The next morning, investigators gathered at the county bureau, and Yangcheng rushed to complete a DNA paternity test overnight, confirming that Wang Guobao and the body in the crusher were mother and child.

The paternity test results of Song Lishun and Wang Baogui also came out. The former is not Wang Guobao's biological father.

As for who Wang Guogui's biological father is, because there are too many test materials, it is still being identified, and the results will be notified as soon as they come out.

The detachment's technical investigation was not idle, and the second on-site investigation would not be the last. Lu Yongqiang led the technical staff to the breeding farm early in the morning to launch a new round of investigation work targeting suspicious and overlooked areas.

As long as the case is not over and the suspect has not confessed, the investigation will not stop.

Near noon, Xu Wenbing led people to the hospital and stood in front of Song Lishun.

"Song Lishun, you are suspected of poisoning Song Liguo, Song Linan and seven other people. Now we are arresting you in accordance with the law. Please come with me immediately!"

As Xu Wenbing finished speaking, several police officers stepped forward and surrounded Song Lishun who was lying there.

Song Lishun was not surprised by this result, nor was he panicked. His old face was neither happy nor sad, and he slowly sat up from the hospital bed.

He didn't defend himself or raise any questions, and just followed Xu Wenbing away.

County Bureau.

trial room.

Chen Yi sat in front of Song Lishun.

Song Lishun did not feel any sadness when he learned about the deaths of the seven people. From this point of view, it can be basically concluded that the deaths of the seven people were inseparable from him.

"Why poison?" Chen Yi asked.

Song Lishun said calmly: "I did not poison, Captain Chen, there is something wrong with your questioning method."

Seeing that Song Lishun was not going to explain immediately, Chen Yi started from the beginning: "Fu Rongrong has been dead for a long time. She did not attend the dinner at the breeding farm a few days ago at all. You lied, right? We have obtained the evidence and confirmed that Fu Rongrong Don’t take any chances if Rong dies.”

Hearing these words, Song Lishun fell silent. Three seconds later, he raised his head slightly: "I didn't lie. She was indeed there during the dinner. As for why she died or when she died, I don't know."

Song Lishun's entry point was very clever. It was impossible to find Fu Rongrong's body. Without a body, there would be no time of death. So theoretically, Fu Rongrong could have died at any time.

For example, Song Lishun died after eight people were poisoned. In this case, Song Lishun did not lie, but he ignored the traces of the poisoning scene.

Chen Yi said: "Our technicians have carefully surveyed the scene. Except for the eight of you, there are no new traces of the ninth person's activities. The fingerprints and footprints are all inconsistent. Fu Rongrong was definitely not cooking in the kitchen at that time."

Song Lishun was stunned for a moment and frowned subconsciously.

Everyone has cognitive blind spots, and he does not understand technical investigation.

"Song Lishun, answer the question." Chen Yi urged.

Song Lishun didn't speak, unable to fulfill the lie, so he chose silence instead. After all, lying was not an irrefutable proof.

The technical detectives have not found tools for dismembering corpses at the breeding farm, nor have they found pieces of Fu Rongrong's clothes. The only thing they can focus on is the clothes Song Lishun was wearing at the time.

The morning monitoring and investigation had been completed. When Song Lishun left the hospital for the first time, he was wearing white clothes. However, when he returned to the hospital, he changed into black clothes.

The white dress was not found.

There must be blood spatter on the broken corpse, and Chen Yi judged that the clothes had been destroyed.

Even the corpses can be crushed and the clothes can be burned. There are stoves in the breeding farms.

When Song Lishun refused to respond, Chen Yi changed the topic: "Ten days ago, you were discharged from the hospital for the first time and changed into black clothes. Where are the clothes you changed?"

Song Lishun was vague: "I forgot, maybe it was at the breeding farm."

Chen Yi: "It's not in the breeding farm, we didn't find it."

Song Lishun: "Then I don't know. I just threw it away. Maybe it was picked up by a dog."

Having lived for more than seventy years, he has a lot of experience, experience in dealing with things, and a strong psychological quality. It is impossible for him to expose his flaws with simple questions, let alone break his psychological defense.

Chen Yi knew that the breakthrough point in the interrogation was the other party's motives. As long as the motives were clarified, Song Lishun's emotions would fluctuate greatly.

"Then let's start from the beginning. Don't be in a hurry. We have plenty of time." Chen Yi picked up the cigarette case on the table and asked, "Want one?"

Song Lishun took a look and said, "I won't smoke anymore. I'm not feeling well. After all, I just had an operation."

Chen Yi lit a cigarette and began to tell the story about the case: "What I want to talk about is this operation. You have severe uremia and need a kidney transplant to survive, but you are very unlucky. None of your family members have been matched. To be able to pin my hopes on my long-lost son.”

"Luck won't always be bad. You found Wang Guogui in Yangcheng, the match was successful, and you also did a DNA paternity test. After offering the temptation of a house and money, Wang Baogui still didn't agree, so you chose to rape her. Seize."

Hearing this, Song Lishun was about to interrupt, but Chen Yi waved his hand: "Listen to me first. You don't have to defend whether it was a robbery or not. I don't care. The truth will be revealed once the doctor is caught. What I want to say is that you and Wang Valuable relationships.”

"He is not your son."

Hearing this, Song Lishun moved his fingers, and the coldness disappeared in his cloudy old eyes.

Chen Yi: "You can't deny this, right?"

Scientific identification cannot be fooled, Song Lishun nodded: "Yes, he is not my son, so what?"

Chen Yi: "The doctor next to you told you that although Wang Baobao is not your son, he is your relative, so the kidney matching was so successful. Your son is the only missing child of the Song family. Are you sure Wang Guogui is your long-lost son?"

"However, the DNA paternity test cannot be faked, so you suspect that Fu Rongrong cheated on her, and it was someone close to her who cheated on her."

Song Lishun said nothing.

Chen Yi continued: "When you found out that Fu Rongrong had cheated, you were very angry, but now is not the time to vent your anger on Fu Rongrong. You need a kidney transplant immediately."

"The operation was successful. There was no rejection. You recovered very well. You got out of bed and left the hospital five days later. Full of anger, you found Fu Rongrong."

"I don't know what happened in the middle, but the result is that you killed her, used a feed grinder to crush the body, and turned it into feed for chickens, ducks, pigs and cows, perfectly destroying the body and eliminating traces."

Song Lishun raised his eyes: "Captain Chen told a good story. Do you have any evidence? You said I killed Fu Rongrong. Where is the evidence?"

Publicizing Fu Rongrong's cheating did not affect his emotions, at least not on the surface.

This time was only the first trial. Chen Yi was mentally prepared to deny Song Lishun's life. He wanted to treat Song Lishun's heart first, and now he needed more clues.

Song Lishun's motive for killing Fu Rongrong is known, but the motive for killing Song Liguo's seven people is still unknown.

At this time, the door of the interrogation room opened, Xu Wenbing walked in, bent down and said something in Chen Yi's ear.


Xu Wenbing's words surprised Chen Yi. He glanced at Song Lishun sitting there, and suddenly felt that the relationship between this family was really complicated.

The murder occurred probably not just because of Wang Guigui.

Wang Guobao was just the fuse that set off Song Lishun. Following the fuse, Song Lishun may have discovered more truths.

Chen Yi decided to stop interrogating Song Lishun and stop wasting time. When all the things that could be investigated were found out, he turned the second interrogation into the last decisive blow.

Before this, let Song Lishun stay in the detention room first.

He got up and left the interrogation room and went to the case handling hall. As he walked, he said: "Since Wang Guobao's biological father is not Song Pingquan, then he should be Song Liguo and Song Linan."

Just now, real-time news came from Yangcheng. The paternity test results of Song Pingquan and Wang Guogui have come out. The two are not father and son, but they are related.

Wang Baobao is definitely from the Song family, and we don’t know who his father is yet.

Now that Song Lishun and Song Pingquan have been ruled out, there are still four left.

Shi Xin was checking the surveillance, hoping to find any omissions. At this time, he looked back and said: "Since Song Pingquan did not cheat on Fu Rongrong, then Song Lishun's motive for killing his biological son cannot be established, unless it is a mistake. He thought Wang Guogui was Song Pingquan’s son, but he was not. No matter how bold he was, Song Pingquan was not his biological son.”

Chen Yi randomly found a place to sit down and said, "We will not discuss the relationship between the Song family for the time being and let the facts speak for themselves. Song Lishun's motive for killing Fu Rongrong was established because he and Wang Guobao had done a paternity test. This is a fact. "

"After killing Fu Rongrong, he immediately implemented the plan to poison seven people in Song Liguo on the sixth day. There was an interval of five days. Five days is not a long time. What did he know? And how did he know it?"

Shi Xin: "The biggest possibility is that Fu Rongrong told him."

Chen Yi nodded: "Yes, after learning that Wang Guobao was a relative and not a son, Song Lishun immediately realized that his wife Fu Rongrong had cheated. No matter how angry he was, the two must have communicated before killing Fu Rongrong. I think the problem The key lies in what the two exchanged."

"To be precise, it was Fu Rongrong who told Song Lishun something, which caused his desire to kill only Fu Rongrong to expand rapidly to the point where he almost destroyed his whole family."

"In other words, Song Lishun didn't want to kill Fu Rongrong at all. It was because Fu Rongrong told him something that made him completely lose his mind."

"If Song Lishun hadn't spoken, we would never know. All we can know are the DNA paternity and kinship test results."

Shi Xin agreed: "The Song family's decades of peace have been broken because of Wang Baogui. It seems that the key point is indeed Fu Rongrong. This woman has many secrets."

Chen Yi: "When I visited before, Fu Rongrong's former colleagues almost always had negative comments about her. Although there is jealousy in it, it is more or less true. A woman who spends her days flirting will not be too conservative in her heart."

"When she is in her twenties and marries a man in his fifties, she also has needs and desires for the opposite sex. As long as she has the chance, she will inevitably waver."

Xu Wenbing interrupted: "Wouldn't Tian Changyi lie that day?"

Chen Yi turned around: "There are no room opening records or suspicious chat records. If the two of them found a place to do things in the past twenty years, as long as Tian Changyi doesn't tell the truth, there will never be an answer to this matter. After all, Wang Baogui is Song family."

"Tian Changyi has nothing to do with this case, so we won't pay attention to it. Let's wait for the DNA paternity test results. I'll make a call."

After saying that, he took out his mobile phone and came to the window and dialed Fang Shuyu's number.

"Hello? Chen Yi."

"Shu Yu, the workload will continue to increase. Please seek help from the identification center. The relationship between the Song family may be very complicated, and Wang Baogui may not be the only one involved. Let's do a DNA paternity test for Song Lishun and Song Pingquan. Song Liguo's family and Song Linan and his whole family will also do it, thank you for your hard work."

Fang Shuyu was surprised: "Do it all??"

Chen Yi: "Do it all. The current situation is that any possibility exists."

Fang Shuyu: "Okay, I understand, it will take a long time."

Chen Yi: "Don't worry, this is a big case, the suspect is under control, and we have plenty of time."

Fang Shuyu: "Okay."

The phone hangs up.

Chen Yi put away his mobile phone and stood in front of the second-floor window looking at the parking lot below, his mind active.

The question of why Song Lishun killed Song Pingquan is actually very easy to assume logically. It was already mentioned by Shi Shixin just now.

It's unlikely that a father would kill his biological son, but what if it wasn't his biological son?

He was thinking about this question last night. Song Lishun had a biological son. Why was the kidney match unsuccessful? Even if the matching success rate between father and son is not 100%, it is close to 100% in medical terms. Is Song Lishun that bad?

In terms of probability, the most likely possibility is that Song Ping is not his biological child.

If so, how did he know? He found out just a few days after leaving Yangcheng. Fu Rongrong could only tell him.

If Fu Rongrong told him, then the amount of information in it would be too great. How did Fu Rongrong know? It can only be what others tell her.

who? Who told her?

Is it Song Pingquan or someone else from the Song family?

The more I think about this matter, the more confused it becomes, and there is no thread to slowly tie it down. If it were a little more outrageous, the motive of this case might be related to the fight for family property.

Spouses and children are the first heirs. If Song Lishun's bloodline is messed up, insiders will definitely have the urge to manipulate, which is hundreds of millions of properties.

Now that all seven people are dead, it is not easy to figure out the whole truth. The only things that can be relied on are the results of the paternity test and Song Lishun's confession, and... Song Lishun may not know much, because Fu Rongrong may not know everything. .

If this is the case, there is no hope of knowing the truth and we can only guess.

Also, Wang Guobao was stolen back then, and now it can be inferred that insiders are responsible for the mischief.

The possibility is not small.

If Song Pingquan is really not his biological son, then those who know about Wang Guobao's birth must be very panicked, because Wang Guobao has become the first heir, and if the gang is revealed, there will be an earthquake in the Song family.

Even if he didn't cheat, one-third of the family property would still be divided, amounting to tens of millions, or Song Lishun would be more partial to his younger son. People familiar with the matter were worried that Song Lishun would be hot-headed and leave most of the factory to Wang Guigui.

Therefore, the insider stole Wang Guobao and made Song Pingquan Song Lishun's only son.

If this is the case, the insider would not know that Wang Guogui was not Song Lishun's son, and that the adulterer with Fu Rongrong was not Song Ping's biological child. Of course, there was the possibility of cooperation with each other.

Even more messy.

Numerous thoughts flashed through Chen Yi's mind. He rubbed his brows. Without the support of clues, he couldn't think clearly.

All we can do now is wait patiently.

The DNA comparison lasted for two days. For urgent cases, the police will adopt more efficient working methods to ensure speed.

Chen Yi got the result.

Wang Guogui’s biological father is Song Pinghui.

Song Pingquan's biological father was Song Liguo.

There is no problem with other people's blood relationships.

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