Although this lie was of no quality at all and was full of loopholes, the fact that Yingyou came to the hospital with the photo proved that he already had an excuse to conceal his true purpose.

So under Conan's sharp question, Hondo Eyou explained in a matter-of-fact manner: "Actually, it's like this. My sister used to say that she wanted to be a nurse when she grew up.

In addition, the hospital is also the place where my sister has saved me many times, so I thought maybe I could find her here. "

‘Editor, just keep making it up. ’

Conan looked at the performance of Bentang Yingyou, calm on the outside and already starting to curse on the inside.

However, Conan knew that what the other party told was a lie, but he could only temporarily agree with the other party's excuse and not continue to dwell on it.

After all, on the surface, this reason makes sense. If Conan tries to expose him, he will expose himself.

"But what's the matter with saving you so many times?" Yuanzi on the side didn't have any doubts after hearing what Yingyou said. Instead, he asked curiously.

"Because not only was I very confused when I was a child, but I was also frail and sick. My sister usually sent me to the hospital."

When our brother Yingyou said this, he seemed to be nostalgic: "Once when I injured my foot and went to the hospital, my sister said to me, "It's rare that God gives you blood that you can share with everyone, so you must cherish it." "

However, in the end, it was my sister who gave me her blood.

Not long before my sister disappeared, I suffered a serious injury. At that time, my sister did not hesitate to transfuse a lot of blood into me.

My sister's blood is still flowing in my body now. Every time my heart beats, I can feel my sister's love for me.

But when I was discharged from the hospital, my sister suddenly disappeared. "

"Perhaps she was afraid that if she continued like this, all her blood would be lost to you, so she was so scared that she ran away?"

Sonoko, who was deeply impressed by Mouri Kogoro's true story, complained about his strength from the beginning, but the words were a bit hurtful, and he was immediately stopped by Xiaolan speechlessly.

"Although I don't know the reason why my sister ran away from home, I still want to find her."

Hondo Yingyu was not angry because of Sonoko's joke, but he was full of longing for his sister when he mentioned it: "I am able to live well now, thanks to my sister's protection.

So I want to say thank you properly to my sister. "

Although the other party lied about the excuse for coming to the hospital to look for his sister, after hearing what Eiyu Hondo said, Conan believed that the other party was sincere.

From his words, Conan also began to analyze and extract relevant information.

Judging from the current situation, Hondo Yingyu seems to be really looking for his sister, and from his own description, we can know that she should be able to donate blood and have the same blood type as ordinary people.

"But is it possible that the sister you are looking for and Mizuna Reina are the same person?" After listening to Eyou's words, Sonoko couldn't help but guess: "After all, they are so similar."

"It shouldn't be possible..." Bentang Yingyou shook his head and denied.

"Why?" Yuanzi said a little unconvinced: "If you are appearing on a TV station, you may need to hide your real name!"

"That's what I said...but..." Hondo Yingyou was full of hesitation, seeming to be trying his best to resist this fact.

"By the way, I have an idea!"

Xiaolan on the side suddenly remembered something at this moment, and said happily: "My father has a friend who is a super fan of Miss Rena Minami.

I heard that that person recorded the video tapes of many of Rena Minami's programs. How about we go pick up those tapes with him and see?

If you look carefully, you might be able to find some clues to determine whether she is your sister. "

"That makes sense." Yuanzi nodded in agreement with his arms folded.

"It doesn't matter to me..." I heard this and said, "But won't it be too troublesome?"

"It's okay. When the time comes, show him the photo. Maybe he will be more positive than you."

Xiaolan smiled and said: "And you can also ask him to help you identify whether your sister is Shui Wu Lina."

"Then let's go without further delay!" Our hall Yingyou said with an excited look.

"No!" Hearing this, Yuanzi sternly rejected Hondo Yingyu's proposal and walked out angrily: "Before that, I want to eat the burgers from that burger restaurant first!!"

"Okay, okay, no problem." After Xiaolan agreed with a smile, she looked at our hall Yingyou and said with a smile: "Please wait a moment, Yingyou-kun. I also happened to contact my father's friend in advance."

"Well, it just so happens that I haven't eaten either, so let's get ready together." Yingyou smiled, and the four of them walked towards the outside of the hospital.

In the golden arch, after the four people asked for the food they wanted to eat, Xiaolan began to contact her brother's friend.

However, after calling twice in a row, the person who answered was always a stranger, so Xiaolan had no choice but to call her father to inquire.

However, Mouri Kogoro said that he only contacted his friend Anno to play mahjong together last week, so it was unlikely that he would change his phone number.

But Xiaolan called before, and the other party did say something was wrong. Mouri Kogoro simply asked them to go to Anno's hometown to find him. It was near the hospital anyway, not too far away.

According to the address given by Mouri Kogoro, the four of them went to Anno's hometown to visit.

While he was on the road, Conan deliberately stayed a few steps behind everyone and sent a text message to Karasawa to inform them of their encounter with Eiyu.

A moment later, he received a message from Tang Ze.

[I know, continue to inquire about information, and contact me if I have any questions. 】

After deleting the text message, Conan put the phone away and continued on his way.

To him, this was an ordinary intelligence sharing, but he had no idea how big Tangze's reaction would be when he saw this text message.

As a Ke fan, Tangze could not forget the beginning of this big event.

As soon as he got Conan's text message, Karasawa knew that a new storm was coming.

After replying to Conan's text message, Karasawa dialed another person's number.

On Conan's side, he also arrived on foot at the hometown of Anno, a friend of Mouri Kogoro.

"What did you say? Did my son move!?"

After coming to the door to explain their intention and the situation, Anno's mother was unexpectedly more surprised than them: "Why didn't I know!?"

"But I called before, but the other party said I made a mistake." Xiaolan explained.

"That's weird. I just called him."

Anno's mother looked puzzled: "My son also said that he suddenly caught a cold yesterday, and I also thought his voice was weird.

Because of his illness, his trip this Thursday and Friday can only be cancelled. "

Speaking of this, Mrs. Anno seemed to remember something: "By the way, I remember he said yesterday that he changed his phone number to a new one because his phone was broken.

Is that why you didn't make the call? "

"It shouldn't be." Xiaolan said doubtfully, "I was calling Mr. Anno's home phone number..."

"You are Mr. Mori's daughter, right? Sorry, can we talk about this later."

Mrs. Anno smiled apologetically: "I have something urgent to do and have to go to the bank."

This sentence caught Conan's attention, and he quickly asked: "Auntie, I don't know if it's because your son got into some trouble and needs some money urgently."

"Eh? Well...yes..." Mrs. Anno was a little surprised when she heard Conan's words, but she still nodded.

"Then he also said, don't tell others about this matter, so don't discuss it with anyone?" Conan continued to ask with a serious face.

Mrs. Anno was a little hesitant when she heard this, but because Conan kept talking about her son's situation, she didn't hesitate for too long and told everyone everything: "To be honest with you, my son said that he was absconded with donations from his partners.

That was originally intended to be used to develop new businesses. If the debt was not remitted before today, the entire company would have collapsed.

I originally said that I would discuss it with the child's father to see if we could think of any solution, but my son said that it would be too late. "

"Then when he asked you to transfer money, did he tell the bank staff why you had to transfer so much money?" Conan asked, taking out his mobile phone with his right hand and operating it.

"Of course, that is the emergency turnover fund for the new business." Mrs. Anno said.

"I don't know what the new business is?" I asked Yingyou a little curiously.

"Maybe it's Rena Mizuna's peripheral products!" Xiaolan said whimsically: "After all, he is a super fan of Rena Mizuna, and online shopping is also very popular."

"Humph, this is all thanks to my brother-in-law and our Suzuki family!" Sonoko said proudly with her hands on her hips.

"Oops, I can't chat with you here anymore!"

Seeing that the few people were getting happier and happier as they chatted, Mrs. Anno looked at the time and quickly interrupted their conversation and planned to change her shoes and go out: "My son is still waiting over there, and the bank will close soon!!

I'm really sorry. If anything happens, please wait until I come back! "


Conan saw Mrs. Anno's actions and quickly stopped her: "Auntie, you told me before that your son canceled the originally planned trip because of a cold, right?"

"Yeah..." Mrs. Anno nodded and said, "What's going on?"

"Auntie, don't you think it's strange?"

Conan asked: "Since he is busy with the development of his new career, how can he still have time to plan an itinerary and travel?"

"It must be a social event, a social event!"

After hearing this, Yuanzi was the first to jump out and retort: ​​"In other words, because of his new career, he has to accept people who may take care of him in the business field to travel."

"But didn't he say that he changed his mobile phone number because it was broken?"

Conan saw that Sonoko, who had learned the true thoughts of Mouri Kogoro, was still looking for various evidences to refute, and sighed helplessly: "But you forgot, it was only yesterday that the phone number was changed.

Who do you think would change their phone number at such a critical moment as starting a new business?

Wouldn't this cause trouble to many people? "

"That's true..."

Upon hearing this, our hall Yingyou agreed: "Whether it is a work partner or a business client, all of them must be notified.

If there is no special reason, I think most people will not change their mobile phones at this critical moment. "

"Then why is this?" Xiaolan also felt strange.

"Could it be that you changed your phone number because you received harassing calls?" Yuanzi guessed.

"So, my son seemed to have said before that he kept receiving silent phone calls without speaking a while ago."

Hearing what Sonoko said, Mrs. Anno seemed to remember something and said quickly: "The place where he lived was broken into after that."

"Yes, it must be a break-in!" Mrs. Anno said in a serious tone: "Those calls without response must be made by thieves specifically to break in!"

However, my son always carries valuables with him as a habit, so nothing valuable was stolen that time. "

"I'm afraid, that person didn't want to break in, but to install a bug."

Conan said solemnly: "Since then, he has been able to imitate the tone and tone of your son's speech.

Of course, even your son will not be home this Thursday and Friday due to travel, he has also eavesdropped on everything. "

" son clearly said he canceled the trip because he had a cold!" Mrs. Anno couldn't believe it: "He said he was at home now!"

"Only if that person is really your son."

At this moment, a male voice came from Conan's body: "I just heard the situation through Conan's mobile phone. Madam, I'm afraid you have encountered a phone scam."

"Eh? Tangze Criminal!?" Xiaolan couldn't help but be surprised when she heard the male voice on Conan's cell phone.

"Brother-in-law?" After Yuanzi heard the voice, he snatched the mobile phone from Conan's hand: "Brother-in-law, when did you contact that kid?"

"It was about the time when the lady said she was going to the bank to transfer money." Karasawa explained with a smile: "I told Conan before and asked him to tell Dr. Ali to be careful about phone scams.

This time he probably heard that the situation described by the lady was too similar to the example I gave him, so he hurriedly called me again. "

"Really, since you answered the call, why don't you make a sound." Yuanzi said angrily: "I've been eavesdropping all this time."

"Because you were talking, and I knew the purpose of Conan's call just after listening for a moment."

Karasawa's words not only explained Sonoko's problem, but also helped cover up Conan's outstanding performance.

This is also a tacit understanding that the two have negotiated for a long time. Especially today, when the main hall Yingyou is here, Conan himself is very careful not to make his performance too eye-catching.

Obviously, after having Karasawa as the "substitute messenger", Conan is also consciously covering up his outstanding performance.

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