[The surname in the previous chapter was wrong and I was confused. I am very grateful to the kind readers for reminding me. It has been revised. 】


Chen Yi scooped up the food with a spoon and said, "I remember this is the first time."

Zheng Congliang looked at Zhuge Cong and the others: "It doesn't look like that. Captain Chen's family growth environment should be excellent."

Chen Yi turned around and said, "Oh? Why do you see that?"

Zheng Congliang smiled and said: "After all, I have been a criminal policeman for so many years. I have never eaten pork and I have seen pigs running away. Your clothes are not cheap. No, not cheap is a bit inappropriate. It should be very expensive."

Chen Yi didn't hide it and said, "My family is doing business."

"Oh... So that's it." Zheng Congliang suddenly realized, "Then I am really impressed by Captain Chen. The family is not short of money, yet he would choose to be a criminal policeman, and he does such an excellent job."

Chen Yi chuckled: "There is no direct relationship between the two, right?"

Zheng Congliang was startled and said ashamedly: "I'm sorry, Captain Chen, it's my situation that is too small."

In fact, most people's original intention in their careers is to make a living, and their mentality changes after joining the job. But this is obviously not the case for Chen Yi. He just wants to be a criminal police officer, and it has nothing to do with money.

I wonder if a criminal police officer’s one-month salary can buy the other party’s entire body of clothing, including shoes and socks.

It is worthy of admiration and has nothing to do with ability.

"Is Nanshuiyang Village closest to this collection?" Chen Yi turned to the case.

Zheng Congliang nodded: "Yes, the nearest one takes less than ten minutes by bike, and you don't even have to drive."

Chen Yi: "From the investigation, arsenic is definitely for sale, but this is like looking for a needle in a haystack. We can only try our best to increase the probability of finding it, and add some luck."

Zheng Congliang: "The sale of arsenic is now banned, but management in rural areas is not strict. Law enforcement officers can't confiscate the stalls of old men and women. They can only criticize and educate."

Chen Yi: "Yeah, it's not easy for them, and... they are not afraid of the majesty of law enforcement."

Zheng Congliang deeply believes that the older generation in rural areas really dare to fight against law enforcement officers. As long as you touch their interests, they dare to fight you.

This matter actually has nothing to do with the popularization of the law. The fundamental reason is that the older generation is unwilling to accept new concepts and regulations, and it is difficult to change them.

It sounds harsh, but it is also true: when this generation all dies, the situation will be much better.

"There is one more thing that needs to be mentioned about arsenic." Chen Yi expanded on the clue of arsenic. "The nature of arsenic is white powder, and Gao Xiaofei eats granules similar to vitamins. This issue is also very important."

Zheng Congliang: "I thought it might be secondary processing."

Chen Yi: "Gao Huimei used to work in a dry feed processing factory."

"Huh?" Zheng Congliang stopped eating and frowned, "Captain Chen is quick-thinking. Let's not talk about the motive for committing the crime. Gao Huimei has sufficient conditions for committing the crime. Although the factory has closed down, she has experience in her mind and knows how to do it. The powder can be turned into granules and mixed in Gao Xiaofei’s bottle.”

After saying that, he glanced at Chen Yi and continued: "Captain Chen, have you already seriously suspected Gao Huimei?"

Chen Yi did not hide anything: "The look in Gao Huimei's eyes when she left Lou Meiying's house yesterday... left a very deep impression on me. Zheng Zhi has been a criminal policeman for more than 20 years, so he should be very familiar with the looks of criminals."

Zheng Congliang nodded: "Well, as long as they don't deliberately hide it, they can indeed tell whether the other person has something going on in their heart through their eyes."

Chen Yi: "I suddenly turned around at that time. It was definitely the most authentic expression of Gao Huimei's eyes. This woman has a huge problem and needs to be investigated intensively."

Zheng Congliang: "As long as there is suspicion, we must conduct an in-depth investigation."

A suspect's flaws are often found in the smallest detail. It's normal for a veteran detective to identify a new suspect with just one look, and there's nothing surprising about it.

In case investigations that lack clues, one must rely on subjective judgment.

What if the check is correct?

Breakfast was quickly finished, and a few people continued to stroll around the market. On the one hand, they were investigating the case, but on the other hand, they also wanted to have fun and enjoy the rural customs.

There aren't many opportunities like this.

The relatively young Lin Chen and Xia Lan even started shopping and took some souvenirs back with Chen Yi's consent.

Growing up in the city, I am still very interested in things at the market.

While wandering around, a few people came to a stall that no one was interested in.

The stall owner is an old man, and he sells a variety of things, including old items that look like antiques, fly swatters and fly stickers, mouse traps and rat poison, dusty pesticides, and... weird things that I can’t tell what they are. stuff.

There is no specificity and they sell everything. I guess they skipped the purchasing process and brought in all the messy and useless things from home.

The old man smoked his pipe and looked at the people walking over with a smile, focusing on Xia Lan.

Xia Lan is not a particularly stunning-looking girl, but she has a very dazzling urban temperament, and she has attracted the attention of many men along the way.

Chen Yi stared at the stall owner for a while.

This old guy is a bit wretched, I wonder if he is a bachelor.

"Brother, are you still watching?" Chen Yi said bluntly.

The old man looked away, stood up, pretended not to understand, and greeted warmly: "What do you need? Are you from the city? I recommend these things. They are all old, maybe they are antiques."

Chen Yi asked directly: "Is there any arsenic?"

"Arsenic?" The old man was stunned for a moment. "It's gone. It's gone. Can we sell it to dichlorvos?"

There was indeed dichlorvos on the stall.

This thing has been out of production for more than ten years, but some small workshops are probably still producing it secretly.

Chen Yi: "Is it sold? When will it be sold?"

Old man: "How did I know this? I forgot about it a long time ago."

Chen Yi: "Do you remember who you sold it to?"

The old man shook his head and came to his senses: "No, what are you doing? Asking questions."

Chen Yi waved his hand, and Qin Fei stepped forward and took out his ID.

When he learned that the other party was a policeman, the old man didn't react much, but his enthusiasm was reduced by 99%, and he sat back directly and continued to smoke his pipe.

"You see which things cannot be sold, take them away." The old man was very straightforward. It seemed that he had encountered similar things many times.

Chen Yi didn't care. He took out his mobile phone and called up Lou Meiying's photo: "Did she buy it?"

The old man didn't even look at it: "I really forgot. There are usually so many people in the gathering, how can I remember it."

Chen Yi stretched out his hand, and Qin Fei skillfully took out his wallet and handed over two red bills.

When he saw the hundred-dollar bill, the old man's eyes lit up, his smile appeared and he stood up again, his enthusiasm increased by 200% compared to the beginning.

"Boss gets rich, boss gets rich, what did you ask just now??"

Two hundred yuan is definitely a "huge sum" for a large market stall owner.

This scene made Zheng Congliang look a little weird next to him. This rumored top expert in solving crimes was really going off the beaten track.

Should I say it or not...it's very useful.

If it were someone from the Suicheng detachment, they might not be able to find anything useful.

Chen Yi handed over the note but did not let go. The old man tugged on it but did not move it, and raised his head in confusion.

"Brother, I asked you about a year ago. How is your memory?"

The old man took the money away with force and promised: "I will definitely remember it! As long as there is... an impression."

Said nonsense.

Chen Yi handed over Lou Meiying's photo. The old man looked at it for a while and said awkwardly: "I have no impression... I'm sorry, I have no impression that it's definitely not her. I have a good memory!"

Chen Yi swiped the screen of his phone, and Lou Meiying's photo instantly changed to Gao Huimei.

"What about her?"

The old man came closer again, this time his expression changed, as if he was uncertain, and his eyes came closer, almost touching the screen.

Seeing this, Chen Yi's eyes narrowed slightly: "Take a closer look!"

The old man looked at it for a long time, straightened up, smoked his pipe, nodded and said, "It's her."

Zheng Congliang's expression suddenly changed and he asked: "Are you sure?!"

Old man: "OK."

After receiving the second confirmation, Zhuge Cong and others were immediately excited. This was a solid clue, and it was very likely to be a decisive clue.

Chen Yi put away his phone, stared at the old man and said, "People who bought something a year ago, why do you remember it so clearly?"

The question made the old man confused and a little angry: "Huh? Young man, you asked me, but you didn't believe me when I said yes. Didn't you mean... to cause trouble for me?"

At the end of the sentence, he lacked confidence and his voice became softer.

After all, he is a policeman, so even if he is not afraid, he would not dare to offend him.

Chen Yi's voice was cold: "Answer my question, why do you remember it so clearly? Do you think the money is so easy to get?"

He needs to figure out whether the other party is talking nonsense to fool him. Murder is no joke.

"I..." The old man glanced at Xia Lan secretly, feeling as if he was being choked, and repeated: "It's really her. I remember it very clearly. What happened to one year? One year is not long. I just said that my memory very good."

Chen Yi noticed the old man's eyes and said, "What attracts you to this woman? To be honest, Xia Lan, please stay away."


Xia Lan was confused and didn't know why, but she turned around and walked away without asking the reason.

Chen Yi approached the old man and said, "Tell me in a low voice why you remember it so clearly, otherwise the money will be taken back."

The old man was helpless and whispered: "It was summer at that time. She was wearing very little. When she bent down to choose something, she could see...hehe."

Chen Yi was speechless: "So did you delay the transaction on purpose? It was a feast for the eyes, so you remember it clearly."

The old man immediately denied it: "I didn't!"

Chen Yi didn't bother with this problem: "She chose a lot of things?"

Old man: "Yes, the arsenic is incidental."

Chen Yi's eyes became dangerous, not directed at the old man, but at Gao Huimei.

The risk of buying arsenic alone is definitely higher than buying a large amount of unrelated items, but Gao Huimei did not expect that her behavior would expose her breasts.

It's been a year and it's hard for the stall owner to remember it, but the mountain scenery left a very deep impression on the old man.

So the question is, why did Gao Huimei buy arsenic, and how likely is it to be used to kill people?

Very high. Very high.

"Thank you, it's been a big help." After Chen Yi said that, he turned around to leave, then turned back and asked, "Are you interested, bro?"

The old man responded subconsciously: "No."

Chen Yi: "I suggest you find one quickly."

Looking at Chen Yi's leaving figure, the old man smoked and muttered: "Why don't I look for him if I can find him? You young man really can't talk!"

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