Detention room.

Zhai Yiling knelt on the ground for a long time without getting up. The mute woman couldn't bear to see her daughter like this, so she finally mustered up the courage to step forward and help her up with both hands.

This is the first physical contact between mother and daughter. It can be seen that the mute girl is very happy, not because of Zhai Yiling kneeling down, nor because of Zhai Yiling's "Mom", but because Zhai Yiling did not resist her touch. Accept it.

For the mute woman, this is already the greatest happiness.

The mute girl did not touch Zhai Yiling's face when she was born, nor held her hand when she was learning to walk. Finally, at the age of eighteen, she enjoyed the benefits of being a mother.

But the price was... Lu Qiucheng's death.

Chen Yi stood aside silently, not disturbing the mother and daughter's recognition. To be precise, it was a one-sided recognition.

The two sat on the bed in the detention room, holding hands with each other. The mute woman probably had a lot to say but couldn't. Zhai Yiling could speak but didn't know what to say. After being quiet for a long time, Zhai Yiling seemed to remember the mute woman. murder facts.

"Captain Chen, will my sentenced to death?" Zhai Yiling asked.

Chen Yi asked back: "What do you think? As a college student, you should have your own judgment."

Even though he felt sorry for the case, even though he sympathized with the mute girl and Zhai Yiling, there was indifference in his voice at the moment.

Zhai Yiling: "My mother was deceived and has mental retardation, so she should be given a lighter sentence, right?"

Chen Yi continued to ask: "Why was she deceived?"

Zhai Yiling: "Because..."

After saying two words, she didn't say any more. Her body trembled and she lowered her head, not daring to look at Chen Yi.

Chen Yi broke the harmony and beauty of mother-daughter recognition: "Do you think your mother can really be forgiven, including yourself? Can you be forgiven?"

When analyzing issues, we must consider them from an objective and fair perspective, and we must not blindly favor vulnerable groups.

poor person must have something mean.

The mutual recognition between the mute girl and Zhai Yiling is very touching... Where is Lu Qiucheng? Did the victim in this case die in vain?

Lu Qiucheng's affection for the mute girl is selfless. He, who is not related by blood, has been loving and protecting the mute girl since he was a child. It can even be said that without Lu Qiucheng, the mute girl's life would be even more miserable.

It was such a person who was killed by a mute woman. It was not something that could be fooled by just the word "cheated".

Although the mute woman has a low IQ, she has a certain ability to judge.

Based on a few random sentences made up by Ma Yilong and a video that could not explain any facts at all, the mute woman chose to believe unconditionally. Isn't it hateful to see the mental journey in it?

To put it bluntly, he would rather believe in Ma Yilong who had hurt him than to believe in Lu Qiucheng who was unconditionally good to him. For Lu Qiucheng, this is so sad.

And Zhai Yiling, based on Ma Yilong's few words, imagined that Lu Qiucheng's kindness to her was purposeful. This kind of IQ was not like that of a top student who could be admitted to Yangcheng University.

It may be a bit heartbreaking to say this, but it is very appropriate to use it here: as there is a mother, there is also a daughter.

Chen Yi did not deny the misery of the two people, but he could not agree with their absolute innocence.

Zhai Yiling understood what Chen Yi wanted to express and lowered her head.

The mute girl didn't quite understand, but she seemed to realize that Chen Yi was talking about Lu Qiucheng, and her tears welled up again.

Maternal love and cognition caused the mute girl to make a big mistake. Ma Yilong was the culprit rationally, but the mute girl also made a lot of mistakes emotionally.

If you were a normal person, even if you believed it, you would still have to question Lu Qiucheng.

Mute women are not normal.

Abnormality is not an excuse.

I don’t know how the law will sentence Chen Yi. In his case, everyone must reflect on themselves if they make mistakes.

Chen Yi didn't give Zhai Yiling too much time. Feeling that it was almost done, he put the handcuffs on the mute girl again and took Zhai Yiling out of the detention room.

Zhai Yiling was very sad. She didn't want to go back to school and hoped to stay in the city bureau for a while. Chen Yi didn't refuse and let her go.

In the reception room, Chen Yi met Ma Jiankun and his wife.

After intense questioning by Ma Yilong's mother and repeated questioning by Ma Jiankun, the couple finally accepted the fact that their son had abetted the murder, and the nature was very bad.

It was not for revenge or impulsive killing, it was entirely for self-interest, which caused irreversible consequences.

Lu Qiucheng died, and the mute girl and Zhai Yiling also needed to spend their lives to atone for their mistakes.

"Will my son be sentenced to death?" Mother Ma was crying, and she looked much older.

She is also a mother. Chen Yi pays attention to methods and does not criticize too much, and sets his sights on Ma Jiankun.

"Ma Yilong relied on the mute girl and Zhai Yiling to complete this instigation of murder. He relied on the mute girl Zhai Yiling because he seduced the mute girl eighteen years ago. Do you know why he had this idea? Because when he was a boy, he Plenty of peeks at the punched discs you purchased.”

"Do you understand what I mean?"

Chen Yi's voice sounded, and the content of his words made Ma Jiankun stay there.

Ma Mu was also stunned, and then turned to look at her husband.

The disc is not directly related to Lu Qiucheng's murder, but in this case, it is a small detail that cannot be ignored.

At that time, a considerable number of rapists were influenced by obscene materials.

Why the country wants to crack down on obscene and harmful information is mainly to protect minors.

First of all, obscene and harmful information will cause great harm to the physical and mental health of minors. Their physical and mental development is not yet mature. This harmful information can easily induce psychological problems in minors.

Excessive exposure can cause sexual repression or over-stimulation in minors, leading to abnormal sexual tendencies, resulting in loss of recognition of traditional values, and reduced respect and trust in parents, teachers, and adults.

Secondly, obscene and harmful information will also have a negative impact on public morals and social tranquility. These contents cause many problems, the most serious of which are related crimes. Ma Yilong is a good example. One incident triggered a chain reaction and eventually turned into a huge tragedy. .

Of course, damaging the country's image is also one aspect.

Don't think it's a trivial matter. If the base is large, there will always be people who will be seriously negatively affected, such as Ma Yilong.

"I..." Ma Jiankun obviously didn't expect that this matter would go back so far. His first reaction was not to admit his mistake, but to explain, "At that time... everyone was buying it."

Chen Yi: "So at that time, rape cases were very common."

The high incidence of cases has a lot to do with the public security of the times, and other reasons cannot be ignored.

"You still say that I dote on you, it's all your fault!" Mother Ma has lost her mind. Her son's crime has become a foregone conclusion and cannot be changed. She needs an outlet to vent.

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Chen Yi stood up and left the reception room. As soon as he closed the door, a fierce quarrel came from the room.

Ma Yilong's evil thoughts turned into reality, and everyone related to him, without exception, was greatly hurt. There is no use regretting now.

Chen Yi went to see Ma Yilong's wife again. He promised Ma Yilong to handle his son's affairs and would not break his promise.

Ma Yilong's wife did not shed tears. It may be that the severe blow caused her to develop a psychological defense mechanism, or it may be that the relationship between the two is not that good.

Ma Yilong's wife sighed when she mentioned her son.

Her father becoming a murderer will have a great impact on her son's life. She can't let her son know about it, at least not now.

Unable to change, she could only take her son to leave the city and go to a place where no one knew anyone to start a new life.

Just pretend... I have never met Ma Yilong.

As time goes by, maybe this matter will gradually calm down, and people should look forward and continue to live.

That night, all the outsiders left, and the team was finishing the case and preparing to report it to the Procuratorate for review.

Lu Qiucheng had no father or mother but still had relatives. Regarding the burial issue, Zhai Yiling took the initiative to ask for it. Chen Yi said that he should discuss it with Lu Qiucheng's relatives and that he could not make the decision.

There is also Lu Qiucheng’s legacy.

Lu Qiucheng's salary at Zhongda Technology is still not low. Over the years, he has saved a little to buy a house, and inheritance is also a problem.

Both the first-order heir and the second-order heir are gone. The remaining relatives are not legal heirs and have no custody relationship. According to regulations, the inheritance should belong to the state.

Lu Qiucheng grew up eating the food of hundreds of families, and his relatives did not care about him, so even if someone came to fight for his property, Chen Yi would not let a penny fall into the hands of these people.

As for the mute girl and Zhai Yiling...

There was no will, and since the party at fault was an outsider, he was naturally not qualified to get his hands on the money.

Two days later, Chen Yi came to the detention center and met Chai Wenfang. As soon as they met, Chai Wenfang couldn't wait to ask about the murder case in Donghua Village and his own sentence reduction.

"What you said is true. There was indeed a murder case, and it has been solved now."

"It's considered a major meritorious service. I will help you reduce your sentence to 50%."

Chai Wenfang was excited. Fifty percent of it was completely unexpected. The original ten years turned into five years, and the original six years turned into three years.

"Captain Chen, what's the case? Why did she kill someone?" Everyone has curiosity.

Chen Yi didn't talk to Chai Wenfang anymore. He stood up and prepared to leave, saying, "Don't ask about the case. It's... a bad case."

"For this matter, I thank you on behalf of the victim. He will be rehabilitated inside, and when he comes out... he will not commit any more crimes."

Looking at Chen Yi's leaving figure, Chai Wenfang was stunned.

When a detachment leader said thank you to himself, he could tell that it was not for the merit of solving the case.

Is this case tragic?

After a long silence, Chai Wenfang sighed deeply. Making money in fear is indeed not a long-term solution. If you want to gain the respect of others, you must first learn to respect others.

"Okay, I quit."

He said this to himself and also to Chen Yi.

Outside the detention center, Chen Yi lit a cigarette and raised his head slightly to look at the clouds and blue sky at the end of his sight.

There is no need to force many things, and it is not a bad thing to be content with the status quo. At least you can live a safe and free life. Even if you cannot enjoy wealth and status, enjoying family love is enough.

Chai Wenfang is like this, and Ma Yilong is like this too. The former still has a chance to understand this truth, but the latter doesn't.

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