Detective Training Manual

Chapter 538: Perfect homicide

"That was about a year ago. At that time, I was still bored in prison, wondering if I should escape. But after thinking about escaping, it seems that the outside world is meaningless, and it’s the same no matter where I go. Yes, even if I want to make some noise and add trouble to the federal government, it is just a pastime.

But no matter how fun the pastime is, there will eventually be a boring day, so I decided to stay quietly and stay in jail.

Until I saw a news interview... A new-generation writer named Li Huan wrote a book. The family is trapped on an isolated island. Everyday people die, and a gloomy atmosphere surrounds everyone. .

At that time I found out...where I seem to have seen this book.

That's right, this is "No Survival".

Although the version of Little Sister Li Huan added a lot of family affection and friendship to the story, after all, I still saw the shadow of "No Life".

And the author of this book, Agatha Christie, didn't even leave a trace in this world.

This is strange, isn't it?

Also, in his works, I saw a lot of strange terms, similar to the division between countries, the collision of different cultures, the world is not unified, and even the languages ​​are diverse. Far and lonely, their people couldn't understand what the other party was saying.

Haha...what an interesting world.

Originally, I thought the world was nothing more than a certain piece of history that the authors of these books put forward, but my brain told me...maybe those are true, and the world that I know is false. of.

Of course, I cannot tell who is true and who is false, just as I cannot tell whether I am reading or the person in the book is looking at me.

That period was the most interesting period of my life, because I had a lot of questions that I could think about, but I could never get an answer. In the end, I chose to believe the words of my eldest sister. "

Wu Xin quickly finished this remark that resembled a memory, and Zhou Yan was frightened while listening, but the doubts in her heart also burst out one after another. There were so many questions that he didn't know that he should ask first. what.

In the end, he could only pick one of the most recent issues.

"Eldest sister? Who is the older sister you always mentioned?!"

"Oh? Don't you know? I thought you already knew it when it came to this. After all, you should have known each other for a long time."

"I've never known any eldest sister or second sister, come on! Who is she?!" Zhou Yan's tone became harsher.

Some voices came from the earphones because of his roar, but Zhou Yan didn't hear a word.

At this moment, his mind is full of an incredible name.

"It's Tingting." Wu Xin said: "It's the woman who doesn't have a surname and doesn't know her age. Even I can't find any information about her. She is like a person falling from the sky. Even the name'Tingting' is just a code name, a symbol."

Zhou Yan was completely stunned. In fact, at this time, if Wu Xin wanted to rush over and forcibly seize his pistol, there might be a chance, but she was obviously not prepared to do so.

She just looked at Zhou Yan's stunned expression and continued.

"In fact, I knew Tingting seven years ago. At that time, she suddenly approached me and said that she wanted to take me to meet some people.

At that time I was a psychiatrist, you know, if you can always see through people's thoughts, then you have nothing to expect from this world.

So I decided to go with this woman named Tingting, maybe I can meet some interesting people.

So...I met Zhang San, Li Si, Wang Wu, a few of them.

After we met, we felt that we were close to each other, so we moved out a name from a story that scared children that hadn't been used for a long time.

Criminal Club.

Haha, thinking about it now, it's kind of silly.

But after we probably showed our respective areas of expertise, we all thought each other was quite interesting. Compared with other stupid people in this world, we felt that we were worthy of this name.

What's more interesting is that Tingting called us together, not to destroy a certain city, or to overthrow the entire Federation, these things.

On the contrary, it is a very trivial little thing.

She wants us to kill...just one person, someone who can't get through.

I still vaguely remember that the first person we killed was a chubby doctor. He was in a very remote town in the Ninth City. The town had four streets across and nine streets in all directions. Yes, it's very regular, and people are easy to find.

We easily let this little fat man disappear in this world.

But the next year... Tingting came to us again and told us that that person was back again.

At that time, we all thought it was incredible, what do we mean by "back again"? That person was dead long ago. Is it possible that people can come back from the dead?

The eldest sister said that of course people cannot resurrect, but some obsessions are not so easy to kill.

At that time, we didn't understand, thinking about it, anyway, is it just to kill another person, then kill.

So... we killed the second man. This man was a 27-year-old young man on the outskirts of the Tenth City. He had eyes and was a writer by profession.

As someone who lives at home all day, we can kill him without much effort.

However... soon, we received a third, fourth, and fifth...

Every time Tingting passed, she would find the so-called target and let us kill it, but not long after killing it, the target seemed to appear in another identity.

Just like those silly boys who shouted for immortality of youth and immortal dreams.

A year ago Zhang San drove the truck and crushed the man's head into a paste.

After that time, we had doubts about what the eldest sister said.

We are thinking, are these people really the same person? Can someone really be born again and again?

Even if this is the case, then it seems to be useless if we kill him, anyway, he will reappear soon, just a different identity.

That time, the eldest sister was silent, and she seemed to realize that it was no way to kill it like this.

It just so happened that a few of us got together at that time and were discussing the idea of ​​‘perfect killing’. But in the end, we did not discuss why.

When the eldest sister came back, we were very interested and asked her, ‘what do you think a perfect murder is like. ’

The eldest sister shook her head and said that there is no perfect killing, because if you kill, you can't be perfect.


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