After leaving the township, the vehicle was driving on the road to Mo Shanwei's home. Mo Shanwei should not be here at this point, but his mother would most likely be there.

No phone call, just go directly.

After just talking with Mo Jingguo, Chen Yi had a rough understanding of Mo Shanwei, and the outline of his character was relatively clear.

He is a filial son who hates evil as well as grudges. He will be kind to whoever treats him well. He will never be merciful to anyone who treats him badly, even if he is his biological father.

This kind of character is very revealing. From the perspective of a criminal police officer, if Mo Shanwei learns that his sister Mo Lili died because of Li Gong, the possibility of revenge is still very high. Even if Li Gong's life is not spared, he still has to use it. Some other means can get him punished.

Could this case be done by Mo Shanwei?

While thinking about it, Chen Yi glanced at Zhuge Cong and others in the car, and found that they were a little silent. He immediately understood that this was empathy. This was the case for newcomers on the front line of investigation.

Mo Shanwei's life can be considered miserable. His father gambled and his mother was ill. The family's only source of income was his sister, who suddenly died in a car accident.

In such a family, the relationship between siblings is extraordinary and the sense of dependence is stronger, so Mo Lili's death will definitely be a huge blow to Mo Shanwei.

Judging from Li Gong's experience, this person is not a good person. If Mo Shanwei kills Li Gong, others will not be indignant.

But criminal police officers are criminal police officers, and this is not what they should consider. Finding out the case and catching the suspect is the ultimate goal.

Mo Shanwei's home is in a high-end community, and he lives in a townhouse. Suicheng is a sparsely populated area, so the residential area is relatively large, and the villa is even larger and looks very luxurious.

After showing his ID, the vehicle drove into the community and stopped in front of Mo's house. Qin Fei stepped forward and rang the doorbell of the yard.

After waiting for a moment, the door of the house opened. A middle-aged woman who looked like a nanny stuck her head out and glanced doubtfully, and then walked over.

"Who are you looking for?"

Qin Fei took out his ID: "Hello, we are the police. Is Mo Shanwei here?"

Woman: "Sorry, Mr. Mo is not here. He went to the company."

Qin Fei: "Are Mo Shanwei's family members here?"

Woman: "Yes, Mr. Mo's mother and wife are here."

Qin Fei: "Can we go in?"

The woman hesitated, turned around and hurried back to the room to ask, then returned and opened the courtyard door for several people.

Arriving at the living room, Mo Shanwei's mother was already waiting.

He is in his fifties, slightly fatter, and dressed very well, with the calmness of a wealthy family. However, his healthy wheat color and simple face still leave the mark of his rural life.

To put it simply, this is a rural person who suddenly became rich.

"Comrade police? Please take a seat, please take a seat." Mother Mo was very polite, her sincere smile was warm and friendly, and her simplicity and kindness came to her face.

Chen Yi thanked him, everyone sat down, and the tea was quickly served.

After confirming that Chen Yi was the leader, Mo's mother couldn't wait to ask: "Comrade police, have you caused any trouble because of your kindness?"

Chen Yi took a symbolic sip of tea, put down the cup and said, "Don't think too much, it's just a routine visit. We just left Mo Jingguo's home."

Hearing Mo Jingguo's name, Mo's mother frowned subconsciously and quickly returned to normal: "Why are you visiting?"

Chen Yi got straight to the point: "Because of Mo Lili."

Hearing this, Mother Mo was stunned for a moment, and her memory instantly returned to twenty years ago. A sad expression appeared on her cheeks, and then she sighed deeply: "My daughter died in a car accident. It has been twenty years. Why check her?"

Chen Yi: "Of course it's not just this one thing. Did you have much contact with Mo Lili before her car accident?"

Mother Mo shook her head: "Not much. She usually calls me. If I take the initiative to call her, she will be angry."

Chen Yi: "Do you know she has a boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend?" Mother Mo asked curiously, "Does Lili have a boyfriend? I haven't heard her say anything about it."

Chen Yigang was about to speak when a voice came from upstairs.

"Mom, who's here?"

Everyone turned their heads. On the wooden stairs leading to the second floor, stood a blooming peony. It was delicate and noble. Her black dress showed her dignity and elegant manners.

The disadvantage is that the makeup is a bit thick.

This is a woman, and information shows that Mo Shanwei is married.

Mother Mo said calmly: "It's the police. They said they were visiting. Comrade police, this is my daughter-in-law."


Mrs. Mo smiled half-heartedly, walked down from the second floor wearing slippers, and sat down in the living room.

"Why did the police come to our house? Are you breaking the law and committing a crime?"

This statement made Mo's mother unhappy: "What are you talking about? How could Shanwei commit a crime? He was just visiting to ask about Lili."

Mrs. Mo: "Oh, Sister Lili, what happened to her? Hasn't she been dead for twenty years?"

Chen Yi glanced between the two women, saying that the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were enemies, and there would definitely be conflicts under the same roof. After all, they were outsiders and not related by blood.

It can be seen that the relationship between Mother Mo and Mrs. Mo is not good.

To be precise, it should be very bad. He noticed that Mrs. Mo didn't even look at Mother Mo from beginning to end, and her expression was very cold.

This is not a normal relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, but I don’t know where the conflict broke out and whether it was related to Mo Shanwei.

"There is a case that may involve Mo Lili." Chen Yidao.

These words made Mother Mo wonder what she was thinking, and her face began to look uncertain, but Mrs. Mo said directly: "Is it still related to Mo Jingguo?"

Mother Mo turned around and shouted angrily: "What are you talking about?!"

Mrs. Mo snorted coldly: "Am I wrong? Mo Jingguo has not had a good relationship with you since he was a child. Especially towards Mo Lili, he either beat or scolded her. Later, Mo Lili received a large amount of compensation after she died. The country lost half of it, isn’t this a good father?”

Mother Mo was anxious: "You..."

Chen Yi looked at her: "Keep talking."

Mrs. Mo: "I'm done, you should ask Mo Jingguo."

Chen Yi: "He just came back from there. His leg seems to have been seriously injured. I don't know who did it."

Mrs. Mo smiled: "Who else could it be?"

"Shut up!!" Mother Mo scolded angrily.

Chen Yi understood and understood.

Mo Jingguo's legs were indeed beaten by Mo Shanwei, or he asked someone to beat him. When the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law saw the police coming to the door, they thought they were here to investigate the matter.

Hitting someone to cause injury is a crime of intentional injury.

It's strange. As Mo Shanwei's wife, not only did she not hide it, but she also revealed it directly in front of the police. This is no longer a conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, but also a conflict between husband and wife.

"You want to say it was Mo Shanwei who did it?" Chen Yi asked.

Mrs. Mo: "I didn't say that. You can check it yourself."

Mo's mother quickly looked at Chen Yi: "Comrade police, you... don't listen to her nonsense. Mo Jingguo's leg has nothing to do with my son. It was me who beat him. He was looking for his son all day long." Money, I really can’t stand it anymore.”

Mrs. Mo glanced at her and smiled without saying a word.

Chen Yi was not interested in this matter. He was not here to investigate family disputes.

In the following time, he finally changed the topic and was about to inquire about Mo Lili in depth, when the sound of opening the door suddenly sounded.

"Mr. Mo."

As the nanny finished speaking, a man walked in with leather shoes and looked towards the living room expressionlessly.

It's Mo Shanwei.

I came back very quickly, I guess I got the news that the police came to my door.

Mo Shanwei had a handsome and resolute face, and his deep eyes were as cold as a frozen lake. He just stood there quietly, standing like a solitary peak with his own aura.

Seeing Mo Shanwei's return, Mrs. Mo restrained herself a lot, not daring to look at him, and she suddenly became well-behaved.

"Captain Chen, right? Isn't it a bit rude to come to my house and not say hello?" Mo Shanwei walked over slowly, "Mom, there's you, go up first."

Mrs. Mo immediately stood up and left without saying a word.

Mother Mo was a little worried, but she also knew that staying was of no use, so she left.

Chen Yi looked at Mo Shanwei sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, and he took out a cigarette and lit it. The two looked at each other.

"You guys are really well informed." Chen Yi chuckled.

Mo Shanwei blew out a puff of smoke: "Us? Who else is Captain Chen referring to?"

Chen Yi did not answer, but instead said: "Since Mr. Mo knows that I am coming, he must know what I am here for, right?"

Mo Shanwei was very arrogant: "I'm sorry, I really don't know."

Chen Yi smiled, not knowing whether he believed it or not. He turned his head slightly and looked in the direction where Mother Mo and Mrs. Mo were leaving, and said, "The relationship between these two people doesn't seem to be very good."

Mo Shanwei said calmly: "It's normal. Whose mother-in-law and daughter-in-law don't quarrel."

Chen Yi: "I'm afraid not only that, but the relationship between you and your husband is also very poor."

Mo Shanwei squinted: "Captain Chen came to my house, didn't he come to my house to settle household chores? Does this have anything to do with you?"

Chen Yi: "It doesn't have much to do with it. I'm very curious. It's obviously the first time we've met, so why is Mr. Mo so hostile to me? Is it because of his status as a policeman? Or is it because he has taken the liberty to visit me? I don't think it's the latter. Right? Mr. Mo still has some courage."

Mo Shanwei: "I'm sorry, I don't like dealing with the police."

Chen Yi: "Why? According to my understanding, only criminals and family members of cold case victims don't want to deal with the police."

Mo Shanwei: "Captain Chen can just say whatever he wants."

Chen Yi: "How did Mo Lili die back then?"

Mo Shanwei: "Car accident."

Chen Yi: "Are there any other reasons?"

Mo Shanwei: "I don't know."

Chen Yi: "Does she have a boyfriend?"

Mo Shanwei: "I don't know."

Chen Yi asked a series of questions, not mentioning Li Gong, but all about Mo Lili, but Mo Shanwei did not give any substantive answers, either he was unclear, didn't know, or forgot.

It is impossible to determine whether he is ready to deal with the police. It is difficult to judge whether he is ready to deal with the police.

However, there are also points that can be analyzed.

For example, Mo Shanwei is not interested in the police. The reason may be that the police did not find Li Gong responsible for Mo Lili's death.

If Li Gong's death was related to Mo Shanwei, then Mo Shanwei would only have one thought in his heart: I found what the police couldn't find, they are a bunch of trash.

Mo Shanwei's arrogance is obvious. People who are flamboyant often have many shortcomings.

However, his irritability is also very obvious. The irritation is not directed at himself. It may be something about the company or his family. It is also because of his irritability that his attitude is not very good. This is one of the reasons.

"Captain Chen, what do you want to do?" Mo Shanwei gradually lost patience.

Chen Yi: "Mr. Mo seems to be in a bad mood?"

Mo Shanwei: "This has nothing to do with Captain Chen."

Chen Yi: "I'm personally curious about what happened, can we talk about it? By the way, I just came back from Mo Jingguo, and his legs and feet don't seem to be very agile."

Mo Shanwei frowned slightly and quickly relaxed: "It's just a matter of the company. Something went wrong recently."

Chen Yi: "What's the problem?"

To understand a suspect, you need to know everything about him, including any variables in his work life.

The other party's information is as well-informed as Gui Dacheng. There is a problem here. The research team did not tell everyone in Suicheng that we were coming.

Mo Shanwei: "This is my private matter. No matter what Captain Chen is investigating, there is no need to know."

Chen Yi smiled and said, "Didn't I say that I'm just curious, so if it's inconvenient, forget it. Do you know Li Gong?"

Mo Shanwei: "Li Gong? You know him, he's from Tianchi Company, right? Hasn't he been dead for many years?"

Chen Yi: "Where is Gui Dacheng? Do you know him?"

Mo Shanwei: "Knowing."

Chen Yi: "Where is Li Tianling?"

Mo Shanwei: "I know him, the boss of Tianchi Company. This guy is very evil. He can pull Fan Tianchi down from his position and occupy the magpie's nest. There is no way to do it. Why, Captain Chen is checking Li Tianling?" "

Chen Yi stared at him for a while and suddenly said: "I'm checking you."

Mo Shanwei raised his eyebrows and said in surprise: "Check me? What happened to me? What case?"

Chen Yi: "Homicide."

Mo Shanwei laughed out loud: "Captain Chen's joke is a bit big. Do you think Li Gong's death has anything to do with me?"

Chen Yi asked back: "Did I say it was him?"

Mo Shanwei said calmly: "Captain Chen doesn't need to play word games. Among the names just mentioned, only Li Gong died of homicide."

Chen Yi: "That's true. Twenty years ago, he was Mo Lili's boyfriend."

Mo Shanwei didn't react much: "Really? This is the first time I've heard of it. Are you sure Captain Chen is right?"

Some suspects don't choose to act, and there will be flaws if they act, so it's better to act more realistically.

Abnormality is more rounded than lies.

If Mo Shanwei was the murderer in this case, then he did not pretend to be surprised, but it made Chen Yigao look at him.

"We can't be 100% sure that we got the news from elsewhere." Chen Yi said.

Mo Shanwei was silent for a moment and said, "Can you tell me where you got the news?"

Chen Yi: "Sorry, privacy protection."

Mo Shanwei did not ask further: "I understand, I understand. I understand. Captain Chen got the news that Li Gong was my sister's boyfriend, and Li Gong was killed again, so he came to find me."

"The logic is wrong, Captain Chen. My sister died in a car accident, and the perpetrator was not Li Gong."

Chen Yi: "Li Gong has a history of drug abuse."

Mo Shanwei said, "My sister has also taken drugs, so that's right. Well, Captain Chen should come to me, but unfortunately you found the wrong person. I didn't kill him."

The case happened eight years ago. Chen Yi didn't waste any words and made it clear: "Most suspects will not admit to murder right away."

Mo Shanwei was helpless: "Well, there's nothing I can do about what Captain Chen says. Even if you investigate, I will cooperate unconditionally. By the way...when did Li Gong die?"

Chen Yi: "May 18, 2015."

Mo Shanwei started to reminisce, and he quickly thought of something, his eyes lit up, and he smiled at Chen Yi for the first time: "Captain Chen, I was abroad for the whole of April, May, and June."

Chen Yi was obviously stunned and fell silent.

I've been out of the country for three months. You can't lie about this kind of thing and it's easy to check.

In other words, Mo Shanwei has a sufficient alibi.

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