Cuiping Garden is a resettlement community in Yangcheng. Compared with commercial housing, the apartment layout is poor, the environment is poor, and the property is poor. As a result, housing prices here are very low, almost halved.

There are very few people who buy houses, but there are many people who rent houses, and a considerable part of them rent houses on a daily basis.

If you can't rent for a long time, you can only rent it on a daily basis through an intermediary. It's a good idea to make a little money.

The daily rental price of Cuiping Garden is not high, just like its house price, which is half of that of an ordinary hotel. If necessary, tenants can contact the intermediary and reach a rental agreement through online payment.

There is no need for the two parties to meet at all. The key will be placed under the door mat and the tenant will pick it up and open the door by himself.

There is no deposit required, and the tenant can just put the keys back where they belong after moving in.

Therefore, Cuiping Garden is a very chaotic place, mainly caused by illegal transactions between men and women. If the anti-pornography brigade is stationed around the clock, the harvest will definitely be huge.

Chen Yi understood the situation of Cuiping Garden. After driving there, he was not in a hurry. He walked slowly in the community and soon arrived at Building 6.

Building 1202, Building 6, is the scene of the crime.

The person who called the police was a cleaner who had been cleaning the daily rental house in Cuiping Garden for a long time. After opening the door, he found the body and was so frightened that he immediately called the police.

The cordon has been set up and many onlookers have gathered around.

Chen Yi had already determined the monitoring along the route, but the results were not very good. Not only did there exist blind spots, but some were also broken.

As long as the suspect has certain anti-reconnaissance capabilities, it is very easy to avoid surveillance cameras.

"Chen Zhi."

"Chen Zhi."

When the police on duty saw Chen Yi, they quickly set up a cordon to let him pass.

Chen Yi nodded in response, scanning everyone onlookers while continuing to pay attention to the surveillance cameras.

Then, he took the elevator to 1202.

The surveillance camera in the elevator is working. It faces the elevator entrance and can capture everyone entering and exiting. There is no blind spot.

Putting on his shoe covers, Chen Yi walked in.

Under the new command, technical investigators and forensic scientists had just begun their work.

Chen Yi had the possibility of a serial murder case in his mind, so he didn't go to the crime scene in the bedroom immediately and wandered around the living room.

Although the decoration is simple and there are all the necessary furniture, there is no warmth and it can only feel deserted.

This is the daily rental house in the relocation community. Only those who are not rich or have an impure purpose will choose it.

"Team Chen is here."

Someone notified Ji Xin, who left the bedroom and came to the living room and reported: "The forensic doctor gave the cause of death. His throat was pierced by a sharp instrument and the artery was injured. He died of excessive blood loss. There was blood all over his body and bed. The scene was tragic. , this way of death is..."

Chen Yigang had talked with him about Ning Cheng's case a few hours ago, and he couldn't help but think about it.

Chen Yi turned around: "When we were at the provincial department, Bureau Geng mentioned a murder case in the Imperial City four years ago. The deceased was a woman, and the cause of death was that her throat was pierced with a sharp weapon."

Hearing these words, Xin Xin's expression changed: "Serial murder case?"

He did not expect that there would be a similar case in Imperial City.

Two times is a coincidence, but three times is very doubtful. Is this a case of murder that went to Yangcheng? ?

Chen Yi: "Let's get to know the situation first. Who is the homeowner? Is he the deceased?"

When is it new: "I just arrived not long ago and haven't started checking yet."

Chen Yi: "Go right away."

When is new: "Okay."

Chen Yi continued to wander, from the living room to the balcony, from the balcony to the bathroom, and finally to the bedroom where the crime scene was located.

The 1.8-meter-long bed had light blue sheets stained red with blood. A girl in a long skirt was leaning against the bed, her neck was bloody and there was a large blood stain on her chest.

Her clothes were intact, the girl had just taken off her shoes and her socks were still on her feet.

There were no signs of struggle, and his expression was very peaceful. You could even vaguely see a smile at the corner of his mouth, as if he had been killed in a coma.

This point is different from Ning Cheng's case.

Chen Yi glanced at the entire room. It was very empty. Except for the bed, there was a bedside table. There was not even a wardrobe hanger. There was a women's satchel on the bedside table.



Surveyors are taking photos and forensics are carefully examining it.

"Team Chen."

"Team Chen."

Chen Yi nodded, came to the end of the bed and looked closely at the body lying in front of him, his eyes flashing.

Various coincidences make it reasonable to suspect that this is a serial murder case. The murderer's target is women, but not unmarried single women.

Not seeking wealth or sex, it was neither a love killing nor a vendetta. The investigation of this case was not easy.

Choosing to kill in a resettlement community, the murderer must have made a perfect plan in advance. Chen Yi is pessimistic about whether he can find effective clues.

If it is really a serial murder, then the murderer has the ability to grow and has more experience each time. The first two cases were inconclusive, and there is a high probability that the trap will not be exposed this time.

It depends on whether the person is lucky or not. After all, the more he does, the more he will make mistakes. Every time he kills more people, he is more likely to be caught.

"Have you come to Paoyang City? You really know how to choose a place."

Looking at the pale and bloodless corpse, Chen Yi whispered to himself.

Fang Shuyu heard this and turned around: "What did you say?"

Chen Yi briefly explained the two cases in Ningcheng and Dicheng. This news surprised Fang Shuyu. As a forensic doctor, she did not give her opinion hastily and said: "Comparing the wounds of the three murder cases, if the murder weapons are consistent... "

Before she finished speaking, Chen Yi answered: "If it comes from the same murder weapon, the case will be filed immediately."

Fang Shuyu nodded slightly and continued to inspect the body.

After learning that this case was likely to be a serial killing, she became more serious, hoping to find more clues on the body to help Chen Yi's subsequent investigation.

She understands Chen Yi's ability, and any tiny detail may be decisive for him.

Zhuo Yun, Qin Fei and the others are questioning the police and neighbors. At present, everyone said that they do not know the residents of 1202. Cuiping Garden is too mobile. The neighbor across the door is a young woman today and may become a middle-aged man tomorrow.

More than 80% of the permanent population are the elderly, that is, the demolition households. Even if the young people sell their houses or leave them empty, they are not willing to live in Cuiping Garden.

There is a reason for the polarization of housing prices. To judge whether a city's housing prices are declining, you cannot judge whether it is old or poor. Houses in Yangcheng City have always been very strong.

Preliminary autopsy results have come out. The victim died about ten hours ago, probably between one and two o'clock this morning.

The wound was on the superior laryngeal artery, so it was a sure hit. It was either a coincidence, or the murderer was skilled in killing and could penetrate the vital part with one blow. Chen Yi preferred the latter.

The landlord and the agent arrived at noon and learned that someone had died in the bedroom. They were shocked and panicked, especially the agent.

"Yes, yes...that's right, the person who contacted me is a woman." Faced with Chen Yi's inquiry, the young man quickly answered, not forgetting to take out his mobile phone to call up the payment records, "Officer, look, she added I transferred 80 yuan via WeChat, told her the room number 1202, and the key was under the doormat, and then..."

He talked a lot, for fear that the police would link the murder case to him.

The victim's room?


Chen Yi looked back at the house number 1202. He didn't expect the suspect to leave any clues about the room opening, but if it was the victim who opened the room, the possibility that the murderer was an acquaintance suddenly increased.

First of all, there were no signs of prying on the door lock. Secondly, the victim was killed in the bedroom, indicating that the murderer most likely opened the door and let the victim in by himself.

Unless, the murderer has the key.

Regarding the key issue, both the landlord and the agent said there were only three.

One was in the landlord's hand, one was in the agent's hand, and one was under the floor mat at the door. The keys in both hands were not given to anyone. As for whether anyone took the key under the floor mat to match... I don't know.

"Was room 1202 just vacant yesterday?" Chen Yi asked the agent.

The agent replied: "Yes."

Chen Yi: "How many daily rents do you have?"

Agent: "Hundreds of rooms."

Chen Yi: "Everyone who asks you to book a room is randomly assigned a room?"

Agent: "Yes."

Chen Yi: "Show me the chat history."

The agent didn't dare to refuse and handed over the phone.

Chen Yi looked through the chat history between the victim and the intermediary. Room 1202 was provided by the intermediary. He also asked if room 1202 was okay. If not, he could change it. The victim said there was no need to change it.

The time was half past one yesterday afternoon.

It is indeed random. It is unlikely that the suspect has assigned 1202 keys in advance. In other words, the other party has assigned new keys to hundreds of daily rental houses. This does not sound very reliable, but there is definitely someone who can do it.

However... this is the first time that the victim has become a friend of an agency, which means that it is her first time to live in Cuiping Garden.

Various signs indicate that they are most likely acquaintances, which is a new difference from the two cases in Imperial City Ningcheng.

"Can't find an acquaintance?"

Chen Yi was thoughtful. There were too many possibilities now. He had to put aside the Ningcheng and Imperial City cases first and investigate the current case as a new case. He would discuss other issues after the investigation was completed.

The investigation work continues to move forward. Jiang Xiaoxin is responsible for monitoring, Lu Yongqiang is responsible for surveying the scene, and Zhuo Yun is responsible for visiting. The body has been transported back to the city bureau, and Fang Shuyu is leading a comprehensive autopsy.

In the room, the technical detective was carefully searching every corner with a footprint detection light. When Chen Yi passed by, he asked, and the other party said that the ground was very clean, not to mention suspicious footprints, not even the victim's footprints.

Chen Yi understood that the scene had been cleaned up and the murderer's anti-reconnaissance ability was extremely strong. It was almost impossible to find any clues at the scene.

In the afternoon, the victim's detailed information was found, and Shi Xin handed the information to Chen Yi in the city bureau's case handling hall.

Cai Wenwen, 27 years old, unmarried, a native of Yangcheng, worked in a bank in Yangcheng after graduating from college. She has a younger brother who is in college, and her parents are civil servants.

A very ordinary family, a very perfect family, which was supposed to be the age of marriage and enjoyment of love, has now turned into a cold corpse.

"Have you ever heard of this name?"

Chen Yi spoke. He was referring to whether Cai Wenwen had appeared in the investigation of the Ningcheng case. The underlying meaning was whether Cai Wenwen and Bi Xuelan knew each other.

Shi Xin replied: "It's very strange. It's the first time I've heard of it."

"Does she have a boyfriend?" Chen Yi closed the file.

Shi Xin: "I checked my cell phone, and there are people of the opposite sex who I keep in touch with, but I don't have a boyfriend. We still need to interview her friends and company colleagues about this matter."

Cai Wenwen's mobile phone was found in the woman's shoulder bag left at the crime scene. In addition to the mobile phone, there were bank cards and several hundred-yuan cash in the bag.

Seeking wealth is not feasible.

The victim's clothes were intact and the picture was not correct.

These two points are consistent with the case in Imperial City Ningcheng. The details of whether he has been sexually assaulted need to wait for the comprehensive autopsy results of the forensic doctor.

"Who is that? Notify the family, Lao He, you come with me."

Chen Yi stood up and brought He Xin to the forensic room. Fang Shuyu had already cut open the deceased's stomach, and the air in the whole room was filled with the smell of blood.

The two of them were not wearing masks, and Ji Xin couldn't help but raise his hand to block his nose, and quickly adapted to it.

"Shu Yu, how was the wound examination?" Chen Yi asked.

Fang Shuyu carefully pinched out the gastric contents of the deceased, and his voice sounded: "The wound is wide on the outside and narrow on the inside. The wound wall is neat but not smooth. There are traces of secondary tearing. It is a typical stab wound. Acute massive bleeding is the most common cause of death from stab wounds. The murderer's choice of angle was very precise, and one blow pierced the superior laryngeal artery, which ordinary people cannot do."

Chen Yi: "What's the shape of the murder weapon?"

Fang Shuyu: "It is judged that the blade is seven centimeters long and 1.3 centimeters at the widest point."

Hearing this, Chen Yi tried to describe the murder weapon in his mind, but couldn't figure it out for a while.

"It doesn't look like a dagger," he said.

Fang Shuyu: "It's not a dagger. The weapon is divided into three parts. The upper blade is long and narrow, and the lower blade is short and narrow. The middle protrudes to both sides. Have you seen Naruto?"

Chen Yi: "You want to talk about kunai in anime?"

Fang Shuyu: "Yes, it's similar to a kunai, but not as thick as a kunai. The murder weapon in this case is very thin. You can think of it as...a squashed kunai. Well...yes, my description is very appropriate."

The two of them had a picture.

Chen Yi looked at Ji Xin, the inquiry in his eyes obvious.

Shi Xin's brows furrowed deeply, and he nodded to indicate that the wounds of the victim in the Ningcheng murder case were also caused by this thing.

"Have you found out what it is?" Chen Yi asked.

When was it new: "No."

After determining the shape of the wound and the murder weapon, the two stopped disturbing the forensic work and left the forensic room.

In the case handling hall, Chen Yi drew the general shape of the murder weapon on the whiteboard and held his chin in thought. In theory, the more niche the weapon, the smaller the scope of the investigation. I wonder if the murder case in the Imperial City also had the same wound. If so, If yes, has the type of murder weapon been determined?

Since there is no result, even if it is confirmed, it cannot be used as a basis for investigation.

The victim's family members arrived quickly. After it was confirmed that Cai Wenwen had been killed, his parents and younger brother went from panic to collapse. Cries surrounded the entire criminal investigation detachment. Wu Youde quickly took the three people to the lounge and tried to calm their emotions as much as possible.

In front of the whiteboard, Chen Yi listened to the crying in his ears, raised his hand and picked up a marker and wrote the words Bi Xuelan next to Cai Wenwen's name.

The victim's family is the first subject of questioning. He needs to wait for Cai Wenwen's family to calm down. This process takes a long time.

Geng Jianqing hasn't called yet. Chen Yi guessed that the other party was looking at the Ningcheng case files and was also waiting for the preliminary investigation results from the municipal bureau.

There was no way to go back to Imperial City. There was a new highly similar murder case in Yangcheng, so it was impossible for him to leave Yangcheng.

He should come to the detachment tonight, and when he comes, he will probably be able to see the detailed files on the Imperial City and Ningcheng cases.

It is difficult to investigate one murder, but not necessarily three.

In any serial murder case, the commonalities and connections between the victims are the top priority.

"If it is really a serial murder case... Geng Jianqing said that the victims in Imperial City were locals, and they were also locals in Ningcheng. Now Yangcheng is still locals. How can the locals in the three cities be connected?"

"Besides, Bi Xuelan from Ningcheng is still a stay-at-home mother and doesn't have much social contact at all."

Chen Yi said to himself, feeling that it might not be that easy to solve the case.

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