Detective: Open your eyes, I am handcuffed in the interrogation room

Chapter 331 The mute woman’s physical examination results

In the forensic room, Fang Shuyu was writing an autopsy report and had just reached the summary of the case.

A complete and detailed autopsy report is very complicated, including the basic situation, case summary, inspection process, inspection results, etc., and finally the forensic doctor's own analysis and identification opinions, and finally the signature and photos.

In complex situations, it simply cannot be completed in one or two days.

If something goes wrong, the signature above will go directly to the person responsible.

Therefore, Fang Shuyu needs to be more cautious when it comes to murder cases. Although Chen Yi is unlikely to cause trouble for her, he must have professional qualities.

Chen Yi stood behind and watched for a while, then turned to the forensic table and looked at the entire body again.

The clothes on the body have been taken off, and after examination, they are stored as relics. When meeting the families of the victims in the future, these things need to be handed over to them.

The styles and brands of the clothes were also checked, but we could not find the exact source of purchase. However, we knew that the victim was definitely not a poor person. The total number of these clothes was estimated to be several thousand.

"About thirty-two years old, male, with very healthy bones." Fang Shuyu said while typing on the keyboard.

The underlying meaning of healthy bones is that the identity of the deceased cannot be determined through the bones, such as bone diseases, medical nails embedded after fractures, etc.

Chen Yi hummed.

Fang Shuyu asked: "Have you identified the suspect?"

Chen Yi: "I'm sure, a mute girl from Donghua Village, with some intellectual problems, wandered here without a father or a mother."

Fang Shuyu turned around: "A mental patient commits a crime?"

Chen Yi: "Not necessarily. Once the identity is confirmed, judging from the current situation, the motive of the mute woman should be relatively clear. It is not a tragedy caused by a sudden illness."

Fang Shuyu: "That means there is a grudge. Maybe the mute girl's wandering was caused by the victim."

"Don't make random guesses."

Chen Yi said something and scanned the body around the dissecting table.

As Fang Shuyu said, the bones were healthy and there were no scars. There were only man-made injuries on the head, which was shocking.

A stupid woman with no offensive power suddenly went crazy and smashed a thirty-year-old man to death. There must be something going on here.

After looking at it for a long time without seeing anything interesting, Chen Yi casually found a place to sit down.

Since establishing a relationship with Fang Shuyu, he often comes to the forensic room whenever there is nothing to do.

Fang Shuyu is still writing the autopsy report, with a forensic assistant assisting him.

About an hour later, Chen Yi's WeChat alert sounded. He took out his phone and opened WeChat and took a look. It was a new message from the case work group.

The policewoman had already bathed the mute woman and put her into new clothes. The woman looked timidly at the camera, and the policewoman pressed the shutter button.

The mute girl who had taken a bath seemed to be a different person, several years younger, almost thirty years old. She was very pretty, but her skin was very poor.

Such good looks are considered above-average in rural areas.

"She looks pretty good." Chen Yi said.

Fang Shuyu became interested, stood up, came to him, looked at the photos on his phone, and commented: "She looks really good. I haven't taken a shower all year round. I really didn't notice it."

Chen Yi: "Do you think she was raped?"

The sudden question not only stunned Fang Shuyu, but other forensic assistants also looked over.

One second he complimented the mute girl for her beauty, and the next second he asked the mute girl if she had been raped. There was a big gap.

But if you think about it carefully... Chen Yi's suspicion is not unreasonable. There is a cause and effect relationship.

A pretty girl with no ability to protect herself lives in a rural area where legal awareness is weak. Not to mention whether the old bachelor can hold it back, even a married man may have to indulge in obscenity in his mind.

No one does not want to be obscene, and those who say they do not are hypocritical. If everyone's thoughts could be embodied in reality, the whole world would die.

Everyone has a dark side in their hearts. The reason for social peace is legal deterrence and moral condemnation, otherwise everything will be completely chaotic.

If you don’t dare to do it, it’s okay to think about it.

"Do you suspect that she has been raped?" Fang Shuyu asked.

Chen Yi: "That's why I asked someone to take her for a comprehensive physical examination. The answer will be available soon."

"As a result of previous visits to the village, it was obvious that everyone was concealing one thing, which is most likely due to the equalization of risks caused by rape."

"Suppose that someone or a few people participated in the rape, but you don't know who it is, then every man in the village regardless of age will be a suspect, and no one will say anything, and everyone will be happy if the law does not punish them."

Fang Shuyu: "You're too beastly!"

Chen Yi: "Don't scold me yet. It's just suspicion. And even if it is confirmed, it may not be related to this case."

Fang Shuyu: "Uh... I was just about to say whether the victim was one of the perpetrators. Well, the originally simple case became a lot more complicated when you said that."

Chen Yi smiled and said: "There are no complicated cases. We think it is complicated because of the unknown. The investigation process is difficult, but the results are actually very ordinary and are just human nature."

Fang Shuyu nodded: "That's true."

At night, the female police officer from the detachment returned from the hospital with the mute girl.

The expressions of the two policewomen were somewhat complicated, with more of them being angry.

Seeing this, Chen Yi felt that her suspicions should be correct, but the policewoman's words still exceeded her expectations.

"Captain Chen, the mute girl is not a virgin, and...she has given birth to a child."

Chen Yi frowned: "What?"

Policewoman: "It's not just a simple pregnancy. Judging from the cervix, the baby has been born. I just don't know whether it was an induced labor or a normal delivery. The obstetrician and gynecologist said it was most likely a normal delivery."

Chen Yi was silent for a long time, then turned and went to the detention room.

The police officer opened the door, and Chen Yi stepped in and stood in front of the mute woman.

The mute girl looked much cleaner after changing her clothes. The policewoman also thoughtfully gave the mute girl her hairpin. With her hair tied up, she looked delicate and dignified.

It's a pity that she has a stupid look on her expression and chaos in her eyes.

When the policewoman took her for a physical examination, she also went to the psychiatry department. There was indeed something wrong with the mute woman's intelligence.

Sensing someone, the mute girl raised her head, with fear in her eyes again.

He wanted to back away, but found that the place where she was sitting was already against the wall.

Chen Yi and the mute woman looked at each other. Many things had happened to this woman, some of which were related to the murder and some to Donghua Village.

Now that we have encountered it, we must investigate everything clearly.

Here, people without status can also enjoy the legal rights of citizens, regardless of whether the person is normal or stupid.

As long as someone is not actively deprived of lifelong rights by law, light needs to shine.

A chair was moved and Chen Yi sat in front of the mute woman.

"You look older than me. Let me call you sister." Chen Yi's voice sounded, "I am a policeman. I have already told you about this. Do you know what the police do? They are to protect you. It’s for punishing bad people, so don’t be afraid, I will never hurt you, please believe this.”

The mute woman lowered her head and curled up her body again. This action made her feel safe.

Chen Yi continued: "We have discovered the body in the ruined temple outside the village. After investigation, we have determined that you killed it. Can you tell me why?"

The mute girl doesn't speak.

Chen Yi: "Then let's talk about something else. Do you have children?"

As soon as these words came out, the mute girl suddenly raised her head and stared blankly at the young man in front of her.

Chen Yi was sure that she could definitely understand his words, at least most of them.

"Is there any?" Chen Yi repeated.

The mute woman seemed to hesitate, and after a long time, she nodded heavily.

This is the first time that a mute girl actively responds to Chen Yi.

Chen Yi asked: "Is this child still alive?"

The mute girl nodded again.

Chen Yi: "Where is he (she)? Is he (she) in the village?"

The mute girl nodded, then shook her head.

Chen Yi: "In the village or not? If you are, then nod, if not, shake your head."

The mute girl stopped moving, a hint of sadness appeared on her expression, and the corners of her mouth lowered, as if she wanted to cry.

Chen Yi: "Did you kill that man because of your child?"

The mute woman stopped responding and her mood began to fluctuate.

Chen Yi said enough was enough.

The mute woman could barely communicate with others normally. After learning that the other party had a child, the mystery of the case was torn apart.

It can be seen that she cares about her children very much. Motherly love is natural in nature, even for animals, let alone humans.

Chen Yi now has a second theory that a stupid woman with no offensive power can suddenly go crazy and commit crimes.

There is a certain possibility that it is because of my own children.

Either because the child is hurt, or because you are hurt.

Now a second unknown identity appears: the mute girl's child.

The identity of the victim, the identity of the mute girl, these two things must be implemented.

"Donghua Village..."

Chen Yi muttered something silently, stood up and left the detention room.

Arriving at the case handling hall, Chen Yi issued an order.

"Notify all police stations within ten kilometers of Donghua Village and wait for a call from the city bureau tomorrow. Ten people will be sent to each station, and at least three of the ten will be official police officers."

Zhuo Yun stood up: "Captain Chen, what do you want to do?"

Chen Yi took out a cigarette and lit it, and then said: "Extract the DNA of all people under the age of twenty in the village. We will force the extraction without negotiation. At the same time, we will check the household registration. If there are people who are out of town, we will issue a co-investigation letter and send the samples directly."

Zhuo Yun understood. This was to use the most direct and simple way to find the mute girl's child through DNA paternity testing.

Under twenty years old, the age of a mute girl is...

There is a premise for the investigation results of this method, that is, the child of the mute girl is in the village.

"Captain Chen, is the mute girl's child still alive?" a police officer asked.

Chen Yi nodded: "It's still alive. Since she is sure, she must have seen it. It should not have been sold. Let's check it out."

"Aren't those villagers tough-talking? I want to see how tough they are. If they can't be found in Donghua Village, they will spread their influence to surrounding villages. Anyone who resists violently will be handcuffed directly for obstructing official duties."

Police officers: "Yes! Team Chen!"

After saying that, Chen Yi came to Lin Chen, who was working overtime to restore the skull.

This was the first time that Lin Chen officially carried out skull reconstruction work as a criminal police officer. He worked very seriously and tirelessly, striving for the highest accuracy.

At this time, the outline has begun to take shape, and Chen Yi can even imagine what the victim might look like.

"How long will it take?" Chen Yi asked.

Lin Chen promised: "I will give it to you before dawn!"

Chen Yi patted him on the shoulder: "Thank you for your hard work."

Lin Chen knew the importance of the victim's identity, and felt that the entire team's eyes were focused on him, waiting for the result. There was pressure, but more importantly, excitement.

He is very motivated.

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