After getting the list of studio owners, Chen Yi started looking for people to inquire about the charity art exhibition half a month ago.

That was Cai Wenwen's last noteworthy outing in the near future. If the note she left was very complete and there were no omissions, then Cai Wenwen would have been in Qiu Wenshu's oil painting studio the rest of the time.

If there are no problems in the oil painting studio, there is a high possibility that there will be clues in the charity art exhibition.

Charity art exhibitions are relatively unpopular social activities. It would be troublesome for people in the team to check the process. Chen Yi tried to ask in the group, but he did not expect to get feedback very quickly.

[Police Officer Chen, are you investigating another case? Our group has almost become your work group. I know the charity exhibition you mentioned. When raising funds, I donated 30,000 yuan and hired a staff member. She was responsible for on-site photography. 】

After typing this sentence, Ruan Tao did not forget to send a photo. It was a very innocent girl wearing glasses, cute and petite.

Discussion started in the group.

In a group of young rich second generation, the topic is always about girls.

Chen Yi: You've violated other people's portrait rights and privacy. That's too much.

He knew very well the virtues of certain friends, and he could play with them, but his unscrupulous comments were somewhat disrespectful.

Ruan Tao quickly withdrew. Since Chen Yi became a criminal policeman, everyone has curbed their immoral behavior a lot.

Chen Yi: Send me your contact information and name privately, thank you.

Seeing the mobile phone number that appeared on WeChat, Chen Yi dialed it. After getting through, he identified himself as a criminal police officer from the city bureau and suggested that he wanted to meet, preferably at a charity art exhibition.

The girl's name was Ning Fang, and her voice was a bit cooing. Chen Yi personally didn't like cooing girls very much, and he almost got goosebumps.

Judging from the accent, he must be a foreigner whose hometown is relatively south.

"Officer Chen, I don't have the key. The key is with the leader."

Chen Yi said: "Give me the leader's contact information and I will send someone to get it."

Ning Fang: "Okay."

After that, Qin Fei was responsible for getting the keys, and Chen Yi drove to the art exhibition venue first. At the door, he saw Ning Fang, who had been waiting for a long time. She was relatively close, so she hung up the phone and came over.

"Hello, I'm Chen Yi." Chen Yi smiled and said hello to the girl.

Judging from Ruan Tao's words, he has still maintained contact with Ning Fang in front of him so far. A friend of a friend can be considered a friend.

Ning Fang looked at Chen Yi curiously: "Does Ruan Tao have friends who work as criminal policemen in the city bureau?"

Chen Yi: "We have known each other for a long time."

Ning Fang: "Oh...Is there any problem with the charity art exhibition? It's been over for half a month."

Chen Yi: "There is a case involving a charity art exhibition. Come and find out more about it. I'm sorry to come here with a meal break. I'll treat you to dinner later."

Ning Fang declined: "Forget it, let Ruan Tao treat me to dinner."

There was a hint of vigilance in her eyes, which made Chen Yi's mouth twitch slightly, thinking, this woman doesn't think I have any thoughts about her, right?

It's a bit trustworthy.

Qin Fei arrived quickly and the three of them entered the venue.

When the lights were turned on, a spacious art gallery appeared in sight. The banner hanging above had not yet been removed, writing the theme of the exhibition.

The surrounding walls are covered with all kinds of paintings, some are meticulous, some are rough and bold, or some are rich and colorful. The soft light hits the canvas, adding a bit of charm to each painting.

Chen Yi watched it for a while and then got to the point: "You should have a lot of live videos here, right?"

This was the main reason why she met Ning Fang. Compared with surveillance, the live video can see more details.

Ning Fang nodded: "Yes, do you want to see it?"

Chen Yi: "Is it convenient?"

Ning Fang: "It's convenient and convenient. It's all in my phone and I've backed it up."

As she said that, she took out her mobile phone, and when Chen Yigang went to pick it up, the other party offered to send it to Chen Yi via WeChat, and did not want Chen Yi to see her mobile phone.

Chen Yi didn't say anything. Mobile phones are very private things and it's normal.

After the two added WeChat, Ning Fang sent many videos. Chen Yi clicked on the first one and watched it while shopping.

In the video, there are not many people in the exhibition hall. Some stop to admire, and some whisper and discuss. In the artistic atmosphere, it is quiet and peaceful.

The exhibition hall has set up multiple interactive areas to allow everyone to have a deeper understanding of the connotation of painting. Some areas display the creative process and experience sharing of painters, and some areas have painting experience areas, allowing appreciators to enjoy the experience while enjoying the experience. At the same time, you can try your hand at painting.

Chen Yi looked quickly. He was looking for Cai Wenwen. Finally, he saw Cai Wenwen near the abstract painting exhibition area.

Not many people like abstract paintings. People who pass by are just curious and look at it for a while before losing interest, and their stay is very short.

Cai Wenwen, on the other hand, has been hanging around. As Qiu Wenshu said, at this time she had become obsessed with abstract painting and had basically determined her creative field.

She walked slowly with a small bag on her back, occasionally stopping to quietly appreciate the paintings in front of her.

It is impossible for the camera to focus on Cai Wenwen alone. Chen Yi needs to keep clicking to describe Cai Wenwen's activities in his mind.

During this period, some men came forward to strike up a conversation, but the time was short. They were probably declined by Cai Wenwen. The picture was very clear. Chen Yi’s screenshot saved the clearest face photo of each man.

"Two minutes, two minutes, four minutes, five minutes, fifteen minutes..."

Chen Yi calculates how long Cai Wenwen stays in front of each painting to determine her interests and preferences, which may be used in the future. He will not miss any detail.

Ning Fang lost her patience. Almost an hour had passed, and Chen Yi was still staring at his phone and wandering back and forth in the exhibition hall.

Just when she was about to say something, Chen Yi stopped and turned around and asked, "Are there any famous paintings or paintings by masters here?"

Ning Fang replied: "Yes."

Chen Yi: "Real or fake?"

Ning Fang was slightly stunned, and after two seconds of hesitation, she said, "Of course it's genuine."

Chen Yi did not discuss the matter with the other party and continued to ask: "Is the author here?"

Ning Fang: "No, we are a public welfare art exhibition, and it is difficult to invite famous painters to come."

Chen Yi didn't ask any more questions. After understanding Cai Wenwen's situation at the art exhibition, he and Qin Fei left the venue and returned the key to Ning Fang for her to hand over on her behalf.

Chen Yi, a girl named Ning Fang, is not very cold. She has an impetuous personality and is a bit hypocritical. She is also obsessed with herself and has self-confidence. It is not surprising that Ruan Tao can easily pick her up.

"Let Jiang Xiaoxin call the surrounding surveillance cameras to see where Cai Wenwen went after leaving the venue that day and whether she was alone." Chen Yi said to Qin Fei.

The video did not capture Cai Wenwen leaving. It needs to be confirmed whether she left alone.

If one person comes and two people go, then the other person should check carefully.

Qin Fei: "Okay, Team Chen."

Chen Yi: "Let's go back to the city bureau."

On the way, Qin Fei drove the car, and Chen Yi spoke to Ruan Tao in the group and expressed his gratitude again.

[How are people? Not bad right? ] Ruan Tao asked.

Chen Yi: Not very good.

Ruan Tao:......

Chen Yi did not reply, put away his phone and continued to think about the case.

Judging from the video, there was nothing unusual about Cai Wenwen's public welfare art exhibition, and she did not meet any irrelevant people. After investigating the guys who struck up a conversation, it can be basically ruled out that the public welfare art exhibition has nothing to do with Cai Wenwen's death.

It just depends on whether other waves of visitors have gained anything.

Back at the city bureau, Chen Yi came to the technology department. Lu Yongqiang was busy, and it seemed that he had new clues.

"What's going on?" Chen Yi came over and asked.

Lu Yongqiang was carefully restoring the footprints and said, "Team Chen, we found a lot of footprints on the stairs. I don't know if there are any suspects among them."

Chen Yi: "Are there any very thin men?"

"A very thin man?" Lu Yongqiang recalled briefly, then stood up and rummaged around, picked up a rubbing and handed it to Chen Yi, "Look at this footprint. The arch of the foot is very high, the foot shape is very thin, and the pressure on the sole of the foot is It is uneven, the heavy pressure parts are obvious, the edges of the footprints are not complete, the lifting and landing feet are high, and the pedaling marks are obvious. He is a thin man. I judge that he should be over 1.8 meters tall and weigh about 120 kilograms."

Chen Yi took the picture and looked at it carefully and said, "Is it a man?"

Lu Yongqiang: "It should be a man. He has long and wide feet, long ankle bones, and a high center of gravity and a long stride."

Holding the picture, Chen Yi turned around and left the technology department.

When he came to the office, he opened the Ningcheng case file and compared the footprints in his hand with the suspect in the file. Except for the pattern, he was completely consistent, and he was basically sure that this person was the murderer.

"Hereditary? Or long-term malnutrition?"

The portrait of the murderer is getting clearer, but there are no more direct clues.

After pondering for a while, Chen Yi put away the footprints in his hand and began to look through the "Art World" he took back from Cai Wenwen's house.

The first one is the journal from the year before last.

Opening the homepage, you will see the catalog.

Topics, characters, behind-the-scenes, new media, reading, columns... everything is included, and the information is very complicated.

Chen Yi did not select pages related to oil paintings, but looked through them carefully one by one.

There is no purpose, I just want to know more about Cai Wenwen. The truth is often hidden in the details.

He looked slowly.

Time passed slowly. When one of the pages was opened, Chen Yi's eyes froze and he saw a very familiar abstract painting.

Taking out his mobile phone and finding the screenshot of the video, Chen Yi placed the mobile phone and the abstract painting in front of him side by side, they were exactly the same.

He remembered that Cai Wenwen stayed in front of this painting for the longest time at that time, and she must have liked it very much.

Abstract painting cannot be said to be beautiful, as it has no or very few similarities with natural objects, but its strong artistic composition is very visually impactful.


Chen Yimo recited the author's name and then searched on the Internet. He was thirty-seven years old and was unknown eight years ago. Later, he became famous in a series of hand-painted seven-emotion abstract paintings. The price of each painting has now reached several million.

In the field of oil painting, he can be called a genius young talent.

After scanning Quchuan's information, Chen Yi continued to search for his recent itinerary. When he saw the word "Yangcheng", he almost jumped up like a reflex.

Quchuan is in Yangcheng.


"He's a fat man."

Chen Yi frowned. The information contained Qu Chuan's height and weight, which was completely inconsistent with the suspect. Even if the information was false, the photo would not be false. He was indeed fatter.

"Too sensitive."

Chen Yi continued to look back and soon saw another oil painting. This oil painting also appeared in the charity art exhibition.

"It seems that they are all fakes. The main purpose is to raise funds for charity. Everyone knows it."

He leaned back on the chair and rubbed his brows. The clues shouldn't be here, but he needed to check them out.

After a while, he took a sip of water and continued to read.

There are a dozen books in total, and I need to read them all tonight.

The investigation of Cai Wenwen's interpersonal relationships lasted for two days. Under comprehensive coverage, all her recent itineraries were picked out, and all acquaintances and acquaintances that could be found were on the list.

The pursuer had been cleared of suspicion, his height and weight did not match, and he had a sufficient alibi.

The external surveillance of the public welfare art exhibition also investigated and found that Cai Wenwen took a taxi alone after leaving the venue without anyone else accompanying her.

The drop-off point was the community where Cai's family lived, and she went home directly.

There were no abnormal situations in Cai Wenwen's life, and no strangers broke into her life. If the murderer's crime goal was clearly to target Cai Wenwen, then this person's anti-reconnaissance capabilities exceeded Chen Yi's imagination. .

The city bureau cleared out a room and used it as a meeting place for the task force. On the third night, everyone gathered together and started comparing the lists.

In the past few days, Qin He and Xie Yunzhi conducted phone calls, asking the subordinates in Imperial City and Ningcheng to once again investigate the victim's interpersonal relationships. This time, the coverage area was very wide, and even the leaders of the university in Imperial City were alarmed.

Three dense lists were placed on the table, and they were quickly scanned through the computer. As a result, everyone present was silent.

There is no overlap.

Qin He's face looked a little unsightly. His previous inference was already very reasonable. If he couldn't find it, how should he check next? Even if there are suspicious people.

The reality is cruel. Not to mention the overlap between the three victims, not even two.

These three people are completely independent individuals in three cities. There is no intersection with each other, and there is no relationship between friends.

"His grandma's, there are only three possibilities left." Qin He's voice was cold, echoing in the room, "First, the contact method between the murderer and the victim has returned to the original. Only each other knows the communication between them, and outsiders can't investigate. There is no trace, secondly, the Internet, thirdly, old things that were dusted many years ago."

"What do you think? Is there a fourth possibility?"

He didn't mention random killings.

After speaking, Qin He looked at Chen Yi and Xie Yunzhi.

The two shook their heads.

Xie Yunzhi said: "Team Qin, Bi Xuelan from Ningcheng doesn't use a computer. She only has a mobile phone to access the Internet. But we have already thoroughly investigated the mobile phone. At that time, she had no new friends, old friends and relatives to keep in touch with. There was no motive or conditions for committing the crime. "

Qin He: "Have you done data recovery?"

Xie Yunzhi: "I did it."

Qin He was silent for a while and said, "That's the first and third possibility, and it's also the possibility we least want to see."

He didn't use the words "find a needle in a haystack", but everyone understood.

Chen Yi: "The network cannot give up and arrange people to do this until the task force is disbanded or the murderer is brought to justice."

Qin He nodded: "I brought two people over from the Imperial City and let them take charge. Chen Zhi, have you made any new discoveries in the past few days?"

The Yangcheng case had just occurred a few days ago, and Cai Wenwen was the focus of the task force.

Chen Yi touched the cigarette case on the table, but did not smoke: "If the Yangcheng case is taken out separately, I tend to be related to painting, and more specifically it is abstract oil painting, because Cai Wenwen's only change in recent times is that she is obsessed with abstraction. The creation of paintings.”

"However, adding the Shencheng case and the Ningcheng case, I really can't figure out what they have in common. I have even begun to doubt the possibility of random killings based on age and gender characteristics. The murderer wants to kill young women, without other factors."

These words undoubtedly made the case even more difficult.

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