Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 988 Pig Intestine Bomb

Early the next morning, Karasawa and Ayako got up early and made breakfast.

Yesterday, the two of them just exercised appropriately and then went to bed early. Not only were they not tired today, but they felt refreshed.

After breakfast, Tangze came to Kesouyan with full energy and met several young researchers with completely opposite mental outlooks to his.

"Thank you for your hard work, everyone."

Tangze handed the breakfast he carried to several people: "This is the breakfast made by my girlfriend and I. You can go and rest after you finish."

"The test results are here." One of the short-haired young men put the report on the table and weakly received a breakfast.

I don’t know if it was due to an illusion, but after these single young people received the breakfast boxes, their spirits became even lower...

Researchers: I ate a mouthful of dog food before eating. Is it a critical hit?

"I heard that your girlfriend is a wealthy lady, but I didn't expect that she had such skills."

At this moment, Hiroshi Saito appeared out of nowhere and came to the side of the short-haired young researcher. He took the sliced ​​thick omelet and put it in his mouth. After tasting it, he praised it.

"Hey, you didn't stay up late yesterday, right?" Tang Ze rolled his eyes: "Don't compete with overtime workers for food."

"What's the matter? They probably don't have much appetite after staying up all night, so I won't be disappointed at all."

Hiroshi Saito said and went to another subordinate to eat a rice ball: "I didn't eat breakfast either."

Karasawa rolled his eyes helplessly at the food-grabbing behavior of Hiroshi Saito, a senior supervisor. As for the young researchers, they dared not speak out in anger when faced with their boss's food-grabbing behavior.

"The information is here."

Interrupting Hiroshi Saito's behavior of grabbing food, Karasawa asked several researchers to go and have a good meal nearby, and handed them the information on the table: "Just tell me and I will tell you the conclusion."

"Well... although the ingredients are very similar, it is not human skin."

Hiroshi Saito held the toothpick and stuffed the sausage into his mouth. While looking at the data, he analyzed: "Although the costs are indeed very similar, the bacteria Barrus were detected in the scraps collected."

"Is this the key to distinguishing whether it is human debris?" Although Tang Ze did not know this knowledge, he heard that the other party specifically mentioned this bacteria, so he naturally guessed that this was the reason why the other party came to this conclusion.

"Yes, this is a type of bacillus. It is most commonly used as an additive in feed."

Hiroshi Saito explained: “The most common thing is to mix it into the feed of livestock such as pigs and cows and use it as an additive.

This bacterium has the effect of regulating intestinal bacteria, so it is added to the feed. "

"In other words, is it most likely that these are pig intestine fragments?" Tang Ze raised his eyebrows.

"That's right, and it's the kind used to make sausages." Hiroshi Saito looked at the ingredient analysis table with a look of amusement on his face: "I wonder what you were thinking of?"

"As far as I know, there is no cake made using pig intestines."

Tang Ze touched his chin and said, "Then there is only one possibility that it will appear at the scene."

"By the way, the ingredients for the cake are also ready."

Saito Hiroshi showed interest after flipping through the information and seeing the subsequent analysis results: "It should be said that he is indeed a genius pastry chef. He can make such a delicious cake using this method."


Hearing this, Tang Ze showed a suspicious look on his face: "You couldn't have... eaten it secretly, could you?"

"Uh..." Hiroshi Saito was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and cold sweat flowed from his forehead unconsciously: "How, how could it be possible... That is evidence..."

"Then how do you know that cake is delicious?" Karasawa approached Hiroshi Saito and asked.

"Yes, it's the scent!" Hiroshi Saito hurriedly defended: "I smelled it during the test..."

"Then you ate it secretly, right?" Tang Ze sneered: "My nose is not a decoration. Don't let me go to the "crime scene" to look for evidence."

"Just a small piece." Hiroshi Saito gestured with his index finger and thumb: "As a scientific worker, sometimes you can obtain information more accurately by trying it yourself."

"You really spoke righteously about cheating." Karasawa laughed angrily when he heard Saito Hiroshi's words: "Then tell me, what's the gain?"


Hiroshi Saito chuckled and said: "Then the surface of the cake is actually softer than the inside."

"You still ate two pieces!?" Tang Ze frowned when he heard this: "It's a bit too much."

"This is really because of obtaining intelligence." Hiroshi Saito held up the information as a shield and said: "I found during the test that the inside of this cake has less moisture than the outside.

At first I thought the instrument was broken. After all, if you bake a cake from the oven, it should dry from the outside. "

"So you sacrificed your life to taste both the inner and outer parts of the cake in order to verify that the instrument was correct?"

Karasawa turned his eyes and looked at Saito Hiroshi: "I'll just assume that's what you did."

"Ahem, that was my original plan, okay?"

Saito Hiroshi nodded solemnly: "Then I will start to talk about my conclusion. Based on my personal experience and data support, this cake was baked in a microwave oven!!"

"Give me the information."

Karasawa took the information from Saito Hiroshi's hand and turned around to leave: "No exception."


Seeing that Karasawa did not pursue his behavior of eating evidence, Hiroshi Saito breathed a sigh of relief and returned to the office with a smile.

Karasawa just thought it was funny that Hiroshi Saito ate the cake secretly. The cake was not considered an exhibit and had little to do with the case.


The garden of morning light.

After listening to the maid's report, Sato Akiko's face instantly turned ugly.

"I understand, you go down first." Sato Akiko handed the messy cakes in front of her to the other party: "Take this with you too."

The maid took away the smashed cake, leaving Akiko Sato alone and slowly stood up and walked towards the courtyard.

All the way to the courtyard, she saw Tang Ze and a woman in a red suit sitting in the courtyard, sipping black tea. On the dining table in front of them, there was a Western food cover.

"Ah, what kind of wind is this?"

Looking at the Western food cover on the table, Akiko Sato looked curious: "What's the point of getting this?"

"Nothing, I just made a delicious cake, so I want to ask Mr. Sato to taste it." Karasawa raised the black tea and said with a smile.

"Oh, you did it? I thought it was this lady who did it." Sato Akiko looked at Karasawa and smiled.

"I have experience in cooking, but this is probably my first time making cakes."

Karasawa smiled and introduced by the way: "This is Sato Miwako. I have the same surname as you, teacher. It's kind of fate."

"That's a coincidence. Maybe they are all one family."

Sato Akiko nodded towards Miwako and immediately sat on the empty seat between the two.

Miwako Sato opened the lid of the Western food at the right time, revealing the small cake on the plate.

"Ah, this is such a simple cake." Akiko Sato said with a smile as she looked at the round cake in brown color on the tray.

Of course, this is a very polite description, after all, the cake in front of me is really rough.

It has an oval shape on the outside, with a rough brown appearance. Just by looking at it, you will think that this is a super simple cake made by the housewife.

"Speaking of which, Tangze Criminal, do you know the meaning of letting me try it?"

Akiko Sato looked at Karasawa and said with a playful tone: "You are letting a top pastry chef with all neon colors taste his debut."

"Of course, but I'm still confident that I can get a "delicious" comment from you." Karasawa smiled and took the knife from Miwako Sato's hand and cut the cake into three parts.

"You are so confident, you can even say arrogant."

Akiko Sato smiled and picked up the fork: "Then let me see if you are bluffing or if you really have the strength."

"Then let's get started." Karasawa didn't say much, picked up a fork, cut open the cake and put it in his mouth.

The first piece everyone cut was invariably the center of the triangular cake, which was also the tip of the triangle.


After entering the mouth, a faint chocolate aroma explodes in the mouth, and the seemingly rough appearance has a delicate taste that is completely different from the appearance.

But it doesn't have the sweet taste of sugar. Instead, it brings out the bitterness in the chocolate just right. The richness and mellowness occupy the taste buds and make people want to stop.

It can be seen that the structure of the cake on the inside is rougher than the outside. The irregular honeycomb shape makes people feel that it is not delicate enough just by looking at it.

However, after putting it in your mouth, the texture is unexpectedly delicate. This honeycomb structure makes the taste even more strange and unique. The soft texture is completely different from ordinary cakes.

After the first bite, Sato Akiko's expression changed. She picked up a fork, cut a piece from the outermost part of the cake and put it in her mouth.

The taste this time is different from before, it is simpler and more delicate, more like the taste of a delicate cake.

A seemingly simple and even crude cake, but it contains a lot of things inside. The center and the appearance have two completely different tastes.

I have to say that this cake was beyond Sato Akiko’s expectations.

"It was really baked in a microwave, right?" Putting down the fork, Sato Akiko looked at Karasawachi.

"Did you taste it?" Tang Ze smiled slightly: "It was made in a microwave oven."

"You can't hide this from a professional like me." Akiko Sato ordered the cake in front of her: "This cake is definitely made with a microwave."

"As expected of Mr. Sato." Karasawa praised, "Sure enough, he has rich experience."

"If you use a microwave, even a layman can make it." Akiko Sato looked at Karasawa and said, "But I have to say that the cake you made is very successful as a layman. How do you know how to make it?"

"The recipe for this cake was developed by Miss Mijia." Karasawa looked at Akiko Sato and told him the origin of this cake with a smile.

When she heard that this cake was developed by her apprentice, Sato Akiko's pupils trembled, and her mouth subconsciously opened to say something, but in the end it only turned into deep silence.

"According to Mr. Saotome, this cake was supposed to be made for the anniversary that day, and I recreated it after getting the recipe."

Karasawa looked at Sato Akiko and explained: "Actually, Ms. Mika made the same cake for Saotome before.

We conducted an identification on this cake and found that the cake was heated from the inside. "

Sato Miwako took out the identification result document from her bag at the right time and spread it out in front of Sato Akiko: "As you said, Sato-sensei, this cake was indeed baked in a microwave."

"In other words, the statement you made that day that Miss Meijia opened the oven to bake a cake is impossible!"

Karasawa looked at Akiko Sato carefully: "That day when you heard that Ms. Mika planned to bake a cake, you preconceptionally thought that she would use the oven, right?"

"In addition, we have also identified the ingredients of the cake." Sato Miwako placed a new document in front of Sato Akiko: "This is the ingredient list."

Looking at the ingredients listed in front of her, Sato Akiko closed her eyes in pain.

"It seems you have realized that. As you can see, this cake does not use a single bit of powdered sugar."

Karasawa put up a small piece of cake and placed it in front of the other party: "In other words, it is impossible for you to say that Miss Meijia prepared to use powdered sugar to make the cake at the banquet!

Because this cake is completely opposite to the cake you used to weave lies. "

"You prepared that powdered sugar, right?" Sato Miwako looked at the silent Sato Akiko and said, "We have already investigated all your methods."

"After experiments, we determined that if the powdered sugar is not put directly into the oven, it will not cause a dust explosion."

Karasawa said: "And we happened to extract the scraps of pig intestines from the oven tray and the tiles next to it.

So your approach is self-evident.

You are now filling the pig intestines with a large amount of powdered sugar and then stuffing them into the oven.

When Meijia started baking the cake, it would explode when the oven was opened, causing a dust explosion.

It's a pity that the trick you made in advance was a complete failure for Meijia. "

"I didn't expect...she would actually use a microwave oven to bake cakes..." Akiko Sato said in despair: "And she doesn't use sugar at all..."

"Because she's gone out of her way and started making cakes in a whole new way."

Tang Ze said calmly: "I'm afraid this is something you, who have been stagnant for a long time, can't imagine, right?"

"Yeah, that's right..."

Akiko Sato's pupils were not focused at all, but only in disbelief and despair: "It turns out that I have been pushed away so much without realizing it..."

"But the only question we haven't solved now is how on earth did you make Miss Meijia, who didn't need to use the oven, open the oven as planned?"

Miwako Sato looked at Akiko Sato and said, "Please explain in detail what happened at that time."

PS: Recently, I’ve been a bit obsessed with censorship, and I’m not satisfied with the lack of fandoms. I want to start writing by myself, but I feel like I can’t write much, and I don’t really want to start writing ヾ(. ̄□ ̄)ツ

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