the moment, and everyone else was present.

Being woken up from their sleep, everyone looked unhappy.

"What's going on? Are you free? Who cares about stealing those crappy things of yours? What's the point of stealing them? Put them at home for worship?? I'll buy a hundred of them for you!"

Jiang Fanlei was not used to borrowing auspiciousness, his words were very rude and he almost cursed.

He was sleeping soundly when he was woken up and told that the human skeleton model had been stolen. He became angry as soon as he heard this.

Jiuxiang snorted, ignored Jiang Fanlei and went directly into his room.

Jiang Fanlei shouted from behind: "If you can find me, I'll give you my head! I'm sick!"

Chen Yi came over and signaled Jiang Fanlei to calm down.

After a long time, Jiuxiang left Jiang Fanlei's room and found nothing.

He continued into Chen Yi's room and came out still empty-handed.

"No, right?" When Chen Yi's room was searched, Jiang Fanlei couldn't help it. He couldn't bear the insult. "It's just stealing money and gold, but also stealing skeletons? Do you think we are mentally abnormal? ?”

Chen Shiran looked over and said, "Mr. Jiang, it's serious. What is psychological abnormality? Who are you insinuating? Me or Mr. Ji?"

Jiang Fanlei was not afraid: "I just insinuated it, so don't give me multiple-choice questions. I'll take care of both of you. Don't you accept it?"

Chen Yi did not stop him and looked at the reactions of Chen Shiran and others. Jiang Fanlei's character was very effective at this time. If the situation was on the verge of getting out of control, there would be many flaws.

Chen Shiran's face darkened. The harmonious scene last night no longer existed at this moment.

We are not friends to begin with, and it is normal for us to quarrel when something happens.

"I'm afraid you don't know who Mr. Ji is, do you?" Chen Shiran said coldly.

Jiang Fanlei grinned: "A gentleman with a mouth, a fox pretends to be a tiger, who is he? He has one more head than others? Call him out and let me take a look!"

"Brother Zhong, don't blame me for not giving you face. I brought my brother here, and now I'm being treated as a thief and searching the room. Do you think it's appropriate?"

"Fortunately, it's a big item. If it were a small item, would it still require a body search? If it got to the point of a body search, I would really fall out with you!"

Zhong Muping wasn't angry, he was just embarrassed. He could understand Jiang Fanlei's anger, but he wouldn't be much better off.

For a moment, he didn't know who to help.

It stands to reason that he should help his wife decisively, but he did not.

Chen Shiran: "Mr. Jiang, trouble comes from your mouth!"

Jiang Fanlei: "Am I afraid of you?!"

At this time, Jiuxiang interrupted: "Don't argue, you two. Things can't disappear for no reason. Now only Mr. Gong Yaoguang Gong is left. We'll talk about it later. I don't care who you are and what your background is. Things must not be lost!"

After saying that, he strode to the door of Gong Yaoguang's room and continued to knock on the door.

I didn't open it just now, maybe I was sleeping hard.

"Mr. Gong, please open the door, there is something very important!" Jiuxiang shouted while knocking.

He gradually increased the intensity, but there was still no movement. No matter how sleepy he was, it was time to wake up.

Several people looked at each other, feeling something was wrong. Is anyone sleeping so deeply?

"Use the key." Qu Linjiang suggested at this time.

Jiuxiang said: "Our guest rooms are very private. There is no key, so guests can only open them from the inside."

Qu Linjiang: "Uh..."

For a moment, he couldn't evaluate whether this was an advantage or a disadvantage.

"Are you guilty of being a thief?" Chen Shiran frowned.

Hearing this, Gong Weifan quickly said: "Sister Shiran, no, my uncle is also an entrepreneur, how could he steal the model?"

Although the uncle and nephew had just met each other, they were born with emotions because of their blood connection. She had to speak for Gong Yaoguang.

Chen Shiran also gave Gong Weifan face and didn't say anything more, but the door must be opened.

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