After getting the clue that the suspect's footprints were present in Quchuan's room, the four captains present looked at Quchuan with eager eyes.

This is the most direct clue, indicating that Qu Chuan and the suspect know each other. As long as the former speaks, the investigation of the case can basically be said to be over and enter the arrest stage.

If Qu Chuan doesn't speak, then the task force will have to continue looking for a needle in a haystack, and there is a huge gap between the two.

Therefore, at this moment, Qu Chuan can still sit comfortably in the interrogation room, which is considered to be a restraint of the task force. If it were placed a few decades ago, he would have suffered a lot.

As Qin He said, those are five young lives! In principle it is not allowed, but in actual circumstances any means can be used.

The murderer is too dangerous. If he is brought to justice one day later, there will be more risks. The safety of people's lives and property is uncontrollable.

"Qu Chuan, I think you didn't understand what I said!" Qin He stared at the fat man in front of him and said coldly: "We have obtained the suspect's footprints in this case. He has been to your room!"

Qu Chuan was not only very calm, but also even more confused: "Have you been to my room? I don't know! Well, you have to check carefully. There are surveillance cameras everywhere now, and there are many surveillance cameras in the hotel. You can definitely find it. There's no point in asking me, I don't know you."

His tone and attitude were sincere, but in the eyes of the four people in Qinhe, he was undoubtedly pretending to be stupid and had a sinister meaning, which made the relatively young Ding Qingyang angry all of a sudden.


Ding Qingyang slammed the table and said angrily: "Qu Chuan! Stop pretending to be crazy here. There have been five deaths in the past eight years. Every time one person dies, there is one more painting. Now we find that the suspect has met you. What is the truth? Do you think we are idiots?"

Qu Chuan turned his head slightly: "Police officer, don't be angry. Being angry is harmful to your health. I don't understand what you mean by five deaths in eight years. Such a big crime cannot be charged randomly. If you insist that I know the suspect, Okay, do you have any evidence?”

Ding Qingyang's face darkened.

Qu Chuan shook his head and sighed: "Hey, I also want to help you, but it's a pity that I can't help you. I'm just an ordinary little painter. I never do anything illegal or criminal. I hope the leaders won't unjustly accuse me."

Chen Yi has been silent, and it is useless to speak. The investigation of Qu Chuan's interpersonal relationships has not yet yielded any results. If the suspicious person cannot be identified, it will be impossible to pry Qu Chuan's mouth open.

Qu Chuan was obviously prepared to face police questioning. From beginning to end, his expression and reaction did not reveal any flaws. Ghostwriting, the suspect's footprints... he was not surprised at all.

At present, the initiative is still in the hands of Qu Chuan, and he will not have any psychological fluctuations.

For the police, the case represents a major breakthrough.

For Qu Chuan, it didn't capture his pain points at all, so he could be very calm.

Qin He and Qu Chuan were inking for more than half an hour and used various methods, but Qu Chuan was a piece of shit. When faced with any question, he always gave the same answer: I don’t know, I don’t know, you are wrong, and you are wronged.

It was impossible to release him. Qu Chuan had to be detained for twenty-four hours.

In the task force office, Ding Qingyang said: "We are very close to solving the case. He definitely knows the suspect and has a close relationship. As long as he confesses, we can arrest him immediately!"

I said nonsense, this is not to express a point of view, but to vent my emotions.

He is in a hurry.

Not only him, Qin He was also anxious, so was Xie Yunzhi, including Chen Yi.

The murderer is right in front of him, but there is a wall separating him from the task force. If this wall is broken open, the murderer will completely appear under the police's sight.

However, the reality is cruel. It seems that this wall cannot be broken open now, so we can only find ways to bypass it.

If you take a detour, you will be back to the starting point.

No one responded to Ding Qingyang, everyone was thinking about what to do next.


Chen Yi pressed the lighter to light the cigarette and said, "I understand what's wrong."

Several people looked over.

Chen Yi: "Qu Chuan's answers in interviews were all the same. The overall framework was different. When we first met, I always thought there was something strange. Now, looking at it, someone taught him."

"The original intention of creation, the creative process, and the pursuit of the peak of art... He really likes this feeling of gold and jade, gaining both fame and fortune, and being high in the industry."

"Team Qin, Xie Zhi, Ding Zhi, do you think these two people have priorities?"

Xie Yunzhi said: "It's obvious that the suspect is the master, but I don't understand why he is hiding behind it. Shouldn't creators attach great importance to copyright?"

Chen Yi: "We can think of him more purely. He is a pure creator who does not seek fame or profit, but only seeks the perfect presentation of his works. From another perspective, if he is not hiding behind but Standing in Quchuan's position, what he is facing now is arrest by the police."

Xie Yunzhi frowned: "Are you so far-sighted?"

Qin He: "Not only is he strong in counter-reconnaissance, but he is also extremely cautious. He was considering getting caught eight years ago."

Chen Yi took a puff of cigarette and said: "We need to get to know the suspect again. He is an art madman. His only goal in life is to complete the Seven Emotions series. He is not afraid of being caught. What he is afraid of is that the work will be stopped halfway before it is completed. That’s why I’m so cautious.”

"He is very smart, and he even made Qu Chuan smart. Now Qu Chuan refuses to explain, has no contact information, and has no suspicious financial transactions. The murderer will not be tainted by any cause and effect related to Qu Chuan. It will be difficult to investigate."

Ding Qingyang snorted coldly: "I don't believe it anymore. There will always be traces left behind when two people know each other. Such an important agreement cannot be between strangers. Since the case started in Jincheng, the key to solving the case must also be in Jincheng."

Chen Yi glanced at him and did not comment on this sentence. Captain Ding must have some abilities, but he just likes to say something too absolute and is easily slapped in the face.

In the first case, the murderer did not leave any clues for investigation, which is very telling. There is no doubt that the other party has the ability to grow, but the initial starting point is already higher than most criminals.

Eight years have passed now, and the murderer has become even more difficult to deal with.

As for whether Jincheng can find clues, Chen Yi is personally quite pessimistic. Of course, the investigation should be carried out. What Ding Qingyang said is not unreasonable. The agreement between Quchuan and the suspect is not a trivial matter. It cannot be ruled out that the two had a bad relationship in the past.

After a long discussion, the three of them focused on Qin He. The next step of the investigation still needed to be finalized by the other party.

"When Ding Zhi returns to Jincheng, we will investigate as you asked. There is a high probability that the murderer and Qu Chuan knew each other eight years ago. We cannot let go of this line." Qin He said, "Chen Zhi, you and Xie Zhi go to investigate the hotel. The focus is on internal and external surveillance. Since the murderer takes the risk, he may leave loopholes."

Three people: "Yes, Captain Qin."

Qin He: "Tomorrow I will go to the provincial department to meet with Bureau Geng to report on the current investigation progress and listen to his thoughts."

The task force moved into action again, each performing its duties. Chen Yi and Xie Yunzhi rushed to the hotel where Qu Chuan was staying overnight without rest. This was considered the first cooperation between the two.

"Pretending to be a hotel staff..." In the car, Xie Yunzhi thought about the suspect's actions last night and discussed with Chen Yi, "Qu Chuan just met with us. The suspect is brave against the wind. He is very brave. "

Chen Yi nodded: "He is indeed very courageous. It can also be said that he is confident. Publishing the work a few days late does not seem to have any impact, but he does not care and does not pay attention to the police at all. Facts have proved that we did not catch him What a handle."

Xie Yunzhi was angry: "It's obviously right in front of us, but it's just one step away, the last step."

Chen Yi: "This step may be difficult to take."

Xie Yunzhi: "I hope there will be results on Dingzhi's side."

It is very likely that the suspect and Qu Chuan knew each other eight years ago and have similar painting skills, so it should not be that difficult to investigate.

When they arrived at the hotel, everyone started a comprehensive visit. It was already very late, and there were not many staff staying in the hotel. I could ask every one of them. By the way, they went through the entire hotel's surveillance cameras and tried to find the suspect's clear movement track. .

He always comes in and out, where he comes from, and where he goes after leaving the hotel. This is the focus of investigation and monitoring.

I'm going to stay up all night tonight.

When the time came to nine o'clock in the morning, Chen Yi and Xie Yunzhi were both a little tired. There was nothing gained from the visit. Everyone said they had never seen the person under surveillance and did not know where he came from.

From the external surveillance, it can be seen that the suspect left the hotel wearing work clothes, but the hotel work clothes were not lost. He was very well prepared, which can be said to have minimized the risk.

The results of the technical investigation's investigation also came out. There were no suspicious fingerprints in Quchuan's room, and biological tissues such as hair had to wait for identification by the bureau.

The biggest reward was that the suspect got into a taxi after leaving the hotel.

This was a very important discovery. Both Chen and Yi became energetic and rushed to the taxi company immediately to retrieve the in-car monitoring and driving tracks.

Taxis in Yangcheng are equipped with in-car monitoring systems and GPS positioning systems, making it very easy to check.

"Is that him, officer?"

The taxi company employee pointed at the screen and asked.

Chen Yi bent down close to the screen. In the back seat, a man wearing a mask sat quietly, looking straight ahead, maybe looking at the front windshield, maybe looking at the surveillance camera.

Separated by two time and space, Chen Yi and him looked at each other for the first time.

It was a look like a deep ocean, calm, calm, cold, crazy... so complicated that it was impossible to peer into the bottom.

At first glance, Chen Yi was sure that this was the person who killed five innocent lives.

"That's so crazy. Is he being provocative??" Xie Yunzhi wanted to curse, because the man was indeed looking at the camera, as if he was mocking.

Chen Yi suddenly felt interest that he had not seen for a long time. He knew that the criminal police should not feel this way about the murderer, but he had not encountered this kind of opponent for a long time.

Just smart, not an opponent.

"Everyone has flaws, everyone has flaws. I want to see how long you can keep running. Do you still want to complete the sixth painting?"

Chen Yi thought to himself.

In the sixth painting, the element is evil.

Not the evil of ferocity, but the evil of disgust (wu), the evil associated with painting.

Judging from the creation cycle, there are still two years, but this is not absolute. No one can be sure when the murderer will take the sixth life.

The police are already very close to him, and there is no guarantee that the other party will not shorten the time between crimes.

So, finding this guy is urgent.

After determining the drop-off location, Chen Yi and Xie Yunzhi copied the in-car surveillance, and then asked the Municipal Bureau's Communications Section to obtain all-round road surveillance to try to locate the suspect's final location.

The time comes in the afternoon.

Qu Chuan's lawyer arrived, Qin He was negotiating, and after Geng Jianqing learned that there was a major breakthrough in the case, he immediately rushed to the city bureau to meet with Qu Chuan in person, trying to get clues about the suspect from the other party, even if it was a direction for investigation. good.

But Qu Chuan's psychological quality is extremely strong. He responds with silence, doesn't say anything no matter what he asks, and no matter how he expresses his emotions and reason, it has no effect.

Geng Jianqing, who had always been steady, almost cursed.

As soon as Qu Chuan opens his mouth, the suspect is immediately locked in. This feeling would drive anyone crazy. I really don’t know whether Qu Chuan has been brainwashed or is just born with such a tough-tongued personality.

The twenty-four hours were coming soon, and the lawyer sternly demanded that he be released, otherwise he would have to file a complaint and report to the supervisory authority.

There is no evidence to prove that Qu Chuan is involved in the case. Geng Jianqing looks very ugly. He has no choice but to let him go, but requires him not to leave Yangcheng and to accept summons and investigation at any time.

"Keep him under my watch and monitor him 24 hours a day. If you find him meeting with a suspicious person, report him immediately." Qin He gave the order.

Chen Yi and Xie Yunzhi had gone to rest after staying up all night, but the task force could not rest. Qin He took over the road surveillance investigation and repeatedly searched for traces of the suspect.

"Depend on!"

When the surveillance camera completely lost the suspect, Qin He couldn't help but curse. The other party was obviously taking a pleasant walk and did not avoid the surveillance camera suspiciously. He turned left and right and disappeared from the surveillance camera. .

I tried to look for it again, but I couldn't find it. All the monitors that could be adjusted had been adjusted.

The anti-reconnaissance ability was ingrained in his bones. At this moment, Qin He really doubted whether he had been a policeman before.

The phone rang, and Qin He angrily picked up the phone and answered: "Hey! Say it!"

He was in a bad mood.

Police officer from the task force: "Team Qin! Lost us!"

Qin He almost didn't react: " have lost Qu Chuan?! What's going on!"

The police officer spoke very quickly: "He was driving in the lawyer's car. The lawyer got off the car halfway and got into the driver's seat. He accelerated and tried to get away from us. We chased him for several kilometers until his car entered the ground nearby. The parking lot, and then... the cars were gone."

The specific situation was not given in too much detail, but it could be heard that the police officers were very anxious and a little panicked.

Qu Chuan messed up the task assigned by Qin He personally not long after he left the city bureau. If it caused adverse consequences, it would be a big mistake.

"I'm really convinced! What do you do for food!" Qin He was already sulky, but now his whole body was a little bit exploded, "Keep looking! I'll be there soon!"

The phone hangs up.

"Everyone gather! Go and wake up Chen Yi and Xie Yunzhi!"

"Locate Qu Chuan's cell phone!"

There is no way to know what Qu Chuan wants to do now. He has been released, so why should he run away? Even if you run away, there’s no need to be in such a hurry!

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