Chen Yi and Jin Shizhen chatted for more than an hour. Ge Quanshan waited in the yard for more than an hour. By the end, he had started chatting awkwardly with Xia Lan to kill time.

"You were admitted to the Provincial Office? Not bad, not bad."

"The provincial department allows you to join the research team, indicating that you should be reused. What? Are you a civilian? There is no separation between civil and military affairs."

"Are you married? Oh, not yet."

"Do you have a boyfriend? Oh, not yet."

Xia Lan couldn't lose her composure in front of the deputy director of the municipal bureau. Although she felt helpless inside, she didn't show it and answered all questions.

"Very good, very good." Ge Quanshan stood in front of the rockery and admired the flying butterflies, his voice kept saying, "Captain Chen has a bright future. This is his first research in the provincial department. If you can join the research team, you must be someone outstanding." "...Do you have any relatives in the provincial office?"


Xia Lan had a strange look on her face. She was still praising herself in the first half, but in the end she suddenly suspected that she had someone in the provincial office, which was really unexpected.

This is a human being, you can see through it in just a few words.

"No, no." She denied with a smile.

This was the truth. She did not have any relatives in the provincial government, but Wei Jianfeng had a good relationship with her father, so of course she would not tell her about it.

Ge Quanshan turned his head and looked at Xia Lan, then hummed without asking any further questions.

Either they have the ability or the background, how can ordinary employees have the opportunity to go out with Chen Yi for research, unless the ancestral grave is buried.

Merits, resume, experience, connections... with so many benefits, it can be said that the future promotion path is completely open. Such a precious spot is not available to ordinary people.

this is the truth.

The girl in front of me must have gotten in through some connections and followed Chen Yi to get the gold.


"There seems to be no one named Xia in the provincial department."

Ge Quanshan didn't want to get the answer, he was just bored. He was just idle. Chen Yi and Jin Shizhen did chat for a long time.

Another twenty minutes passed, and Chen Yi and Jin Shizhen walked out of the main hall side by side, with smiles on their faces, as if they were old friends they hadn't seen for many years.

"Captain Chen, you really don't want to have lunch together? I have already arranged it. They are all Jiangcheng's local specialties. It would be a pity not to try them." Jin Shizhen warmly invited again.

Chen Yi declined: "If there is a chance, forget it today. I will stay in Jiangcheng for about two weeks. We can contact you at any time."

Jin Shizhen smiled and said: "That's great. I'm looking forward to receiving an invitation call from Captain Chen. Is this bracelet?"

She turned back and pointed to the jade bracelet on the table, which was placed in a delicate box.

Not to Chen Yi, but to Chen Yi's fiancée.

The two chatted a lot. Jin Shizhen already knew that Chen Yi was engaged and would get married next year. The bracelet was a blessing gift.

Chen Yi didn't want it.

Given Jin Shizhen's status, the things she took out were definitely not cheap. After all, she was a police officer, so she should avoid taking things she shouldn't take.

"Sister Jin is serious about it. I really can't take it. If a report letter reaches the provincial department, it will be very troublesome, right?"

Chen Yi half-jokingly changed the name of Jin Shizhen from "Ms. Jin" to "Sister Jin".

Jin Shizhen was dumbfounded: "Captain Chen's net worth is more than hundreds of millions, not that much."

Chen Yi: "People's words are terrible. Thank you very much. Then we will leave first."

Jin Shizhen: "I'll send Captain Chen off."

Several people left the courtyard. Jin Shizhen watched Chen Yi get into the car and waved goodbye until the car turned and disappeared, then he looked back and turned to leave.

In the car, Chen Yi took out his mobile phone and searched for the quality of jade. Generally speaking, there are bean, waxy, ice, and glass types. The more transparent the better.

Recalling the bracelet Jin Shizhen had just taken out, Chen Yi took a seat and listed it as a glass type.

Glass jade bracelets are worth millions. The better the color, the more expensive they are. That bracelet with floating purple flowers is estimated to cost two to three million.

Chen Yi put away his cell phone.

Glass is more transparent, but worthless, while jade grown in glass is extremely expensive. This is the value brought by rarity.

That's stone. Natural transparent stone and industrial product glass are certainly not on the same level.

This antiques boss is really generous, giving away millions at random.

"Captain Chen, how's the conversation going?" Ge Quanshan asked.

Chen Yi came back to his senses and said: "It's very good. I am willing to help with all my strength, but I still need to be gentler in the way. Let's understand each other. Ge Jue, I have something to discuss with you."

Ge Quanshan: "Captain Chen, please speak."

Chen Yi: "Organize a special operation to crack down on fraud crimes, including but not limited to antique fraud and online fraud. What does Ge Bureau mean?"

Ge Quanshan didn't hesitate: "Everything depends on Captain Chen."

The task of the provincial research team this time includes [problem solving], and the power is not small. The Jiangcheng City Bureau must cooperate unconditionally, and bargaining is useless.

Besides, crackdowns are the norm, and the crime rate in Jiangcheng will drop significantly in the future, which is also a good thing.

In previous years, carrying out severe crackdowns required coordination among various units and departments. Now that a research team is taking the lead on this matter, why not do it.

Chen Yi: "Then let me inform you that there will be a meeting the day after tomorrow. The captains of each branch will be present, and the police sergeants of important jurisdictions will also be called."

"Oh, and also, if the Economic Investigation Detachment is free, please come as well."

Whether fraud falls under criminal investigation or economic investigation depends on the specific circumstances of the case, and cooperation may be required to crack down this time.

The responsibilities of police station sergeants are to educate, manage and direct security patrols. During the crackdown, they are the main force and need to attend meetings to receive tasks in person.

Ge Quanshan: "Okay."



Chen Yi contacted the provincial department to report the investigation in Jiangcheng and the crackdown. The investigation team could not make the decision on their own. At least they had to inform the provincial department in advance. He acted first and then reported.

Wei Jianfeng, who received Chen Yi's call, reported to the deputy department in charge. The document was quickly issued to carry out the anti-fraud crackdown in the whole Jiangcheng area, and the investigation team was asked to provide guidance and coordination.

Zhao Qiming, who learned the news, immediately held a meeting within the criminal investigation detachment, distributed the current cases to be handled centrally, and the rest of the people went all out to complete the next crackdown task.

The investigation team was also meeting to discuss and formulate specific procedures.

This crackdown is different from other crackdowns. It is necessary to grasp a degree. It cannot be like the anti-pornography crackdown, which is thunderous and leaves no grass. It is best if it does not affect the antique markets and antique streets. This is also the result of his discussion with Jin Shizhen.

A day and a half passed quickly.


Outside the Jiangcheng City Police Station, there were many police cars parked. The captains of each branch and the police chiefs of key areas entered the city bureau in groups of two or three. Those who were familiar with each other chatted about the past, and those who were not familiar with each other took this opportunity to exchange feelings.

The Jiangcheng police had not had a joint action mission for a long time. They were not surprised to launch a crackdown on fraud this time. Since the research team came, they would not leave without any achievements. They must see results.

The frequent occurrence of fraud cases in the city is naturally the focus of the crackdown.

"Old Li, what have you been doing for three months?"

"Don't mention it! A thief who stole things and intentionally injured people has gone to another place. I have been trying to catch this guy in the past three months. He has been to six cities and two provinces. He is really good at hiding!"

"Where did you catch him?"

"Under the bridge, he is very timid. He cried directly when he saw the police. He also complained why we didn't catch him earlier. It was too hard to be hungry."

The captain of the branch was happy: "If you feel miserable, just turn yourself in."

Old Li: "That's what I said. Guess what he said? He said he didn't want to be tried!"

Captain: "Hey, it's quite philosophical."

Old Li: "Who said it wasn't? There is something wrong with your brain... Captain Zhao!"

Zhao Qiming came towards them, and several people shut up immediately.

Zhao Qiming hummed and asked everyone to go to the meeting room. Chen Yi was on the way and arrived soon. The meeting started immediately after he arrived.


Half an hour later, the meeting room of the Municipal Bureau was full of people. There were not enough seats on site, so those with lower positions sat outside the meeting table, each holding a notebook to take notes.

The occasion was quite formal, and most of the people were wearing police uniforms.

Chen Yi sat in the front and looked through the minutes in his hand, saying, "Hello, colleagues. I don't need to introduce myself, right? Let's get started."

The meeting room became even quieter.

Sitting there was a third-level police inspector, the deputy chief of the provincial department's criminal investigation team, and most importantly, the leader of the research team. No one dared to make a fool of themselves at this time.

If the research report was included, it would not be a joke. It would not lead to suspension, but it would be basically impossible to get promoted in the future.

Chen Yi: "Today, on behalf of the provincial department, I convened this important meeting to crack down on fraud crimes. I feel a great sense of responsibility and am fully aware of the mission we shoulder."

"In recent years, fraud crimes in Jiangcheng have accounted for a high proportion overall. I know it is not the fault of everyone present here. It is a historical problem. It can be said that it is local customs or unspoken rules. In short, fraud crimes with constantly updated methods have posed a serious threat to the property safety of the people."

"As police officers, we must crack down on fraud crimes with firm determination."

"Let me first make a few requests."

"First of all, I will not talk about the importance of responsibility. After today's meeting, everyone must ensure the implementation of various tasks. If you find Yang Those who disobey the orders and deceive their superiors and subordinates will have to bear the consequences themselves. "

"Second, we must strike accurately this time, make full use of modern scientific and technological means to strengthen intelligence collection, actively carry out special investigations, and strive to make breakthroughs in a short period of time."

"Third, all units must fully cooperate. This crackdown is a joint effort to overcome difficulties. Don't hide anything and actively communicate."

"Finally, publicity and education are indispensable. Our ultimate goal is prevention, not crackdown. If the masses have a high awareness of prevention, we can also be much more relaxed."

"Well... let's add one more thing. Honesty and self-discipline are the bottom line. In this matter, as long as the research team hears a little wind, it will be thoroughly investigated."

Everyone looked serious and took notes in their notebooks.

Chen Yi turned his head: "Zhuge Cong, tell me about the specific work tasks."

Zhuge Cong: "Yes, Captain Chen."

The meeting was on track. Under the supervision of Chen Yi, the captains of each team also began to express their opinions, brainstorming to find out the shortcomings and make up for the gaps, and strive to perfectly implement the crackdown work without leaving any tails.

Specific to the police stations in each jurisdiction, increasing patrol posts is the top priority, especially the five major antique markets.

The meeting lasted for more than five hours and ended after 1 p.m. Everyone left the city bureau with hungry stomachs.

The crackdown began immediately.

On the other hand, Jin Shizhen had issued an internal warning two days ago, and the news spread to all antique streets and antique markets in Jiangcheng, strictly prohibiting routine fraud. If found, immediately send to the police station and blacklist in the industry.

Some people care about cursing secretly in their hearts, while others don't care about remaining silent. It wasn't until many conflicts occurred, until the number of people arrested increased sharply, until there were more and more police around, and until the news of severe crackdowns spread, that the industry understood the big names. He should have cooperated with the police.

Some veterans who relied on antiques to make a living collapsed.

What's the difference between this and Song Jiang agreeing to recruit people?

Of course, there are also many people who speak for the higher-ups: What is prohibited is only routine fraud, not routines. The foundation of the antiques industry has not been affected in any way. If you say that the thing in your hand is from the Tang Dynasty, then it is from the Tang Dynasty. If the buyer bought the wrong thing, then it is. If you have no ability, the seller is blind if he sells the wrong product, so don’t blame anyone.

This cooperation is strictly against fraud, which only targets bottomless fraud. Good job!

The industry bugs should be picked out one by one and crushed to death, so as not to destroy the entire industry over time.

There are various voices. As time goes by, the number of fraud cases accepted by each police station branch increases sharply, and a lot of them surrender themselves. It is like the illegal crimes and suspects that were originally hidden underground, in this crackdown operation All were dug out.

In addition to the antique business, electronic fraud and Internet fraud are also quite rewarding.

This isn't bad news.

This is a cure, it only hurts for a while.

A week later, Chen Yi was invited to have a meal with Jin Shizhen. In addition to Jin Shizhen, people from the five major antique markets, including Chang Rong, came to the scene. Everyone spoke very beautifully, and I don't know if they were scolding in their hearts.

The sudden increase in police presence in the antique market is certainly not a good thing for them.

Chen Yi didn't care. The duty of the police was to combat and prevent illegal crimes. If this caused some people's dissatisfaction, that would be normal.

It was almost time for the research team to leave. The crackdown was not over yet. Chen Yi once again called everyone for a meeting to summarize.

I originally planned to stay in Jiangcheng for half a month, but now it's almost a month.

At the meeting, the captains of each branch were present to report on the work results.

Chen Yi affirmed the achievements, pointed out the problems and shortcomings, and finally gave some encouragement, asking everyone present not to relax and to be more cautious towards the end.

"Everyone, there is no such thing as a feast that lasts forever. The research team will leave Jiangcheng in three days. On behalf of the provincial department, I would like to thank all my colleagues very much for..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Yi stopped speaking and looked at the man sitting in the third seat on the right.

He has become familiar with it these days.

Shang Chengxun, the captain of the criminal investigation team of a certain branch.

Everyone listened halfway and followed Chen Yi's gaze in surprise to Shang Chengxun.

"Captain Shang."

"Ah?" Shang Chengxun quickly put down his phone and sat up straight, "Team Chen."

When he was talking just now, Chen Yi noticed the other party's small movements and took out his mobile phone three times in a short period of time, but made no move to operate it.

I guess he refused to answer the phone.

"Captain Shang, if anything happens, you can answer it. It doesn't matter. Although we are in a meeting, we still have some free time." Chen Yi said, meetings should also be humane. What if there is an emergency?

Shang Chengxun was embarrassed: "Sorry, sorry, it's from the team."

"In the team?" Chen Yi thought it was at home, "Call me right away and ask what's going on."

He is also the captain. If the team calls three times in a row, there is a high probability that there will be a case that needs to be handled personally by the captain.

"Okay." Shang Chengxun complied, picked up his phone and dialed the number, "Hello? What?!"

Seeing the change in Shang Chengxun's face, Chen Yi frowned slightly and had a bad feeling.

It must not be a murder case.

"Okay, I understand." Shang Chengxun hung up the phone and turned around and said, "Team Chen, it's a rape case, but... the victim was seriously injured."

The other captains looked at each other. A serious case occurred during the investigation by the provincial department, which is not good news.

"You will return to the team immediately." Chen Yi asked the other party to leave directly.

Shang Chengxun stood up: "Yes!"

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