My name is Yu Zuoqing.

My dream is to become a famous oil painting master.

For this dream, I can give everything.

But I was wrong, very wrong.

It's now the sixth one.

The sun shines through the cracks in the shabby curtains into my narrow and messy studio.

I sat alone in front of an old easel, and the brush and scraper in my hand slowly moved across the canvas. The poor-quality oil paint was a bit pungent, but I was concentrating on my creation, sketching out one dreamy scene after another.

I love creation and oil painting. This love is like a burning flame that will never go out in my heart.

However, the path of painting creation is not easy.

When I send my works to major art exhibitions and art magazines with high expectations, I always get disappointment and blow again and again.

Unable to sell paintings, it means no income. I have been very poor these years. Whenever I look at the unfinished paintings in the dead of night, I feel endless confusion and anxiety in my heart.

I considered giving up, maybe I was not suitable for painting, until a beam of light in the darkness illuminated me, and I met the most important woman in my life: Xiaoping.

She is the most perfect girl in the world. She is the girl who understands me best in the world. She is gentle, kind, smart, and hardworking...

Xiaoping is very supportive of my creation and never complains about my failures. I know she loves me and I know very well that I love her too. In order to support my dream and my creation, she goes out to work alone and takes on the responsibility of Financial burden on the family.

She believed that I would succeed.

But... years have passed, and success has not come. Whenever I see Xiaoping's tired figure, my heart is filled with guilt and... gratitude.

I am grateful to her and everything she has done for me.

I feel sorry for her. As a man, he can only rely on women to live.

Xiaoping has never complained about me. She said that even if I never become famous in this life, she will never leave me.

It is my dream for my work to become famous, and her dream is to see my work become famous.

I know she doesn't care if I'm famous, she cares that it's just me.

Is there a better and more perfect girl in the world than Xiaoping?

No, absolutely not.

To meet Xiaoping, I must have saved the world in my previous life.

The fruit of love arrived unexpectedly, a boy. Xiaoping gave birth to a son for me.

Looking at Xiaoping who was weak in the hospital bed, I felt even more guilty. Maybe, I should find a good job honestly to support the two of them, so that our family can be as happy as most people, without having to worry about money. And worry.

Xiaoping seemed to see what I was thinking, smiled slightly, raised her hand and touched my face.

"Zuo Qing, it's rare for a person to have his own dreams and pursuits in this life. You don't have to worry. Even if you keep failing, we can still live well. Go chase your dreams, and I will always support you."

I held Xiaoping's hand and didn't know what to say. How could I marry such a perfect woman?

"What should we name our son?" I asked.

Xiaoping seemed to have already made up her mind: "You and I will hold hands for the rest of our lives and have no regrets. Let's call her Yu Sheng. How about that?"

"Yu Sheng?" My eyes lit up, "What a nice name. It's Yu Sheng. We want to train him to be the best talent!"

Xiaoping shook her head: "Zuo Qing, excellence is not important, what is important is happiness and peace, just like you. If Yu Sheng can happily do what he likes and live a peaceful life in the future, that will be my greatest wish.”

I nodded heavily: "Yes! Happy and safe! You are right!"

Since Yu Sheng came to our little home, Xiaoping and I have gained a sweet burden in our lives, as well as a lot of laughter and warmth.

Three years later.

In the early morning, the sun shone through the glass on Yu Sheng's young face. He stretched out and showed a bright smile. I happily picked him up gently and brought him to the window to let him feel this. The first ray of light in the morning.

Xiaoping was preparing breakfast there, and the aroma coming from the kitchen whet your appetite.

After breakfast, the family of three began a busy and fulfilling day. I sent Yu Sheng to the kindergarten and watched him playing with his friends, and I was filled with joy.

Xiaoping needs to work to support the family. She leaves early and comes home late. I can see that she is getting tired day by day and her guilt is growing day by day.

In the evening, the scenery on the road looked particularly beautiful against the setting sun. I had prepared a sumptuous dinner. After Xiaoping came back, we sat around the dining table and enjoyed the reunion time.

Yu Sheng is always eager to share his interesting stories in kindergarten, while we listen attentively and laugh knowingly from time to time.

After dinner, we watched TV together in the living room and played some family games. Yu Sheng was always full of curiosity and asked us all kinds of questions. We patiently answered them and guided him to explore this beautiful world.

At night, when Yu Sheng falls into a sweet dream, my wife and I always look at each other and smile, sighing at the beauty of life. Although our family is not rich, we know that with Yu Sheng's company, our life has become more fulfilling and happier.

We look forward to growing up with Yu Sheng and creating more beautiful memories together in the days to come.

Yu Sheng is very smart. He has already shown extraordinary talent at the age of three. He can learn everything quickly, much higher than his peers. His intelligence even amazed the kindergarten teacher.

Later, Yu Sheng took an IQ test, and the result was as high as 142.

I searched online and found that 110 to 119 is considered smart, 120 to 129 is excellent, 130 to 139 is extraordinary, and 140 or above is considered very good. Two words can describe it as genius.

I am very happy, Xiaoping is also very happy, and the future is promising.

The only fly in the ointment is... my work still has no response.

I don't want to give up halfway, and Xiaoping doesn't want me to give up halfway either.

If I can succeed, not only can I realize my dream, but I can also get a lot of money in return, so that Yu Sheng can have a better education and Xiaoping can no longer be tired.

I started to go crazy, from eager to succeed to stubborn to succeed. I was probably sick...

Yu Sheng is getting older, family consumption is getting higher and higher, and Xiaoping is getting more and more tired.

Finally, the sky fell.

Xiaoping had underlying diseases, but she didn’t tell me and left this world forever due to overwork.

Seeing her closing her eyes on the hospital bed, I held her hand tightly and completely collapsed.

Xiaoping is very important to me, even more important than Yu Sheng. If I could choose, I would definitely choose Xiaoping.

Without Xiaoping, I am completely empty.

I hate, I hate why I picked up the paintbrush, why I didn't find a job to earn money to support my family. If I gave up oil painting early, Xiaoping would not lie in front of me.

I can't accept this fact. Xiaoping's death has turned my love for oil painting into a morbid obsession. I must succeed! I must let Xiaoping see it in the sky! I can't let him down!

In the studio at home, I was busy creating crazily every day. I had no time to take care of Yu Sheng. All I could do was to prevent him from starving to death.

Fate did not favor me. Despite my great efforts and despite my black hair turning white within a year, my paintings were not recognized.

I'm desperate.

I thought of my son.

Yes, Yu Sheng!

Yu Sheng is a genius. He must have inherited my "painting talent". If I cannot succeed, he will definitely succeed.

I want Yu Sheng to learn oil painting and Xiaoping to be proud of her son and me.

However, Yu Sheng didn't like painting. He said he liked physics, he liked chemistry, he liked mathematics, and he wanted to be a theoretical scientist in the future.

I'm angry. You must learn to draw. If you don't, I'll beat you to death! You are so smart, how can you not learn to draw? ?

This is my dream, this is Xiaoping's dream, your mother is still watching you in the sky!

I began to force Yu Sheng to learn painting, but he refused to obey me at all. He was too smart and independent. He asked me why I forced my dreams on him. You can paint by yourself!

At that time, I forgot one very important thing. Xiaoping's expectation for Yu Sheng was to live happily and peacefully and do what she wanted to do. This was the greatest happiness.

I have gone crazy. I am crazy myself, and I have also driven my son crazy...


When I chopped off my fingers with a knife, Yu Sheng turned pale and trembled all over.

"See?! I have no fingers! I can't draw anymore! I can't draw by myself, I have to draw by you!"

Yu Sheng compromised and concentrated on oil painting creation under my guidance.

His progress is very rapid, and I am very pleased. As expected, children with high IQs can learn everything very quickly.

I kept instilling in him that he should pursue the pinnacle of oil painting art. If you want to paint works that will shock the world in the future, you can definitely do it.

I'm getting crazy.

Later, I sobered up.

The reason why I woke up was simple: Yu Sheng was crazy.

He wants to kill people, he wants to create a series of seven-emotion oil paintings, he wants to take lives and emotions to complete a series of great works.

Looking at my son who was so excited that he went crazy in front of me, the biting cold water made my whole body shiver. What on earth was I doing? What have I been doing all these years? Am I worthy of Xiao Ping?

"Son, calm down, we won't draw anymore, we won't draw anymore..."

"No! Haha! I want to draw! I like to draw! I will definitely be able to do it, and the Seven Emotions series will definitely shock the world! Dad, just wait! Just wait for me for ten years!"

I have never seen my son again, and I don’t know where he went, but I know that the Seven Emotions series of oil paintings has come out and has received a great response.

Two girls died in Jincheng, and there was quite a stir in the police investigation throughout the city. The oil painting happened to be the second one, and the artist's name was Qu Chuan.

I've seen the photo and that's not my son.

I don’t know what happened. With Yu Sheng’s IQ, he can do whatever he wants. Did Yu Sheng kill those two people?

Has he become a demon?

Did I create a demon with my own hands?

This is the sixth picture. I really want to know where he is. I want to see him.

I want to say sorry before I die...

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