meeting room.

Chen Yi took the cigarette from Wang Shengrong, and then started to read the files on the other two murder cases.

Fifteen years ago, a male body was found floating in the river. When he was fished out, his hair was soaked in disgrace, and there were obvious strangulation marks on his neck. The cause of death was mechanical asphyxiation and strangulation.

After investigation, the deceased's name was Niu Xiang, a local and unemployed. He had been imprisoned for theft in his early years. He had just been released for half a year when he was killed.

Five years ago, the charred body of a man was found in an abandoned warehouse in the suburbs. After a forensic autopsy, it was determined that the deceased had multiple wounds all over his body. The cause of death was that he was hacked to death with a knife. It was very tragic.

After investigation, the deceased was named Cheng Jianshe, a local, unemployed, and was imprisoned for intentional injury in his early years.

The death scene was the scene where the body was dumped, and the body was not found at the first scene.

After reading the contents of the file, Chen Yi put it aside and picked up the murder case of Li Gong and the gold theft case again.

Jail for theft?

Not quite right.

He turned to the page with the footprints of the burglary suspect, reopened Niu Xiang's autopsy report, and compared it carefully.

The shoe prints don't match, but they seem to be about the same size.

"Wang Ju." Chen Yi said while comparing things, "Do you suspect that Niu Xiang is a suspect in the gold theft case?"


Wang Shengrong came over and said, "Are the foot numbers similar? At that time, two groups of people in the team were responsible for these two cases, and there was no possibility of merging them."

After speaking, he looked at Zheng Congliang.

Zheng Congliang said: "Captain Chen, I was responsible for investigating the case of Niu Xiang's murder. I was the captain at the time."

Chen Yi: "It's a doubtful point. They have similar foot numbers and a history of theft. He was killed shortly after the gold theft. There is a possibility that the spoils will be unevenly divided."

As he spoke, he picked up Cheng Jianshe's file and continued: "Cheng Jianshe and Niu Xiang served in the same prison. Niu Xiang died ten years after he died. Is it possible that the gold theft was committed by the two of them?"

Zheng Congliang hesitated: "This..."

Cheng Jianshe's body was badly burned, and the only things that could be measured were his height, arm length, leg length, etc.

As for seems to be within the range of characteristics of a gold theft suspect.

There are many coincidences, and the probability of inevitability is very high.

It was hard to imagine at the time that it is indeed possible to put all the files together and analyze and compare them from a macro perspective.

Chen Yi closed the file: "Everyone is dead, and there is no point in dwelling on possibilities that cannot be verified temporarily. No matter what the facts are, Li Gong is a key point. If Niu Xiang and Cheng Jianshe are really suspects in the gold theft case, then the four cases There should be a connection…”

At the end of the sentence, he frowned. Even if there was a connection, there was no way to find out if they were all dead. There was no proof, so he could only find a thread first and try to figure it out slowly.

This thread is not Li Gong, but Gui Dacheng.

Gui Dacheng is not dead, he is still one of the suspects in the Li Gong case.

"Restart the Li Gong case." Chen Yi said.

Li Gong case?

Wang Shengrong and Zheng Congliang looked at each other. They prioritized the recent past when investigating the backlog of cases. Recent cases had the most clues. They thought the other party wanted to investigate the Cheng Jianshe case first.

There must be a reason for choosing Li Gong. Since Chen Yi didn't say it clearly, the two of them didn't ask any more questions.

The other party just mentioned the vicious competition within the company. He probably suspected that Li Gong had used sideways to get to the top, and the way to get there was to have the gold shop stolen. Combined with the suspicion that Niu Xiang and Cheng Jianshe were suspects in the gold theft case, the final result was that Li Gong Gong is related to Niuxiang Chengcheng Construction.

Although there is some basis, there are more speculations, and no one knows the facts at present. As long as one link in the speculation is wrong, then the entire direction will be completely wrong.

"Team Chen, then I won't disturb your work." Wang Shengrong said.

Chen Yi nodded, and Wang Shengrong stood up and left.

A new case was opened, and Zhuge Cong expressed his opinion: "Team Chen, I also think that Li Gong may have directed and acted in vicious competition. If this is the case, his death by Gui Dacheng is not a small suspicion."

Chen Yi was noncommittal: "Check his current detailed information, and then check who has the final say in Tianchi Company now."

"Okay." Zhuge Cong turned on the computer.

While waiting, Chen Yi leaned on his chair and thought about who the first person he wanted to see was.

For old cases, the only way to find a breakthrough is through interviews. It is useless to stick to the files and the clues. Otherwise, Zheng Congliang would have solved the case long ago.

There are three characters to choose from.

The first is Gui Dacheng, the thread leader. This person must be met.

The second is Fan Tianchi, the former boss of Tianchi Group. He may know some unknown secrets about this case.

The third is the current boss of Tianchi Group.

Soon, Zhuge Cong looked at the computer and said: "Li Tianling, Li Gong's son, is now the chairman of Tianchi Company."

"Oh?" Chen Yi was surprised, "Did Fan Tianchi retire when Li Gong died?"

Zhuge Cong searched and said: "No, the news and gossip in the early years said... At that time, Tianchi Company was the most explosive, and there was serious internal fighting. I don't know whether it is true or false."

Chen Yi: "Does Fan Tianchi have a son?"

Zhuge Cong: "No, I have two daughters."

Chen Yi: "Did the two daughters get married that year?"

Zhuge Cong answered very slowly because Chen Yi's question required on-site inquiry: "It's over."

Chen Yi touched the cigarette box: "Two daughters and two sons-in-law are not very reliable. The last name of the company is Li, so this Li Tianling... has something."

Zhuge Cong: "Team Chen, these cases..."

Chen Yi waved his hand to interrupt: "Don't draw conclusions now. There are too many possibilities and it's easy to mess up the mind. Just treat it as if we are investigating Li Gong's case alone. As for the others... maybe they will pop up during the investigation. Come."

Zhuge Cong nodded: "Yes, Captain Chen."

Chen Yi: "What is Gui Dacheng doing now?"

Zhuge Cong: "I can't find him, but he is in Suicheng."

Hearing this, Zheng Congliang said: "Team Chen, I know that Gui Dacheng is now responsible for half of the entertainment venues under Tianchi Company."

Several people turned their heads.

This is a drama. Gui Dacheng, who was originally the same generation as his father, is now working under his son Li Tianling.

In this case, Li Gong's death may not have much to do with Gui Dacheng. Li Tianling must be a ruthless character to control Tianchi Company. He is definitely smart enough. With his understanding of the company's internal situation, he should not think of investigating Gui Dacheng.

In other words, if we didn't find out, we just hired people without any doubts.

"Call and meet." Chen Yidao.

Zhuge Cong responded, took out his cell phone and dialed the number he inquired about.

Got through, but no one answered.

Called again, still no one answered.

Call again and hang up.

Zhuge Cong looked at Chen Yi, who smiled and said: "After all, he is a big shot in Suicheng. I understand, I understand. Then let's pay a visit. Zheng Zhi, how is the security over there in the Entertainment Street?"

Zheng Congliang: “No criminal cases have been reported in recent years.”

Chen Yi: "I understand."

The detachment leader is too busy to manage the whole city of Sui, and street security is the responsibility of the local police station. What Zheng Congliang meant just now was actually very simple, with only three words: I don't know.

As long as there is no big trouble, he really can't know.

Zheng Congliang hesitated to speak, but finally spoke: "Captain Chen, if you want to investigate the case, I will arrange for a few more people to follow you."

No one dares to attack the police these days, unless they are kicked in the head by a donkey, even if it is an entertainment street where idle people gather, but... what if? No city is short of lunatics and lunatics.

[The research team was attacked in Suicheng]?

If these words were spread to the provincial department, he, the captain, would not be able to do anything anymore, and Wang Shengrong and even the entire municipal bureau would have to be held accountable.

Chen Yi smiled and said: "It's okay, I'm exaggerating Zheng Zhi. I'm still very confident in the security of Suicheng. Besides, I'm just chatting with others. I think they will be very polite."

Zheng Congliang: "Okay, I'll go with Captain Chen."

Chen Yi: "No, Zheng Zhi has other tasks. Go to the prison and learn again about the relationship between Niu Xiang and Cheng Jianshe. Ask more and tell me tomorrow."

The file records that Cheng Jianshe's relationship in prison has been investigated, but Niu Xiang's death did not attract attention. After all, ten years have passed, and now it needs to be investigated again in a targeted manner.

Zheng Congliang: "Okay."

As the detachment leader, he hasn't personally investigated a case for a while.

To be honest, this is the first time the provincial department has conducted an investigation. No plenary meetings were held at the grassroots level, and the focus was all on the backlog of cases. A well-known crime-solving expert in Dongzhou was also sent as the team leader. It seems that the provincial department has something Order.

This is best. The backlog of cases in Suicheng is a thorn in the side of the city bureau and needs to be pulled out.

It’s just that the time span of the current case is too long and the detection difficulty is much higher than last year’s 622 case. The result is actually not optimistic.

Give it a try, the research team is better than the Suicheng detachment.

In the evening, Chen Yi took Zhuge Cong and the others to taste the barbecue in Suicheng. Barbecue could not be served without beer. With Chen Yi in the way, Zhuge Cong and the others decisively ignored the prohibition on alcohol.

"Xiaolan, you can't complain when you go back."

After almost eating, Chen Yi lit a cigarette and joked with Xia Lan.

If the provincial department knew that the investigation team was drinking while investigating the case, they would not ignore it. Although Chen Yi was not worried, he must have hidden it.

Xia Lan had already finished eating and was playing with her mobile phone. When she heard this, she raised her head and said quickly: "How could it be possible? Am I that kind of person?"

Everyone laughed.

Drinking is drinking, but don't drink too much. Just rinse your throat and don't even feel tipsy. This is Chen Yi's bottom line. He will really investigate the case later.

She had already visited Gui Dacheng's home during the day, but he was not there. His wife said she didn't know where Gui Dacheng was, but she would go to Taili in the evening.

Taili is a nightclub, so Chen Yi did not choose mobile phone positioning.

Not far from the barbecue restaurant is Taili, you can go there after eating.

"Let's go." Chen Yi stood up, "You guys, protect Xia Lan. If anyone dares to be bold, just attack without looking at me."

Xia Lan has a very good temperament, and she does not rule out the possibility of flirting with people who want to play gangsters. Originally, she did not want her to follow him tonight. This street is not suitable for her, but she insisted on coming.

"Don't worry, Captain Chen, we will never leave." Qin Fei said.

Lin Chen didn't say anything. When he left, he naturally came to Xia Lan's side, as if he was a flower protector.

Terry arrived.

The sound of music after entering made Chen Yi rub his ears. Without wasting time, he went directly to the waiter to reveal his identity and wanted to see Gui Dacheng.

When he learned that the other party was a policeman, the waiter changed his expression, but he was polite and asked a few people to wait for a while before leaving quickly.

It is unlikely that this kind of place will be completely white. Out of professional police habits, Fu Guoyong and others have begun to scan the surrounding environment, looking for suspicious people and suspicious things.

There will be no results, the crackdown is very strict now, this is a place for young people to have fun, even if there is a problem, it cannot be made public, and newcomers cannot find a way out.

"Stop looking, look at the DJs and dancers. They have very good figures." Chen Yi chuckled.

Several people:"……"

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