In just a few seconds in reality, the thought palace in Chen Yi's mind had changed a hundred times faster, and various possibilities flashed into view.

There is still an important basis for inference that has not been released, and that is the death time of the two bones.

Whether it is a few months, more than a year, or artificial white bones requires a comprehensive judgment by forensic medicine combined with modern methods.

Since you don’t know yet, treat them as unknowns. Anyway, it’s definitely not enough time to turn them into models after arriving at Eyingyunlu.

The incident started when Zhong Muping invited himself.

There is no doubt that Zhong Muping had a purpose for inviting him, and it was most likely because of his status as a criminal police officer, and he had even conducted a comprehensive investigation into his background.

When he and Jiao Xiang had conflicts before, Fang Shuyu was also involved. At that time, Qu Linjiang and Gong Weifan showed surprise, while Zhong Muping showed expectation.

This shows that he may know that his fiancée Fang Shuyu is not an ordinary forensic doctor, and that his interpersonal relationships are not limited to Yangcheng City.

Afterwards, Eying Yunlu arrived, and Zhong Muping asked himself not to reveal his identity as a detective to Chen Shiran, so his target would be Chen Shiran.

When Gong Yaoguang disappeared and the first skeleton appeared, Chen Shiran was very dissatisfied when facing himself who revealed his identity as a criminal police officer, which can confirm this.

Later, a second white skeleton appeared, and a paternity test confirmed that it was Chen Shiran. At least in reality, that white skeleton was the daughter of the Chen family's mother.

Qin He's investigation will not go wrong, and the personal information must be written clearly, unless it is wrong when registering, and it looks normal but is actually messed up.

Let's not consider that far ahead, just look at the clues we have so far. The bones are the real Chen Shiran, so the Chen Shiran he saw is fake.

And Gong Yaoguang is also fake.

The reason why he and Jiang Fanlei came to Eyingyunlu was because of Zhong Muping, so let's start with Zhong Muping.

Since his target is Chen Shiran, does he know that his wife "Chen Shiran" not actually Chen Shiran?

If you know, it means that another person has replaced the real Chen Shiran. Is Zhong Muping's purpose to expose the true face of the fake Chen Shiran?

Why not call the police?

Maybe he was afraid of Ji Zang Yang's background, so he let himself do it for him?

According to this direction, the bones were most likely handled by Zhong Muping, but...he did not have the time or conditions to commit the crime at all, unless he had helpers.

If there is a helper, then there is a tenth person in the manor, and it is most likely that he is from Zang Yang.

Where is Gong Yaoguang? Why did Zhong Muping attack Gong Yaoguang? Was it for himself or for Ji Zang Yang?

If it was for himself, then he had a grudge against Gong Yaoguang.

If it is for Ji Zang Yang, then Ji Zang Yang is the person behind the scenes. He has a grudge against the fake Gong Yaoguang. This possibility is relatively high because the fake Gong Yaoguang was invited by Ji Zang Yang.

Zhong Muping and his native Zangyang belong to cooperation.

What if you don’t know?

If Zhong Muping doesn't know that Chen Shiran is fake, his target is still Chen Shiran, which goes back to the original inference.

Zhong Muping knew that Chen Shiran was going to cause trouble in Eyingyunlu, and wanted to use himself to "trample" Chen Shiran to death. The motive may come from feelings, interests, or both.

Judging from the relationship between several people, Chen Shiran and Qu Linjiang had an affair with each other, and Chen Shiran and Ji Zangyang also had a close relationship. When everyone gathered, Chen Shiran didn't care about Zhong Muping at all, and treated him like nothing. Let's assume that Zhong Muping's family status is extremely low.

So, if Chen Shiran is arrested by the police, Zhong Muping can not only achieve the purpose of revenge, but also fully take over Chen Shiran's company.

Hmm... relatively reasonable.

Moving on, what is Chen Shiran going to do?

Gong Yaoguang's disappearance was caused by Chen Shiran, and she was the one who released the first bones. She had a grudge against Gong Yaoguang.

After taking down Gong Yaoguang, she directed and acted to make herself disappear, and a second skeleton appeared with the same identity.

The purpose is both to escape and to perform.

Who are you performing for? His native place is Zangyang.

Based on the inference that Chen Shiran was the initiator, the reason why Ji Zang Yang invited Gong Yaoguang to Eyingyunlu is very clear. He did Chen Shiran a favor and bought the performance tickets.

What if I hadn’t come to Eyingyunlu?

If they hadn't come, the police wouldn't have known how long it would take to arrive. This performance would have been even more exciting. Everyone was trapped in the shadow of the cloud and unable to leave. They watched two bones appear and two people disappeared mysteriously. The process was tortuous and the atmosphere of terror was heightened. Reached the highest.

After a few days, the police arrived, and with the help of a few people to determine the identity of Bai Gu, they were bound to be in a state of extreme confusion. A strange unsolved case was born. It was hard to say whether they could find out.

No one knows where the fake Gong Yaoguang has gone, and no one knows where the fake Chen Shiran has gone.

Both possibilities seem to be targeting Gong Yaoguang.

Gong Yaoguang...

Since the target is the fake Gong Yaoguang, the real Gong Yaoguang may have died at the hands of the fake Gong Yaoguang. Is this incident an act of revenge for the real Gong Yaoguang?

Where is Gong Weifan?

Is she a participant or a witness?

Coincidental recognition of relatives is inevitable, both are possible, and the possibility of being a witness is relatively high, because there is really no need to personally avenge the uncle who has not been seen for more than 20 years, and it is emotionally unavailable.

Reasonable, keep going.

What about Qu Linjiang?

He obviously likes Chen Shiran. If Chen Shiran did this, then he is highly suspected of being an accomplice.

It is quite difficult for a woman to quietly turn a living person into bones.

What about Jiuxiang?

Judging from Jiuxiang's performance, he is a bystander. The information may come from Chen Shiran or from Zang Yang. In short, he doesn't know what will happen that night, but he will definitely not be calm.

After learning the true identity of the two skeletons just now, the other party's reaction was very obvious. It was surprise and approval, and praise for the performance.

"In a small bathroom, it would be easiest for Chen Shiran to disappear voluntarily..." Chen Yi said to himself, "If you want to get the answer, the bathroom must be smashed open and completely dismantled."

He finally believed that Chen Shiran was more suspicious.

Also, the two inferences made based on Zhong Muping point to Ji Zangyang being in the manor, or paying attention in some way.

"What did Chen Zhi say?"

After a few seconds of reality, Hong Haibin asked doubtfully.

Chen Yi shook his head: "It's nothing, Lao Hong, hurry up the construction team and rush to demolish the bathroom as quickly as possible. I want to see how a big living person disappears."

Hong Haibin: "Okay."

After saying that, he stood up, took out his mobile phone, and walked not far away to make a call.

At this moment, Chen Yi raised his head slightly and looked around at the layout of the entire manor's living room, and said: "From all the details, Ji Zang Yang did not stay out of the incident. I just don't know if he witnessed the whole incident like us."

The sound was neither too loud nor too quiet, and could be heard by everyone present, and it could be heard far away.

Without waiting for everyone's reaction, Chen Yi continued: "After demolishing the bathroom later, we will also demolish the three rooms on the fourth floor and open up all the walls. Let us take a look at Ji Zangyang's hidden head and tail. In addition to raising some weird reptiles, , what other secrets are there."

Hearing this, Jiuxiang's face changed slightly, and when he was about to speak, he was immediately interrupted by Chen Yi: "Butler Jiexiang, don't talk nonsense. You can't stop it. Don't bring trouble to yourself."

After the words fell, Hong Haibin returned: "We arrived at Chenzhi soon. They drove here from the mountain they went up in the early morning. The mountain road is still too troublesome now and we don't dare to drive fast, so the speed is a little slow."

Chen Yi hummed: "Old Hong, sit down."

"Okay." Hong Haibin sat down against Chen Yi.

Qu Linjiang and the others were silent. After learning the identities of the two bones, nothing could surprise them more. They just watched quietly.

After the atmosphere was quiet for a while, a voice came from an unknown direction and echoed in the living room.

"I just came back from abroad not long ago. I didn't expect that a young talent like Captain Chen would emerge in China. It's really surprising."

Hearing the sound, Jiuxiang was stunned for a moment, then looked happy.

Chen Yi raised his eyebrows and raised the corners of his mouth. Are you really here? I couldn't hold it in anymore, so I shouted out in just two sentences.

"Who is it! Get out!!" Hong Haibin yelled angrily.


The ground seemed to tremble. Under the only human skeleton model on the wall of the living room, the tightly fitted wall suddenly opened slowly. With the sound of the motor rotating, the small wheelchair slid and appeared in everyone's sight.

Sitting on the wheelchair was a man in his fifties. The man was as "small" as the wheelchair. He was only about 1.6 meters tall by visual inspection. He was also very thin, as if he had been malnourished for a long time.

On the top of the head, there is short black hair. The black is a bit exaggerated, maybe it was dyed.

There was no dignity in the man's body, and his temperament was not as stable as a successful person should be. His smiling expression made him look a little funny.

If I use one word to describe him, the four characters "sharp mouth, monkey cheek" are more suitable. It looks like "Captain Jia" in a certain drama, and also like "Fifth Young Master" in a certain drama. It feels weird to people.

Although people cannot be judged by their appearance, even Chen Yi almost didn't react at this moment and asked uncertainly: "Are you from Zang Yang?"


He answered Chen Yi in a borrowed and auspicious manner. He quickly came to the wheelchair. He was a little surprised that the other party was in the manor. He didn't know if he was just pretending.

Could it be that this person was so secretive that he even hid it from his own housekeeper?

Qu Linjiang and the other two people also had strange looks in their eyes, and they all forgot to be surprised by Zang Yang's sudden appearance.

Appraisal of a person's appearance is a bit one-sided, but the person in front of them, Zang Yang, is far from what they imagined.

Shouldn't the legendary Ji Zang Yang be noble, confident, calm and majestic? Shouldn't words and deeds be contagious, and behavior be appealing? Shouldn’t he have a well-proportioned figure and a decent appearance?

He is just like a sneaky little person.

"Hello, Captain Chen." Ji Zangyang's smile remained unchanged, not elegant, only vulgar.

There is no way, the objective conditions cannot be changed if you look like that, just like how good one dollar is, it is not as attractive as one hundred dollars.

"You..." Hong Haibin was about to say something, but Chen Yi raised his hand to signal the other person to calm down, and then said, "Mr. Ji, it's not easy to meet you."

He had some doubts about whether this person was from Zang Yang, but Jiuxiang's reaction didn't seem to be fake, so he had to give priority to believing it for now.

To be able to build such an uncanny manor on the top of Mount E, and to have connections that cannot be underestimated in both the political and business circles of the Imperial City, is enough to show that this person is very capable and is by no means as simple as he seems on the surface.

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