After learning that the woman Chai Wenfang saw that night was a fool, Chen Yi inevitably frowned.

Idiots, like mental patients, are all persons without criminal liability. They also lack cognitive ability and legal awareness. They do things based on their own preferences, and it is impossible to use any logic.

"Team Chen, this..."

Zhuo Yun feels that the case may be solved soon. Although the case is simple, it is actually difficult to deal with suspects with intellectual disabilities.

Apart from anything else, whether he can successfully obtain a confession is a big problem. The trial is not much easier than those of smart suspects.

Chen Yi stood there and thought for a while, then said, "Let's talk about it after we meet the person. Beating the person to death with a hammer and dragging her into the City God's Temple shows that she has certain cognition and ability to act independently."

"Also, she has lived in Donghua Village for many years without any problems, but this time she killed an adult male in a very violent way... Nothing happens without a reason in the world, even a fool has a motive."

"Let's go and ask."

Several people nodded and followed Chen Yi's footsteps.

The earthen house was not far away, only a few hundred meters away. Chen Yi and his party quickly arrived at the door of the earthen house.

The wooden door is very shabby. It has gone through countless wind and rain years, and the surface has long been mottled.

There was no lock and only one deadbolt was broken.

This kind of old house can be found in almost every village. After the death of an old man, no matter whether he has children or not, relatives and descendants will never set foot in it again.

Chen Yi raised his hand and was about to push the door open when the door suddenly opened and the woman in the portrait appeared in the sight of several people.

Although it was not summer yet and it was morning, the temperature was already not low, but the woman was wearing a thick floral cotton-padded jacket, with dirty cotton exposed from numerous holes.

Seeing a group of people standing outside the door, the woman was obviously startled, and then quickly closed the door as if she was frightened without waiting for Chen Yi to speak.

Everyone: "..."

It can be seen that there is indeed something wrong with the woman's brain. Just wearing a cotton-padded jacket on a hot day is the most intuitive evidence.


When the door was closed, there was the sound of the door latch being locked. It seemed that the door latch inside was not broken.

Chen Yi tried to push, but failed.

This kind of shabby small wooden door could be broken into pieces with just one kick, but Chen Yi didn't do that. After looking around, he walked to the low earth wall next to it and looked inside.

The earthen wall is very short, only reaching Chen Yi's chest. Many old houses have this design, so there is no fear of outsiders climbing over the wall and stealing.

They are all from the same village. In the past, villagers did not have so much disdain among themselves, not to mention saving construction costs.

In the yard, the woman looked in the direction of the gate with some horror, not noticing Chen Yi who was scraping the wall at all. Chen Yi held up his hands, crossed over nimbly, and landed firmly on the ground with his feet.

Zhuo Yun and others behind him followed suit and climbed the wall one after another to enter.

Hearing the noise, the woman turned her head suddenly and saw Chen Yi approaching step by step. She was so frightened that she quickly backed away, her feet were unsteady and she fell to the ground.

She didn't mind being dirty, so she rolled and crawled on the dirt-filled floor to get into the room. This time, Zhuo Yun didn't give her a chance and quickly led the police officers forward to block her way.

The woman was surrounded, her body was trembling, she crouched down and huddled in place, not daring to look down.

Chen Yi scanned the entire yard, and finally fixed his gaze. He walked to the earthen stove that had been abandoned for a long time. After putting on his gloves, he picked up the hammer placed on it.

He looked closely at the hammer head, put it to the tip of his nose and smelled it, then handed it to the police officer behind him.

The officer put the hammer into a large evidence bag.

When he came to the woman, Chen Yi also squatted down, tilted his head and looked at her, and said, "We are the police, can you understand what I am saying?"

The woman curled up tighter and buried her head deeply in her knees.

Chen Yi: "Did you smash someone to death a month ago? If so, just nod."

The woman didn't respond. She didn't know whether she didn't understand, or she understood and didn't want to answer.

Chen Yi worked with her for a long time, but didn't get any feedback. Even taking this situation back to the city bureau would be useless, and the unfamiliar environment might also cause the other party to be greatly stimulated.

Since you can't get anything out of asking her, then ask someone else.

"Leave two people to watch her for now, the others follow me."

Chen Yi stood up, opened the door latch with Zhuo Yun and others and left the earthen house.

"Separately visit the entire village and ask everything you can about this woman. Go further away and leave the nearby ones to me."

Everyone: "Yes!"

Qin Fei did not follow and stayed with Chen Yi. In addition to investigating the case, his mission was also to protect him.

Chen Yi chose a two-story building nearby and went up to knock on the door.

There was movement inside soon, and with the sound of iron bolts rubbing against iron sheets, the door opened.

It was a young woman, chewing food in her mouth, probably eating.

"Who are you looking for?" The woman saw confusion on her face when she saw two strange men knocking on the door.

Chen Yi took out his ID and said politely: "Hello, we are the police and we want to know something from you. Is it convenient for you?"

The woman glanced at the police badge on her ID, and without hesitation, she moved away and said, "Come in."

As long as they are not out of their minds or harboring evil intentions, no one will refuse the police out of boredom. There is no benefit whatsoever.

"Thank you, I'm sorry to bother you."

"it's okay no problem."

In the open-air yard, the dining table was placed there. Two children were lying there eating, and the children's father was also there.

After learning that the police had come to the door, the man warmly invited Chen Yi and Qin Fei to have some breakfast. After they declined, they sat on the chairs brought by the woman and let each other eat and chat.

"Are you talking about being mute?" The man took a bite of the big steamed bun and said, "She has been a serious person in our village for many years. How about twenty years?"

The woman replied: "It must have happened. It must have been more than 20 years ago. I was still very young at that time. The mute was in the village at that time. No one knows where she came from."

The husband nodded and looked at Chen Yi: "Officer, what's wrong with the mute? Have you found her biological parents? Do you think it's a loss of conscience? Even if the child is mute, we can't throw it away. Fortunately, he came to our village, otherwise the wild people would It’s possible for a dog to take it away.”

Chen Yi did not answer the question and said, "I saw her just now. She seems to have some intellectual problems?"

Man: "Yes, she is a fool. She can't understand anything we say. She only knows how to eat, drink, poop and sleep. She is quite pitiful."

Chen Yi: "Is she violent?"

The man was stunned: "Ah? Violence? What do you mean?"

Chen Yi: "For example, he occasionally attacks others for no apparent reason."

The man smiled and said: "That's not true. Although the mute is stupid, she is very sensible. Over the years, we and I have often given her food. She is very grateful. She always laughs and dances when she sees us, just like... uh, me So don’t mind it, just like feeding a stray dog, wagging its tail diligently.”

The words were rough, but Chen Yi understood what he wanted to express.

"Have you never hit anyone?" Chen Yi asked.

Man: "No, the children in the village used to bully her, but she never fought back. She just kept running every time and was very timid."

Hearing this, Qin Fei sighed, feeling really pitiful.

Chen Yi sensed something was wrong. Since he had never hit anyone in so many years and never fought back when he was hit, why did he hit the victim to death with a hammer a month ago? He hit it so hard, as if he had a deep grudge.

He continued to ask: "Has she been stimulated in any way in recent months, or has her mood suddenly changed a lot?"

The man hesitated: "This... I really didn't pay attention. Mute is not a normal person. Even if his mood changes, I can't tell it."

"Officer, what happened?"

He was very curious.

Chen Yi: "I'm sorry it's not convenient for us to say more."

The man gave up: "Okay."

Chen Yi: "Does she have any enemies? The kind who often bully her."

The man thought for a while: "No, who can she make enemies with?"

Chen Yi: "Has the mute been like this every day for twenty years?"

The man nodded: "Yes, it's all like this. When he's full, he'll wander around the village. When he sees children playing, he'll stand by and watch. If there's something important, he'll help with some dirty work just to have some leftovers. Leftovers.”

"Oh?" Chen Yi asked further: "Being able to help with work means that the mute is not too stupid and has some cognition, right?"

Man: "Well, yes, I think he should have the IQ of a five- or six-year-old child, right? She can understand simple words."

Chen Yi: "For example?"

The man thought for a while and said: "For example, if we have cooked too much food, why don't we go out and call the mute to eat? She will run over with her own bowl with an excited look on her face."

Chen Yi realized that the mute should be able to understand what he said, but just refused to answer.

"Has anything special happened to her, even many years ago?" Chen Yi began to move the time forward to fully understand the mute girl's past.

This question caused a flash of uneasiness on the man's face, and Chen Yi caught it.

Next to her, the woman who was eating also stopped and quickly returned to normal.

Chen Yi glanced at the two of them, waiting for an answer.

"No." The man finished eating and put down his chopsticks. "The mute is like this every day. I don't remember anything special. Do you remember anything?"

The young woman shook her head silently and continued eating.

Chen Yi: "You two, we are investigating a major criminal case. I hope you can answer the questions truthfully. Thank you very much."

He didn't change his attitude and was still very polite.

Man: "There really isn't. If there is, how can I not tell you? Why don't you go find someone else and ask? I have no impression."

Chen Yi didn't ask a third time and changed the subject: "Have there been any missing people in the village recently? Or maybe they haven't come back for a long time. Everyone thinks it's strange."

Man: “I haven’t heard of it.”

Chen Yi said goodbye and left.

When the door closed, he looked back. The two of them had concealed something just now, but they just didn't know if it had anything to do with the case.

"Come on, let's go find someone older and ask."

Before the identity of the deceased can be found, it is necessary to collect as many clues as possible. The concealment of the couple just now gave Chen Yi an intuition that there might be a secret in the mute girl.

Regardless of whether it has anything to do with the case or not, it must be found out.

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