Detective Training Manual

Chapter 403: The role of true and false Lu Renjia

If a magic wants to be perfect, it must deceive everyone.

But in fact, in most magic, the spectators selected to participate in the magic will find some magic tricks, especially large-scale magic.

Just like this [potion] magic.

Compared to the senses of the thousands of spectators, it really doesn't matter how Lu Renjia feels alone.

Even if you discover the mystery of magic, it is only discovered by you, and it doesn't matter if you are alone.

You...actually, you are just a ‘trust’ chosen by the magician to reassure thousands of others.

But if the magician is a perfectionist, it's a different matter.

And the magician of this magic is obviously a perfectionist with obsessive-compulsive disorder, because he not only wants to deceive the thousands of spectators, but even the only lucky person who was chosen to be on stage wants to deceive.

Moreover, in order for Lu Renjia to experience exactly the same scene as on the stage, the magician really took a lot of trouble.

Do you still remember the method of [True and False Lu Renjia] from the beginning?

It is the operation of replacing the real Lu Renjia with a fake Lu Renjia, and then using two twins to take two Lu Renjia to two campfire stands in completely different positions.

I don't know if you have noticed that this operation has yet to show its effect.

Yes, if you just want Lu Renjia to fall into the box under the bonfire, then you don’t need two hosts at all, nor two bonfires, let alone the fake Lu Renjia to confuse the audience.

Isn't it all right? The effect is exactly the same.

However, if you use the real word, there will be a very embarrassing phenomenon.

That is, after Lu Renjia fell under the bonfire, there was no way to instantly move onto the stage.

Therefore, if you want Lu Renjia's sensory experience to be exactly the same as the scenes the audience sees, there is only one way.

It is to move the stage to the direction of Lu Renjia.

That's right... a fake stage!

A stage prepared for Lu Renjia alone!

At this moment, Zhou Yan and Lin Xi have already walked to the venue of the performance. They talked with Lu Renjia in the ambulance just now. It took Zhou Yan more than 20 minutes. During this time, the police officers of the Evidence Search Division have not finished Live in the hands.

Dozens of people are still busy on the stage, taking blood, using white powder to outline the blood on the stage, snapping photos.

As soon as you walk into the performance hall, you will be attracted by the stage lights, and you will involuntarily look in that direction.

However... Zhou Yan didn't even look at the stage. He closed his eyes and directly constructed the structure of the entire performance venue in his mind, and then his gaze flew into the air, looking down from top to bottom.... ..

On the stage at that time, the picture of the wooden door slowly opening appeared in his mind. The angle of light, the direction in which the wooden door opened, and the sight of the audience could easily be reproduced in the world of thinking.

After a minute, he opened his eyes.

Then I looked in a direction on the side of the stage...

There, it was pitch black.

At this time, Zhou Yan was not surprised to see that Lin Xi was also looking in that direction.

Obviously, Lin Xi and herself are thinking about the same problem.

And she and herself got the same answer.

"Is it there?" Zhou Yan asked.

Lin Xi nodded: "It should be there. Only in that direction can Mr. Lu Renjia feel the scene of the stage while preventing the audience from seeing the fake campfire, because the angle of light can only shoot there."

Well, if there is a third person present, I probably don't understand what these two people are talking about.

This is just like the answer to the exam. The two schoolmasters are discussing the last big question, and the student scum on the side can't even intervene. After all, they don't understand it at all.

But if the two schoolmasters both come to the same answer, then it is basically certain that the answer is correct.

So the two of them met once and didn't hesitate anymore, and quickly ran in that direction.

That position happened to be a corner of the auditorium, opposite to the direction of the bonfire that was burning at the time. If the audience looked towards the bonfire, then this direction would be a blind spot of vision.

Zhou Yan came to the end of that direction...Here, there was also a curtain, but it was much smaller than the curtain on the front stage.

Lin Xi was faster than Zhou Yan. She came to the front of the curtain first. Without even thinking about it, she pulled on the opening cloth...

Behind that... is a screen mirror!

Some people may not know what a screen mirror is, but to put it plainly, it is a mirror.

In a stage play, there are many situations where the light needs to be concentrated to a certain point, but if there are too many lighting equipment on the stage, it will cause the obstructions to be crowded and affect the viewing effect.

At this time, a screen mirror is needed.

These mirrors are generally large, with wheels under them, which can easily reflect the light source, and different screen mirrors can also make the light source show different senses through the structure and angle.

There is no need to elaborate here, anyway, in front of Zhou Yan and Lin Xi is a huge screen mirror that is five meters long and three or four meters high!

This! It's what Lu Renjia saw!

That's right, it's just a mirror.

So in this way, I explained half of the question [why Lu Renjia experienced the same scene as on the stage].

Why is it half...

Because this mirror can only explain the scene outside the box.

Recall that at that time, Lu Renjia saw the slowly opening door of the box, the light coming in, and a neck.

In this process This neck cut is undoubtedly the thing that attracts Lu Renjia's most attention, but no one can guarantee that Lu Renjia will subconsciously look out of the wooden door when the wooden door is slowly opened. go with.

Therefore, outside the wooden door, the magician must prepare a view similar to that of when he stands on the stage and looks down.

Then this huge mirror can completely solve this problem.

After all, there was no light in the auditorium at the bottom of the stage, but when standing on the stage, the light was sufficient. When Zhou Yan was called on stage at that time, he could barely see the people in the first few rows.

But Lu Renjia was staying in a dark box at that time, and suddenly light came in. Even if he looked out, his sight would be blocked by the light, and the door of the box was that big, which ensured that Lu Renjia's sight was only narrow. With a wide angle, he couldn't see anything except the mirror in front of him.

But... there is a detail here.

That is, if Lu Renjia walked out of the box at that time, he could easily find that he was not on the stage at all!

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