Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1012 The Collision of Red and Black (6)

"That Araki Shotaro, when Conan said there was a bug on his shoulder, he stood up on his right foot."

After hearing what James said, Judy on the side recalled the scene in the video she had seen before and said quickly: "His foot should be completely healed, but he still pretends to be injured!"

"That Kusuda Rikudou is also suspected~"

Tang Ze on the side spoke: "His neck should be fine too. Although he pretended to have a neck pain when he picked up the phone, if his neck hurt, he wouldn't pick up the can of coffee.

After all, drinking canned coffee is a technical job when your neck hurts and you can't move it~

Moreover, when he was looking for Conan who suddenly disappeared, his neck naturally turned.

If the neck is really painful, it should be caused by the rotation of the neck and body at the same time. "

"In fact, just when I saw the canned coffee, I suspected that he was pretending."

Conan smiled and made a gesture of drinking water: "After all, if you don't raise your neck, you can't finish the canned drink, right?

But when I accidentally dropped the coffee cans, they were all empty. "

"So is there another reason why you dropped the coffee can? You are so perceptive..."

Judy on the side was amazed and looked a little serious: "But if you put it this way, there are two people pretending to be sick?

Then how did you identify the members related to the organization among the two of them? "

"It's very simple. I'm afraid that old man is holding on for the hospital's insurance money~"

Tang Ze smiled and said: "In Neon, if the hospitalization time does not exceed twenty days, the insurance company will not pay the claim.

That's why the old man refused the X-ray examination because he was afraid of leaving evidence that his legs and feet had healed. In this case, he would not be able to get the compensation. "

"But, that could also be an excuse he specially prepared to expose his flaws, right?"

Judy said: "In this way, even if it is found that the injuries on the legs and feet are good, this reason can be used to excuse it."

"Indeed, the old gentleman finally said when he was angry that Conan was sent by a doctor to test him, which proved that he was already on guard."

James pondered: "Since the other party is afraid of being seen through, it is normal to pretend that it is to collect insurance money."

"That's right, and among the three, he was the only one who didn't touch Conan's phone that he pretended to throw out." Judy agreed: "Isn't this a strange performance?"

"If he touches it, he will be suspicious again~" Karasawa on the side smiled and said: "I think Conan and Akai-san think so too, right?"

"Eh?" Judy was surprised when she heard this: "Why do you say that?"

"Because that old man is equipped with a pacemaker that helps his heart function."

Conan on the side smiled and explained: "If you get too close to a mobile phone that emits electromagnetic waves, your life will be in danger.

Although I had removed the battery from the very beginning of that phone call, the other party didn’t know that and would naturally be careful not to get close. "

" did you know that the other person was equipped with a heart rate adjuster?" Judy asked with a puzzled look on her face.

"Didn't the old man in the video unzip his clothes to drive away the bugs?" Conan smiled and reminded: "Isn't there a round raised spot with a scar there?

In fact, it was the remnants of the surgery to install a pacemaker. "

"So, when you said there were bugs on his shoulders, you didn't just want to scare him and test his legs, but you wanted to confirm whether he had a heart rate adjuster, right?"

Judy suddenly exclaimed: "Conan-kun, although I have always known that you are very powerful, but this time you are really amazing!"


Conan touched his head and smiled modestly, and soon a big hand was caressing the dog's head: "Well done, boy~ Of course, my disguise must also have contributed to it~"

"Let's go!" Conan opened Tang Ze's hand in displeasure upon hearing this: "Don't touch my head."

"In short, let's send someone to monitor Kusuda Rikudo first." Karasawa looked at Judy and said: "Although he may be hospitalized for the insurance money, there is a high chance that it is him."

"We will start taking action immediately."

James nodded, and the group walked directly towards the ward where Shui Wu Lina was located.

The guards naturally don't have to worry. With so many FBI agents, they can easily monitor Kusuda Rikudo.

"The progress is going quite smoothly, but the matter of Shui Wu Lina still needs to be carefully studied."

Even while walking in the deserted corridor, Judy still lowered her voice: "This hospital has been determined to be unsafe now.

If Kusuda Rikudō is arrested and the other party loses contact, people from that organization will definitely come back to this hospital to investigate.

When the time comes, it will be troublesome if Mizuna Reina is still here. "

"Regarding this, I am about to contact the director to see if he can help contact a reliable doctor who is tight-lipped."

James nodded and said: "I will speed up the progress. We must find a hospital before arresting Kusuda Rikudo."

"Otherwise, it's better to switch to Beautiful and Cheap." Judy suggested.

"Stop joking." James shook his head and rejected Judy's unreliable suggestion.

But the three people who were quietly listening to the conversation between the two of them suddenly glanced to one side as they passed by a certain ward.

A faint smile flashed across the corner of the mouth, and the three of them continued to walk forward without noticing, but they reached a tacit understanding in the brief moment of looking at each other.

After everyone moved away, a small gap in a certain ward quietly opened, revealing a pair of eyes.


Darkness fell as expected, and the busy hospital during the day gradually became quiet at this moment.

In the dark corridor, Kusuda Rikudou patiently avoided the two nurses who were going to the bathroom together at the corner, and walked cautiously towards the nurse's station.

Because the companion went to the bathroom and had nothing else to do, the nurse was bored and drinking coffee to kill time.

Seeing this good opportunity, Kusuda Rikudou took out the remote control and pressed it, and the prompt in the nurse station rang.

"Ah, it's this time again, Mr. Nezu calls for the nurse..."

The short-haired nurse put down the coffee in her hand and ran towards Mr. Nezu's room helplessly: "Did you accidentally press it again..."

But no one can guarantee this kind of thing. If something happens to the other party and he fails to check in time, he will be held responsible.

Watching the nurse leave, the barefoot Rikudō Kusuda quietly came to the nurse's station, took out the small camera he had prepared and started shooting at the screen.

This electronic screen is actually very simple. The names on it can be changed at will, but there is a small dot in front of the name, which will light up as soon as the ward presses it.

The nurse can also know the patient who lives in that ward based on the name.

Kusuda Rikudou quickly finished taking pictures of a patient list on the electronic screen, and then read it carefully while chanting Mizuashi's last name.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Just when Kusuda Rikudou was regretting that Reina Mizuna's life was not found here, he was suddenly startled by the sudden question.

Turning his head to look, Kusuda Rikudou found a nurse looking at him with a wary expression.

"Ah...nothing, I accidentally got lost here..."

Kusuda Rikudou hurriedly put his hand behind his back and hid the palm-sized camera behind his back. He scratched his head in embarrassment and said with a smile, "I originally wanted to find the bathroom..."

"If you want to go to the bathroom, just go down the stairs in front." Some capable nurses did not doubt him after hearing this, but pointed him in the direction of the bathroom.

"Thank you, it's really troublesome."

Kusuda Rikudou scratched his head and thanked the other person before walking out of the nurse's station. However, when he passed by the nurse, his fingers loosened and the camera in his hand fell directly to the ground.

Looking at the camera that fell at the nurse's feet, Kusuda Rikudou wanted to pick it up in a panic, but the nurse had already bent down to help him pick up the camera.

"Here you go, go back quickly after going to the bathroom." The female nurse said in a cold tone.


After Kusuda Rikudou took the camera in his hand, he walked to the door of the nurse station and suddenly stopped: "Speaking of which, the nurses in this hospital seem a little strange.

When they saw the camera I accidentally dropped, they didn't feel any suspicion, and they didn't ask me what photos I took without permission at the nurse's station.

If you are an ordinary person, seeing a camera in such an environment, no matter who you are, you will have such questions, right?

But why didn't you ask anything? "

Kusuda Rikudou turned around and looked at the nurse with a sneer, eyes full of malice.

In fact, he dropped the camera on purpose to test the reaction of the nurse in front of him.

After all, he had not forgotten the purpose of coming here, and the results of the test let him know that he was in the right place.

But the moment he finished speaking, hurried footsteps came from all around and instantly surrounded him.

"It's the FBI!"

Judy felt that the pistol equipped with a silencer was aimed at Kusuda Rikuchi and said coldly: "Now raise your hands high, cross them behind your head and kneel down!"

"Ah~ Who did I think it was? It turns out to be someone from the FBI."

Kusuda Rikudou showed a look of understanding. While raising his hands, there was no trace of fear on his face. Instead, he showed a sinister smile: "Then it seems that my search was correct. It seems that this is where Reina Mizuna is sleeping." It’s a hospital.”

"Yes, originally we planned to wait a while longer and find conclusive evidence before arresting you, but now it seems there is no need."

Judy raised her gun and looked at Kusuda Rikudo with a sneer: "Okay, hurry up and kneel down! Before you alert other people in the hospital!"

"Then I'll let them all wake up! How about using this C4 bomb!?"

Facing Zhuji's threat, Kusuda Rikudo showed a malicious smile, and the next moment he tore off the neck brace fixed on his neck, revealing the bomb tied around his neck.

"Don't move~ Don't prepare to move!" Kusuda Rikudou held the detonator in his hand, his face full of confidence and pride that he had a chance to win.

Judy and others looked unwilling, but they did not dare to act rashly as they watched the other party turn around and leave.

The situation was originally good, but unexpectedly it was reversed due to the crazy behavior of the other party.

"I'm afraid he will go back to his ward to destroy the evidence first, and then escape through the window in the room and send people outside to surround him!"

Judy looked at her subordinates and immediately gave the order: "We must not let him escape!"

But unfortunately, just as Judy and others moved forward to surround the opponent, Kusuda Rikudou saw through their plan, went directly from the train station to the parking lot, and drove away.

When they arrived at the hospital gate, Kusuda Rikudou had already driven away and fled outside.

Behind him, a black Chevrolet chased after him.

After seeing this car, although they had not caught up with each other yet, everyone was inexplicably relieved.

Because that's their ace, Shuichi Akai's car.

As their trump card, they were full of confidence in him, and they were sure that Shuichi Akai would not let that troublesome little thief escape.

This is not a blind confidence, but a trust generated bit by bit because of Akai Shuichi's past achievements!

In front of Shui Wu Lina's ward.

When the unexpected situation was reported to James, who was in charge of guarding, he also had a solemn look on his face when he heard that Kusuda Rikudō was carrying a bomb with him.

After hanging up the phone, he directly opened the door of the ward and looked at the subordinate in charge of guarding the room and said: "I just received the news that Kusuda Rikudou escaped with a bomb with him.

Everyone spread out quickly, check all suspicious places in the hospital, and be sure to confirm whether there is a bomb in the hospital before Kusuda Rikudo jumps over the wall!

Be careful when you move, and you must not cause a commotion, you hear me! "

"But Reina Mizuna..." the intelligence officer in charge of guarding the side said hesitantly.

"I can't take care of it now, and she is still in a coma, and the members of the organization are also running away. There is no problem for the time being!"

James said solemnly: "Now the priority is to eliminate the possible bomb crisis, otherwise it may cause diplomatic problems if something goes wrong!

Don't let our actions fall short! "


The intelligence officers looked stern when they heard this, and naturally understood the seriousness of the matter.

Compared to Mizuno Reina, if a diplomatic crisis really arises, then everyone present will have to be sent back home. Not only will the mission be a complete failure, but there may not be any good fruits to eat after returning.

Thinking of this, a group of intelligence agents who were originally responsible for guarding Shui Wu Reina spread out to search for possible bombs in the hospital.

As for James, after arranging everything, he also took out his mobile phone and dialed Akai Shuichi's number, and at the same time walked towards Kusuda Rikuchi's ward.

Soon, the ward where Shuiwu Reina was located fell silent.

And all of this was seen by a shadow hidden in the dark.

A minute later, he seemed unable to hold himself back and walked out quietly.

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