After finishing the business, Chen Yi stayed for half an hour longer and chatted with Ruan Yunlei about the customs and practices of Suicheng. Only when someone came to inspect the car did he get up and leave.

Qin Fei was not there, and Xia Lan became the driver.

"Captain Chen, where are we going now?" After starting the car, Xia Lan turned around and asked Chen Yi in the back seat.

Chen Yi opened the car window and did not answer Xia Lan immediately. He looked at Ruan Yunlei who was inspecting the car not far away, and replayed the conversation just now in his mind.

The most important clue is Cheng Jianshe's sale of stolen goods.

The starting point of this case is the gold theft case. Now it can be considered that the suspects in the case are Niu Xiang and Cheng Jianshe.

Li Gong was hired to steal, and he succeeded in vicious competition and suppressed Gui Dacheng, and then... let Cheng Jianshe kill him?

This matter is the last doubt. Whether it can be figured out is not important for the time being. Now most of the energy needs to be focused on Li Tianling.

The task has been issued, and we need to wait for the results, including Ruan Yunlei's side.

Maybe in two days, the case will usher in a major breakthrough.

"Go back to the Municipal Bureau." Chen Yi said.

Xia Lan: "Okay."

In the afternoon, in the office of the deputy director.

The hot water and tea leaves reacted, emitting a strong fragrance. Wang Shengrong picked up the teapot, and the hot tea poured down the spout without leaving any tea residue.

Chen Yi picked up the teacup and smelled it, then took a sip.

Wang Shengrong poured himself another cup, and at the same time a voice sounded: "In other words, these cases are related."

Chen Yi put down the teacup: "The cases and the characters are all related to each other, but it is not a planned inevitable connection, it should be a coincidence."

When Zheng Congliang and his team were working outside, the deputy director Wang Shengrong and the leader of the research team Chen Yi chatted. With their status, they didn't have to be active on the front line, they could just sit and command.

Wang Shengrong: "Fifteen years ago, Niu Xiang and Cheng Jianshe robbed Fan Tianchi's gold shop under the instructions of Li Gong. This is the first case."

"In the same year, Niu Xiang was killed by Cheng Jianshe and all the gold was taken. This is the second case."

"Eight years ago, Li Gong was killed by Mo Shanwei. This is the third case."

"Five years ago, Cheng Jianshe was killed. This is the fourth case."

"Now, Li Tianling is obviously targeting Mo Shanwei, and the fifth case is about to happen."

After sorting out the time, he continued: "It makes sense. Mo Shanwei hired Cheng Jianshe, and Li Tianling found out the matter and killed Cheng Jianshe. During this period, he learned from Cheng Jianshe that Mo Shanwei 's existence, this is... a question, why didn't you call the police? Is Li Tianling unwilling to deal with the police, or is calling the police useless? "

Chen Yi didn't take another sip of tea, took out a cigarette box and handed it to Mo Shanwei, lit a cigarette, and said: "Maybe he wanted to do it himself, maybe he wanted to destroy Mo Shanwei's family, maybe Cheng Jianshe died too quickly to testify against Mo Shanwei, maybe he was worried about getting himself involved... There are many possibilities, this question does not affect our judgment, there is definitely a grudge between Li Tianling and Mo Shanwei. "

The brief conversation with Li Tianling before made Chen Yi realize this, and both sides have actually made their cards clear.

Wang Shengrong exhaled a puff of smoke: "I didn't expect it to be so complicated. I'm sorry, Captain Chen, we didn't do our job well."

Chen Yi: "It's naturally difficult to investigate without motive and clues. This time, we were able to quickly connect the dots, but Director Wang should indeed strengthen internal criminal investigation training. Also, ability is one thing, but the spirit of never giving up needs to be encouraged by every criminal policeman."

The research team investigated the shortcomings and made up for the gaps in a realistic manner. The Suicheng Criminal Investigation Detachment did not make any major mistakes, otherwise the provincial department would not have sent a research team, but an inspection team.

Chen Yi knows his limits.

Wang Shengrong said sincerely: "I'm ashamed. Captain Chen is right. I will definitely implement it. So, can the current case... have a result in a short time?"

Chen Yi: "The snake has been alerted. Whether Li Tianling moves or not, he can't escape the police investigation. The situation is a dead end for him."

Wang Shengrong: "What if the insider has disappeared long ago and Li Tianling has given up targeting Mo Shanwei?"

Chen Yi: "If that's the case, we can only fight a protracted war slowly. Maybe the research team will have to spend the New Year in Suicheng."

Wang Shengrong laughed dumbly: "If I make the worst plan, I should prepare dumplings for the New Year in advance."

The two joked. No one wanted to see the case pending for a long time, but the more complicated the case, the longer it takes. According to the clues currently available, the day of closing the case is still far away.


The investigation lasted for three days. During these three days, Zheng Congliang and the research team hardly rested. They conducted a comprehensive investigation on Tianchi Company and Li Tianling's interpersonal relationships over the years.

The investigation was not conducted secretly. There was no hiding. The police almost entered the headquarters of Tianchi Company directly, and even the security guards and cleaners were not spared.

Li Tianling must have known about such a big movement. Even if he didn't see it, his subordinates would tell him.

Li Tianling was surprisingly quiet during these three days. He went to work and went to the company normally, and went home normally after get off work. He turned a blind eye to the police investigation and didn't care at all.

He even asked all employees to fully cooperate with the police investigation, tell whatever they knew, and don't hide anything.

This made Qin Fei and others feel unusual, and they reported the matter to Chen Yi very early.

Either he was fearless, or he was planning something.

The police certainly hope that Li Tianling will take action, but there are certain risks. No one can judge what Li Tianling will do. Those who can take down Tianchi Company are not fuel-efficient lamps, so they need to be cautious.

Now the focus is on driver Li Tianling. This person has been following Li Tianling for eight years. After interviews, we learned that this person has a withdrawn personality and has no close friends within Tianchi Company.

Everyone wants to make friends with the boss's drivers, but without exception they all hit a wall. The drivers are not interested in expanding their interpersonal relationships. They spend every day with their cars, transporting Li Tianling to and from get off work.

When questioned by the police, the driver refused to answer any question, saying that he was just a part-time worker and didn't know anything.

The driver was very strong, and Fu Guoyong judged from a professional perspective after close contact: he had been trained.

In other words, he is Li Tianling's driver and bodyguard.

After following him for eight years, I must know a lot of things, and maybe he even participated in some important actions.

"Team Chen, do you want to bring it back directly and ask?" Fu Guoyong asked Chen Yi on the phone.

Just as Chen Yicai was about to speak, another call came in, and the caller ID was Ruan Yunlei.


Realizing that there might be new news, Chen Yi hung up Fu Guoyong's call and called Ruan Yunlei.

"Hello? Lao Lei."

Ruan Yunlei laughed heartily as soon as he spoke: "Captain Chen, I did what you asked me to do. I made dozens of phone calls. Not to mention, I asked a lot about Li Gong."

Chen Yi became more energetic: "Eight years ago?"

Ruan Yunlei: "No, ten years ago."

"Ten years ago?" Chen Yi sorted out the timeline in a millisecond and asked, "What happened ten years ago?"

That was five years after the gold was stolen and two years before Li Gong was killed.

Ruan Yunlei said: "Ten years ago, Li Gong was injured and hospitalized. My friends heard that Gui Dacheng did it. There is no evidence. It is purely hearsay."

Chen Yi: "Is there any more?"

Ruan Yunlei was very excited, and it seemed that it was the first time he heard those interesting things: "Yes, there are too many. After being injured, Li Gong started to recruit people, and his friends still went there. Later, he heard that he was going to have sex with Gui Dacheng, and he was scared away. , Gui Dacheng was quite famous at that time, and Fan Tianchi trusted him very much. "

Chen Yi kept humming, gesturing for the other party to continue.

Ruan Yunlei talked endlessly and said many things in succession.

"Once, a friend of a friend drank too much and went the wrong way at night. From a distance, I saw several people with sticks and machetes surrounding a person and beating him hard. He was trying to kill him. The scene was very bloody. Not long after, another person appeared. A group of people came, drove away the attacker, and rescued the dying guy on the ground. "

Chen Yi: "Which group of people are Li Gong's subordinates?"

He knew that since Ruan Yunlei mentioned this matter, it must be related to Li Gong.

Ruan Yunlei: "In the first wave, the one where people were killed, there happened to be a man I knew among them. He worked with Li Gong and was very loyal."

Chen Yi: "Who was rescued?"

Ruan Yunlei: "Then I don't know. I said he was beaten quite badly. If it had been a little later, he would have been dead."

Chen Yi vaguely grasped the last doubt. Is that person Cheng Jianshe?

If so, the whole case is justified.

Li Gong sent people to kill Cheng Jianshe, and Mo Shanwei, who had been keeping an eye on Li Gong, sent people to rescue Cheng Jianshe.

What about after being rescued? Revenge of course.

Li Gong was almost killed, and with Mo Shanwei's PUA, Cheng Jianshe had enough motivation to attack Li Gong.

Thus, there was the murder case of Li Gong eight years ago.

Three years later or five years ago, Li Gong's son Li Tianling found out about Cheng Jianshe, hacked him to death in revenge for his father, and got the name Mo Shanwei. The final competition began.

In this competition, Mo Shanwei was obviously at a disadvantage. The beauty trap worked wonders. Chai Xiao confused Mo Shanwei and the company was eroded step by step.

If the research team arrives a little later, Mo Shanwei will lose not only the company, but also his own life. If he is more ruthless, the whole family may be affected.


Chen Yi breathed a long sigh of relief. His inference was quite reasonable. His confidence was not much different from the facts.

If this is the case, Li Tianling's advantage is filial piety, and he will never let Mo Shanwei go.

Originally, he could win by boiling the frog in warm water and killing Mo Shanwei slowly. But now that the provincial investigation team has almost completed the investigation of the case, he must be anxious inside.

This was contrary to his dull reaction in the past three days.

Since it is contradictory, he must be confident. He must be planning something.

"Captain Chen?" Ruan Yunlei's voice rang on the phone.

Chen Yi came back to his senses: "Thank you, Lao Lei, you have helped me a lot again. I really found you right this time. I must have a good drink someday."

Ruan Yunlei smiled and said: "Okay, okay..."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Yi dialed another number and asked if there was anything unusual about Mo Shanwei. The other party said he was very quiet, as quiet as Li Gong. The company and his home were connected, and he had never met Chai Xiao.

This was normal. After her intentions were exposed in front of the police, Chai Jie was protected 24 hours a day. She probably didn't have the heart to play with Mo Shanwei anymore.

Chen Yi sent a message to Fu Guoyong: Bring Li Tianling's driver back and ask others to keep an eye on Li Tianling.

At the same time, the Mo family.

The middle-aged woman knocked on the door, and it was Mo Shanwei's mother who opened the door.

The two knew each other and were very familiar with each other. Mother Mo immediately smiled and invited the other person into the house.

"The dance group has an event today, do you want to go?" the woman asked with a smile.

Mother Mo was surprised: "Activity? Why haven't you heard about it in the past few days?"

Woman: "It was confirmed just now. I'm passing by to ask you. I heard it's very interesting. If you're okay, can we come together?"

Mother Mo: "Okay, it's okay to be idle. Wait for me to change my clothes."

Soon, the two left the villa and the community, where a large SUV was waiting.

"Whose car is this?" Mother Mo asked.

Woman: "I took Didi."

Mo's mother said oh, and the two opened the door and got in the car.

After just two kilometers of driving, the vehicle pulled over, the woman got out, three men got on, and the vehicle started again.

Looking at the SUV going away, the middle-aged woman struggled for a moment, thinking of the huge reward given by the other party, she could only sigh.

The vehicle is moving.

In the car, Mother Mo had a look of horror on her face, sitting there without daring to move.

Smoke drifted up from the co-pilot, and the smell of tobacco entered her nose, making the look of horror on Mo's face even more intense. She didn't even have the courage to ask questions, and everything she wanted to say was stuck in her throat.

Li Tianling took off his hat, looked at the road ahead and said softly: "Auntie, you may not know me. Please introduce yourself. My name is Li...forget it, it's useless if you know."

Only then did Mother Mo speak: "You...what do you want to do? Alan, she..."

"Alan?" Li Tianling smiled, "Friends are very fragile in front of money."

Mother Mo was stunned and in disbelief. Her son had made money in business. She was a rural woman who came from the countryside to enjoy her old age. She never dreamed that she would encounter such a thing.

"'s not easy for my son to make money. How much do you want?"

Li Tianling turned back: "Money? Do you think I kidnapped you and Mo Shanwei to ask for money? Ha... haha, haha! You are so funny. I am much richer than your son."

Mo's mother was confused: "Then... what do you want?"

Li Tianling: "I want your life."

Mother Mo's face turned pale: "This, this, this...there is no grievance, you, you, you..."

"No injustice?" Li Tianling crushed the burning cigarette with his fingers. The burning pain made him even more angry. "Your son killed my father, and I will kill his mother. Is it fair? I think it is very fair." "Auntie, what do you think?"

Mother Mo's eyes widened. She had to work hard to accept these few simple words with decades of mentality, but she still couldn't accept them and was completely confused.

Son... killed someone?

how could it be possible!

Li Tianling stopped talking and the vehicle quickly drove out of the city.

Suicheng City Bureau.

Li Tianling's driver has been brought back. After a short interview, Chen Yi determined that it was impossible to get any useful clues from the other party for the time being. This guy was very tight-lipped.

After following Li Tianling for eight years, Chen Yi didn't believe that he didn't know anything.

At this time, the phone rang, and Chen Yi answered it casually. The sudden news made his pupils shrink.

Li Tianling disappeared.

During off-duty time, the other person did not leave the company normally as he had done the previous few days. The person responsible for surveillance noticed something was wrong and went into the company to look for him, but he was gone.

"Locate Li Tianling's mobile phone immediately and learn Mo Shanwei's location in real time." Chen Yi gave the order.

He realized that Li Tianling had moved. Since he had moved, he must be targeting Mo Shanwei.

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