Detective: Open your eyes, I am handcuffed in the interrogation room

Chapter 300 Qin He arrived and the two communicated

The roar of the helicopter was getting closer and closer, and now the sound of the propeller rotating at high speed could be heard.

The arrival of the police is good news to those not involved, but to some, it may not be.

Chen Yi knew very well that he was a variable, a variable that Zhong Muping deliberately controlled. If he were not there, the result might not be what it is now, and the police would not come here so quickly.

Therefore, at this moment, he did not give up observing the changes in the expressions of everyone present.

In the end, Qu Linjiang and Zhong Muping were locked in.

Qu Linjiang was nervous about the police's arrival, while Zhong Muping was expecting and happy about the police's arrival.

Therefore, Chen Yi naturally focused his attention on Qu Linjiang.

New inferences arise from the mind.

The relationship between Qu Linjiang and Zhong Muping is obviously very bad. Is it possible that Zhong Muping deliberately brought himself to this evil shadow to deal with Qu Linjiang?

What happened tonight is related to Qu Linjiang? Did Zhong Muping know in advance?

It's possible, relatively reasonable.

While Chen Yi was thinking, Fang Shuyu had already left the living room, opened the door and left the manor.

Under his sight, a blue and white police helicopter was very close. The strong wind caused Fang Shuyu to raise his hands to cover his face, and his hair was flying.

On the helicopter, there were four characters written on it: Imperial City Public Security.

This kind of helicopter is mainly used in modern police flight work, including but not limited to air patrol, air communication support, air-to-ground command, air tracking of criminals, air material transportation, etc.

In terms of space, it can seat eight to fifteen people.

When the helicopter landed slowly and the cabin door opened, Qin He got off the plane and walked quickly over with a dozen people, including men and women.

"Is this a forensic doctor?" Qin He shouted from a distance before he even got close.

Fang Shuyu smiled and nodded: "It's me, hello Captain Qin."

"Hello, hello." As he spoke, Qin He came closer and said, "Chen Yi is in there, right?"

Fang Shuyu hummed: "Captain Qin, let's go in and talk."

She looked at the police officers behind Qin He. There were some in plain clothes, some in police uniforms, and a forensic doctor carrying a forensic box.

Qin He: "Okay."

The group of people entered the manor and came to the living room. When they saw so many police officers coming, Qu Linjiang and the others subconsciously adjusted their sitting postures. The pressure of the police uniforms was much stronger than the ID cards.

Qin He's eyes swept over the five Qu Linjiang people and said the first sentence: "I am Qin He, the captain of the Imperial City Criminal Investigation Corps. Please cooperate with our work and don't move."

These words surprised Qu Linjiang and Gong Weifan, Imperial City Criminal Investigation Corps?

Wan County is so far away from the Imperial City, so instead of the local criminal police, the Imperial City Bureau came?

"Captain Chen, we meet again. It's a's because of the case again." Qin He turned to look at Chen Yi, with a smile on his serious face.

At this time, Chen Yi had already stood up and pulled Qin He to the side.

Seeing that the two of them looked familiar, Qu Linjiang immediately understood that he was summoned here directly through his personal relationship. No wonder the helicopter arrived so quickly.

This guy Chen Yi has a lot of connections.

Compared to Qu Linjiang's surprise, Zhong Muping was very calm, as if he had known about it in advance and did not show any surprise.

While Chen Yi and Qin He were talking, the criminal police from the Imperial City Bureau began to take over the living room. To be precise, they took over surveillance. The appearance of the bones most likely represented a criminal case, so everyone present was suspect.

"Two bones?! Not one?!" Qin He was stunned after listening to Chen Yi's words.

Chen Yi was helpless and rarely embarrassed: "Listen to me."

He continued to recount in full what had happened from early morning to now.

When the last word fell, Qin He was confused.

"In five minutes, he was inexplicably turned into a skeleton in the bathroom?"

Qin He's chaos turned into a trap. In all his years as a police officer, this was the first time he encountered such a bizarre thing. It was impossible according to common sense.

Chen Yi said: "Captain Qin, you will inevitably be confused after hearing about it, but if you think about it carefully, it is actually very simple. It is impossible for a living person to turn into bones in five minutes. That bones are definitely not Chen Shiran's. , there must be a passage in the bathroom that can accommodate adults to leave."

"Before, I was unable to launch an investigation due to the unsatisfactory objective conditions. Now that you are here, things will be easier to handle."

Qin He nodded slightly. As soon as he said this, he understood that someone was pretending to be a ghost.

"Captain Chen, time is tight. I only transferred one helicopter here. There may not be enough manpower. More people are walking up the mountain to open the road. It may take a long time. You have experienced this whole process and you know a lot. During this period, we How should we start an investigation? Start with an autopsy?"

Chen Yi was helpless: "Team Qin, just because I have been an insider throughout the whole process, strictly speaking, I am also a suspect, so it is not easy to participate."

Qin He waved his hand: "We don't need to deal with these useless things, just talk about it."

Seeing this, Chen Yi stopped being pretentious and said after thinking for a moment: "The identity of the bones is very important. Let's just transport them back to save time. Team Qin will leave four people for me, including a female police officer. Do you have a satellite phone?" "

Qin He: "Of course."

Chen Yi: "Okay, let's stay on the phone. When we get back, Team Qin will immediately start investigating the identities of the two skeletons as well as the detailed information and interpersonal relationships of everyone. Everyone's mobile phones will also be taken away for a thorough investigation."

Qin He nodded: "Okay, does Bai Gu's identity have a direction?"

Chen Yi: "No, let's check the DNA database first. All the DNA information of everyone present will be taken away. If there is no database, we will conduct kinship identification one by one to find the possibility of kinship."

Genetic relationship identification is based on the basic principles of genetics and uses modern DNA typing testing technology to comprehensively evaluate whether a sample has biological, skipped generation or other blood relationships.

As long as they are relatives, kinship testing can give the answer.

After taking so much effort to leave two bones behind, no matter what the purpose, there is still a possibility that they are relatives of someone.

Qin He asked: "What if there is no result?"

Chen Yidao: "If there is no result, expand the scope of the kinship test, such as someone's parents or someone's children, and we can't let go of any possibility."

Skull recovery is also one of the ways to determine the identity of Bai Gu, but the time span will be relatively long. When it reaches that stage, everyone in Eying Yunlu has left. What Chen Yi is thinking about now is whether he can find out the identity of Bai Gu in a short time.

Qin He: "The amount of work is not small. I will allocate manpower immediately when I get back. You are right. As long as the identity of Bai Gu is confirmed, the rest of the matter will be easy to handle."

"By the way, do you want to take these people back to the Imperial City Bureau?"

Chen Yi looked back at Qu Linjiang and others, and after thinking for a moment, he said: "The shadow of the cloud is like a secret room, completely isolated from the outside world, and there is no signal or network. Since things happened here, it is best to end it here. , it’s not convenient for investigation and interrogation if you take them all back. After all, phone calls have limitations and it’s best to face them face to face, so let’s stay here for now.”

The place where the crime occurred is special. If necessary, we cannot fly a helicopter back and forth every time.

It would be great if everything could be figured out in a short amount of time.

If it doesn't end within a short period of time, it's not too late to take it back.

Also, the whereabouts of Gong Yaoguang and Chen Shiran are unknown now, but they are definitely still here, and it is also important to find them.

The question now is not whether to take Qu Linjiang and the others back, but when the police force will arrive.

As long as we have enough manpower, we can dig deep enough to find someone.

Qin He had no objection: "Okay, I'll listen to you."

Chen Yi: "Did the owner of the manor check it?"

Mentioning this matter, Qin He's face became a little serious and said: "I probably checked it before coming here and asked someone. He is from Zang Yang. His status in the imperial city is not low. Although he is a businessman, He has connections in both political and business circles.”

Chen Yi: "Where is he now?"

Qin He: "I don't know, I haven't had time to implement it."

Chen Yi: "Can I look for it when I get back?"

Qin He: "I'll give it a try, there's no guarantee I can find it."

Chen Yi: "Call me by phone and we'll talk about it then."

Qin He: "Okay."

Subsequently, the forensic doctor extracted the biological information of everyone present, and then transported the two bones out of the manor and onto the helicopter.

An incident occurred during the confiscation of the mobile phone. Neither Qu Linjiang nor Gong Weifan wanted to give it to them, but they had no choice but to cooperate as they were involved in the case.

Qin He followed and left. Chen Yi asked him to keep four police officers, but to be on the safe side he kept eight, six men and two women, including trace inspection, and told them to follow Chen Yi's orders in everything.

In the living room, everything returned to the same state as before, except that there were eight more detectives.

Chen Yi asked eight colleagues to be optimistic about Qu Linjiang and the others, and then went to the bathroom where Chen Shiran disappeared with Fang Shuyu.

Compared with Gong Yaoguang's disappearance, Chen Shiran's disappearance is more suspicious. There must be something fishy in the bathroom.

Chen Yi immediately walked to the mural on the wall. If it was suspicious, this was the first place to check.

"Shu Yu, look carefully. It's not a big place and we cover it all."

Fang Shuyu nodded: "Okay."

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