Detective Training Manual

Chapter 545: ......(3)

Tingting...That's my wife.

It’s strange that I always bring a female character in all the novels I write. This character is always indifferent, with a dark belly or a bit of psychopathy. Most of their images are short hair, small faces, and very thin. The person design wanders in the cracks that make people hate and like as much as possible.

Well, this is my little evil taste, because all these female characters are a microcosm of Tingting in the book.

And in this detective's notebook, I don't even bother to name it. The epitome is called Tingting.

She in the book is the same as her in reality, with a look much younger than her real age. Because her face is rounder, but her eyes are sharp, so if she can make her eyes look softer, she might look like a Woman in her early 20s.

Hmm... Then she is such an image, anyway, it is my book, I can write whatever I like.

So...that Tingting walked into the bar like this. Since she in the book is not much different from her in reality, at this moment, I can't even tell whether she is true or not.

"How did you come?"

Tingting walked to the bar and said with a smile: "This way of greeting is not like what a detective would say when meeting a criminal."

"???" I was taken aback.

"Oh, the reality is the same as the me in the book, and the name is the same. It is indeed possible that people can't distinguish between the real and the fake." Tingting took the wine glass in front of me and took a light sip.

real? Still fake?

At this time, Zhou Yan discovered that he had just entered a certain psychedelic state.

In that state, I was a doctor. I just got off work and met a bar on the street. Then I walked in and drank a few drinks.

But at this moment, after slowing down, Zhou Yan realized how incredible all this is.

It's not that the mystery just now is incredible, but...I actually walked into a bar.

Now that the power is off outside, people all over the world have lost their memories.

So why is this bar still open? Why is there still electricity here?

And this wine... In such apocalyptic times, this bar can still sell wine as usual?

Zhou Yan shook his head, is this wine so powerful? Why am I a little drunk just after a drink, where am I? Is it in the book or reality, am I Zhou Yan, or the little doctor?

The drunk world kneads the real and the illusion together, and everything seems to start to be indifferent to each other.

While he was staggering, Zhou Yan turned his head and found that he didn't know when, a lot of guests had already arrived in the bar.

A hunched-backed man with a scar on his mouth is sitting on a table near the aisle with Erlang's legs folded. What he is holding in his hand does not seem to be wine, but some kind of dessert drink.

What's the matter with this person's mouth? Have you ever undergone mandibular surgery? But nowadays, there is no mandibular surgery that cuts through the mouth, isn't it all from the cheeks?

Well, no matter what, the image of this person is a bit like a character in DC comics. I remember a few years ago, I finished a game called "Batman: Arkham City" and there was a clown in it. I was attracted by the role of Nolan. A few years ago, there was another Nolan movie. The clown in it was also fascinating. At that time, I even tried to write a role related to the clown.

Haha...If this character is standing in front of me, it should be what this guy looks like.

The weird man looked at me, raised his glass, and respected it.

This is a way for strangers in the bar to be friendly, and I am naturally very happy: "Brother, have another drink."

The bartender pushed me another glass of beer, and I noticed that the bartender's eyes opened a gap at a certain moment, and there seemed to be fire inside.

Haha, I must have read it wrong, the drunk world is really colorful.

"Didn't you not like to drink before?" Tingting spoke next to her.

I smiled and said, "Yes, but I love to drink it now. After being drunk, I feel so relaxed. It's as if everything in my mind can come out. I know I'm thinking about it, but I don't feel embarrassed anymore."

"Really? Congratulations. I found a way to relax myself." Suddenly, a person also sat at the table. This person was wearing a white coat and looked like a doctor.

It seems to be a colleague, but when you come to the bar in a white coat, are you really afraid of being noticed?

Obviously, this person is not afraid. He knocked on the table, and the bartender looked around, as if he was wary of someone. After finding it safe, he secretly took out a cigarette and handed it to the doctor.

"Haha, I'm sorry, my wife is strict in control, smoking should be avoided." After speaking, the doctor hurriedly stepped away and walked to the back of the bar. He should have gone to a certain corner to smoke secretly.

Looking at him, I seem to remember that in a book that I wrote a few years ago, there is also a character there, who is a strict wife...Haha, but this person is just for me to tease Tingting , In reality, I am not a strict wife, yes, definitely not, absolutely not...I am the head of the family, standing upright, and saying one thing at home!

As for the setting of smoking, I actually wanted to smoke at that time because I heard that people are very relaxed when smoking, but after trying it a few times, I still can't accept the acridity of the smoke entering the trachea.

In the end, at the end of that book, I didn't learn to smoke either.

Turning my head, I saw a somewhat unusual scene in this corner.

A patient... To be more precise, it should be a patient with lower limbs paralyzed, or a girl, young, or even a minor, sitting in a wheelchair, behind her is a man in his early 20s , Was leaning on the table and said this to a man in a military coat.

Can minors really enter the bar?

I don't know, but seeing that girl is just sitting in a wheelchair, not drinking, and there is no noisy music in this bar, so it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

Seeing this girl and the man behind him, hehe...It's a coincidence. Not long ago, I seemed to have conceived such a pair of sibling roles.

But unfortunately, I was too busy during that time. A pandemic squeezed my time to the extreme. During that time, I was updating almost every day, so the siblings didn’t get anything good in the book. Performance.

Oh, yes, speaking of the performance in the book, I think of a person... this person is a character whose mental age is far beyond the actual age, staid, stubborn, and unflattering.

When he was created, it was the period when my family and I were fighting the most intensely on the matter of'writing novels', so in my bones, I hope that I am a person who can not easily be changed and can stick to my own ideas.

It's a pity that I compromised in the end, and the unpleasant stubborn boy died soon.

Xu Baiyan...The name of the protagonist in that book is called this, and I copied it from Zhihu.

The man with a short head standing by the window now seems to be what Xu Baiyan should be in my heart.

"Haha—" I couldn't help but smile while drinking.

"What are you laughing at?" Tingting asked me.

"Um..." I organized the language: "I feel very relaxed, very happy, and even feel like I am surrounded..."

"Surrounded? By whom?"

"The character in my book."

"Haha." Tingting also smiled: "Surrounding is not a good vocabulary. Didn't you say before that you want to write a novel where the characters in the book kill the author? If you are really surrounded by the characters you created , Then in the next second, you may be dead."

I drank the wine and shook my head relaxedly: "That's an idea, how can the people in the book reach the author."

"'s really impossible." Tingting smiled. Under the dim light of the bar, her smile was exceptionally beautiful. Over the years, I rarely remember the first time I saw her. It's amazing, unlike any well-dressed girl, just so clear and cold, without makeup on her face, standing in front of me confidently.

"Forget about it, you are pretty," I said.

"I know, but from your mouth, it means you owe you a beating." Tingting said, because she had drunk a little bit of wine, a trace of ruddy appeared on her face.

"Oh, yes...this is what you dropped."

"I dropped it?"

"Yeah." Tingting said as she handed me a book.

I will take the book..."The Detective Practice Manual".

A moment of trance.

I suddenly realized that this is the name of my new book, and coincidentally, the character in my book also owns a book, which has the same name as the book I am holding now.

I looked at the girl in front of me. For a moment, I couldn’t tell whether she was in reality or in the book. At this moment, when I was holding this book, I seemed to overlap with the Zhou Yan in the book. .

Where am I...?

I looked at the book blankly and opened it tremblingly. The wine was bigger than I thought. I saw countless chapter names in that book, and they flashed past my eyes quickly. The comments of Chinese readers are also flying in the line of sight.

I was a little dizzy, and the world was spinning.

"What's wrong with you?" Tingting asked.

"Somewhat dizzy."

"Drank too much?"


"Remember where you are?"

"I..." Zhou Yan hesitated for a while: "I don't know."

Tingting smiled: "If you don't know, you don't know, it's not important." She said, and took Zhou Yan's hand.

"Come with me."

"Where to go?"

"Go and solve the puzzle you most want to solve."

"The puzzle I want to solve the most?"

"Yeah...Didn't you always want to know, who is Fatmelon? Haven't you always wanted to unravel the truth about the disappearance of the detective 7 years ago?"

I suddenly got over it, yes, I haven't solved these puzzles.

So, I walked towards the bar with Tingting in a daze.

We walked around a corridor, and then came to a door.

This door is very ordinary, but the person standing in front of the door is not ordinary. His figure is not like a normal person can have. It is too tall and too big, and his body almost blocks the entire door, so he is quiet. Standing quietly in front of the door.

"Xiao...Xiaobai?" I subconsciously remembered this person's name.

I remember a year ago, I went to a place called Sunday Bar in the 9th city, where I met this person.

He is also like now, standing in front of the door, like a statue that will never move.

And I still remember that behind this door is the VIP room.

"I don't seem to be able to get in."

"Why?" Tingting said.

"Because I don't have a membership, the membership of this bar can only be handled by Sherlock-level detectives."

"Haha...You are now the only detective in the world who still retains memory. According to the rankings, you are the number one detective."

"Do you still take such a calculation?" I wondered.

"Well, according to normal calculations, when you lifted the global hypnosis, you were already promoted to the level of [Merci], and then successively captured many members of the Criminal Club, including Zhang San and Li. Fourth, Wang Wu, so I have enough qualifications to enter [Poirot]. The two promotions are only less than a month apart. You have been the fastest-promoted detective in centuries."

"But I'm not [Sherlock] yet."

"Don't forget... you also caught Wu Xin."

"Wu Xin?" I nodded. Indeed, I caught Wu Xin, the woman who made the world fall into chaos, but it was because of me that made the world fall into even more terrifying chaos.

So am I really eligible to be promoted to Sherlock?

"Don't think too much, you caught her, and she made the world into what it is now, there is no inevitable connection, and even if you didn't catch her in time, the world might be worse... .. You alone, caught all the members of the Criminal Club. Isn’t that enough for you to become a Sherlock?"

"No." I shook my head: "I didn't catch everyone, they still have a boss, that boss is called..."

Speaking of this, my eyes suddenly rounded. This shock almost made me sober from the dizziness after drinking: "Their boss is called... Tingting..." Murmured.

The girl in front of me smiled, UU reading www. she raised her hand slightly, and because she was holding me, my hand was also raised.

" have caught me." Her smile made my heart beat more violently.

And the giant-like person in front of me looked at the hands tightly held by Tingting and I and nodded: "Well, you are qualified to go in."

With that said, he finally moved away.

The door finally appeared in front of me.

Seeing that I was at a loss, Tingting gave me a light push.

"Go, you are qualified to go in..."

I staggered and walked forward, one step, two steps, and I got closer and closer to the door.

Finally, I reached out and touched the door with a light push.

The door...opened...

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