Detectives of Detective World

Happy New Year to everyone~

It’s New Year’s Eve today, and I finally have a holiday. I’ll take a day off today, which can be regarded as a real rest. I also want to comment and summarize my 2021.

This year, I went through epidemic prevention, went to the suspected case community and cooperated with doctors to conduct on-site nucleic acid testing (it was later confirmed that the person had ordinary pneumonia), prepared nucleic acid logistics work, and was on duty to prepare for floods, and then worked together to prevent the epidemic. By the end of the year, the epidemic rebounded to calm…

To be honest, I feel that I will see it in the news this year, and I have participated in it. In addition, two female colleagues have given birth to children in my daily work... I feel numb, just taking stock is overwhelming, but life is still the same. To continue.

In particular, my father's illness prevents me from making up my mind to work full-time. I take a lot of leave and it's mostly too much to take care of. I hope you understand, and I would like to thank my book friends who have always supported me. Thank you for accompanying me until now.

Finally, I hope everyone can make a lot of money easily and stay healthy in the new year~

Just one day off, I will update as usual~

"Detective in the Detective World" wishes everyone a Happy New Year~

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