Detective Training Manual

Chapter 323: Will finally come...(2)

The two old men are a man and a woman.

The man among them should be known to everyone. It was the doorman who had spent half his life in Yucai Primary School. He lived honestly for decades. It was the first time he came to a place like the Police Headquarters and looked around cautiously. I felt a little dazed.

   As for the aunt, the expression in her eyes is extremely complicated and full of anxiety, but more of it is expectation.

   "Girl, it's been more than 20 years, can you really see the baby?"

   "I'm actually lonely, you young people, don't make me happy about this..."

   "Really not dead..."

   "Is he still alive...It's okay to be alive, I can see him again when I live..."

   "He has grown taller..."

   I don't know what's going on. The old lady is always muttering something quietly in her mouth, as if she was in doubt or talking to herself.

   At 12 noon, the door of Lu Zeng's room was pushed open...

lunch time.

   In the past few days of imprisonment, Lu Zeng’s three meals a day were very punctual, but all he ate was the work meal of the police station. For Lu Zeng, who is used to the delicacies of mountains and seas, these things are naturally difficult to swallow.

   But he doesn't seem to be that resistant either. He ate every meal carefully and never complained.

   "I heard that you are still satisfied with the food here?" After the delivery person entered the house, he put the lunch on the table and asked.

  Lu Zeng was lying on the sofa with his eyes closed and rested. He opened his eyes when he heard the sound.

   Then I discovered that the one who came to bring me food today was not the usual police officer, but the Qin police department.

   "Hehe, how can He De, let Ms. Qin bring me food in person?" Lu Zeng sat up and said gracefully.

   "If your female fans knew that I was giving you food, then I might still be jealous." Qin Hanwei said with a smile.

   "How can those women compare to Miss Qin? If you are willing to show your face, I am very much looking forward to having dinner with you."

   "It's a pity, I don't want to give you this face for the time being." Qin Hanwei smiled faintly and waved his hand.

   "Then you come to me at this time... just to bring me food?"

   "Of course not." Qin Hanwei said, and glanced at his watch: "We have caught Zhou Yan."

   "Oh?!" Lu Zeng was taken aback. During this period of time, he had been lying in this lounge, and he didn't know anything about the outside.

   "That's great, am I out of danger?" Lu Zeng continued.

   "Yes." Qin Hanwei looked at his watch again: "But there are still two hours before your safety protection."

   "What? Didn't the murderer have been caught, why do you want to protect me?" Lu Zeng asked with a slight frown.

   "Because..." Qin Hanwei looked at her watch and was talking. Finally, her cell phone rang. The Qin Police Department answered the phone, "Well, um, have you checked everything out? Okay."

   She said into the phone, then hung up, and then picked up the half sentence that was not finished just now:

   "Because, because Zhou Yan is not a murderer at all."

   "Huh?" Lu Zeng seemed surprised.

   "In just over an hour, we have already had sufficient evidence that Zhou Yan was not the murderer of your mother and sister."

"how can that be?"

   Yeah, how is this possible? !

   At this moment, the police in the 12 districts, who have been silent about the [gas pipeline explosion] a few days ago, finally issued the first and only statement to the people of the city in the name of the government.

   [Suspect: Zhou Yan, it has been confirmed that he is not the murderer in this case]

   is such an extremely simple title, which instantly caused an uproar in the entire city.

  Public opinion is like a spring. The harder you press, the higher the rebound.

   This statement, within a few minutes, has occupied the front page position of major reports.

   "A new detective was framed brutally"

   "Two deaths and one injustice, who is behind it"

   "Change a face, but can never correct the truth"

   Anyway, various tabloids are using the most eye-catching headlines to lure people in. These reports appeared less than 5 minutes after the announcement of the police statement.

If you read it, you will be very surprised to find that these reports are full of emotions, heartbroken, and cheering for Zhou Yan's frame-up, and at the same time expressing the strongest to the person who had plastic surgery to frame him. The condemnation, holding high the flag that the truth will never be buried, waved and shouted.

   It was as if they had known that there was a shady in this matter.

   What's even more ridiculous is that these reports, and the news they released a few days ago, are completely two extremes. At that time, they seemed to wish that Zhou Yan was smashed into pieces!

   Of course, this kind of polarization is not only reflected in the newspapers, but also in the messages in the media.

   [Look, I have long thought this thing is weird! 】

   [Yes, I found out a long time ago, this person's face doesn't look like Zhou Yan at all. 】

  【This man is really horrible. He used this method to frame a detective and deceived Mr. Lu. He should be sentenced to hang! 】

  【No matter what, Mr. Lu is a victim. He has lost his most cherished family. Mr. Lu must be strong. 】

All kinds of messages appeared in an instant like some kind of retaliatory behavior. On the subway, on the road, in the coffee shop, 80% of the people kept the same. Action, that is,'hold the phone and type. ’

   At the same time, Qin Hanwei in the General Police Department was still looking at Lu Zang.

   "You seem to be surprised..."

   Lu Zeng did have a surprised expression: "Yes, I really didn't expect that someone would deliberately make a facelift like a detective Zhou to deceive me. Then, the real murderer has been caught?"

  Qin Police Department nodded: "Of course, the suspect Wang Dabao has confessed to him an hour ago."

   "How is the penalty?"

"Of course it is the death penalty." Qin Police Department said: "But it is strange that he confessed too decisively and took everything to himself. He has the right to go to court to find a lawyer, but he has the right to go to court and find a lawyer. None of them are useful, as if... he wants to die quickly and then understand this matter."

"Maybe... he has already realized his mistake." After Lu Zeng heard this, he spread his hand: "Now what I want to know is that what you said seems to have nothing to do with me, so why did I do it? Can't leave?"

   "Because this commissioned detective wants to see you." Qin Hanwei said.

   "Detective? Didn't the police handle this incident? Are there any detectives?"

"Of course there are detectives. Our police only intervened halfway." Qin Hanwei said: "At the beginning of this case, it was just a child named Yuzi. He always saw a strange-looking person staring at her window outside the window. I just found a detective to investigate.

   The detective who accepted this case became the suspect the next day.

   A lot of things happened after that, but now, he finally got rid of the identity of the suspect.

   So... he came back as the detective of this case.

  The law stipulates that all citizens have the obligation to assist and cooperate with detective investigations.

   Zhou Yan...

   He is waiting for you in the interrogation room. "

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