The atmosphere in Yangcheng gradually became tense. There were suddenly many police cars at the entrances of city roads, provincial roads, national roads and expressways, strictly checking passing vehicles and pedestrians. As long as the road that could leave Yangcheng was tightly blocked, Reality.

As long as Yu Sheng is still in Yangcheng, it is absolutely impossible to leave unless he turns into a bird and flies away.

The citizens didn't know what was going on. They occasionally encountered people who were strictly investigating drunk driving, but they didn't think much about it.

Police can be seen everywhere in life. When normal people see the police, their reaction is to feel a sense of security rather than fear, so they will not cause commotion.

The tension comes from within the police. All police officers, including the traffic police, have received the news that they are chasing major criminals. The criminals are extremely dangerous and have many lives in their hands, so they must be careful.

The criminal police and special police are relatively calm, while the civilian police and traffic police are a little conceited. Fortunately, there are fully armed special police at each road to assist to ensure that no accidents occur.

Of course, the city-wide martial law is just a precaution, and the suspect Yu Sheng will most likely not run away, at least not yet.

He needed a place to finish the seventh painting.

After investigation, it was found that the mobile phone number in Yu Sheng's name had been deactivated, the ID card showed no signs of use, and the bank card was silent.

He was very cautious and did not give the police any chance, which made several members of the task force feel very unreal.

I have never seen a suspect who can package himself so flawlessly. Is he really that smart? ?

"Twenty-eight years old... He started killing people when he was twenty." In the office, Geng Jianqing frowned. It was hard to imagine that a twenty-year-old could complete the case perfectly without leaving any trace.

Crime and criminal investigation are actually similar in nature and require a lot of experience and practice, unless they are talented, just like... Chen Yi.

Chen Yi held the cigarette in his mouth and let the smoke drift from the cigarette as it burned on its own: "He is very smart, not an ordinary person."

Qin He turned around: "What do you mean by not being an ordinary person?"

Chen Yi: "IQ is very high, not ordinary."

Qin He: "How high is it, one hundred two, one hundred three?"

Chen Yi: "Maybe it's more than that. Being able to draw the Seven Emotions series and being able to commit six murders and still get away with it is not luck. His brain is different from ordinary people. Others are fools in his eyes. What a shame."

Qin He heard something strange, and felt that something was wrong with Chen Yi's words. Maybe it was because destroying police morale would increase the suspect's prestige.

Geng Jianqing: "What Chen Yi said is true. This Yu Sheng is indeed very smart, but for some reason he developed into a murderer."

Chen Yi flicked the ashes of his cigarette and said: "According to the data, Yu Sheng's mother died early and he has been living with his father. The single-parent family is in line with our previous inferences. The psychological shadow of childhood is the most likely cause of him becoming an executioner. "

Xie Yunzhi sighed: "Even if he is a single parent, he is his son after all. What can his father do to him?"

Chen Yi: "The facts are actually very clear. If we think about it carefully, we can tell that Yu Sheng's father, Yu Zuoqing, has a very clean resume, as if he has never had any contact with society. We previously inferred that Yu Sheng's parents may be well-known painters. He may be a loser who forced his dreams on his son, but now it seems that the second possibility is more likely."

Xie Yunzhi: "If this is really the case, then Yu Zuoqing has ruined a genius."

Chen Yi nodded: "It can be said that we will find out when Ding Zhi asks. These are not important. What is important is where Yu Sheng is now. Can we try to conduct a targeted search by analyzing his psychology? Yangcheng It’s too big, and it’s not an option to continue like this, not to mention Yu Sheng’s anti-reconnaissance capabilities are so strong.”

Xie Yunzhi thinks it is difficult: "Analyzing psychological inference of position is almost the same as gambling."

Chen Yi: "It's just a bet. Yu Sheng has flaws and weaknesses. We found his flaws at the Imperial City Hospital, and we will look for his weaknesses next."

The question was raised and several people fell into thinking.

"In terms of weakness..." Qin He thought of a possibility, "His deceased mother should be considered a weakness, right?"

Chen Yi: "Well, we can't be 100% sure that he is in Yangcheng. If his mother was the last ray of light in his life, would he want to finish painting the seventh work in front of his mother's grave? "

Qin He's eyes narrowed slightly. He now has a high degree of trust in Chen Yi and has no doubts about Chen Yi's ability to make a prophecy come true. No matter what the facts are, he must always pay special attention to it.

What the task force needs to do now is to cover everything and not let go of any possibility.

He picked up his cell phone and called Ding Qingyang, asking him to ask where his wife was buried while investigating Yu Zuoqing, and then send someone to carefully control her.

When Qin He put down his phone, Geng Jianqing looked at Chen Yida and said, "Are there any other possibilities?"

The police are not gods, and they cannot accurately predict the suspect's actions. However, the police have the advantage of being able to maximize their error tolerance. When there are more possibilities, they may actually hit him.

Chen Yi took a drag on his cigarette: "Another weakness is the painting. The last painting represents [evil]."

Geng Jianqing: "Explain in detail."

Chen Yi: "The last painting is the end of the work, and it is also the most critical one that represents the original author. He will not allow flaws in the last painting."

"Putting yourself into Yu Sheng's shoes. If I were Yu Sheng, I would find a special place to stimulate the aversion to oil painting in my heart to its peak, and paint [evil] in the most perfect state."

Geng Jianqing was thoughtful.

Qin He followed Chen Yi's train of thought: "It makes sense. He always wants to choose a place that satisfies him. He won't do it casually and stimulate disgust... He hates painting and hates it when he looks at it. Then he Is it possible that the place you chose is related to the painting?”

Chen Yi added the last sentence: "There are degrees of disgust. The most disgusting place must be the place he has been forced to experience since he was a child."

At this point in the discussion, several people in the room looked at each other and said two words almost at the same time: "Studio."

Qin He immediately spoke: "He won't go home, right?! The environment at home will cause his psychological shadow to explode."

Chen Yi shook his head: "A smart person will not lose his mind. He wants to ensure safety. It is not a good idea to choose to go home. If it were me, I would definitely not show up at home, not even close. It is more dangerous."

Qin He: "The next best thing is to find a studio in Yangcheng. This studio needs to be undisturbed, and..."

Chen Yi: "We need the environment at Yu Zuoqing's home, has Ding Zhi arrived?"

Qin He: "I asked him to start the video call."


Ding Qingyang knocked on the door of a dilapidated bungalow in the old city, and the picture was transmitted to the Yangcheng task force in real time.

There was no movement.

Ding Qingyang continued to knock, getting harder and louder. He had already checked and found that Yu Zuoqing had not left Jincheng for many years, not even leaving the community within a few kilometers.

He is here.

A full five minutes passed before the latch rubbed against the iron and the door opened.

The white-haired Yu Zuoqing stood at the door, hunched over, looking at Ding Qingyang and others outside the door with a decadent face.

He was only fifty-six, but he looked seventy-six.

What kind of shock does it take to make a fifty-six-year-old man look twenty years older.

"Is there a problem?"

Yu Zuoqing breathed out the smell of alcohol and his voice was hoarse.

Ding Qingyang looked at Yu Zuoqing and said, "Hello Mr. Yu, Criminal Police Officer of Jincheng City Bureau, I want to know something from you."

Hearing the word "criminal police", Yu Zuoqing's eyes shone with a weak light, and his whole body was visibly energetic.

In fact, he had been waiting for the police to come to his door and was mentally prepared.

The police came to the door and explained that the murder might be related to Yu Sheng, but they didn't expect to wait for so many years.

What was supposed to come, has it come yet?

Seeing that Yu Zuoqing was silent, Ding Qingyang continued to speak: "Mr. Yu, can you let us in?"

Yu Zuoqing came to his senses and opened the double doors completely: "Please come in."

Everyone entered the yard, and Ding Qingyang observed the surrounding environment. The yard was not big, dirty and messy. Only the gardenias in full bloom were out of place and made people unable to take their eyes away.

The gardenia flowers are blooming very well, with water droplets rolling on them, and the surrounding areas are very clean, showing that they are taken care of every day.

From May to August every year, gardenias are in bloom.

Ding Qingyang couldn't help but slow down.

Yu Zuoqing in front turned around, followed Ding Qingyang's line of sight, and said, "My wife planted that twenty-eight years ago."

Twenty-eight years?

The task force was able to receive the footage, which happened to be the time Yu Sheng was born twenty-eight years ago.

The lifespan of gardenias is generally between 20 and 30 years. If well-maintained, it can reach more than 30 years.

Judging from this situation, Yu Zuoqing cherishes this flower very much and will not allow it to wither and die.

"Where is your wife's cemetery?" Ding Qingyang asked casually.

Yu Zuoqing: "Wenhe."

Ding Qingyang is a local and naturally knows Wenhe Cemetery. He turned his head and gave his subordinate a look. The latter understood, turned around and left quickly.

Everyone entered the room.

The environment of the living room is not much better than that of the yard. It is still dirty and messy. It seems that the only pure land in the whole house is the few gardenias in the yard.

Everyone understands that that should also be the pure land in Yu Zuoqing's heart. He loves his wife very much.

"Please sit down." Yu Zuoqing kicked away the scattered debris on the ground and said.

Ding Qingyang glanced at it and twitched the corner of his mouth slightly: "Where should I sit?"

The only sofa was already piled with debris, and the living room barely had room for feet, but no place to sit.

Just when Yu Zuoqing wanted to clean up, Ding Qingyang said: "Mr. Yu, don't bother, where is your son Yu Sheng?"

The word Yu Sheng made Yu Zuoqing tremble and fall silent.

"Mr. Yu, please answer my question."

Yu Zuoqing still didn't speak.

Ding Qingyang frowned: "Mr. Yu!"

Yu Zuoqing sighed: "I don't know, he has been gone for eight or nine years."

Ding Qingyang asked: "Why are you leaving?"

Yu Zuoqing didn't want to answer this question.

The current situation is that Yu Sheng told him that he wanted to kill someone. He guessed that Yu Sheng might have actually killed someone. The police came to investigate whether the murderer was Yu Sheng. A father is a father after all, and he cannot betray his biological son.

But he didn't know that the police were not investigating Yu Sheng, but were already hunting Yu Sheng.

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