Detective: Open your eyes, I am handcuffed in the interrogation room

Chapter 320 Yuan Pingyi in White Helmet and Silver Armor

Outside Building 16.

Chen Yi found a seat where he could sit and smoked while waiting for Zhuo Yun and the others to finish their visit.

This process lasted nearly two hours.

It was almost nine o'clock, and a group of people walked out of the unit door and came to Chen Yi to report the results of the visit and inquiry.

There were no new clues, and the focus was still on the quarrel the day before yesterday. Most of the residents who were at home at that time heard it. Some were lying in front of the windows to watch, and some simply went downstairs to watch.

The process is basically the same as what Chen Yi just understood, and there is not much difference.

"Close the team and prepare to work overtime tonight." Chen Yi said.

If you have the direction, you should investigate thoroughly immediately. If it is really a serial killing, the murderer may act again at any time.

If one goes by the characteristics of suicidal tendencies, there are too many targets in Quanyang City. If people continue to die, it will be his responsibility as the detachment leader.

Municipal Bureau.

Chen Yi found Shi Xin and saw that he was still investigating. There should be no results so far. The two parties chatted for a while.

"Lao He, please pause for a moment and have a small meeting."

Everyone gathered in the case handling hall, and Chen Yi added new clues to the whiteboard.

Li Yao committed suicide.

Zhang Su has suicidal tendencies.

Finally, he wrote the words "Characteristic Serial Murder" and added a question mark after it.

"Serial murder?"

Seeing these four words, everyone frowned and fell silent. Although the probability of it happening is relatively small, it is now a real possibility.

Chen Yi said: "There is still no connection between the two deceased people. Maybe it is an indirect connection that we haven't discovered yet. Maybe it is really a serial killing. Let's investigate in both directions."

"The first direction is led by investigation team leader Zhuo Yun, assisted by Jiang Xiaoxin, to expand the scope of the investigation and find out whether the two deceased people have been to the same place, experienced the same thing, and knew the same person."

"If something is really discovered, it must be a vendetta caused by conflicts. Those who are suspected can be brought back directly."

"Bring more people, take multiple actions, try to achieve full coverage, and set your own rest time."

Zhuo Yun took the order: "Yes, Captain Chen."

Chen Yi looked at He Xin again: "Lao He, let's check in the second direction. The two deceased people had suicidal tendencies before they died. Whether it's a coincidence or not, we'll investigate later."

When is new: "Okay."

Chen Yi: "The investigation team will go ahead and go ahead. We will continue the meeting. Qin Fei, you stay and follow me."

Qin Fei nodded: "Yes!"

Zhuo Yun stood up and left with most of the police officers. Soon there were only four or five people left in the case handling hall, and the atmosphere became quiet.

Chen Yi hugged his shoulders and stared at the whiteboard in front of him. Based on the assumption of characteristic serial killings, the murderer's motive is relatively obvious. Judging the characteristics from the motive, there are three possibilities at this moment.

"People who are broken up with."

"Suicidal people."

"False Holy Mother, morally kidnapping others."

"Which possibility do you think it is? We don't rule out a combination of two or two, or even all three."

Chen Yi asked a question.

Qin Fei was confused: "Captain Chen, what does the False Virgin mean? Is this considered a motive?"

Chen Yidao: "As long as they have common characteristics, it counts."

"The plant base used by the murderer was lily of the valley. The nickname of lily of the valley is the Tears of the Virgin. According to the explanation of the popular Internet term, the false Virgin has a very derogatory meaning, describing those who are full of kindness and morality on the surface, but are unwilling to sacrifice themselves for others. A pure egoist thinks that everyone else is wrong and only he is right."

"Let's talk about Li Yao first. The reason why Li Yao was dumped was because she had unclear relationships with the company leaders. We won't judge whether it's true or false. Her boyfriend thinks it's true. A person who is unfaithful in love is broken up and is not qualified to recover. , but Li Yao committed suicide to show her pity and helplessness, which can be regarded as a kind of moral kidnapping."

"Let's talk about Zhang Su. Zhang Su's habit of gambling has cut off his financial resources. He also owes a lot of money on his credit card to the bank. It is understandable that his girlfriend chose to break up with him after knowing about it. However, he threatened his girlfriend with death to try to get her back. This is in line with the false Virgin Mary. standards.”

"Of course, this is just a possibility. Characteristic serial murder cases without directional clues are very difficult to investigate. We cannot consider logic and must think of everything that should be thought of."

After listening carefully to Chen Yi's words, Qin Fei nodded to express his understanding.

At this moment, when did he say something new: "If you really have to choose one, someone with suicidal tendencies is more reliable. Killing the person who broke up with you is a bit far-fetched. If you kill the person who broke up with you... it is understandable."

"For example, the murderer has been emotionally hurt many times, his psychology has become twisted and dark, and he hates people who dump their girlfriends or boyfriends at will."

"As for the False Virgin... The content of Zhang Su's quarrel with his girlfriend is very clear. Many people have heard it. It is normal for the murderer to know about it. However, very few people know the inside story about Li Yao's suicide. It needs to be investigated deliberately. Although it is difficult to find out, It’s difficult, but if a stranger checks other people’s privacy, there is still a risk of exposure, right?”

"Zhuo Yun's previous visit did not seem to mention this matter."

When Shi Xin finished speaking, Chen Yi turned around and drew a circle around the words [suicidal tendency] with a marker, and said: "So, it is most likely that the murderer will choose someone with suicidal tendencies as the target of his crime."

Everyone agreed.

Chen Yi continued: "Now, let's continue to analyze along this line of thinking."

"This case is a typical serial murder. The murderer chose the targets based on those who have suicidal tendencies. So... why? Why did he kill these people?"

New when: "Depression? He also committed suicide? He didn't succeed, so he helped others commit suicide?"

Qin Fei: "Do you hate those who don't cherish life?"

Chen Yi looked at Qin Fei and chuckled: "There is a movie abroad about this matter, right?"

As soon as these words came out, those who had seen the movie immediately remembered it, and those who had not seen it also had a clear understanding of the core plot of the movie through the explanations of others around them.

Shi Xin withdrew his gaze from Qin Fei and said, "What Qin Fei just meant is... that the murderer is terminally ill, so he hates those who don't cherish life?"

Chen Yi: "This is a possibility, right?"

Shi Xin nodded: "Indeed, the murderer left a teardrop-shaped pendant at the scene. It does not mean the tears of the Virgin at all, but represents the lily of the valley. This is his murder symbol. Have you watched too many movies?"

Chen Yi: "Others watch the movie for fun, but for the serial murderer who decides to kill, it is precious material. He hopes to leave a lasting mark at the end of his life."

Shi Xin became aware of the new investigation direction: "All the terminally ill people in the city are 1.78 meters tall and are male. Is that true?"

Chen Yi sat down: "Yes, Zhang Su was killed immediately after the quarrel with his girlfriend that night. We need to suspect that the murderer was watching at the scene at that time, which means he may be someone from that community."

"There are more than 20 buildings in the community, with a total of thousands of households. This is a big workload. Let's check the hospital directly, focusing on terminally ill patients, the same community, and... the doctor profession."

When Xin's eyes narrowed slightly: "Doctor?"

Chen Yi said: "The murderer gives me the feeling that he is highly educated. He has unpopular plant alkaloids, syringes, and sedative drugs. The most important thing to think of is a doctor. Go check it out now. I won't rest tonight. I'm waiting for the results."

When is new: "Understood."

Chen Yi returned to the office and answered the call from Fang Shuyu. The other party was already preparing to go to bed.

"Still checking, don't worry about me, just go to bed first, I won't be able to go back tonight."

"Hmm...ok, I know."

Putting down his cell phone, Chen Yi waited quietly. Both groups of people had already left the city bureau, hoping to gain something this time.

On the other side, He Xin took Qin Fei and others to start the investigation from the largest hospital. There were many hospitals in Yangcheng, but seriously ill patients would definitely not waste time in small hospitals.

At one level, the county hospital cannot go to the city hospital, the city hospital cannot go to the provincial hospital, and even the imperial city cannot go.

The more famous the hospital, the more complete the medical records.

Medical Department.

After Shi Xin revealed his identity, he took over the control of the computer. However, what he didn't expect was that just after looking at a few terminal illness medical records, a noteworthy person appeared in his sight.

Yuan Pingyi has advanced lung adenocarcinoma and his home address is in the same community as Zhang Su.

Occupation: Doctor, and also a doctor in this hospital.

Such highly matching characteristics made He Xin almost not react. I don't know if it was luck or the direction of the investigation that was too accurate, but he found it so quickly.

"Hello, where is Yuan Pingyi now?" Ji Xin turned around and asked.

Staff: "Dr. Yuan? He should be operating on a patient, right? I saw him two hours ago. What's wrong, officer?"

He Xin pointed at the computer screen and asked, "Isn't he terminally ill? Why is he still working?"

Mentioning this matter, the staff sighed and showed admiration: "Dr. Yuan is really a good and conscientious doctor. He is worthy of learning from all of us. He has been suffering from lung adenocarcinoma for more than a year. From the initial despair and decadence to the later Returning to work, we are all watching.”

"To this day, I still remember his original words: Since you can't control your own life, you can only control the lives of others. If you fight with the god of death, you can save one by one. If you are worthy of your profession and the white helmet and silver armor on your body, you can also This life worthwhile."

"Officer, please listen, what you say is so good. It is a role model for all doctors."

When new silence.

With such a high degree of consistency with the criminal profile, the probability that he is not a suspect is extremely low. This Yuan Pingyi is probably killing people while saving people.

Take control of other people's lives.

This sentence has two meanings, not necessarily... Save.

"Which floor is he on?"

"Tenth floor."

Shi Xin left the medical department and called Chen Yi to inform him of the situation here.

Chen Yi was also surprised by the speed of the investigation. It only took more than an hour.

"Don't disturb him from operating on the patient. Determine his exact location and guard all exits. I'll be there soon."

When is new: "Okay."

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