Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 984: Start investigation

"No problem at all."

Looking at the flat map drawn by Karasawa, Akiko Sato clicked on the upper left corner of the map: "I remember...Mika-chan was near the gas oven at that time."

"This is the same as what we judged at the scene." Tang Ze nodded and asked, "Then where are you, teacher?"

"I was standing right in the doorway of the kitchen."

Akiko Sato clicked on the lower left corner of the map: "My cake was ready and I was about to go out and say hello to the guests."

"Is the cake ready?"

Karasawa was a little confused after hearing what Akiko Sato said: "Didn't the explosion happen while baking the cake?

But it can still be confirmed that the ignition point of the explosion was indeed the oven. "

"That seems to be true..." Akiko Sato said this and sighed: "It's because Mika-chan planned to use the oven to bake a cake at that time."

"I understand the situation. There are only so many things to ask." Karasawa stood up, looked at Akiko Sato and comforted him: "Please forgive me."

"what a shame..."

Akiko Sato couldn't help but shed tears when she said this: "That kid is better than me and has already won a world award... She is looking forward to receiving the award..."

"Speaking of which, Mr. Sato's award is also very impressive." Karasawa smiled and said, "I saw it at the banquet. It is the national "Grand Award"."

"Compared to that kid Mika-chan, my award is nothing at all."

Akiko Sato said: “But even so, it is very precious to me, so this year when Mika-chan won the award, I specially took it out of the kitchen to display it.

There are also guests who say that the apprentices I taught are “better than their masters”. "

"You are really a good and dedicated master." Tang Ze sighed in admiration, "Have a good rest, we will leave first."

After leaving the hospital, Karasawa took Takagi back to Kesouyan.

Although there have been human lives so far, because it cannot yet be confirmed whether it is a homicide case, the Metropolitan Police Department has not made any big move to set up a special investigation team.

He just asked Kesouyan to investigate the circumstances of the case and confirm whether it was a homicide or an accident before taking the next step.

And this is Tangze's job.

To be precise, it is the job of the "Kesouyan" he leads.

When the status of a case cannot be determined, scientific searches are conducted to provide criminals with more information to help them judge the circumstances of the case. This is the position of scientific search and research.

And this is also true. In cases where Tangze is not responsible, members of Kesouyan provide assistance in the case in this way.

As for Tangze, the criminals will become the tools of the investigation, not to mention the people in the scientific research department, who will work overtime to do whatever they want.

Arriving at the area where the forensic department was located, and learning from the staff on duty that Aso was leading someone to conduct an autopsy, Karasawa and Takagi waited patiently outside.

Although Aso Minori immediately started the autopsy after the body was brought in, but after all, the autopsy is a very physical and energy-consuming task, so Karasawa and the others still waited for nearly an hour before they came out.

"Thank you for your hard work. Let's sit over there and talk."

Seeing Aso Minori walking out with others, Karasawa gave everyone a bottle of coffee, and then motioned Aso Minori to the rest table placed nearby.

"How is the situation?" After sitting down, Karasawa waited until Aso had finished drinking his coffee before he asked.

"Let's talk about the final result first." Aso Minoru put down the coffee can and said, "No fatal injuries were found on the body."

"There are no fatal injuries?" Tang Ze was stunned when he heard this: "Are you sure?"

"Well, there are no bones or muscles." Aso nodded.

"Dr. Aso, what does this mean?" Takagi, who didn't know anything about anatomy, was at a loss when he heard the two talking like a riddle.

"To put it simply, did the explosion really happen only once?" Tang Ze couldn't help but frowned when he said this.

"Eh? This question..." Takagi was confused: "Aren't you at the scene of Tang Ze Criminal..."

"It was incredible because we only heard one explosion at the scene."

Tangze explained: "Generally speaking, if a person dies due to an explosion, then the victim should have severely injured parts of the body under the strong impact of the explosion, which is what we usually call fatal injuries. "

"Yes, the impact after the explosion will cause fatal injuries to a certain vital part, but even if fatal injuries occur, it does not mean that the impact force has completely disappeared.

The remaining impact force will be transmitted to various other parts of the body, but the deceased you sent did not have such obvious injuries. "

"Does that mean there were many explosions at that time?" Tang Ze pondered: "What was the situation after the autopsy?"

"Carbon monoxide hemoglobin was detected in the liver and heart of the deceased. It can be said to be a typical symptom that occurs after being burned."

Asano said: “In addition, the lungs were also damaged and the internal bleeding was serious.

It can basically be determined that the symptoms of pulmonary hemorrhage were caused by the impact force generated after the explosion.

In addition, all the internal organs in the messenger's body were damaged during his lifetime. "

"How is this going?"

After listening to Aso Minoru's words, Takagi had a look of confusion on his face: "Why does it feel completely different from the explosion death situation you mentioned before?

It's like that one is the "point" and this one has a more average feel? "

"You're right to describe it that way." Tangze nodded and said, "Because the damage caused by the dust explosion is the result."

"Indeed, when I was an intern, I had teachers help me dissect the victims of coal explosion accidents. Their performance was very similar to the identification results this time." Aso said.

"Dust explosion? What is that?" Takagi asked confused.

This is no wonder, after all, the Internet is not particularly developed in this era. Common sense knowledge that is useless in later generations is still considered partial professional knowledge.

As for why this knowledge point is so well-known in later generations, it is because many people who traveled back to ancient times used this to "pretend to be X" when they went back...

It's just like the time traveler memorizing the "black powder" formula, it's just not so common...

"Take the coal explosion accident as an example."

Karasawa said: “The working tunnel was filled with coal dust, which was ignited for some reason.

Coal, a substance that was originally a solid, suddenly turns into a gas due to combustion, and its volume expands a thousand times in an instant, and then explodes.

And if there is a large amount of coal dust surrounding the explosion site, it will be continuously ignited like firecrackers, resulting in a series of explosions. "

"It is precisely because of this that even if the explosion occurred instantly and only one explosion was heard, there were actually multiple explosions that were invisible to our naked eyes."

Aso Minoru nodded in agreement: "It is precisely because of this special explosion situation that the victim's body will be impacted in multiple places in an instant."

"Are you saying that there was a dust explosion in that kitchen?"

Takagi understood what the two meant, and said a little incredulously: "But, that's the kitchen, right? There can't be anything like pulverized coal, right?"

"No, things like pastries can actually explode."

Tang Ze shook his head and said: "That's why it's called a dust explosion instead of a pulverized coal explosion.

Because coal powder explosion is just one type of dust explosion. "

"Wow... I feel like I won't dare to look at dim sum again." Takagi shrank his neck when he heard this.

"Don't worry, those pastries you bought have no chance of exploding."

Aso explained with a smile: "What Karasawa is talking about is that in the process of making pastries, some powdery ingredients may explode if they are not handled properly."

"It feels even scarier to say it this way." Takagi said with shame, "I have flour stored at home..."

"Don't be afraid. Dust explosion requires a harsh environment. Many times, even if you do experiments deliberately, you won't be able to succeed."

Karasawa patted Takagi on the shoulder and comforted: "Normally, it is basically impossible to trigger it at home."

"Wait a minute, if that's the case, wouldn't it mean that this case..."

After hearing what Tang Ze said, Takagi reacted belatedly and said in a solemn tone: "It's not an accident, but a deliberate murder case?"

"Although it is not completely certain, at least in this case we cannot simply conclude it as an accident and hastily close the case."

Karasawa stood up and looked at Aso Minoru: "Thank you for your hard work. You should have a good rest. The rest is our work."

"Then what are we going to do now?" Takagi asked, "Are we going back to the crime scene to investigate again?"

"Let's go back today."

Tang Ze looked at Zuo Wan's watch: "It was already very late, and the crime scene was also full of traces of fire extinguishing, so many things could not be found.

I'll say hello to Hiroshi Saito later and ask him to send someone to go with us to the crime scene tomorrow to investigate further. "

"Okay, I understand." Takagi nodded and said, "Then we will meet directly at the crime scene tomorrow."


Karasawa nodded, immediately took out his cell phone and contacted Saito Hiroshi, while walking towards the underground parking lot.

After returning home, Ayako had already prepared dinner, and of course there was a burst of complaints.

But after all, it was the other party's concern, so Tang Ze could only let the other party teach him obediently.

But in the evening, Karasawa found a way to regain the situation, so that Ayako had no energy to preach to him anymore.

Early the next morning, Tang Ze woke up early.

After getting up and washing up without waking Ayako, Karasawa left a breakfast for Ayako and then drove towards the crime scene.

After arriving at the exploded kitchen, Karasawa discovered that in the empty room that had been evacuated by Kesouyan, Hiroshi Saito was busy with something on the ground.

"What are you collecting?" Karasawa looked at Saito Hiroshi and asked curiously, "Did you find anything?"

"Your judgment yesterday was correct."

Hiroshi Saito kept moving his hands and said: "When I came here today, I felt some grains when I stepped on it. Based on the environment, I initially judged that it might be sugar.

If it had been yesterday, the ground would have been wet because water was used to extinguish the fire, so even if we came, we probably wouldn't have been able to find it. "

"It is because of the possibility of putting out the fire that we put the investigation on today."

Tangze smiled and said: "After all, I was at the scene yesterday, and I know that the security personnel will use fire hoses to put out the fire."

"With a knowledgeable boss like you, I feel a lot more relaxed." Hiroshi Saito smiled and continued to collect the pieces of sugar that had solidified on the ground.

"Eh? Are you all here, Tang Ze Criminal?"

While the two were talking, Takagi also came over with a carrying bag. Seeing Saito Hiroshi's busy look, he couldn't help but curious: "What are you collecting?"

"It's sugar."

Tangze replied: "Because the fire melted yesterday and the fire was put out, we couldn't find it at all. I will collect it today."

"Eh? Is there anything worth paying attention to in collecting this?" Takagi asked curiously.

"Look at the ground and nearby walls. Are there any sticky bright marks?"

Saito Hiroshi pointed to the surrounding dark walls and said: "These are all traces of splatter after the sugar melted, but normally even if there is an explosion, the sugar cannot fly that far."

"I see." Takagi suddenly said: "So, are these important evidences that may contain clues?"

"Not just this, the entire kitchen items are important physical evidence."

Hiroshi Saito sighed: “What appraisers like us hate most are bombings, because the workload is really heavy.

Not only do we have to find the point of fire and the object that started the fire, but all the things that were blown up need to be inspected before we can feel at ease.

For example, the residue after burning documents must be restored bit by bit.

Although the workload is huge, the probability of obtaining useful information is indeed not even 50%.

No, thirty is considered a high level of incense. "

Hiroshi Saito sighed and said: "There are also things that are not on fire, such as the trays delivered this time. All those things must be checked just in case.

The few young men under my command are still young enough and have enough energy to endure, but even so they are still complaining.

But thanks to them, the evidence is almost complete. "

Saito Hiroshi looked at Karasawa and said, "They called this morning and said that a batch of evidence had been identified and they gave you time to go over and take a look."

"I feel so tired..."

Takagi smiled and seemed a little embarrassed that he was so relaxed now: "Tang Ze Criminal, do you have anything here for me to investigate?"

"Well... In this case, you and Sato Criminal go to visit the editor who had a small dispute with Saotome yesterday and ask about the situation."

Karasawa thought for a while and said: "Although I only heard a few words yesterday, it seems that Saotome had some interest connection with the deceased.

Feeling that you can dig up some useful information, the two of you will act according to circumstances in this contact. "

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