Saying goodbye to Xie Yunzhi, Chen Yi and the others prepared to climb the mountain all night long. By the time the new baby was delivered to his grandparents, they were probably already asleep at this point.

At night, Ningcheng Fushan seems to be shrouded in a mysterious veil. The lights at the foot of the mountain are flashing and very lively. Countless people carry backpacks and hold trekking poles, and start their mountain climbing journey with anticipation and excitement.

I chose this point to climb the mountain all for the stunning sunrise.

Climbing Fushan Mountain to watch the sunrise is very popular across the country, and the scenic spot has an endless stream of tourists all year round.

The mountain road is winding. Although it is late at night, everyone's enthusiasm has not diminished but has become stronger. They are chatting and laughing or walking silently. There are shops open all night along the way.

Fushan will subdue anyone who talks harshly. Just halfway through, you can already see exhausted tourists sitting there and resting. Even though they have not given up, their eyes have lost the look they had when they just climbed.

Altitudes above 1,000 require excellent physical strength and endurance.

Chen Yihe Shixin was a policeman and a man, so his physical fitness was not bad, but the two women were not. After more than two hours, they were out of breath and felt like their legs were filled with lead.

Fang Shuyu had some regrets. There was always a gap between ideals and reality, and the novelty of Fushan eventually gave way to exhaustion.

After a short break, the two continued to follow Chen Yi Shixin's footsteps, but they had already gone very far, and they could only vaguely see their backs when they looked up.

The gentleman's demeanor was forgotten by Chen Yi Shixin at this moment. It would not be lost anyway, so let the woman crawl slowly.

"Lao He, this call of Lao He is really correct. You are old."

Chen Yi did not forget to ridicule He Xin. He could see that the opponent's physical strength was rapidly depleting, and he did not choose to rest simply to save face.

He Xin gritted his teeth and said, "How much younger are you than me? Do you dare to compete to see who can reach the top of the mountain first?"

He regretted it as soon as he finished speaking. Chen Yi didn't expect that Shi Xin would show his face to him and decisively quickened his pace.

Slow walking has reached its new limit. Seeing the distance between him and Chen Yi quickly widening, he shook his head helplessly and chased after him.

At two o'clock in the morning, Chen Yi leaned against the stone railing on the top of the mountain, watching with interest He Xin who was trudging forward, and said: "Old He, you are the only one who invites me to climb the mountain. Next time, I suggest you Take the ropeway.”

He Xin gasped for air and said nothing, but just gave Chen Yi a thumbs up.

He didn't know when Chen Yi arrived, because he had already lost Chen Yi's vision, and it was estimated that it would be within two hours.

Climbing Fushan in less than two hours requires people with good physical fitness and regular exercise to do it, and this is not Chen Yi's limit.

There are factors of youth and self-discipline, which are indeed worthy of admiration.

Fang Shuyu and the other two arrived at around three in the morning. They took a rest and gathered at the best observation position.

When the first ray of sunlight pierced the darkness and fell on the top of Fushan, all the waiting and efforts were rewarded.

At this moment, the whole world seemed to be still. The sky was gradually dyed golden yellow, and the sun slowly rose, lighting up the entire sky.

The light, the color, the shocking beauty made everyone forget to breathe and forget about time, leaving only the shock in their eyes and the emotion in their hearts.

Move yourself and move others.

The beautiful scenery can indeed move people's hearts. Chen Yi never shifted his gaze and silently looked at the wonderful scenery at the end of his gaze.

There were sounds all around, couples hugging and taking pictures, cheering with joy, and expressing their inner excitement in various ways.

The light passed over Chen Yi and Shi Xin's faces, sweeping away the shadows. Both of them were touched, just like the police active in the darkness, who finally saw the dawn of victory after unremitting efforts.

Live your life to move forward.

When going down the mountain, the four of them gave up their legs and chose the ropeway. The beautiful scenery of the mountains gradually unfolded, like a huge picture scroll. Under the sunlight, the outline of Fushan was clearly visible, which was so beautiful.

Chen Yi sighed and said it was not in vain. Criminal investigation work is boring and tiring. You really need to relax your body and mind in your free time. It is not a good thing to have a string that is too tight.

Back at the hotel, Chen Yi and Fang Shuyu slept all day until they received a new call at four in the afternoon.

It's time to return, I have to go to work tomorrow.

Chen Yi and Fang Shuyu exchanged opinions. The latter said that it was not easy to come to Ningcheng. He asked the Xin family to leave first. Anyway, he had a car, so it would be okay to leave later.

The child had to go to bed after returning home, but He Xin left no one to accompany him and set foot on the road back to Yangcheng with his wife and child.

Chen and Yi visited the night view of Ningcheng, ate local snacks, and drove back at half past nine.

The journey will take several hours, and we expect to arrive in Yangcheng around one o'clock in the morning.

The entrance to the expressway was on the outskirts away from the city center. The two of them were not in a hurry and walked slowly.

The vehicle turned into the outer ring, and the surrounding area became noticeably deserted. Even the community was gone, and there were no high-rise buildings.

Judging from the navigation map, there is a crematorium and cemetery nearby. There are basically no developers building houses here. It is not a good idea to be neighbors with the cemetery.

As the vehicle was driving, a figure on the roadside in the distance gradually came into view, and it became clearer under the illumination of the high-beam headlights.

She is a little girl, probably less than ten years old judging from her height, carrying a cute little schoolbag and walking very fast.

There wasn't even a ghost around, and the little girl's appearance was very sudden. The most important thing was that there was no community nearby, and the nearest village was a few kilometers away.

"It's so late, why are you here on the outer ring?" Fang Shuyu was surprised.

After saying this, the vehicle was very close to the little girl. Chen Yi slowed down and approached the little girl.

Fang Shuyu opened the car window, stuck her head out and asked, "Little girl, why are you alone?"

The girl was suddenly startled, turned her head and looked at Fang Shuyu, then quickly looked away and quickened her pace, unwilling to talk to Fang Shuyu.

A person cannot outrun a car.

The vehicle accelerated, and Fang Shuyu continued to ask: "Little girl, are you going home? Or are you lost? How about we take you off?"

The little girl shook her head, said nothing, and never slowed down.

Fang Shuyu had no idea and turned to look at Chen Yi.

Chen Yi pulled over and the two got out of the car and chased after him.

Even ordinary people would have to ask questions in this situation, let alone the police. There must be danger for a little girl walking on a deserted outer ring road at night.

If you encounter someone with evil intentions, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Little girl, where are you going? Don't be afraid, we are the police." Chen Yi hoped to use his identity as a police officer to lower the other party's vigilance.

Sure enough, this trick was very effective. After the girl heard that the other party was a police officer, she finally stopped.

She held the shoulder strap of her small school bag with both hands and stared at Chen Yi with her big cute eyes unblinking. Although her vigilance was lowered, it had not disappeared.

Seeing this, Chen Yi took out his ID and pointed at the national emblem inside: "Look here, I didn't lie to you, did I?"

The little girl looked carefully and said in a childish voice: "I'm going to find my mother."

Chen Yi put away the ID: "Where is your mother?"

The little girl points forward.

Following the direction pointed by the little girl, Chen Yi looked over and saw a desolate area in the distance without any residential buildings.

Chen Yi asked: "Where is that place?"

Little girl: "Cemetery."

These two simple words made what Chen Yi wanted to say stuck in his throat, and Fang Shuyu beside him also sighed secretly.

There is not much sadness on the little girl's face, only nostalgia. It should not be something that happened recently. Time can dilute the sadness, but it cannot erase the nostalgia.

Only those who have children can understand the loneliness and pity of the little girl. It is conceivable that when her mother passed away, the one she couldn't let go of most was her daughter.

I left, what should my daughter do? I left with regret.

After a moment of silence, Chen Yi said in a soft voice: "How can you go to the cemetery at night? If you miss your mother, let's go during the day. It's too dangerous, you know?"

The little girl pursed her lips and nodded obediently.

"Let's go, I'll take you there and then send you home. Is your home far away?"

Chen Yi patted the little girl's arm.

The little girl said: "My home is in Sunshine Community."

Chen Yi took out his mobile phone to search and found that Sunshine Community was eight kilometers away from here.

"You walked here from Sunshine Community??"

The little girl nodded.

Eight kilometers is a long way for a little girl.

"Let's talk when we get in the car." Chen Yi said.

The little girl did not refuse. Her identity as a police officer gave her a great sense of security: "Thank you, uncle police."

The vehicle started, and after questioning, Chen Yi learned that the little girl's name was Zhou Yumeng, a very nice name. As for why she left home alone at night, the reason was that her father and stepmother took their younger brother to the hospital.

Zhou Yumeng's younger brother was injured at home tonight.

She did not explain the specific situation, but her expression and tone could not deceive Chen Yi. After questioning, her father and stepmother blamed Zhou Yumeng for his brother's fall.

Because Zhou Yumeng and his brother were alone at that time.

"Uncle policeman, it's really not my fault. He fell down on his own. He just learned to walk and stepped on the toy." Zhou Yumeng was about to cry in grievance.

Chen Yi understood very well that even if it was his biological brother and biological mother, it would be difficult to accept being misunderstood, let alone his stepmother.

Therefore, Zhou Yumeng missed her mother and ran away secretly after her family left.

Fang Shuyu thought of the second-child videos that she often saw on her mobile phone. It was often difficult to balance a bowl of water, but Zhou Yumeng's situation was even more difficult, with a strange mother and a half-brother.

"Is your mother treating you badly now?" Chen Yi asked.

Zhou Yumeng hesitated about this question, and finally said: "It's good, you just scolded me once tonight."

Chen Yi's expression softened slightly, and he could understand Aizi's eagerness. It was no big deal, as long as he could be kind to Zhou Yumeng, who was not related by blood, and there was no need to force too much.

After all, if one is a biological child and the other is not a biological child, there will be a certain difference for anyone. What can be done is to narrow the difference.

There is no such thing as treating everyone equally. Even if you don't see it in your behavior, you will have some psychological preference.

The cemetery has arrived.

Chen Yi and Fang Shuyu followed Zhou Yumeng to a certain tombstone.

The black and white photo outlines the smile of a young woman with long and delicate hair. Her name is Bi Xuelan.

Under the gaze of the two people, Zhou Yumeng slowly opened her schoolbag, took out snacks that were obviously children's, and placed them one by one in front of the tombstone.

This is her favorite food. Give her favorite thing to your mother to express your thoughts and love.

Perhaps because he was too close to his mother, Zhou Yumeng couldn't help crying and squatted forward to touch the tombstone.

"Mom, can you give me a hug?"


Fang Shuyu frowned slightly, her empathy made her choke, and she turned her head away from looking.

Chen Yi sighed and waited quietly. The separation of children and the elderly is a natural law and there is no way to deal with it, but for such a young child, it is a disaster from heaven.

When Zhou Yumeng's mood stabilized, Chen Yi tried to ask for the other party's father's mobile phone number.

Walking far away, Chen Yi dialed the number.

"Hello? Hello Mr. Zhou, I am a policeman, so..."

I told the other party about the situation here and hung up the phone.

It could be heard that Zhou Yumeng's father was a little scared. He kept thanking her on the phone. He still cared about his daughter. Occasionally, he made a mistake and blamed her. It was not a big deal. He could just say sorry.

About half an hour later, the car lights came on, and a man and a woman got out of the car and walked quickly towards this side. The woman was holding a boy about one year old in her arms.

Both of them moved very fast. Chen Yi focused on Zhou Yumeng's stepmother. The worry on her face was not fake.

"Yu Meng! Why are you here!"

Zhou's father could not help but blame him, but when he saw his daughter holding her mother's tombstone, he was so distressed that he could not speak.

"I didn't make my brother fall!" Zhou Yumeng burst into grievance.

"Okay, okay... I'm sorry. It's dad's fault. Dad shouldn't blame you. Can you forgive dad?"

The woman also stepped forward, Wen Wen said that she was too anxious at the time and would never do it again.

"Yumeng, can you go home with dad?" Zhou's father advised.

Zhou Yumeng kept shaking his head, wanting to stay with his mother for a while longer.

Father Zhou had no choice but to let her go. Anyway, she was already here, within a few minutes.

"Officer, thank you so much! Smoking, smoking..."

While waiting, Father Zhou came to Chen Yi and kept thanking him.

Chen Yi was not polite, took the cigarette and lit it, and the two started chatting.

"It's normal and understandable. Mr. Zhou just needs to pay more attention in the future. Such a young child must be lonely inside after losing his mother," Chen Yi said.

Father Zhou sighed and said, "Hey, I've rarely seen Yu Mengxiao in the past two years. I don't know which damn bastard he is. He's really heartless and he hasn't been caught yet."

Chen Yi was slightly stunned by these words, and then his face became a little serious: "What do you mean? Your wife was killed?"

He thought it was an accident or illness.

Father Zhou nodded: "Yes, the one who was killed was stabbed in the throat! It has been two years, and there is no clue from the city bureau... I gave up."

Chen Yi originally wanted to ask a few more questions, but Zhou's father was in a hurry to go home and quickly took Zhou Yumeng away. Before leaving, he asked Chen Yi about the specific unit where he wanted to send the banner, but Chen Yi declined.

"You come and drive."

Chen Yi got into the passenger seat.

When the vehicle started, Chen Yi didn't speak for five minutes. He held his cell phone and tried to dial a number many times, but gave up every time.

Fang Shuyu knew what Chen Yi was thinking and said, "I suggest you not to call Xie Yunzhi. This is Ning Cheng's case. Xie Yunzhi is an excellent old criminal policeman. If he can't solve the case, your intervention may not lead to results."

The prime time for solving new cases is seventy-two hours, and the latest is seven days. Cases that cannot be solved within seven days will become more difficult to solve after seven days.

Two years have passed now. The Ningcheng Criminal Investigation Detachment led by Xie Yunzhi must have investigated all the clues that should be investigated and interviewed all the personnel that should be interviewed. The murderer was not caught, which shows that the investigation of this case is extremely difficult.

It's not that she doesn't believe Chen Yi, backlogged cases and new cases are two different concepts.

Furthermore, intervening in outer city cases for no reason is not conducive to unity.

Chen Yi was quiet for a long time, and finally put away his mobile phone. In his mind, the scene of Zhou Yumeng holding his mother's tombstone appeared in his mind.

If it was an illness, that would be fine, but if Bi Xuelan killed himself, the nature of it would be completely different.

Originally, Zhou Yumeng had a perfect family with parents who loved her, but now it was all destroyed by the murderer.

Most importantly, the murderer is still at large after two years.

"Shu Yu, I didn't think so much. The duty of the criminal police is not to strengthen unity, but to comfort the hearts of the victims' families. We can only rely on us to wipe away the tears on their faces."

"Zhou Yumeng calls me uncle policeman, and I will do what a policeman uncle should do."

Chen Yi was not in a good mood.

Fang Shuyu was easily persuaded by Chen Yi. She was a "husband sang and the wife followed" person.

"If you really want to intervene, you'd better discuss it with Wei Jianfeng instead of going through Xie Yunzhi." She gave advice.

Although Xie Yunzhi had a good chat with Chen Yi last night, it was after drinking, and the passion was gone when he sobered up. The two of them were ordinary friends at best. The relationship that they finally connected with was best not to let it deteriorate easily.

There are many ways.

Chen Yi nodded: "Let's talk about it after we return to Yangcheng."

Maybe you can ask when Xin was the deputy captain of the Ningcheng Criminal Investigation Detachment two years ago.

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