In the ward, seeing Chen Yi's face not looking good, Wang Baobao seemed to be afraid that the other party would arrest him, so he quickly asked: "Brother Chen, as long as I don't pursue it, will this matter be over?"

Chen Yi: "It's not as simple as you think. Do you know the procedures for organ donation are strict? Do you really think that if both parties agree, you can just dig out one person's kidney and transplant it into another person?"

"If that were the case, things would have been messed up long ago. Registration, evaluation, review... are very complicated."

As long as any industry is not restricted, it will inevitably develop into serious illegal crimes. This is to protect the vulnerable groups, otherwise society will be a paradise for the rich.

Once organs can be transplanted at will, why wait for a match? So many people across the country can always find a suitable match.

Therefore, even if the crime of intentional injury is not established, the other crimes may not be established.

He didn't have to go to trouble Wang Guogui's father, but let Wang Guogui understand the importance of rules.

"This..." Wang Guobao didn't expect it to be so complicated. "Can't I even volunteer? He is over seventy years old, so he shouldn't go to jail, right?"

Chen Yi was surprised: "What? Over 70 years old? Were you born in over 50 years old? How old is your mother?"

Chen Yi was surprised to be over 70 years old. This was because he was separated by a generation. Will he be able to have a son in his old age? If the age difference between Wang Guogui's mother and father is not big, then the chance of pregnancy is very low.

Wang Guogui explained: "My father's first wife passed away early, and my mother is his second wife, who is in her forties."

Chen Yi calculated his age in his mind, which means that when Wang Baobao's father was in his fifties, he married a wife in her twenties and gave birth to Wang Baobao.

It’s not surprising. Old husbands and young wives are nothing new. There are many such examples in his circle. As long as you have money, you can marry an eighteen-year-old.

"What does your dad do?" Chen Yi asked.

Wang Guogui: "He said he was the owner of a board factory and a breeding farm."

Chen Yi: "A native of Yangcheng?"

Wang Guogui: "Yes, I am a native of Yangcheng, but I live in the lower county, Ping County."

Chen Yi nodded slightly. Ping County was considered a wealthy county compared to Yangcheng. There was a huge gap between the rich and the poor. In the early years, some factory bosses made a lot of money. The most famous ones were sheet metal and farming.

A considerable part of the plates and food raw materials in Yangcheng City come from Pingxian County.

Being able to buy a house casually, Wang Guogui's father's net worth is at least tens of millions, and if it's his head, it may be over 100 million.

Rich people still have children in old age. Chen Yi was skeptical about the fact that Wang Guogui was stolen when he was young.

"What was your original surname? Was it also Wang?"

Wang Guogui shook his head: "No, the surname should be Song. My father's surname is Song, but I will not change my surname or name. My name is Wang Baogui now, and I will also be called Wang Guogui in the future."

Chen Yi: "What exactly do you think?"

Wang Guigui sighed: "He gave me life. In return, I will give him a kidney. Besides, now that I have a house and money, I won't have to work so hard in the future."

Chen Yi: "Father's status plus material conditions, right?"

Wang Baobao snorted.

The relationship between father and son cannot be ignored, and he did not deny the temptation brought by material conditions. The two things were satisfied at the same time, which gave him his current mentality.

Chen Yi: "Besides the house, how much did he give you?"

Wang Guogui: "I don't know if he took the six million in cash. The bank card was slapped on the coffee table in the living room."

Chen Yi: "Which community is the house in?"

Wang Baogui: "Guihe Garden."

Chen Yi: "The house is in your name?"

Wang Guogui: "Yes."

Chen Yi remembered that the location of Guihe Garden was quite good, and the average house price was around 4 million, which meant that Wang Guobao's father used 10 million to take away Wang Guobao's kidney.

Needless to say, if we measure human kidneys in terms of money, the price is very high.

Even strangers, there are many who are willing to sell.

However, this matter is indeed illegal and illegal. If it goes online, Wang Guogui may also be involved and charged with illegal organ trading. However, this possibility is very small. He is not taking the initiative.

What Wang Guogui said just now is right. His father is too anxious. If he waits for a few more days, the result will not be the same as it is now. It seems that his condition may really be serious and he can't wait any longer and can only grab it.

"Take good care of yourself." Chen Yi stood up and prepared to leave.

Wang Baogui: "Brother Chen, this matter..."

Chen Yi turned back: "There will be a good solution, but the investigation must be carried out. Let's not mention your father first. We must bring back the doctor next to him."

For performing kidney transplants privately, the doctor has been suspected of organizing the sale of human organs. The sentencing standard is less than five years. If the circumstances are serious, it is more than five years.

In addition, forcibly taking Wang's precious kidney was also suspected of intentional injury.

Therefore, the doctor must catch Wang Baogui's father. He needs to look at the specific situation and figure out what happened.

Wang Guogui fell silent. He didn't understand many problems and could only accept them and wait for the subsequent development.

After leaving the ward, Chen Yi gave Zhuo Yun an order to take charge of the investigation of this case, focusing on the doctor.

Ping County, Song family, rich, over 70 years old, the scope has been reduced to a very small area, one check will be accurate.

"Everything will be done according to the procedures. After the investigation is clear, it will be handed over to the procuratorate for processing, and we will ignore it." Chen Yi finally said.

Zhuo Yun nodded: "Yes, Captain Chen, I will lead people to investigate immediately."

Chen Yi returned to the Municipal Bureau and came to the office to continue doing the work at hand. He was very busy. He could just hand over Wang Baogui's case to Zhuo Yun and see the result then.

Not long after, Fang Shuyu opened the door and walked in, asking about Wang Baogui's situation, which she already knew.

They were having dinner together a week ago, and a week later their kidneys were removed. For Wang Guogui, it was really a fateful fate.

He has obviously corrected his evil ways, but he still has to suffer such hardships.

"Does he really have a rich father?"

After learning the truth, Fang Shuyu didn't know whether to be happy for Wang Guobao or sad for him. It was originally a touching scene of the reunion of father and son, but due to the disease, it turned into a result that no one wanted to see.

"Not a qualified father, not even a qualified person." Fang Shuyu commented.

Chen Yi stood up, poured a glass of water, and said: "What he wants is not a son, but a kidney. It's understandable to be afraid of death, but taking it by force is despicable."

"No one can change Wang Baogui's thoughts. I'm too lazy to care. Leave it to Zhuo Yun."

Everyone has their own choice, whether it is because of money or family ties, in short Wang Guogui chose to forgive, which is good news for Wang Baogui's father.

In fact, no matter what happens, Wang Baogui's father will not lose anything. Life is the most important thing. As long as he saves his life, even if he is suspected of illegal crimes, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

It doesn't matter if he commits a crime or goes to jail. Anyway, he won't be shot. As long as he can survive, that is the best result.

Moreover, even if he is over 70 years old and is prosecuted, the sentencing will be taken into consideration.

Wang Baogui’s father must have thought of all this.

Sure enough, the older you get, the more you fear death. There is still so much money in hand that has not been spent, and I can’t bear to live in this world.

The two chatted for a while, then Fang Shuyu left and each started their own work.

In the next few days, Chen Yi gradually forgot about the incident and concentrated on implementing the documents issued by the provincial department, and did not pay attention to Wang Guogui who was still in the hospital.

Zhuo Yun's investigation progress is reported every day. The process is not smooth. The most important thing is...the doctor involved ran away.


In the office, Chen Yi put down the pen in his hand and looked at Zhuo Yun, his expression not very good.

Zhuo Yun had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "He ran away. He went abroad. He bought a plane ticket long ago. After performing a kidney transplant on Song Lishun, he immediately left the country by plane."

Chen Yi: "You are so decisive. It seems you took a lot of money. Where did it go?"

Zhuo Yun: "Australia."

Chen Yi frowned slightly: "Report it to the provincial department. What does Song Lishun say?"

Zhuo Yun: "He said that this matter had nothing to do with him. It was all done by Dr. Lu Jialiang by himself. He accepted it passively. Although he was definitely lying, there is nothing we can do if we can't catch Lu Jialiang."

Chen Yi: "What about economic expenditure?"

Zhuo Yun: "Including the precious house and money given to Wang, it's almost 20 million. Twenty million to buy a life is quite worth it to him. His illness is very serious and his life is in danger at any time. He must be in a short time." Complete kidney transplant.”

"Judging from his condition, the operation was successful and there was no rejection. I have notified the relevant departments to investigate the private hospital where Lu Jialiang is located, and Captain Tang from the economic investigation team has also joined the investigation."

Chen Yi: "I know, go and get busy."

Song Lishun's kidney transplant was performed very quickly, almost at the same time as Wang Guogui's rescue at Yangcheng People's Hospital. Maybe when Wang Guogui woke up the next day, Song Lishun would also open his eyes.

One lost a kidney, the other gained a new lease of life.

One is a son and the other is a father.

It was originally a very touching thing, but the process made everyone unmoved at all.

This is plunder.

Lu Jialiang ran abroad. It was difficult to close this case. The time span would be very long and the procedures faced were also very complicated. Chen Yi did not pay too much attention to it and asked Zhuo Yun to continue to follow up. He would occasionally ask a few questions.

However, what Chen Yi didn't expect was that just a few days ago, a call from the Pingxian County Bureau went directly to the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Yangcheng City Bureau.

The rapid ringing of the phone seemed to be a hundred times more harsh than before.

At this moment, it was only eleven days since Wang Guobao had his kidney taken away by Song Lishun.

At this moment, Chen Yi was attending the second important meeting in the provincial hall.

He muted the phone until Zhuo Yun called for the fourth time, then put it to his ear.

"Hello? What's going on?" Chen Yi asked in a low voice.

There was residual shock in Zhuo Yun's voice, and he spoke very quickly: "Captain Chen! The Song family in Ping County... The Song family has almost been wiped out!!"

The words "annihilate the family" were like thunder, exploding in Chen Yi's ears. He stood up from his seat in shock, causing Fang Songping's voice to stop abruptly, and everyone else subconsciously turned their heads.


Two words echoed in the conference room.

Fang Songping, Wei Jianfeng and others frowned, not because they were dissatisfied with Chen Yi, but because they had an unknown premonition.

To make Chen Yi lose his composure, something big must have happened.

"How many died??" Chen Yi asked directly without leaving the conference room.

These four words made everyone present change their expressions.

Fang Songping also looked solemnly, stood up slowly, and stared closely at Chen Yi who was on the phone.

Zhuo Yun: "The current death toll has reached seven. Song Lishun is being rescued in the hospital. His wife is currently missing and her mobile phone is blocked."

Chen Yi: "How did you die?"

Zhuo Yun: "They were all poisoned. The family ate together, and the poison came out just halfway through the meal. Because I had just investigated Wang Baogui's case and contacted the county bureau, the county bureau's criminal investigation team rushed to the scene to deal with it. , notified us immediately.”

Chen Yi: "Where did you eat?"

Zhuo Yun: "A breeding farm under Song Lishun's name."

Chen Yi: "Song Lishun was discharged from the hospital so soon? It's only been ten days."

Zhuo Yun: "He is in good condition, maybe he was discharged from the hospital early."

Chen Yi: "Are you sure it's not an accident?"

Zhuo Yun: "The county bureau said that the signs of poisoning were very obvious. Everyone had vomiting, diarrhea and epileptic seizures. All the deceased died of respiratory failure. It was highly poisonous and it didn't look like an accident."

Chen Yi's face was solemn: "Assemble the team and I will go back soon. By the way, where is Wang Baogui?"

Zhuo Yun: "I haven't had time to ask yet. He should be in the hospital, right?"

Chen Yi: "Call the hospital immediately to confirm!"

His first reaction was whether Wang Guogui was involved. He might be a victim or a poisoner. He needed to first find out Wang Baogui's position and not let go of any possibility.

How could it be such a coincidence that Song Lishun had just completed a kidney transplant, and ten days later so many people in his family were poisoned to death.

Is there a connection between the two?

There's no way to know now.

Seeing Chen Yi put down his mobile phone, Fang Songping immediately asked: "What's going on?"

Chen Yi turned around: "Fang Ting, do you still remember the case of illegal organ trading that I reported last time?"

Fang Songping nodded: "Remember, didn't the doctor run away?"

Chen Yi: "The person who lost his kidney is called Wang Baogui, and the person who received the kidney transplant is his father, named Song Lishun. The Pingxian County Bureau just called. The Song family was poisoned while eating and almost wiped out the whole family. Seven people died. Song Lishun. He is being treated in the hospital."

Exterminate the family?

Seven died? !

Everyone present was shocked. If this was a murder case, it would be too serious!

There hasn't been a massacre in Yangcheng for many years.

Fang Songping was very calm. He also heard that Chen Yi's words were open-ended. He only said that the family was destroyed, but not that the family was destroyed. This meant that it was still unclear whether it was an accident or man-made.

"Are there any suspects?" he asked.

Since he was poisoned while eating, if there is a poisoner, he must be around.

Chen Yi: "The county bureau said that the whereabouts of Song Lishun's wife are currently unknown and her mobile phone is blocked. They are trying their best to search for her."

If there is someone whose whereabouts are unknown, then this person is highly suspicious and must be found as soon as possible.

Fang Songping: "You immediately lead a team to Ping County to carry out investigation work. First determine whether it is an accident or man-made. If you have the results, inform Wei Jianfeng immediately."

Chen Yi: "Yes, Fang Ting."

After Chen Yi left, Fang Songping was no longer in the mood for the meeting and signaled for everyone to disperse.

The word "murder" is very sensitive, and the word "annihilation" is even more harsh. No matter what the facts are, there must be a result within a short time.

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